"Then, the fortress was transported to this world!"

Chu Ge, suddenly realized.

The fortress walked three miles and stopped.

All the gods are happy.


Just now, Tiandao gave them additional rewards.

[-] Tiandao points per person.

Extra harvest.

Chu Ge also received the reward.

However, he gained [-] points.

Because he has done the most.

Fortress No. 72, rejoicing.


The people in the other fortresses were all angry:

"What do you mean by Fortress No. 72 in City No. [-]?"

"The progress has improved so much?"

"Tian Dao is now urging us to speed up our progress!"

Many fortresses were angry.

Tiandao, because of the achievements of Chu Ge and their fortress, they changed the battle plan.

just now:

Issue more expedition missions and let them kill the enemy.

(cfcf) Everyone just wants to dawdle, get some aura and go back to become a golden elixir.

Now, Heaven won't let them mess around.


The rulers of several other cities, contact City No. [-].

Let the person in power in City No. [-] come out and explain.

The ruler of City No. [-] was also very confused.

Fort No. 72 was clearly blocked by such a large mountain defense.

There will be no breakthrough for decades.


Upon waking up, the enemy's mountain defense collapsed.

Fort 72, stride forward.

what can I do?

I can only be happy!

No. [-] in power, fighting back strongly against other cities.

The other city bosses became more and more angry.

this day:

There are Jindan masters who quietly came to Fortress No. 72.

Under the guidance of the Eye of War, he found Chu Ge.

"Brother, you are a golden pill, how can you be so down and dirty here?"

The master of Jindan sensed Chu Ge's breath.



This golden core world battlefield, although the resources are good.


Golden core masters, do not want to come here.

They all want to go to a more advanced battlefield.

Where is dangerous, however, there are more resources.

Chu Ge smiled, but did not say that he participated in the Battle of Jindan.

This golden core master said:

"Brother, do you want to stop first?"

"Tiandao sees that you have a good record here and put pressure on me."

"Where am I, I am a golden core!"

"Under my hands, there is no one who can fight!"

Chu Ge said: "I want to get some points and get more golden elixir!"

The gold elixir master frowned: "The points are easy to say, the elixir of gold elixir... difficult to get!"

"I have been in this battlefield for more than 300 years before I can gather enough golden elixir aura!"

Chu Ge said: "That's because you are too conservative!"

"The enemy of this world is very weak!"

"You play aggressively and take over this world..."

The Jindan master frowned: "There are many natives in this world, and they are very powerful!"

"Moreover, there are also many masters of the Great Sage and the magical world."

"They all take the world seriously!"

"We only have twelve golden pills, and we can't carry it."

Because this world has low levels and few resources.

Tiandao's attention is not high.

and so:

Few Jindankens stay here for long periods of time.

Without a large number of golden cores sitting in town for a long time, it is difficult to occupy this world.

Chu Ge nodded.

This world is like chicken ribs.

It is tasteless to eat, it is a pity to abandon it!

Hence, the current situation.


He wants golden elixir.

It will not be the same as this golden pill, it took 300 years to get one.

He wants to occupy more land, make great contributions, and seek spiritual charm.

Before that, the other golden cores could not interfere with him.

Although he is not afraid of these golden pills, the other party is hired by Heaven after all.

If you kill it casually, Tiandao will be unhappy!

While thinking about it, Chu Ge took a few mountain roots and gave them to this golden pill;

"Friend, I want to get a golden elixir in a short time!"

"I want to go further!"

"You help me share!"

Yamane, let's get started.

This Jindan hesitated.

Shangen, the biggest effect is: keep the root!

Male cultivators have a relatively weak physique.

Often despised by female cultivators.

They have also tried hard, but, every time they are hit:

"You are not as good as a martial arts golden core!"

"You're not as good as the new orc from Huanglou!"

There are so many things, in the mouth of the savage female cultivator, that he was completely beaten.

The master of gold elixir, holding the mountain root tightly, said:

"Brother, don't worry!"

"You attack, I share the pressure!"

"But...others, I can't guarantee it."

Chu Ge smiled: "You are here, others will find me sooner or later!"

"When the time comes, everyone will have one!"

The Jindan master nodded and hurriedly left.

He is afraid of meeting other people.

The next two or three days:

Other Jindan masters also came one after another.

Even the bronze mask of City No. [-] flew over.

They all received Shangen from Chu Ge.

Then, don't bother to pay attention to whether he is attacking the hostile forces.

After all, when Chu Ge attacks the forces of this world, they can also gain benefits.

Moreover, even if Tiandao gave the task, the ones who died were those who established the foundation and practiced the Qi realm, cultivators and monsters.

Jindan, in this world, is almost invincible.

They almost never die.

After the other golden cores were gone, the bronze mask said to Chu Ge alone:

"Friend, you came down from nine days to experience?"

Chu Ge shook his head.

The bronze mask said again: "If you really want to get an aura quickly, you'd better build No. 13 city!"

"When a city is built, the way of heaven will surely give you a golden elixir.".

Chapter 150: Battle of the Golden Elixir, 6

After getting the twelve city rulers:

Chu Ge acts more recklessly!

He wants Ling Yun, and wants to complete the legion mission of Tiandao.

and so:

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