It can, Mimiq must also be able to.

Because, in terms of natural energy, Roy has never seen a talent stronger than Mystery Q.

When Mystery Q was weak, without any guidance from any existence, it realized the generation of the "dominant aura" by itself...

As his understanding of immortality deepened, Roy became more and more aware of how unique Mimiq is in this way!

"Crack!" Mimiq nodded seriously, expressing that he would definitely master it.

Yesterday, under her personal protection, Roy was still injured, which hurt her heart.

She has never been so thirsty for power.

Under the instruction of the overlord Biejie Moefly, Mimiq began to inherit and practice the "fluid domineering".

at the same time.

On the north side of Akara Island, there stands a quaint ruin.

Once upon a time, it was called the 'Life (bhfc) Relic of Life' by the locals.

The owner of the ruins, Tapu.Diedie is in charge of the authority of 'life', and his scale powder can heal any disease and injury, and turn it into a warm powder of life.

It can also turn into poisonous poison, devouring all life.

It is rumored that Master Kapu Didie will spread scales and powders to humans and elves that he finds interesting.

In the remains of life.

Tapu.Diedie floated in mid-air, watching every move of Roy and the elves through the light projection in front of her eyes.

His eyes shone with curiosity.

The longer he stared at Roy, the more he could feel the specialness of this human being.

One by one air.

The authority of several 'gods' resided on him in a very special form.

As the indigenous gods of Alola, the patron saints of Tapu don’t run around like dreams. They basically stay on their own islands for a long time, stay in the ruins, and live lazily. It can be said that they are a group of 'nerds Otaku'.

Zhai Zhai's interpersonal circle is generally very small.

The Patronus of Tapu is no exception, they don't know many 'gods'.

Tapu.Diedie couldn't tell who these authority came from.

But there is no doubt that this is a special person, a person chosen by God.

Curiosity drove Tapu.Butterfly.

He has never paid so much attention to a human being, paying attention to every word and deed.

Gradually, Tapu.Roy in Die Die's eyes is becoming more and more vivid, every word and deed, every frown and smile, the background is full of rose-like special effects, Roy's facial features are becoming more and more three-dimensional, handsome, and his words echo magnetically ...

"Butterfly~ Butterfly!"

Tapu.Die Die's pretty face flushed slightly, and she covered her cheeks with her hands, not understanding what this unspeakable emotion was.In human parlance, it's 'love at first sight'... well, it can also be said to be love at first sight.

At this moment, three guests came outside the vestiges of life.

It was the other three Patronus, Tapu.Mingming, Tapu.Fin fin, tapu.moo moo.

Tapu.Diedie was not surprised, it was he who invited the other patron saints over.

He restrained the illusion in his head, and looked at several patron saints.

"Ku!" Tapu said.Mingming asked straight to the point, what was the matter, calling them over in such a hurry.

He is also busy supervising the situation of the various testers.

Tapu.Ming Ming is really busy.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is the face of the Tapu family and the most powerful leader.

As everyone knows, this is a helpless move.

Except for him, the rest of the patron saints have more or less problems.

Tapu.Die Die is like a little girl, innocent and innocent, she just wants to play.

Tapu.Finfin has a listless and lazy look all day long. He doesn't like contact with people and hates fighting.

Tapu.Moo Moo has a calm personality and doesn't resist humans, but he doesn't like to move his body. His biggest hobby is sleeping.

Childish, social fear, lazy cancer... none of them can be relied on!

Card puff.Mingming's competitiveness has become an advantage instead.

In terms of potential and talent, Kapu Mingming is by no means the strongest, but because of the difference in personality, Kapu Mingming.Ming Ming became the strongest.


Tapu.Diedie told her findings.

Once, Cosmog, which was stolen from the ruins, has evolved into Cosmog and returned to the Alola Spirit Realm.


The other three Tapu patron saints all showed shock.

Not only came back, but also evolved...? !

Cosmog evolved into Cosmom, and the power required for it was enormous.

It has been a hundred years since the elf world was destroyed.

The former 'sun' and 'moon' also fell a hundred years ago and left behind their offspring.

What Roy didn't know was that under the careful care of the patron saints, Little Nebula had actually accumulated nearly a hundred years of power.

Although the patron saints do not have energy concentrates similar to 'energy cubes', the resources in Alola's spiritual domain are also limited, and the efficiency of the small nebula to absorb energy is not high...

But under the accumulation of time, it still cannot be underestimated.

If there is a "progress bar" in the process of Cosmog's evolution into Cosmom, the accumulation in the past hundred years will be about 80%.

The remaining 20%, according to the perception of the patron saints, it should take more than 20 years to fully accumulate...

But they ignored the power of technology, and ignored technologies like 'energy cubes'. .

Chapter 279 Disqualification, Trialists

In Capu.Under Die Die's narration, the patron saints gradually understood the ins and outs of the matter.

Learn about Kapu.The special person that Ming Ming said was actually the trainer recognized by Cosmom now. They were shocked and felt that it should be so.

Cosmog before evolution had no power and was full of curiosity, but as a 'god's larva', he was born with the arrogance of a 'god'.

Curious about everyone, as long as you give him food, he is very friendly... It seems that he is unsuspecting and has no brains, but when he thinks about it, this is not a kind of treatment of all living beings, and he doesn't think anything will happen to him~ How easy is it?

Of course, this kind of mentality is not worth promoting.

Because Cosmog is really weak...

After evolving into Cosmom, with a strong defense force, there is no need to worry about the safety of life, but the difficulty of evolution is extremely high.

Without the protection of 'God', following the survival of the fittest in nature, creatures like Cosmog would definitely become extinct.

The strength that does not match the mentality is the reason why the survival rate of the Cosmog clan is very low.

Only the trainers who are extremely good and sincerely devoted to Him can gain their approval.

They have also learned about the experience and achievements of Roy, the tester, and they are indeed excellent.

"Ku!" snapped.Ming Ming said seriously.

...Since this is the case, Roy, a trainer, is not suitable to be the 'King of the Island'.

The other three Patronuses also agreed.

What is King of the Islands?

An 'angel' chosen by the patron saint.

In other words, they are the spokespersons of the patron saints, their subordinate employees...

Once Cosmom evolves and follows the ancient covenant, it will be their leader.

Roy is a trainer approved by Cosmom.

the leader of their leaders...

Although the elves don't have the concept of 'seniority', like wild animals, the class relationship between the upper and lower is very clear.


Tapu.Moo Moo asked, how should Roy be arranged?

You can't drive him out and refuse him to participate in the trial, right?

Or, should I invite him to my Harvest Ruins and sleep together?He must be able to experience the beauty of sleep!

Heard that, Tapu.Die Die's eyes lit up: "Die! (Then I want to invite him to be my playmate!)" "Odd~"

Tapu.Finfin made a lazy tone, so it's fine for him to do whatever he wants?

Looking at these three unreliable partners, Kapu.Mingming had a headache.

In the end, it was He, the leader, who made the final decision.

…Maintain the status quo and let Roy continue to participate in the trial.

...However, all his trials were switched to inheritance trials.

He still doesn't know that Roy, who has been deprived of his qualification to become the 'King of the Island', is still accompanying Mibiq to master the 'Fluid Domineering'.

The trial of the islands tour depends on walking on the four big islands, looking for the overlord elves, and completing the assessment of the trial mission... This is definitely not something that can be completed overnight.

In fact, all trainers in the spiritual domain are prepared for a long-term struggle.

In the first two days of the spiritual realm, the trainers who could not adapt to the "high-intensity fighting" environment in the Alola spiritual realm were all turned into corpses, and the death rate was extremely high.

From the third day onwards, those who can survive are either the strong ones, or the trainers whose mentality has changed and their combat awareness has been improved.

The death rate fell sharply, and the elite quickly adapted to the environment.

New challenges arose immediately.

The ferocious elves are basically unable to communicate, and it is very difficult to collect information.

But soon, the testers discovered that the overlord elves could maintain their sanity.

Therefore, they began to use various means to obtain information about the 'Four Overlords' from the mouth of the overlord elves.

Since the rules do not allow 'fighting', they cannot threaten their lives, and other rough methods will arouse the 'violence' of the elves, so the testers can only rack their brains to establish a good relationship.

There was a trainer, in order to get the favor of 'The Overlord Wearing a Bear', he held house wine with him and played the role of father bear for a day. In the end, his pants were stripped and he limped out of the den.

Shortly after, the trainer developed PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) on all bear spirits.

...We still don't know the story between wearing bear and him that day.

It wasn't until the fourth day in the spiritual realm that people found the location of the first 'Four Overlords' one after another.

At the flower field on Akara Island, a challenger also ushered in.

Takeshi Aihara rode on King Yanwu's body with a dignified expression, looked at Moefly Butterfly, and received his trial task.

The overlord Bowknot Moefly is no longer in front of Roy, she is as cute as a green tea sister.

At this time, it looked indifferent, and described the real trial task in the tone of a high-cold goddess saying "I'm going to take a bath".

The overlord Butterfly will be hiding in this huge flower field, and Takeshi Aihara must find it from the flower field within 10 minutes. .Ask for flowers.

During this period, the Overlord Butterfly will not move, but his subordinates will hinder Takeshi Aihara.

Hide and seek one by one.

The number of challenges is three times!

Takeshi Aihara challenged for the first time, but he chose to abstain halfway through. One thigh was broken and his shoulder was pierced.

For the second challenge, he finally understood the main points of the assessment.

Takeshi Aihara's main elves, formed a team battle formation, while dealing with the elf legions, while breaking through the key areas defended by the elf legions!

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