On the contrary, it is still a happy thing for them to stay in the manor.


Dr. Mu Xuecheng touched his stomach and said with a smile, "Since I ate Ling Ran's cooking last time, my stomach has been spoiled and I can't get used to other foods." Although it is a bit exaggerated .

But Ling Ran was very happy to hear it.

"In that case, I will cook myself tonight and cook a delicious meal for the doctor." Ling Ran got up with a smile, "You come too."

Hedgehog head rejoiced.


Nodding heavily, "Okay!"

to be frank.

The hedgehog head was also conquered by Ling Ran's cooking skills, it was a delight to eat.

I still linger until now, and my tongue still remembers the original taste.

This time when I came to Ling Ran's manor, apart from doing research, the most important thing was to eat Ling Ran's cooking.

"Then it's settled."

Ling Ran got up and asked Butler Dian to take the two of them to the research institute, "The manor's research institute has all kinds of equipment and equipment, but if you want some professional equipment, you may need to buy it from other places."

Dr. Mu Xuecheng shook his head.

Said it was all right.

"This is not scientific research, it's just an academic theory, and it doesn't need the help of equipment." Dr. Mu Xuecheng grinned.

Ling Ran glanced at Butler Di An, who stepped forward to lead the way, "Follow me, please."

With Butler Dian serving by his side, Ling Ran is not neglecting Longguo, or even the world academic No.1 Dr. Mu Xuecheng and his champion grandson.

After Dr. Mu Xuecheng and the hedgehog head left.

Ling Ran called Darkley to come over.

Cresselia was there too.

"How long will it take for you to gather your clansmen to arrive at the manor?" Ling Ran asked. This is related to the schedule of the great reconciliation of the next century.

The news should be released in advance so that scholars from all over the world can come.

Ling Ran even invited some international friends to come.

For example Chinese cabbage.

And Caesar etc.

Darkley glanced at Cresselia, straightened his chest, and said, "Three days! In three days at most, I can gather all the clansmen in the world!"

With the Darkrai trap, oh no, the power of the Darkrai patriarchal decree, the assembly can be completed in three days.

As for Cresselia, she said distressedly, "Although our family also has patriarchal orders, some Cresselia's status is too high, so I can't invite them..."


And this thing!

Ling Ran became interested, "Give me a location, I'll come and visit in person!"

that moment.

Cresselia seemed to see the tiger-wolf light that was blooming in Ling Ran's eyes, "You wish for good luck! Aunts, aunts, grandmas, grandmas!"

Dream God didn't feel any pressure in his heart for a while.

There is no psychological burden.

Name a few of them directly, they are of high status, powerful in combat, and are the addresses of grandma's Cresselia, "If possible, I want to meet grandma and grandma too!"

Cresselia twitched her lips.

Looking forward to the next meeting.

What happened to me!

Let's face it together!

Jie ha ha ha ha!

Cresselia's heart is gradually going crazy!

214: News of the gradually insane Dream God, Silver Companion Beast

The Cresselia clan spread all over the world.

Basically, wherever there are humans and elves, or to put it another way, wherever there are Darkrai, there will be traces of Cresselia.

They are feuds and appear in similar regions.

Basically, Cresselia is chasing Darkrai and fighting.

Among the addresses that Cresselia gave Ling Ran, there were three places, "These are three Cresselias that are very difficult to find, and I need to visit them in person!" Ling Ran twitched his lips, looked at the addresses, and fell into deep thought. .


The addresses are so different, they are all super far away.

One is living in seclusion in the European Alps, one is on the island of Hawaii, and the other is actually in the Amazon jungle.

The difference is not a day or two - it can be found.

After much deliberation, Ling Ran felt that it would be better to ask for help.

"Let Crimson Rogia invite Cresselia on Hawaii Island." Ling Ran bit the word "invite" to death.

He found Crimson Rogia and handed him a set of Poké Balls.

Each one is a super energy ball made by Ling Ran himself.

Excellent quality.

Even elves at the level of Dream God would hardly have a chance to escape.

Crimson Rogia, as the sea god of the Pacific Ocean, shouldn't have much of a problem "inviting" a Cresselia living on the island of Hawaii. "If she resists, put her in a Poké Ball."

Crimson Rogia took the poke ball.

It feels very strange, "Elves, can you still subdue elves?"

Talk about this.

Crimson Rogia said with a smile, "I promise to complete the task!"

Ling Ran nodded, "Go, go early and return early."

"Good host!"

Crimson Rogia broke through the air and disappeared into the sky.

When Cresselia saw this scene, the corners of her mouth curled up, and her heart gradually became crazy, "Grandma, you also have to experience what it's like to be 'tricked' here!

It's not good.

Ling Ran glanced at the Dream God who was gradually becoming psychologically unbalanced, and felt sorry for her, "Don't worry, you won't suffer if you follow me."

A majestic Dream God.

Those who were "tortured" by Ling Ran were almost mentally ill.

If this continues, Cresselia may have big problems.

Cresselia smiled lightly, "It's okay! Master

she's fine!

She's really fine!

only.She really wanted other Cresselians to experience the "fear" of being dominated by Ling Ran!

"Is something wrong?"


Cresselia cheered herself up.

Ling Ran shrugged.

Now that Cresselia said that she was fine, she planned to go to Europe to find the Oneiroi living in the Alps, "Who should I let?" Alps.

It is the most famous mountain in Europe.

It is a place of pilgrimage for countless trainers.


There are many legendary elves living in the mountains.

Needless to say, there are several frozen birds on a mountain.

Regice has one too.

Live at the bottom of the mountain all year round to maintain the stability of the Alps.

In addition, "Decades ago, in order to rule the world, that mustache also created a legendary elf called Silver Companion Beast, which is also rumored to live in the Alps." Perhaps.

Considering the existence of the Silver Companion Beast, Ling Ran said, "Maybe I can go to Europe myself, maybe I can still see the Silver Companion Beast?!" As one of the few, artificial legendary elves.

As a legendary elf that appeared in the next few generations, Silver Companion Beast is relatively unknown, but he has multiple attributes and looks similar to Arceus.

Popularity and fighting strength are extremely strong.

"Go and try your luck."

Ling Ran clapped his hands, and decided to set off after cooking dinner for the doctor, "By the way, take a few kids and go to Europe to have fun."


Famous outside.

Take a trip by the way.


Dr. Mu Xuecheng and Hedgehog Head, the two of them praised Ling Ran for cooking and cooking dinner by himself, and they were satisfied with the food.

Dr. Mu Xuecheng was still fed up, listening to a big belly there.

Pain and happiness.

"Grandpa, I told you not to eat so much." Hedgehog head brought stomach-strengthening and Xiaoshi tablets for his grandfather, with a look of reproach.

It can be counter-killed directly by Dr. Mu Xuecheng.

"Don't talk about me! Look at you." Dr. Mu Xuecheng pointed to your protruding belly with the hedgehog head, "Don't let me, you young man, fight with me! You don't want to!" The two grandparents, They're all "blaming" each other.

Pain and happiness.

They were all very self-disciplined before, one devoted himself to scientific research and academics, and the other was a super famous breeder.

I've never been so happy as this evening.

Seeing the satisfied expressions of the two, Ling Ran was also happy, "Take advantage of this time, I would like to ask the doctor about the Silver Companion Beast."

Silver Companion Beast?

Hearing this name, Dr. Mu Xuecheng and Hedgehog were both taken aback.

The former fell into deep thought.

Very silent.

Ling Ran didn't know, so, "?"

The hedgehog head sighed, and explained to Ling Ran, "Legend of Ling Ran! The appearance of the Silver Companion War Beast is due to grandfather's participation!"

"At that time, my grandfather was studying with Mustache. He originally thought that he wanted to create a legendary elf that could bring peace to the world, so he devoted himself to the research and development of Silver Companion Beast."

, oo begging for flowers......


The hedgehog head sighed, and Dr. Mu Xuecheng also fell into a burst of self-blame.

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