She covered her mouth tenderly and smiled, and touched the head of the dumb hippopotamus, "do you remember what I told you before? Come on!"

In the past few days.

If you are warm, you will do work for Hippo.

The most important thing is to work with the big tongue shell.


To get stronger!

To protect my Lady Queen!

I am willing~

Silly Hippo's eyes narrowed, revealing a look of determination.

this matter.

Baili and no harm.

While possessing great power, he may also capture the favor of Sister Menus, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.The big tongue shell is also the same idea!

Menus is for water elves.

It's just a bottle of poison.

The glamorous and irresistible.

Everyone wants to be the partner of Menus.

"If King Silly can win Lord Menus' favor, I'm willing to give it a try!

Ling Ran stood aside.

Hearing what Silly Hippo said, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Another elf who is subdued by women's lust.

"It's not just about being convinced by the warm senior sister."

"It was also captured by the gentle senior sister's Menus."

Ling Ran snickered from the bottom of his heart.


"Da Tongbei's heart is also firm in this belief.

Although there is a super beautiful super queen in my team.

Even more beautiful than Menus.

Fortunately, there is no such licking dog in my team.

Geng Gui is just an idiot, he doesn't understand Xanadu's meaning at all, and acts carelessly like a child who hasn't grown up every day.

Xanadu gritted his teeth angrily.

As for Charmander and Heracross, they are both constantly training to become stronger.

I have no intention of getting involved with women.


Ling Ran shook his head, "I don't think Kaido's version of Kuailong should be a pervert."

If he saw Sanji-san.

Maybe it will reveal your true nature!

"Brother Ling Ran, let's start."

Sister Wen Qing doesn't know anything, and she came here to ask for help, "Everything is arranged by Brother Ling Ran."

Ling Ran nodded.

He has checked the relevant operating procedures.

I also asked some experience from President Chonglou.

"I'll give you an energy cube first, so you don't get exhausted." Ling Ran fetched a perfect quality energy cube and fed it to Silly Hippo.

Hippo took a look at the warmth and got her permission.

He stretched out his chubby pink hand and took the energy cube.

Put it in your mouth and chew slowly.


He just melted.

Limp on the ground like a pig.

"Ah this..."

The warm senior sister looked at the virtue of the dumb hippo, and was stunned, "what's wrong with him?"

Ling Ran chuckled, "Maybe it's because it's so delicious."

Perfect quality power cubes.

For the elves, it is a feast of fine nectar and jade dew, and a feast of flat peaches.

It can melt the tongues of elves.

She covered her mouth tenderly and snickered.

"It's too embarrassing to be a hippopotamus."

Warm kick kicked the hippopotamus, and the guy slowly got up.

He squinted his eyes, looking very happy.


The hippopotamus was conquered.

The eyes looking at Ling Ran became admiring, with little stars.

"I'll eat it for you after you successfully evolve into the Silly King!"

Ling Ran patted the hippo's head.

Use incentives.


Daidai Hippo was full of energy, clenched his fists and said, "Dadai!"

Great!I'm rushing!

Big tongue shell: I want to have a bite too!

Instead of biting the tail of the dumb beast every day!



Silly Hippo lay on the side of the swimming pool, following Ling Ran's instructions.

Put the tail, together with the big tongue shell, in the water.

After a series of operations.

And Big Tongue Bei's own will, slowly let go of the tail of the dumb hippopotamus.

at this time.

Ling Ranfa saw the appearance of the tail being bitten by the big tongue shell all the time.

A bite mark is very conspicuous.

It makes people want to laugh.

However, Ling Ran did not forget the operation process.

"Take advantage of it now!"

The warm senior sister received an order to give the king's certificate to Dai Hippo.

Oh no, it's a slow-witted beast.Dumbbeast looked at the certificate of king flying towards him, and grabbed it in his hand.


The dull beast wears the king's certificate on its head.

Like a crowned prince.

sacred and solemn.

"Big tongue!"

"Rush forward! Bite the king's certificate."

Ling Ran looked nervous.

Success or failure is here.


The big tongue suddenly stopped there.

He looked at Ling Ran with a (black but not autumn) resentful face, feeling puzzled and tender.

"what did he say?"


Why didn't you follow Ling Ran's instructions?

Don't wait for me!

The warmth is a little urgent.

On the contrary, Ling Ran listened to Da Tongbei's words, smiled, took out an energy cube from his pocket and threw it to Da Tongbei.

The latter jumped up and clamped the energy cube with two shells.

Cheers and eat the energy cube.


Then, with tears in his eyes, Big Tongue Bei bit the King's Evidence on the head of Dull Beast.

"Goodbye! Energy Cube!"

"Goodbye! Power Cube!"


Big Tongue Bei's inner monologue made Ling Ran's heart ache for a while.

This big tongue shell.

See the energy cube for the first time.

In this life, I will no longer be able to eat energy cubes. (is it good)


At least he can still see.

Ling Ran thought about it.

at the same time.

Big tongue shell bites the king's card.

A white light flickered.

Shroud Slowlings and Mussels.

"That is the light of evolution!"

Warm exclaimed.

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