Xiaoxia didn't want to talk beside her.

"Although I think I have already prepared my heart."

"But when I saw Xiaozhi and Solgaleo fighting together and using their unique moves, I was still sore!"

Xiaoxia felt what is called the real gap!

Xiaozhi's future really looks brighter and brighter!

Meet so many beasts!

Some are not that great though!

But that is also a beast!

Don't talk about fighting together!

Being able to meet for real is something that many people can't do in their lifetime!

In Xiaozhi's place, it's as simple as eating and drinking water!

Eat lemons!

Xiaogang feels fine, after all, what he wants to be is a Pokémon caregiver!

"I want to try to see if the food beast I made will like it."

"It looks like a picky eater!"

Xiaogang ignored Xiaoxia's complaints.

Squinting his eyes, he studied very seriously.


Not only Xiaoxia eats lemons.

Xiaomao is also binge eating lemons!

"Xiaozhi this guy!"

"How on earth do you know so many beasts in the future! You can still fight with them!"

Girl cheerleaders can't soothe Xiaomao's sour heart!

He wants to work hard too!

Absolutely can't lose to Xiaozhi!


Gou Hao is the one who is most jealous!

"This guy... what the hell is going on!"

"So many beasts!"

"Is he not even moved? Won't you subdue him?"

Gou Hao couldn't understand.

Especially when he saw that Xiaozhi was able to command Solgaleo to fight, Gouhao's inner doubts reached their peak!

He couldn't help it!

[Gouhao: So many mythical beasts!You haven't subdued any of them!Your future self is too useless! 】

[Gou Hao: If I were you, I would definitely make them all my Pokémon in the future! 】

Gou Hao's speech broke the harmonious and beautiful atmosphere in the chat room.


Mikri frowned directly.

"This young man is too reckless, what does he think a divine beast is?"


"Say that in front of so many divine beasts..."

Dr. Oki shook his head.


Liliai was also very angry when someone interrupted her chat.

"Who is this guy! It's none of his business!"

To Lillie, this was already an accusation that she could only say when she was very angry!


The idiot trio of the Rockets also watched Gou Hao's speech.

"Pikachu is already very powerful!"

"Those beasts belong to us! Don't even think about it!"

"This guy just wants to eat meow!"


Hualan Taoist Hall.

The three Hualan sisters also frowned.

"This guy is really aggressive!"

"Xiaozhi just ignore him! This kind of person is just jealous of you!"

Xiaoxia also nodded.

"I envy you for meeting so many beasts, but I don't think you should subdue them all!"

"Of course! You don't necessarily have this ability!"

Xiaoxia didn't forget to say a few words about Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi didn't care at all.

"it's okay."

[Xiaozhi: But I think the future me will do very well! 】

[Xiaozhi: Once you know each other, you will become friends and partners. It’s great to travel together, but it’s okay if you don’t! 】

"This kind of thing cannot be forced!"

Xiaozhi touched Pikachu in his arms and smiled.

"Just like Pikachu doesn't like Poké Balls."

"As long as Pikachu is happy!"

Pikachu rubbed Ash's cheek.

"Pickup pickup!"

That's right!

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang watched and couldn't help but also laughed.


Because of this, Xiaozhi is Xiaozhi!


Fairy Union meeting room.

Damalan couldn't help laughing too.

"What a good boy!"

"It is precisely because of his kindness and respect that he can be recognized and loved by so many beasts!"

Xiaozhi boy, just reading his news can feel his enthusiasm for Pokémon!

This is also the most important thing as a Pokémon trainer!

Then Damalanchi looked at Gou Hao's speech and frowned.

[Dama Lanqi: Only choosing divine beasts has never been a trainer's requirement for Pokémon! 】

Chapter 21 Necrozma's Reward: Divinity

Damalanchi originally thought that Gou Hao was just a slightly aggressive Pokémon trainer.

But after watching Xiaozhi and Gouhao's speeches, Damalan's impression of Gouhao fell to the bottom!

This kind of people!

Not worthy of being called a Pokémon trainer!

Pokémon trainers should treat all Pokémon equally!

Even if you can't do this, you shouldn't be so extreme as Gouhao!

[N: People like you don't deserve to have Pokémon!All Pokémon should be free! 】

[N: Get along with Pokémon on an equal footing, and give them happiness and freedom! 】

This is how it should be done!

N was very angry.

Such is the philosophy of N.

A Pokémon bound by a Poké Ball cannot have a complete existence, and it is also unhappy!

But this guy wants to arrest these beasts who have freedom and happiness!

It's abominable!

Gouhao, right?

He remembered the name!

Take out a small notebook to hold vengeance.jpg

【Dama Lanqi: Good boy, you are right.We should all treat Pokémon as friends!Instead of thinking about how to use them! 】

"This kid is really nice!"

Damalanchi, after being annoyed by Gou Hao's arrogant speech, saw N's speech again, and was very relieved for a while!

very good!

The League of Elves still has a future!

There is already an upright boy like Xiaozhi, and now he has found a trainer who is full of love for Pokémon, and Damara has a smile on his face.

Yulongdu also nodded.

"well said!"

"If you want to cultivate good Pokémon, you must treat them as partners and friends! You say yes!"

Yulongdu wanted to pat Da Kuailong on the head as a sign of friendship.

As a result, Da Kuailong slapped his head twice in turn.

Yulongdu looked over in shock.

Found that the fat Kuailong still had a bit of helplessness and pampering on his face?


You are already satisfied, what else do you want?

The fat Kuailong obviously couldn't speak, but Yulongdu clearly read the meaning from his eyes!


Shiba, Kona and others next to him were all amused.

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