"Really, I thought I guessed everything, but in the end I found out that it was all wrong. All of this...is just a game. By the way, what about Yakumo Zi?" Yayi Eirin sighed, and then thought of Yakumo Zi.

At this time, all blue and gray appeared in front of their eyes.

Lani looked at Yayi Yonglin and the three in front of her and said softly: "Yakumo Zi...she has gone to Gensokyo."

"You are?" The three of Baiyi Yonglin couldn't help showing doubts when they saw it.

"I'm the witch Lani, the princess of King Elden. The king who followed me here, you can ask me if you have any questions." Lani said that her fingers touched together, with a subtle smile on her face.

Bayi Yonglin noticed something when she heard the words, and asked.

"Do you know indifference?"

"Oh? That's my king, what's the problem?" Lani smiled sweetly when she mentioned Leng Mo.

"What happened to him lying to Yakumo Zi? Can you tell me the truth?" Yayi Yonglin asked cautiously. Altair really scared her when he mentioned killing Leng Mo.

"About this issue, it's simply for fun. My king never expresses his tenderness positively. He is very awkward, so he will use his own way to save everything."


"It was he who arranged for Gensokyo to move here."

"Nani? Then why does he still do such unnecessary things?"

"This is where my king is awkward. He will never do good deeds as a good person."

"Uh... wait! In other words, the mastermind of this matter is..."

"my king."


"It's my king."

"Inner ghost?"

"Still my king."




In an instant, Baiyi Yonglin, Meihong, and Huiyin's faces darkened, and they didn't know what to say.

This kind of eye-catching operation is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

What a fucking person, inside and out, how idle it is!

In the end, Yayi Yonglin looked at Lani delicately and tangled and asked, "So what is the purpose of you doing this?"

"Emmmm..." Lani thought for a while and explained with a smile.

"It should be because she bullied Yakumo Zi that she joined the evil that doesn't understand people's hearts. Teach her a good lesson and laugh at how she cried when she learned the truth? You have to keep this a secret. Now Yakumo Zi doesn't know what happened .”




My mother... you guys are really talented!

Yakumo Zi can join you, that is the blood mold of her eight lifetimes!

In an instant, Baiyi Yonglin, Meihong, and Huiyin were even darkened.

I feel that the current Yakumo Zisou gives people a tough feeling, this is a monster sage.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After knowing the truth, Baiyi Yonglin seemed to understand where she lost and where she was wrong.

On and off the court, as well as the third party, are frankly controlled by one person, so it's strange that they don't lose.

And who would have thought that there was only one person behind it?

It's not that I'm not strong enough, it's that the opponent doesn't follow the routine at all.

If you're a little more normal, you won't lose so thoroughly, idiot!

"Hey... so what is it about... and Your Royal Highness... you have to be strong."

Recalling the words he asked Kaguya to convey after he sent Kaguya away, Bayi Yonglin could only sigh for a while.

It's really not me cheating you this time, come on, Your Royal Highness.


On the other side, Yakumo Zi at this time was staying in the Great Barrier to observe the situation in Gensokyo.

When she saw the people in the world crying out of fright, she couldn't help frowning.

"There is not enough time, and there is no way to inform. I am afraid that this situation will be difficult to deal with afterwards."

She is full of emotion about the current situation, but according to the speed of diffusion, it will be ready in about a day.

But before that, you have to inform other people, or you will misunderstand later.

Yakumo Zi disappeared in the big barrier in an instant, and began to notify some people, after all, these monsters made a fuss.

Especially the sky, hell, old hell, and the underworld...

Do it as soon as you think of it, Yakumo Zi first went to inform the underworld, after all, her friend is there.

After Yakumo Zi left, Xiandai and the others were once again in vain.

"Master Zi is not here..." Lan said to the people around him with a confident face.

"It seems that Zi has started to notify other monsters. Who do you think she will be the first to notify?" Xian Daijue immediately guessed what she was going to do after knowing Yakumo Zi, and asked directly.

After hearing this, Youxiang and Alice didn't speak, only Leng Mo fell into thinking.

"According to my thinking, Yakumo Zi must be the first to go to the underworld."

Leng Mo said seriously, as if he had a certain grasp of this question.

"Is it the underworld? Indeed...Zi will be the first to notify her." Hearing the words, the first generation immediately thought of Yuyuko, and thought of the relationship between Yakumozi and Yuyuko, and nodded in agreement for a moment.

"It's not too late, let's go."

Act when you have an idea, and the group of people hurried towards the direction of the underworld.

However, after coming out, he suddenly realized that all the people in the world had disappeared.

"Wait! Where are the survivors in the world!?" Alice stared wide-eyed at the previous position, but there was nothing there, but there were traces of fighting instead.

"Has it been resolved?" You Xiang's face was a little heavy when she heard this, and she patted Alice's shoulder lightly to express her comfort.

"This... how is it possible... everyone was still here just now..." Alice felt unacceptable to this sudden change.


Youxiang held Alice's shoulder to stop her from continuing.


Finally Alice fell silent, biting her lip in grief.

"We need to hurry up..." Xiandai was also in a low mood, after all, under this situation, I am afraid that Gensokyo will really disappear.


After a while, Leng Mo and the others were on their way to the underworld.

Everyone hurried towards the direction of the Nether Barrier, the road was too quiet and nothing happened.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed out from the forest below!

The target is Leng Mo!


In the blink of an eye, Leng Mo blocked the guy who attacked him with his arm.

Immediately after...

"Ah-mo--!! Long time no see!"

I saw Jin Mu kicking Leng Mo in front of him, with a friendly smile on his face, this is a sneak attack!

"It's you!"

Seeing Leng Mo grinning, he had expected that Jin Mu and others would come back to attack after the task was refreshed, but he didn't expect it to be so appropriate.

It seems everything is going according to plan.

"Who is it!" Xiandai and the others stopped abruptly, looking warily at Jin Mu who suddenly appeared.

"Of course it's someone who came to see him!"

Jin Mu reversed his body in the air, aimed at Leng Mo and kicked him up again.

boom! !

The power of this feeling was stronger than before, directly kicking Leng Mo from the sky.


In the forest below, there was a crashing wave of soil, and the soil splashed on the leaves and made a sound.

"Leng Mo!?" Xian Dai heard the words and immediately wanted to rush up to check the situation.

"That won't do."

Jin Mu immediately blocked in front of Xiandai, and even kicked in front of Xiandai.


The huge force destroyed the descending trend of the ancestors, and she could only float in the air.

Lan who was on the side joined the battle instantly when he saw it. Kaneki was in the organization, and Lan had to go all out.

"Be careful! He is a member of that organization!" Lan reminded her, and at the same time, she burst out with demon power and rushed towards Jinmu.

The battle started instantly, and Alice was worried that Leng Mo would land on the ground while others were not paying attention.

Youxiang also followed after seeing it. Compared with the current situation, Alice is the person she cares more about.

After landing in the forest, the surrounding trees block most of the sunlight, giving people a gloomy feeling.

"Leng Mo, are you okay!"

Alice found the position where Leng Mo hit the ground, her face was full of tension.

However, at this time, there was no one in the pit that hit the ground, and Leng Mo had disappeared.

"Where is the person?" Alice couldn't help but feel strange when she saw this situation, and the person who was there just now suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Youxiang who was following behind frowned, and looked towards the woods beside her.

In the woods, Leng Mo shuttled through it, and He Zhen followed behind him.

"A Mo, you can't escape!"


Leng Mo grinned when he heard this, he rolled in the air and landed on his face, spinning wildly on the ground like a pig rolling in the mud, and then flew backwards in the direction of Youxiang and Alice.

"Be careful, someone is coming."

You Xiang noticed it and immediately reminded her.

Immediately after, Leng Mo flew out backwards and fell down in front of Alice and You Xiang, opening his mouth and closing his eyes.

"Ah! I'm hurt!" Leng Mo fell to the ground with a face of pain, not to mention how miserable it was.



Worth!You bastard! !

After reacting, Hezhen saw the indescribable shock of this operation, it was an unexpected shock that could not be described in words.

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