"No...nope!" Qin blushed slightly, and hurriedly explained: "I... I just read it a little bit, and I definitely don't revisit it every day..."


At this moment, a book suddenly slipped from the edge of the table and landed on the ground.

Qi Feng bent down and picked up the book. It turned out to be the "Legend of the Heroes of Luoyuan" written by himself. He casually flipped through a few pages, and saw next to the paragraphs, from time to time marked with beautiful fonts, the sentences were delicate, Obviously seen it many times.

In Qi Feng's heart, he naturally understood immediately, but he didn't intend to expose Qin's "lie".

Instead, it was Qin herself, her face flushed slightly, and she said a little embarrassedly: "You...you saw it?"

"Hmm..." Qi Feng scratched his cheek, and said helplessly, "I can pretend that I didn't see it."

Qin hesitated for a moment, then sighed, and said: "Forget it, there is nothing to hide about this matter, I really... like "The Legend of Luoyuan Heroes" very much, please don't tell others about it, after all, How can the acting leader of the dignified West Wind Knights... be obsessed with this kind of thing?"

"Sorry, Captain Qin." Qi Feng handed the "Legend of the Heroes of Luoyuan" to Qin, and said word by word: "Please forgive me for not agreeing with this sentence."

215 Spray Knight, debut

"Eh?" Qin was taken aback for a moment, as if she didn't realize why Qi Feng's attitude suddenly became so serious.

"Because, I wrote this novel in the hope that everyone can read interesting stories," Qi Feng said solemnly: "No matter what occupation or status, you can get happiness from these stories, of course... It also includes you, the acting head of the Zephyr Knights."

"What... what?" Qin finally understood, and said with a surprised face: "Could it be that you are the author of "The Legend of Luoyuan Heroes", teacher Liyue Xiaoxiaosheng?"

"It's a fake one." Seeing this, Qi Feng didn't hide his identity, nodded, and said, "It doesn't seem like it's something worth hiding."

"No... I didn't expect to meet a real person!" Even the always calm Qin, when she saw a writer she liked, couldn't help pacing around the office with some excitement: "That's right, I've been there for a long time." It should be thought that there is definitely some kind of connection between Qiufeng Bookstore and the author of this novel..."

"That..." Seeing that Qin got carried away for a moment, Qi Feng interrupted helplessly: "Where do you want to sign your name?"

"Please sign the title page of this novel!" Only then did Qin come to her senses, and hurriedly handed back the novel in her hand to Qi Feng, her blue eyes filled with joy: "By the way, my full name is Qin. Gunnhild."

Naturally, Qi Feng knew about this a long time ago. He took the quill and skillfully signed on the title page:

Liyue Xiaoxiaosheng, a present to Jean Gunnhild

Qin took the novel with some excitement, and saw that the characters on the title page were vigorous and powerful, piercing through the back of the paper. Without a few years of skill, she definitely couldn't write such good characters. Min Min is very knowledgeable, seeing him today is really extraordinary."

[Qin's affection for you has increased by 10 points, currently: 20]

After all, Qi Feng has lived for a hundred generations. In order to win over his sister, he also learned a lot of miscellaneous knowledge. He knew a little about piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea.

Fortunately, I let myself come this time instead of Xingqiu, otherwise, his words like "dog crawling" might lose Li Yue's face by the way.

"By the way, there is one more thing." Qin touched her chest, and then summoned up her courage and said, "Actually, I really want someone to chat with me about novels, but... there is no one in the Knights Order. There's no one to talk about these things, if you're free, would you like to have a drink or two?"

Of course, this is just a very simple invitation. As we all know, regardless of any interest, "fellowship" is very important. Whether you like novels, Jiaoda, plastic villains, etc., if you can find someone to share with, happiness will become a reality. doubled.

However, for Qin, let alone being the same, even revealing her hobbies to others is something that cannot be done.

And Qi Feng is not only an outsider, but also the author of the novel. If you can chat with him, you will definitely gain a lot.

"This..." Unexpectedly, there was a hesitant expression on Qi Feng's face.

After all, Qin is also one of the targets of his previous raids. In order to avoid suspicion and not cause trouble, of course it is better to keep a distance from her.

"Sorry, I was rude!" Qin seemed to realize that her actions seemed a little impulsive, and frowned slightly: "A writer like Teacher must be very busy, how can he waste precious time on ordinary readers Woolen cloth."

Although Qin said so, Qi Feng could clearly see the disappointment in her eyes.

Forget it, this is also for business. If you offend the acting head of the West Wind Knights, it will become much troublesome to expand in the Mond area, whether it is novels or other businesses.

"No, I'm just afraid of delaying Captain Qin's time." Qi Feng concealed the awkward atmosphere that flashed in the air with a simple smile: "After all, your daily work must be more busy than mine. .”

As the acting head of the West Wind Knights, Qin can be said to be "doing everything by herself" in the true sense. She is probably as busy as her own wife Gan Yu.

"Don't worry, in order to spare time to read the second volume of "The Legend of Luoyuan Heroes", I have already settled the work at hand in advance," Qin shook her head and said solemnly: "So, now I have at least seven The 34-minute break time can be freely arranged..."


Before Qin finished speaking, the door of the office suddenly opened, and a tall woman walked in with graceful steps.

She looked only about 20 years old, her blue hair revealed a faint chill, her appearance was glamorous, and she was wearing a very close-fitting knight uniform, but because the upper circumference was too prominent, some improvements were made.

There are many similarities between this woman and Qin, with the same eye-catching appearance, tall figure, and noble temperament exuding from head to toe.

The difference is probably that Qin feels as warm as a spring breeze, while the woman in front of her feels as cold as winter snow.

Yula Lawrence.

The captain of the guerrilla squad of the Zephyr Knights, and also the famous "Spray Rider".

Compared with these, she also has a teasing identity, that is, she is a descendant of the old aristocratic Lawrence family.The Lawrence family is the old nobles of Mond City. Before the establishment of Mond, they had made enough achievements to obtain a noble status by virtue of being a rebel during the period of the lonely king of the tower.

However, the good times didn't last long. The descendants of the Lawrence family were corrupted by desire and power. As the heads of the old nobles, they practiced slavery, which directly led to the dark age of Mond.

Then Vanessa raised the banner of rebellion, overthrew the rule of the nobles under Wendy's guidance, and established New Mond led by the Zephyr Knights.

As a result, the Lawrence family has been cast into the pillar of shame in history. Although it has not been completely exterminated, it has also declined a lot. Most of its family members not only have no intention of repenting, but have been trying to restore it.This also made the Lawrence family almost like a rat crossing the street in Mond.

Therefore, Yula, who is a descendant of the Lawrence family but joined the Zephyr Knights, is indeed an incomprehensible "heterogeneity".

Of course, in addition to the above complicated identities, she also has a more troublesome identity.

That's right, Yula Lawrence was also one of Qi Feng's previous targets.

216 Yura Wants Once a Day

Yula glanced at Qi Feng, but frowned slightly, chose to ignore it, and said directly to Qin: "I have been waiting outside for a long time, and a book vendor, do we need to talk for so long?"

"Youla!" Seeing this, Qin coughed twice, with a trace of apology in her eyes: "Qi Feng is not a book seller, he is my guest."

"You... hello." Qi Feng greeted without embarrassment: "I am Qi Feng."

"Is this a self-introduction? Isn't it too perfunctory?" Unexpectedly, Yula showed a somewhat disgusted expression, stepped back half a step, saluted very standardly, and then said: "West Wind Knights , Captain of the Guerrilla Squad, 'Spray Rider' Yula Lawrence, I send my greetings to you."

Although Yura didn't like this man who wasted her time, she was completely unambiguous when it came to noble etiquette.

"Yura Lawrence..." Qi Feng subconsciously pronounced the name.

"That's right, it's Lawrence," Yula crossed her arms and said angrily, "I'm the descendant of a sinner, the inner ghost of the Knights, and the purpose of joining is also for revenge."

It seems that Yura seems to have been used to such questions for a long time, so she simply prepared a set of rhetoric to directly reply.

"Sorry, I don't know what the Lawrence family is." Qi Feng shook his head, pointed at himself and said, "Because I'm a foreigner."

"Eh?" Hearing what Qi Feng said, Yula blushed, but she still insisted and said, "Anyway, I'm not a good person, you'd better stay away from me."

"Youla, why are you talking like this again..." Qin sighed, and explained: "Qi Feng, don't listen to her nonsense, in fact, Yula is a very good knight..."

"You don't need to explain anything to him, I don't care anyway," Yula shrugged and said, "Also, Qin, have you forgotten what day it is?"

"Today is..." Qin was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Today is the once-a-month competition day."

"That's right, you once promised me that you would compete with me once a month!" Yula nodded and said, "I can't wait!"

"I'm sorry, can we...compete tomorrow?" Qin's eyes dodged a little and said, "I just made an appointment with Qi Feng to...cough, to discuss the issue of the book."

"Huh?" Yula couldn't help but widen her eyes, and said angrily, "You want to kill me because of a book seller?"

"It's already been said that I'm not a book seller..." Qi Feng frowned speechlessly, and said, "Besides, the competition or something shouldn't be something very important, right?"

"You...you dare to say it's not important!" Unexpectedly, Qi Feng's words immediately angered Yula, who saw her brows stand on end, and said angrily: "Do you know, from the age of 12 to now? , I lost to Qin 110 three times in total, I have remembered this grudge for a long time."

Sure enough, she was still the same as before... Like to hold grudges.

"As the head of the West Wind Knights, it is indeed wrong to break my promise. I have no right to refuse this competition." Qin smiled wryly at Qi Feng: "However, Yula is very strong. Every time I compete with her Afterwards, I will have to rest for a long time, Qi Feng... It seems that the study club may have to be postponed."

Although Qin said so, Qi Feng could clearly see the disappointment in her eyes.After all, reading novels is one of Qin's few pastimes, and the author of her favorite novel is right in front of her, but she can't have a chat with him. For a book fan, it is indeed a very cruel thing.

It's like fans of the Black Soul series, seeing the old thief Miyazaki, but can't go up to "pity" it.

"I...I have a suggestion," Qi Feng hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Otherwise, let me take the place of Captain Qin and compete with Miss Yula."

"Are...are you kidding me?" Yula laughed instead of anger when she heard this: "Could it be that you want to show off in front of Qin? You are so stupid!"

"Qi Feng, Yula is really strong," Qin also dissuaded, "You don't have to be like this."

In Qin's eyes, Qi Feng is a novelist who lives off his pen, so naturally he cannot have any fighting ability.It's like if someone tells you that Zhou Shuren is actually better at fighting than Huo Yuanjia, you will think he is sick.

"Leader Qin, please trust me this time." Qi Feng showed a confident smile on his face, "Besides, I don't want to give up today's reading club either."

[Qin's affection for you has increased by 10 points, currently: 30]

"You..." Qin didn't know why, but there was a small touch in her heart. She suddenly felt a little surprised that the man in front of her, who was obviously meeting for the first time, exuded a sense of familiarity that was hard to describe in words. : "I understand, since this is the case, please go out for me."

"Wait, don't you all ask my opinion?" Seeing that the two people in front of her didn't include herself in the discussion at all, Yula said angrily, "Why should I fight a book seller!"

"How about this, if I lose to you, the competition between you and Captain Qin can become once a week." Qi Feng turned around and said to Qin: "Captain Qin, don't you mind?"

once a week?

This will probably completely deprive me of my rest time.

However, even Qin himself didn't know why she believed so much in a "stranger" whom she met for the first time.

Captain Qin didn't speak, but nodded, expressing his attitude.

"Once a week?" This "deal" really aroused Yula's interest immediately, and I saw a war-thirsty smile on her clear face: "To be honest, I look forward to once a day, but once a week That's not bad, in this way, my chances of defeating Qin will be even higher."

Once a day?

Qi Feng's mind was suddenly shaken. After all, the blue-haired girl in front of him had once made a very strong request of "once a day" to himself.

Of course, that is another "competition".

Knights of the West Wind, the arena.

As the cornerstone of Mond City, the training of the West Wind Knights is naturally very rigorous, sitting on the largest martial arts training ground in the entire Mond.

But now, the focus of all the West Wind knights was on the three who had just entered the room.

Acting Captain Qin, Splash Rider Yura, and... a strange foreign man.

217 Qin belongs to me!

Qin and Yula have always been known as the twin sisters of the West Wind Knights. Needless to say, Qin is not only beautiful in appearance, tall and tall, but also has outstanding abilities. She has always been the dream lover of the West Wind Knights.

Although Yula has a special status and is often disliked by others because she is a member of the Lawrence family, her appearance and figure can't fault the slightest bit, and even with her own strength, she has won the title of "Spray Knight" .

However, the Gurnhilde family and the Lawrence family have always been at odds. As the representatives of the two families, Qin and Yula, in the eyes of everyone, naturally, the relationship is not much better.

There were even rumors that Qin and Yula had been seen fighting privately in the martial arts arena.

But now, not only did they appear at the same time in a fair manner, but also accompanied by a strange man. The relationship between the three of them will inevitably make people's imagination run wild.

Several young knights who are still inexperienced have even started whispering.

"what's the situation?"

"Yeah, the expression on Senior Yura's face looks a little angry."

"Why does Captain Qin seem a little shy?"

"Wait, could it be...a scene where two women compete for a man?"

"No way, the man who can be favored by Captain Qin and Yura-senpai at the same time is the guy with dead fish eyes?"

Although the voices of those knights were not loud, they could not be concealed from Qi Feng's ears at all. However, he had encountered similar situations many times, and he was no stranger to them.

After all, although he can be regarded as handsome, he is definitely not handsome enough to shock the world, but the girls he captures, without exception, are all very good types.

"Look at what!"

At this moment, Yula raised her eyebrows suddenly, and yelled at those whisperers: "Are you secretly talking about me? I've made a note of this grudge!"

When the little knights heard this, they immediately lowered their heads.Senior Yula's bad temper is well known to the Knights of the West Wind, and she also likes to hold grudges, even if she does a small mistake, she may remember it in her heart.

Of course, so far, no one has been revenged by her.

However, what happened next was even more shocking.

They originally thought that the next scene should be Captain Qin and Yula fighting for a strange man.

Who knew, it was Yula and that man standing on both sides of the martial arts arena.

"That, let's talk about it first, let's finish it," Qi Feng said helplessly, "I don't want this matter to affect the relationship between you and Qin."

"Hmph! I will never lose!" Yula looked confident and sneered, "Qin, it belongs to me!"

What Yura said was, of course, "the power to compete with Qin".However, everyone's discussion immediately developed in a very strange direction.

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