"Don't worry, I won't play tricks on you next time." 26

He shook off Su Tian's hand and played basketball with Liu Ziming and the others.

Su Tian knew that these children were a bit playful, so he agreed to himself in such a way.

Su Tian also planned to go back to the office first. At this time, he thought of the principal. He thought that it must be inconvenient for the principal to walk back and forth alone, or go somewhere.

So Su Tian also planned to go to the principal's office to take a look, so he went directly to the principal's office.

But when he came near the principal's office, he also saw Gu Tianqi standing by the corridor, staring at the principal's office.

Su Tian was wondering why he was standing there in broad daylight, staring at the principal's office. Could it be that he cast a spell?

Su Tian also planned to go up and ask Gu Tianqi what he was doing near the principal's office. Su Tian went straight to meet him. After seeing Su Tian, ​​Gu Tianqi didn't intend to pay attention to him. He left, but was stopped by Su Tian.

"Teacher Gu Tianqi, wait a minute."

As soon as Gu Tianqi heard Su Tian calling him, he knew that there must be something good about Su Tian.

So he really didn't intend to stop, he still walked forward.

This made Su Tian really angry. Su Tian was wondering if his voice was too low?Su Tian shouted loudly towards Gu Tianqi.

"Teacher Gu Tianqi, wait a minute."

Su Tian's voice seemed to startle all the students nearby, as well as some teachers, and even the principal heard it in the office.

The principal was wondering why Teacher Su Tian called Teacher Gu Tianqi so loudly, and the principal also limped out of the room, seeing Su Tian standing there, he was a little curious.

"Mr. Su Tian, ​​why are you here?"

But at this time, Gu Tianqi still pretended not to hear, and left here directly.

Seeing Gu Tianqi like this, Su Tian felt that Gu Tianqi was a little guilty. He must be hiding something.

However, Su Tian didn't intend to chase after Gu Tianqi any more, and came directly to the principal's side.

"How is the principal, do you still feel some pain in your ankle today? Do you need me to accompany you for a comprehensive examination?"

The principal shook his head, "There's nothing wrong, maybe it was really dark yesterday, so I accidentally fell down."

Hearing that the principal didn't plan to pursue the matter further, Su Tian could only nod his head temporarily.

But Su Tian still wants to find out about this matter, because Su Tian thinks that Teacher Gu Tianqi is a little too strange.

Feeling that he must be hiding something, the principal seemed to be thinking about something when he saw Su Tian, ​​and he was good at waving his hands in front of Su Tian. .

Chapter 597

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Teacher Su Tian, ​​what are you thinking?"

Hearing the principal asking himself this question, Su Tian hurriedly pointed in the direction of his office.

"Principal, I will go back to the office first."

This made the principal feel that this teacher Su Tian is really a bit strange, but he knows that Teacher Su Tian is still courageous, and he manages the students in special classes well.

Su Tian planned to go to the office to see if Gu Tianqi was there. After going to the office, Gu Tianqi had indeed returned to the office just now, sitting there without saying anything, just looking at his chemistry book.

This made Su Tian very dissatisfied that he didn't answer himself just now, and then continued to walk forward.

"I said Gu Tianqi, did you really not hear me calling you clearly just now?"

Gu Tianqi raised her head, "Mr. Su Tian, ​​what did you say? I really didn't seem to hear it."

Su Tian felt that he was just pretending to be confused, so he had to ask him seriously.

"Gu Tianqi, let me ask you, did the principal's fall have a lot to do with you?"

Gu Tianqi did not expect that Su Tian would ask himself so clearly, did he already know that he was the villain?But he still won't admit it.

"Mr. Su Tian, ​​what are you talking about? The principal fell down the stairs alone, and I was not with him. Are you slandering me?"

Su Tian was wondering if he had slandered him, he should be very clear in his heart.

How could I slander him? He hurt the principal, otherwise the principal would not have rolled down the stairs.

Su Tian also sat directly opposite him, and then pushed his sunglasses onto his forehead, intending to use his six eyes to take a good look at him to see if he was a villain sorcerer.

When Su Tian used the six eyes, Gu Tianqi lowered his head very low. He didn't intend to let Su Tian confirm his eyes. In that case, Su Tian would definitely find out that he was the villain's magician.

Just when he was at a loss, he was thinking about what to do, when the bell rang, Gu Tianqi hurriedly picked up the book and left the office.

Seeing him avoiding himself like this, Su Tian became more sure.

Su Tian thought that since he was a magician, Su Tian must drive him out of this school.

But now Gu Tianqi has firmly established his belief in his heart, that is, he must develop those little magicians. If he doesn't develop, Su Tian will definitely push himself out of this school.

Su Tian also went directly to his classroom. He knew that this class seemed to be a chemistry class, so he really wanted to see if Gu Tianqi would cast spells in class again.

Su Tian also sat directly on the chair next to him, staring at Gu Tianqi all the time.

 (Good Li's) Gu Tianqi knew that Su Tian had doubts about him now, so it was impossible for him to cast that spell right away.

Unless when Su Tian was sleeping soundly, he cast a spell to hurt these students well, maybe it would make these students believe in him even more.

Su Tian's eyes were also fixed on Gu Tianqi, he was wondering why Gu Tianqi didn't cast the spell, could it be because his eyes had been staring at him?and.

Chapter 598

Chapter 596 Su Tian pretends to sleep

Su Tian thought it must be like this, she was afraid that she would find him, so Su Tian didn't plan to stare at him anymore, Su Tian wanted to stop staring at him, pretend to be asleep, and look at these things for a while Students will not sleep soundly.

In this way, Su Tian directly took a book next to him, covered his head, leaned on the chair, and fell asleep snoring.

It seemed that he was sleeping so sweetly that even the sound of snoring had already come out.

As soon as Gu Tianqi heard Su Tian snore, he wondered if Su Tian was just pretending?Or really fell asleep.

This made several students in the special class really speechless towards their class teacher.

They are wondering if it is more important to tell the principal about such a head teacher, or not to assign them a head teacher. It seems that such a head teacher really has no choice but to lead them well.

Gu Tianqi also directly copied the questions on the blackboard, intending to let these children write down the questions carefully.

"You should copy down the question, and I will explain it to you later."

After hearing what Gu Tianqi said, these students impatiently copied the questions.

(cgdf) Gu Tianqi saw that they were all copying the questions with their heads down, and saw Su Tian lying there soundly asleep. He knew that the time must have come. These students are sleepy.

In fact, he just wanted to make a few students sleepy. Of course, Wang Xiaozhe, Liu Ziming, Zhou Dandan and Han Lili, he would not hurt. He wanted to win them over to his side and become his little spells. division.

Soon his spell was directed at the other six students, and those six students were a little drowsy, as if they were lying on the table and fell asleep again.

This made Liu Ziming and the others who were sitting in the classroom copying the questions a little curious, why did the six students fall asleep?Could it be that it is not good that Mr. Su Tian led it?Is that why they are a little sleepy?

Gu Tianqi also went directly to the four of them, "I said you guys are really amazing, you actually work so hard, unlike those students who know how to sleep, and your teacher Really know how to sleep."

Hearing Teacher Gu Tianqi saying bad things about Teacher Su Tian sentence after sentence made Wang Xiaozhe really annoying.

"I said Teacher Gu Tianqi, why do you keep saying bad things about Teacher Su Tian?"

Hearing Wang Xiaozhe ask Gu Tianqi back like this, he was really happy to let Su Tian lie there.

I didn't expect my students to speak for themselves.

Gu Tianqi thought that he had to tell them straight to the point.

"You really don't want to deal with your teacher Su Tian? You really don't want to regain your freedom. I may not be your special class teacher in the future, but I can be a better teacher for you."

The few of them really couldn't understand what Gu Tianqi meant, and they were wondering what the better teacher Gu Tianqi meant.

As Su Tian lay there pretending to sleep, he understood what Gu Tianqi meant.

He just wanted to be the teacher of Wang Xiaozhe, Liu Ziming, Zhou Dandan, and Han Lili. If he did that, he would turn them into little magicians, and even help him do those bad things. .

Chapter 599

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This made Su Tian really want to question Gu Tianqi right away, but he hadn't fully uttered the words, so Su Tian also planned to wait and listen carefully to see if he answered. What else will I say next.

"Yes, I have a way to deal with that Su Tian. Do you know why you guys are not so sleepy?"

But the few of them were drowsy. After hearing Gu Tianqi's words, they shook their heads. Some of them didn't understand what Gu Tianqi meant, and they didn't understand why those students fell asleep, but they Did not fall asleep.

"That's why they fell asleep because I cast a spell on them."

This made Su Tian really angry, he didn't expect Gu Tianqi to admit it himself.

Su Tian also sat up with a plop, which made Gu Tianqi panic.

Gu Tianqi was wondering why Su Tian woke up instantly?Didn't he really fall asleep?Or is he pretending?

At this time, Gu Tianqi also hurriedly took the book, looked at her own book, and then stopped looking at it ~ Su Tian.

This made Su Tian wonder if he was a little guilty now?Su Tian looked at his students again.

Wang Xiaozhe, Liu Ziming, Zhou Dandan, Han Lili, and all of them looked at Su Tian with innocent eyes.

Su Tian knew a few of them, and he didn't agree to Gu Tianqi just now, nor did he want to become Gu Tianqi's magician, so Su Tian didn't intend to blame his students.

But Su Tian wouldn't expose Gu Tianqi right now, he wanted to expose Gu Tianqi in private, and told Gu Tianqi that he hadn't fallen asleep just now, and asked him not to say such things in the future.

What's more, I have to bring it up to the principal, and finally get rid of this teacher Gu Tianqi.

But Su Tian also wanted to find a perfect way, so that the principal would be willing to expel Gu Tianqi.

Because it is impossible for him to tell the principal that Gu Tianqi is a villain, especially a magician.

Just as Su Tian was thinking about these things, the bell for the end of get out of class rang continuously.

Gu Tianqi was also really a little guilty, she directly picked up her chemistry book, and immediately left Su Tian's classroom.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

He also knew that if he stayed there any longer, Su Tian would call him to stop immediately.

Su Tian really didn't expect that Gu Tianqi's speed was really fast, and he was about to leave the classroom so soon.

Su Tian didn't intend to stop him at all, after all, his students are still here.

...... 0

And this time Su Tian also observed that these children didn't rush to the playground holding their basketballs and baseballs immediately, which made Su Tian really curious.

"Why don't you guys plan to go to the playground to play? Are you going to stay here and watch me?"

Hearing Su Tian's question, several people shook their heads, but nodded again.

Su Tian still really couldn't figure it out, they thought so, but Su Tian didn't have time to accompany them, because Su Tian was about to rush to the principal's office right now.

Su Tian stood up directly and was about to go to the principal's office, but those children stopped Su Tian.

"Teacher Su Tian, ​​can we talk?" Wang Xiaozhe said.and.

Chapter 600

Chapter 598

Hearing what he said, Su Tian was really puzzled. Su Tian was wondering what they were going to talk to him about.

Could it be that he wants to swear sovereignty to himself, and even tell himself not to control them anymore, do they need freedom?

But Su Tian also wanted to tell them that as their head teacher, he should take care of them.

"You still need freedom, don't you want me to control you?"

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