Roy ignored it, and carefully sensed it with the power of the waveguide, and confirmed again that the so-called 'ultimate aura' does not exist in the Pheromei mantis.

"Has your strength increased since you passed through the Ultimate Cave?"

The pheromea continued to curse.

The language spoken by the Ultra Beast is completely different from that of the elves. In the original book, Miao Miao said that she could not translate it at all.

If it wasn't for Mengmeng, Lucario and Roy who all possessed the power of waveguide, they would really not understand what it meant.

"Sure enough, it doesn't cooperate." Roy shrugged and looked at Fantasia: "Please, Fantasia, use hypnotism on it."


Mengmeng was also very curious about the Ultra Beast, and immediately agreed, with pink thought power surging from her body.

Under the super-standard power of the legendary elves, Pheromei lost her eyesight and immediately became obedient and obedient.

After Roy asked the question again, Pheromus gave the answer.

... After passing through the hole of ultimate, and coming to this world, its ability value in all aspects has increased by a full five times compared to its original world.

590 five times? ? !

Hearing this, Roy showed a thoughtful expression.

People in the elf world define the characteristics of all ultra-beasts as 'beast promotion'.

However, various phenomena have shown that this is not their real characteristic.

Like philodendrons.

Compared with the 'beast promotion', Roy thinks that the unknown 'charm' ability may be its characteristic.

It's just that humans in the elf world don't know much about Ultra Beasts, and they think it's not convincing enough to explain the skyrocketing ability values ​​of Ultra Beasts only with the 'Ultimate Aura'.

After all, compared to the original world, the strength of the ultimate beasts has improved too much.

Fully five times the full capacity increase...

If the increase in the ultimate aura is really so outrageous, in comparison, the overlord's aura instantly becomes rubbish.

Not convincing enough, people in the elf world added the hypothesis of 'alien beast promotion'.


A flash of inspiration flashed in Roy's mind.

A question that has been puzzling him since he became a trainer came to mind.

The question is...

Why did the elves become stronger after they came to the earth?

Combining the anomalies (bhfc) in the pheromea, Roy came up with a bold idea.

'Could it be that after traveling to a new world, the increase in ability value is not actually the privilege of the Ultra Beast, but a property possessed by magical creatures like 'Elves'? ''Earth is a brand new world for elves and Ultra Beasts, so their ability values ​​have been improved. ''Under the same condition that the ability values ​​are all improved, the Ultra Beast is just an ordinary elf, not as powerful as the original book, and looks very weak. 'Roy made a bold hypothesis.

After the elves came to the earth, they acquired certain 'characteristics' in this new world, so their strength skyrocketed.

Roy doesn't know exactly what 'traits' he acquired, but combined with the information he currently knows, Roy believes that the hypothesis he put forward has a certain degree of credibility.

"Behind the arrival of the elves, there are indeed many secrets hidden..." Roy murmured.

"Miao!" Meng Meng crossed her arms and nodded in approval.

"Stop nodding your head. If you didn't fall into a deep sleep on the day the world was destroyed, would I still need to guess?" Roy said angrily.

Roy also asked Dream about the destruction of the elf world.

The answer I got was that I don't know one by one.

At that time, Mengmeng was sleeping, and when he realized the 'world destruction', it was already too late. The only thing Mengmeng could do was to try his best to keep the World Tree alive.

Ho-Wang definitely knows the 'truth of the world'.

But he is different from Dream, he is deep-minded and an old riddleman.

Perhaps, only by becoming the "master" in Feng Wang's mouth can we get the truth of the world.


Meng Meng looked innocent, and he felt that even if he hadn't fallen into a deep sleep that day, he couldn't touch the truth of the world.

Because Meng Meng knew himself too well, he never participated in the battles among the gods.Even if the world is ending, he must be fooling around in a corner somewhere.

"..." Roy was speechless for a while, and was forced to laugh: "Should I praise you for being self-aware of your saltiness?"

Mengmeng showed a cute smile and tried to pass the level again.

Roy shook his head and put away all his speculations about the 'truth of the world'.

Even if you know the truth now, it doesn't make sense.

Insufficient strength is all in vain.

Feng Wang defined the threshold of "truth" at the level of the legendary master, and there must be a reason for him.

Dream seems to like Pheromyces very much, and decides to keep it as her playmate.

Of course, the proud philomy beetle would rather die than obey, but as long as Mengmeng activates the 'hypnotism', it can be tamed immediately.Dream: "Myu (sit down!)"

Pheromeus: "Fei Om (you ugly kitten, I...)" Dream: "—Hypnotism!"

Philometis: "Fei Om (Master, are you obedient?)" Roy: "..."

You two are so hot.

Mengmeng has always been a good boy, even if an elf attacks him like before, he will either play dead or run away, and he doesn't like fighting at all.

Therefore, under Roy's instigation, Dream is the first time in this life to hypnotize the elf.

Seeing the proud philodendron gradually succumbing to her own hypnosis, Mengmeng immediately felt the joy of "teaching" and awakened a new hobby.

Seeing the dream that the painting style was gradually being distorted by him, Roy felt guilty in his heart.

"Xiao Xingyun, are you feeling better?" Roy touched Xiao Xingyun on his shoulder and asked with concern.

"momo!" Xiao Xingyun raised her hand vigorously.

"That's good." Roy nodded, and said, "It seems that Mengmeng is right, the 'energy' in your body is almost full." The reason for this ultimate hole incident is obvious.

The 'power of time' emitted by the flower of time stimulated the energy in Xiao Xingyun's body, and the power went berserk, which caused him to open the ultimate hole.

Under normal circumstances, the energy in the small nebula is very stable.

Rampage is a small probability event.

There is only one case where rampage will become a high probability event.

That is the energy in Xiao Xingyun's body, which is almost overflowing, and urgently needs to find a place to vent it other words……

"You have already met the conditions for evolution, what is missing is an opportunity." Roy said with emotion.

It's been eight months since Little Xingyun joined the team...

In the past eight months, does God know how many energy cubes Little Nebula ate, and how much elf food he ate?

Eight months later, Roy finally filled Nebula's body to the point of overflowing. .

Chapter 205 The Road to the Future

The energy reserves are full, and the evolution of the small nebula is only lacking an opportunity.

The most common opportunity is undoubtedly to stimulate the potential in the body through fighting.

However, Roy looked at the 'cute, headless' little nebula, and felt that letting him fight would be a matter of lying down for a second.

The opportunity for Little Nebula's evolution is obviously not combat experience.

After Mengmeng was satisfied with the training of the philomy beetle, Roy consulted him about this matter. Although his personality is a bit salty, but how to say, Mengmeng is also a legendary elf who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he is well-informed wide……

Not disappointing Roy, Dream immediately gave advice.

"Miao! (Open holes! Open many holes!)"

Roy suddenly realized.

Little Nebula only has the trick of 'teleporting~'.

And opening the ultimate hole is undoubtedly the high-end application of the "divine power" hidden in the body by Xiao Xingyun for teleportation.Let Xiao Xingyun open the ultimate hole a few more times, which is equivalent to making him familiar with the power in his body and triggering evolution.

In TV, Xiao Xingyun also evolved after being captured by the Ether Foundation and forced to open multiple ultimate holes.

"Miao." Meng Meng happily sat on Roy's shoulder, saying that when the ultimate beast appeared, he would be responsible for taking down the opponent.

"Aren't you unwilling to make a move? Why did you change your sex?"

As soon as he said this, Roy saw the expression on Mengmeng's face that men could 'understand' in seconds.

Good guy.

This is to catch a few ultra beasts to accompany the philomy mantis...

It is true that I am addicted to hypnosis...

【Roy, can you show me the flower of time? 】

The silent Lucario suddenly spoke.

It was only then that Roy realized that it seemed to have been staring at the flower of time in his hand from the very beginning.

"What's wrong?" Roy asked curiously as he handed the flower over.

[There is a wonderful feeling...]

Lucario injected his waveguide power into the Flower of Time, making it bloom again.

The unreal realm of time travel has once again descended.

Lucario closed his eyes, immersed in some kind of perception.

Little Xingyun just vented his energy not long ago, and now he has entered the "sage time", but he is not stimulated by the power of time.

quite a while.

Lucario suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes exuded crimson light, and his body exuded a strong superpower aura.

Immediately, it shot a sphere of superpower energy into the air.

The sphere escaped into the void and disappeared without a trace. "This is..." Roy had a vague guess.


Twenty seconds later, the sphere emerged from the void without warning, and its energy was several times stronger than before.

However, since there is no target to attack, this energy sphere can only hover in midair.

Roy spit out the name of this move. "Predict the future one by one."

Another normal Lucario, a superpower move that is absolutely impossible to learn.

Lucario, who is gifted with supernatural powers, has risen to a very strong level in his sensitivity to the surrounding space after mastering natural energy.

Therefore, it was able to comprehend the move of 'teleportation' which involved the power of space.But now, under the stimulation of the Flower of Time Domain, it has a new understanding of 'time', comprehending the moves to predict the future.

The point is not to predict future moves.

It's the principle of the moves.

Roy's vision as a trainer has long stopped focusing on the surface of the moves.

Essence is the most important thing.

The move of predicting the future is that the user confirms that at a certain node in the future through "foreseeing the future", the enemy will not be able to dodge or defend, and will definitely be attacked, so the superpower energy ball is sent to the "future inside.

In the game, predicting the future moves is also a must, and cannot be defended and resisted.

Therefore, the real strength of this move is the ability to predict the future.

——future vision.

However, even powerful elves with super powers can only briefly enter the future vision state when they perform the "Future Foretelling" move. "But if Lucario is allowed to combine the power of predicting the future with the waveguide..." Roy told Lucario his idea.

Lucario's eyes lit up and he nodded.

[I will try my best. 】

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