His strength has reached its peak so far!

Never lose to anyone!


Putting aside hesitation and distracting thoughts, Lie Bite Lu Shark launched an attack.

With peak strength, using his strongest nirvana, the super dragon god dives.

Super Lucario narrowed his eyes, the power of the terminal acquisition predicted the opponent's actions, it concentrated all the power of the expanded waveguide on the right fist, and at the same time, at the cost of giving up the defense power, it stimulated the power hidden in every cell. energy of.


No need.

As long as you don't get hit, you don't need defense.

This is so far, Lucario gave up the most defensive power in exchange for the most explosive power.

Profound meaning...


The strongest punch came out.

The waveguide is the mind, and the huge waveguide energy turned into Lucario's mental storm at this time.

It was a wolf head somewhat similar to Lucario.

The huge azure blue wolf head collided with the power of the purple dragon god that bites the shark all over its body, colliding in shock!

boom! ! ! !

The two forces fought fiercely, and the frenzied air flow was blown from the energy junction, creating an astonishing hurricane.

The entire arena was shaken, the safety devices covering the edge of the arena were crumbling, and there was a sound of panic in the auditorium. Many people were directly shaken off their seats. I cried.

Is this really the aftermath of a battle between two trainers who haven't graduated yet?

Just when people were immersed in the power beyond the specification of both sides, and thought that this battle would last forever, an extremely obvious cracking sound suddenly exploded.this is……

The sound of biting the land shark's wings and collapsing.

Maintaining the dragon god's dive and confrontation means that the wings of the biting land shark must spray out the power of the dragon all the time as the driving force for the charge... Under the use of overload, its wings collapsed.

"Roar!" Lie Bite Lu Shark let out a furious scream, losing the continuous power provided by its wings, it could no longer maintain the Dragon God's dive.

The huge wolf head engulfed the biting land shark, wrapped its body, and flew towards the sky suddenly, rolling up waves of frenzied airflow.

From the outside, it looked like a tornado rose into the sky, and it didn't dissipate until it reached the clouds.

Lie Bite Lu Sha turned his eyes white, foamed at the mouth, his limbs drooped, as if he had lost consciousness, and was falling continuously under the pull of gravity.

Lucario took a deep breath, his right hand twisted irregularly, hanging by his side.

Victory is decided.

Lin Xingchen stood there in a daze.

...this is evolution! ? ?

What a joke.

How could normal evolution bring about such a huge improvement?

The mind was shaken violently, and the cognition of more than twenty years was completely destroyed. Lin Xingchen felt that the world in front of him was distorted and shattered into mirrors. "what are you doing?"

It wasn't until Roy's serious voice came that Lin Xingchen suddenly woke up. "Don't you hurry up and take back the biting land shark?"

After the elf triggers the dying mechanism, once it is injured again, it will truly die.If the biting land shark in this state is allowed to fall to the ground...

Lin Xingchen quickly picked up the poke ball, and narrowly retracted Lie Bite Lu Shark. Feeling Lie Bite Lu Shark's devastated body in the elf ball, he felt a huge guilt in his heart.

As a trainer, failure is not dereliction of duty, forgetting the safety of elves is betrayal.

Lin Xingchen gritted his teeth, he was not immersed in guilt, he had already failed his duty once, and he could not fail his duty a second time.

Right now, the game is still in progress. "Go, fast dragon."

As soon as the fat fast dragon appeared on the stage, it entered the state of "reverse scale" as if facing a formidable enemy.

Different from the biting land shark that has incorporated killing intent, this fast dragon has integrated the flying energy of the 'storm' into the reverse scale.

The power of the dragon.

The most suitable move for the advanced energy it holds is the tornado. "Woo one one!!!"

Kuailong flapped its wings and released its dragon power.

The super-level tornado made Roy vaguely see the shadow of the champion fast dragon blowing hundreds of lightning balls into the atmosphere.

The realm that was once out of reach, now he can vaguely see the blurred back...

But the shadow of the Kuailong in front of him is too faint... Vulnerable.

"Crush it." Roy whispered.

The usual right fist was scrapped, and Lucario swung his left fist, turning the expanding waveguide into a driving force, and once again used the ulterior motive of abandoning defense and absolutely attacking.

- A close combat!

The non-dominant left hand led to a decline in strength.

However, this does not affect the results in the slightest.

The huge wolf head engulfed the entire tornado, locked Kuailong, and swallowed it.

The repeated scene was staged again, even the rough-skinned Kuailong lost consciousness under this punch.

As a price, Lucario's left arm was also scrapped.

With trembling hands, Lin Xingchen sent out the third elf.

One pair of ax war dragons.

The high-level energy it possesses, on the basis of Nilin, has added the malice of biting and killing.

The skill that suits it best is crunching.

When the Double Ax War Dragon first appeared on the stage, he was suddenly furious. With its proud teeth that could cut iron like mud, it quickly bit towards Lucario.

The power obtained by the terminal let Lucario know how terrifying the bite force of the Double Ax War Dragon is. If it is bitten, even a giant metal monster that is good at defense will be injured.

Not to mention Lucario, who is made of flesh and blood and has used two close combat techniques.

But, still that sentence.

What about low defense?

As long as you don't get hit, you don't need defense.

Compared with the biting land shark and Kuailong, the speed of the double-axe fighting dragon is too slow.

Clang one by one! ! !

The Double Ax War Dragon bit the air, and its teeth were numb for a while.

At this moment, a huge shadow enveloped the Double Ax War Dragon. It raised its head quickly, and what it saw was Lucario flying in mid-air, and the huge wave missiles that were constantly gathering on its hands. "Dragon Star Group One by One!"

Lin Xingchen made the last desperate resistance.

Double Ax War Dragon uses the top dragon move, however, the dragon meteor it spits out, in front of Lucario's over-expanded wave missile, is like a mantis arm blocking a car, and a mayfly shaking a tree.

Wave missiles engulfed the Twin Axe.

The inflated wave missiles fell, and the terrifying energy storm covering the entire field made everyone realize what an incredible thing happened in 5.2 at this time.

A professional-level Lucario, after an unreasonable 'evolution', crushed three master-level elves.



Can not accept.

"This... this..." Fang Hang's speech was not only confused, he felt his brain was confused, "This is Xuedi Luo's secret weapon? Do we all have a different understanding of secret weapons..."

"Fang team, you can call me junior?" Yang Bowu swallowed, and muttered, "Come on, come with me, call daddy." Awesome!" Mo Xuexin remained silent, only feeling her heart beating violently.

On the field.

After defeating three opponents in succession, the power of Mega evolution was completely lost, and Lucario's body lit up with evolution... no, the light of degeneration, and returned to normal.

Looking at the tired Lucario and the young trainer on the bench, the scene was silent, and hundreds of millions of viewers rushed to the screen after hearing the news.

Roy lowered the brim of his hat and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

I announce that the version will be updated, who agrees and who opposes?

After 100 years, the age of elves on the earth is about to enter the XY version. .

Chapter 227 The Power of Legend, Absolutely Overwhelming

"Contestant Lin Xingchen has no spirits that can play, and the winner is Contestant Roy." The referee's voice resounded throughout the field, announcing the result of the competition.

Everyone woke up like a dream.

Before the match, regarding the battle between Lin Xingchen and Roy, even those who were optimistic about Roy only thought that the two sides were evenly matched.

The reaction in the first half also confirmed the prediction.

Faced with the onslaught of biting land sharks, Lucario could only circle around, unable to face it head-on.

At the professional level, you can fight at the master level. Many people have been amazed by Lucario's space warfare, and feel that Roy is worthy of the name of genius.

So far, everything is in order.

Everything is subverted by that unbelievable 'Mega Evolution'... What kind of power is that?

Can all elves use Mega evolution?

at the same time.

On the other side of the earth, Luo Hao and Lin Wuya joined in the hunt for the 'Nightmare God.Darkrai's joint operation.

This search team, which is composed of trainers above the king level from various countries, can be said to be the greatest force of mankind at present, and even "gods" must stay away.

Darkley is no exception.

However, Darkley's abilities are too weird and weird, and his personality is extremely cautious. He has fought against the search team several times. Once the situation is unfavorable, he will directly escape into the dark dream.

This ability to sneak into the invisible dream is too tricky.

If it weren't for the superpower king of the United States, who kept an excellent Meng Mengxie, who could track the traces of nightmares, he would have lost Darkley a few days ago.

The search team held a meeting to discuss how to limit Darkley's nightmare power. The intellectuals put forward their own opinions and discussed with each other, while the unintellectuals like Luo Hao were either in a daze or secretly play mobile phone.

Luo Hao remembered that today was the day of the national competition, secretly took out his phone and turned it to silent, and began to watch the competition.

At the moment when Lucario Mega evolved, Luo Hao jumped up from the chair with a horrified expression, completely ignoring the dissatisfied gazes cast on him by the rest of the search team.

But soon, they also showed the same shocking reaction as Luo Hao.

Because, at the meeting, every Heavenly King-level trainer received notifications from the communicator one after another, and they learned of the 'miracle' that happened on the other side of the earth through various methods.

One by one evolution beyond the boundaries.this is……

"The power of legend."

Lin Wuya stared at the new Lucario, his face was full of surprise.

For a moment, he completely forgot that his son was the background board.

Lin Wuya and Luo Hao looked at each other, and instantly understood what the other was thinking. Under the envious eyes of the rest of the champion kings, they stood up together.

"Sorry, we have to withdraw from this operation urgently." Lin Wuya apologized.

"Yes, yes, we really have something to do." Luo Hao nodded repeatedly.

The Dragon Kingdom, or the efforts of various countries to help the United States hunt down Darkley, has nothing to do with the so-called "humanitarianism" at all, or the exchange of interests, or interest in Darkley, a legendary elf...

In the past, the legendary elves were friends with other countries and had a good relationship with each other. Capturing one of them by force would arouse the wrath of the other legendary elves.

But Darkrai is different. He has a bad relationship with the rest of the legendary elves and has committed 'evil things', giving humans a legitimate reason to capture him.

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