Ling Ran followed the sound and looked over, his eyes widened, "Chen...Chen Cheng?"

What are you?

The dress in front of her is too...too pure!

It's like the exclusive pure white nurse outfit in a special photo team.

On the legs, there are also white lace stockings.

Seeing Ling Ran felt dizzy for a while.

"No, no."

He covered his forehead and pretended to faint, "No, I'm dizzy with stockings!"

Chen Cheng smiled lightly.

Taking advantage of Ling Ran's wishes, he walked to Ling Ran's bedside with his long legs, took his temperature pretentiously, and did some routine checks.

"Fortunately, the mood has stabilized."

Chen Cheng looked at the instrument.

He gave Ling Ran a reassuring look.

in this world.

How can there be any dizzy stockings disease?

It's all unreal!

Ling Ran asked with a smile, "How long have I been asleep?"

He remembered.

In the temple, the three MEGA elves at one time exhausted their physical strength, and when Chen Cheng and the others arrived for support, he had already passed out.


"Did you give me a needle at that time?" Ling Ran glared.

When I suddenly remembered this matter, I felt that I had suffered a great loss.

Generally speaking.

Only he stabs people, there is no reason for others to stab him!

Chen Cheng chuckled, "Brother Ling Ran, you promised me the day before yesterday that you would give me an injection that night, but in the end whoever is like a dead pig." "

Is there really such a thing?

Ling Ran clutched his forehead, feeling that he had missed a good opportunity.

But forget it now, he still wants to lie down for a while.

"I'll call other doctors to check you up, so as not to cause other problems." Chen Cheng smiled and gave Ling Ran a playful look.Then she walked out of the ward with her long legs and her plump back.

Ling Ran watched.


I carry on.

Is this the life of a wealthy family?

Goddess of the poor?


Although Chen Cheng and Chen Hu can be considered rich, but Ling Ran, the rising champion, is the real rich.

one person.

Become a big family!


A professional team of doctors and nurses came in.

He gave Ling Ran a professional physical examination and test, and at the end he happily announced, "Champion Ling Ran is in good health and has no side effects!"

When they heard that Ling Ran had three mega elves at once.

These doctors were almost dumbfounded.

Come here in a hurry.

But did not expect.

Ling Ran slept very soundly, very fragrant.

This surprised the doctors, "Is this still a human body?"

can only say.

Ling Ran is a trick.

It is also a super physique with a real New Town rookie.

"Okay, you guys go out first."

I'm really not used to so many people.

After becoming the champion for a few months now, Ling Ran has also gotten used to his status, and has the spirit of a big boss in every gesture.

The doctors immediately shuddered, took their leave and left.

Champion.It's better to let Chen Hu become the champion and clear the entire floor of the bosses.

Naturally, all of his orders left.

Wait until the doctors leave.

Only then did Ling Ran and Chen Cheng have some time to be alone.


Ling Ran took all the brats back.

Leave room for an entire floor.

However, Chen Cheng still took measures, "There are still cameras here, so turn them off first."

Ling Ran glanced at the nearby camera.

He stared.


closed!All off!

Ling Ran swept across the electrical circuits of the entire building with a powerful overpowering force, and turned off all the cameras, "It's ready now!" The promise made the day before yesterday was fulfilled today.

"Late but here!"

Ling Ran said with a smile, "I still need to pay you interest."

Chen Cheng blushed and said that he didn't need it.

She is not a usurer.

That's bad silver!

Wait three hours later.

Ling Ran felt relaxed, and only found time to talk to President Chonglou on the phone, "Rotom, call President Chonglou." Just now.

Chairman Chong Lou bombarded Ling Ran's phone calls several times.

They were all rejected by Ling Ran.

Just making time now.


"Hello, President Chonglou."

Ling Ran smiled.

"You are too busy shouting." President Chonglou rolled his eyes.

He had turned off a lot of things, so he waited for Ling Ran to wake up and chat with him about these things, the temple, the martial arts bear clan, and the three legendary elves.Ling Ran said with a smile, "I haven't fully recovered just now, I need to rest."

right now.

Now it's, "It's getting better, I called Mr. Chonglou as soon as possible."


Chen Cheng beside him rolled his beautiful eyes.

Yes, the first caller was indeed Chairman Chonglou.

But I played poker for three hours before.

Good for you!

Ling Ran champion!

Chairman Chong Lou didn't bother with this matter, and said, "This time, it's thanks to you, Champion Ling Ran! The higher-ups are very satisfied with you and decided to increase your salary." Increase the salary?

This is fine.

The status of a champion no longer accords with Ling Ran's actual combat power.


In Ling Ran's hands, there were several legendary elves.

Even Kioka, the creator of the sea, is in Ling Ran's hands.

A small championship system can no longer satisfy Ling Ran's status.

"Above the champion is the battle legend?" Ling Ran felt that the top should not be so generous, and the establishment needs to be raised step by step.

Battle legends?

you boy.

President Chong Lou said with a smile, "This time, you have made great contributions. Not only did you capture the two leaders of the Silver Flame Organization, but also K, and basically destroyed the Silver Flame Organization." The world caused a sensation, and I was overwhelmed by your fighting power of champion Ling Ran!"

Does the whole world know?

Ling Ran froze for a moment.

He never wanted to be famous.

So, "What does the above mean?"

"o" In addition, you have also added a lot of top-level combat power to the Dragon Kingdom. "Chairman Chonglou counted, "There are four legendary elves alone, and there are nearly a hundred elves at the legendary level, champion level, and heavenly king level. This credit is added up. "


Therefore, "The organization given to you above is legendary, and it is already the top organization of Dragon Kingdom."

President Chonglou's face was almost bursting with laughter.

His current organization, which is to fight against the legendary level, is Ling Ran, "You are already standing at the top of the Dragon Kingdom, even more advanced than me."


Long country still has this establishment!

This is the first time Ling Ran has heard of it, "Who is this legendary? Are there any blessings?"

According to what the market says.

The highest level of the Dragon Kingdom is the champion level.

Don't say it's a legend, I've never heard of this battle against the legendary level.

It was also the first time for Ling Ran to come into contact with it.

"Legendary level, it can be regarded as the ancient national teacher, or the emperor's teacher." President Chonglou's face suddenly became solemn, and told Ling Ran the news.

Ancient national teacher?


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