"You bastard, give me a good brainwashing! You are so handsome as biting Lu Sha, but you say it's worthless!"

Xiao Gang rubbed the big bump on his head, and couldn't help beeping softly by himself.

"Is what I said the truth... I don't know how many powerful Pokémon have nothing to bite the land shark? Of course it's because of the bonus points for having a beautiful owner!"


The screen continues.

Biting Lu Shark has shown her strength and beauty more than once.

That is the beauty of strength.

During the battle with the Galaxy team, Bite Lusha stopped the Galaxy team, and rescued everyone who was captured under the leadership of Sirona.

In the end, together with many other Pokémon, they broke the chains that bound Dialga and Palkya!Completely cut off Chiri's ambition!

Once again in the Sinnoh Alliance battle match, Daye of the Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings used the flame monkey to defeat Sirona's two Pokémon one after another, but finally lost to the biting land shark!

The final scene is the biting Lu Shark who tried to turn the tide, and used her strength to make Sirona defend the championship again!


[Yulongdu: Bite the land shark fiercely, YYDS! 】

[Carunai: Sirona's biting land shark is really strong! 】

[Adek: Ah, beautiful Sirona, I would like to invite you to discuss with me how to better raise Pokémon!Come out and have a drink together! 】

Sirona looked at the speech in the chat room and the biting land shark around her who wanted to give Adek a few hits, and smiled slightly.

"It's good to have you, biting Lu Shark."

Sirona said with a frown.

Chapter 140 The Reward for Bite the Land Shark: Genetic Evolution Liquid

Seeing the strength of biting Lu Shark and her defending Sirona's championship time and time again, people really have to feel emotional and love her.

[Mikoli: In the Sinnoh area, there should be many people who like to bite land sharks, right?Powerful and loyal Pokémon, Miss Sirona and Biting Land Shark really complement each other! 】

Mi Keli sent a message in the chat room, and then shook his head uncontrollably.

"There is really no comparison between people."

Mi Keli rested his chin with one hand, his eyes looked extraordinarily deep and melancholy.

It's a pity that there is only one Dawu who doesn't understand the style by Mi Keli's side.

Faced with Mikoli's feeling, Dawu folded his arms and looked extra cold.

"Yes, that's it, so don't think about it."

"I hurt Dawu. You can't keep hitting me just because I tricked you!"

While arguing with Dawu, Mi Keli followed the news in the chat room.

At this time, the voice of the Wanjie Dimension website also rang.

[Top [-] most popular Pokémon that are not mythical beasts! 】

[No. 10! 】

[Bite the land shark! 】

[Reason for listing: Who can refuse a Pokémon that is powerful and handsome and defends the throne for its master? 】


In the chat room, it didn't take long for the Four Heavenly Kings of Sinnoh to complain about their complaints.

[Wusong: As a perennial contestant of the Sinnoh Alliance, as long as you have met Miss Sirona, who has not received the violent beating of biting Lu Shark? 】

[Daye: I think I still have a chance, consider attribute restraint... I think I will definitely win Miss Sirona once! 】

[Adek: You want to eat peaches!Sirona is not only powerful with a biting land shark. 】


Looking at the four heavenly kings in the Shen'ao area in the chat room, they laughed and complained about the strength of Lie Bite Shark, and they were still joking about the special sniping against Lie Bite Shark.

But these people are just joking.

After all, no one is a fool to become a Pokémon trainer who can become the Four Heavenly Kings.

But the other cubs might not.

Adek couldn't help laughing as he looked at the Four Heavenly Kings who were still joking and deliberately misleading ordinary Pokmon trainers, waiting to see their excitement.

"It's really whimsical... As the champion of the Sinnoh Alliance, how could there be only such a powerful Pokémon as Lie Bite Lu Shark?"

"It's just that the light that bites the land shark is too dazzling, so it seems that other Pokmon are not so powerful."

But what about in practice?

Trainers who have this kind of thinking are waiting to suffer!

"But why should I remind you?"

"You have to let those whimsical brats suffer a little bit to be more impressive, right?"

In the end, Adek sighed.

"It's a pity that Sirona has been unwilling to go out for coffee with uncle and me! It's really embarrassing!"


[Shui Wutong: Tsk, what are these Pokémon!God beasts are the strongest! 】

[Chi Yansong: Can't understand the title?Must show your brains out? 】


Seeing that Chi Yansong did not stand on the same front as him, Shui Wutong was almost furious!

"This hateful bastard! Shouldn't he think that Gulardo is the strongest, and then speak on my side?"

Shui Wutong looked at Quanmei with unbelievable eyes while talking.

Quanmei touched her nose and didn't know what to say.

What should she say about this?

Master Shui Wutong, please be a little self-aware, okay?

People and you are sworn enemies!

Plus what you said is really a bit out of mind.

Facing Shui Wutong's little aggrieved expression, Quanmei could only swallow the unspeakable facts with difficulty, and then turned her eyes away.

"My lord, please don't act like a baby at me, your face is really not suitable for this expression!"

Quanmei almost said that her eyes are hot.

Water phoenix trees, water phoenix trees have been hit hard!

Fortunately, at this time, the voice of the Wanjie Dimension website rang again, which resolved Quanmei's crisis.


[Congratulations to Lie Bite Lu Shark for winning the title of Top Ten Most Popular Pokémon of Non-Mythical Beasts! 】

[Hi Biting Land Shark, we have prepared a random reward package for you]

[Do you need it? 】


Biting Lu Shark, who was watching the white screen with Sirona, tilted his head, and turned his gaze to Sirona.

Sirona smiled at Biting Land Shark.

"This kind of thing is of course up to you to make your own decision."

"This is your glory, don't think too much."

Biting Lu Shark nodded with his two big paws raised.


Then she must accept this reward!

Then get stronger and help her trainer and her master continue to defend their titles!

[Bite Lu Shark: I need it!Thanks!I will become stronger, so strong that no one can take Sirona's championship away from me! 】


[Rewards have been issued! 】

[Congratulations on getting: Gene Evolution Liquid*1]

[Products from the interstellar world, after use, all attribute values ​​can be increased (the final upper limit is determined by the upper limit that you can bear).Various attributes will be slowly improved during the battle, and there is a 5.00% possibility of obtaining a certain attribute's immunity effect. The specific usage varies according to different Pokémon, please explore by yourself. 】

[Note: To put it simply, being beaten or beating others can make you stronger!Unleash all your potential and get rewarded with as much effort as you put in! 】


Looking at the injection that suddenly appeared inside that seemed to be shining with starlight, Sirona turned her gaze to the biting land shark beside her.

"Are you sure you want to use that fierce biting land shark?"

Sirona frowned.

After all, it is an unknown thing, and it still needs to be injected into the body. No matter how reliable the Ten Thousand Worlds Dimensional website has been before, Sirona is still a little worried.

But looking at Lie Bite Lu Sha's persistent eyes, Sirona still couldn't refuse in the end.

The star-like liquid was slowly injected into the body of the biting land shark. The biting land shark didn't seem to be uncomfortable, and Sirona breathed a sigh of relief for a while.

"Since we have to fight to become stronger, let's find someone to challenge!"

Sirona did not ignore Lie Bite Lu Shark's desire to become stronger, and sent a message directly in the chat room.

[Sirona: Biting the land shark has already been used, and now biting the land shark requires actual combat.King of Sinnoh, are you free now? 】


[Wusong: ...]


【Juye: Haha, of course.Sirona, let's start with their young people!I'm older and it doesn't matter if I'm late. 】

[Sirona: Okay, Lie Bite Lu Shark and I are very grateful! 】

Chapter 140 Most Popular Pokémon No.9: Noble and Elegant Humanoid Fairy

[Xiaozhi: I really want to have the opportunity to fight Miss Sirona's biting land shark! 】

[Sirona: The road has to be walked step by step, there must be this opportunity. 】

Seeing Sirona's seemingly cold words, Xiaozhi was not discouraged, but was even more motivated to fight.

"I must work hard!"

"I have tamed a new Pokémon, and it will definitely become even more powerful!"

As Xiaozhi said, he tightly clenched his fist, and Pikachu stood on Xiaozhi's shoulder, and he also clenched his fist at the same time as Xiaozhi.

"Pickup pickup!"

That's it!They will definitely get better!

Then go to other regions and challenge more powerful people!


League of Elves.

"Ah! That's good!"

"But in this case, will Sirona go to other places to find someone to challenge? After all, biting the land shark is to break through herself, and she must find an opponent who can bring her oppression!"

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