Seeing Roy's weakness, she narrowly stretched out her tail, and the nine fluffy tails bound his limbs, gently massaged him.


"Hmm...very comfortable."

Roy closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a while.

Half an hour later, after finally relieving his fatigue, Roy got up from the bed, washed up, and then began to deal with the eating problems of himself and the elves.

Because he fell asleep, the elves didn't eat all day yesterday, but Xiao Xingyun was hungry.When Roy saw Little Nebula, it was holding the hand of the giant metal monster, nibbling gently...

Fortunately, 577 didn't gnaw on the electric shock beast, otherwise, Xiao Xingyun might have been paralyzed by the electric shock.

The phone is not charging and has been turned off.

After Roy finished his breakfast, he picked up the phone that had been charged for a while, and after turning it on, he saw dozens of text messages.

Many domestic relatives and friends, such as Mu Xixi, Fang Hang, Mo Xuexin, etc., all sent congratulatory messages for his performance yesterday.

After replying one by one, Roy looked at two important text messages.

One is a text message from Luo Hao.

Luo Hao said in the letter that he sent a professional trainer named 'Hu Jun' to France to protect Roy's safety, and hoped he would not refuse.

If there is no accident, Hu Jun will arrive in two days.

Hu Jun...

Roy immediately thought of the bespectacled uncle who had reminded him to pay attention to the 'building of the team battle system'.

It is a card to have a professional trainer as a bodyguard, and Roy has nothing to do with it, let alone an acquaintance.

During the meeting in the Twin Gods Spiritual Realm, Roy often consulted Hu Jun and other professional-level trainers on tactical decision-making and team battle thinking (bhfc), and learned a lot.

Another important piece of news is from the event organizer.

"One by one, respected players Roy, you have not received the prizes for the top 32, top [-], and top eight. Please go to the main counter on the first floor of the opening battle tower to go through the formalities as soon as possible."

In the European Junior Championships, as long as they make it to the main match, even if they lose a round, at least there will be consolation prizes for the top 32.

Every time you advance to a round, you can choose the corresponding prize.

Roy, who has won two games in a row in the race, has three levels of prizes waiting for him to choose.

As long as he wins one more game, he will be able to exchange for the 'keystone' that can only be chosen by the top four.

Thinking of this, Roy felt that his tired body suddenly gained strength. After taking a shower and changing his clothes, he went to open up the battle tower.

Walking on the main road, Roy immediately realized... that he was famous.

His characteristics as a native of Longguo are too obvious, and his rate of turning heads has reached an astonishing [-]%. After seeing him, everyone whispered and talked about him, and kept looking at him.

The French girls who have always been enthusiastic and romantic are very bold. After only 3 minutes of walking, Roy met a dozen people who came forward to ask him for their autographs and phone numbers. Some girls even asked Roy to sign their names under ' Indescribable' parts.

Of course, it was signed through the clothes.

Some men also came forward to ask for a group photo, and their attitudes were very warm and friendly.

However, Roy recognized the waveguides of many of them, which coincided with the group of people who 'booed' him yesterday...

These viewers and fans, on the Internet, they only bite Roy the dog, Kuang Xiaoyi, and Yi Bao.

After seeing the real Roy, they all shouted Brother Luo, Master Luo, each of them spoke better than the other.

So real.


Roy shook his head and sighed, temporarily bought a mask from the supermarket to cover his highly recognizable face, and then successfully arrived at the pioneering battle tower.

He was not in a hurry to receive the award, but patiently waited until today's quarter-finals began.

Roy's opponent in the quarter-finals was a local European elite trainer named Sale.

Although Purcell was lucky, he was not ranked as a professional-level trainer in the first two rounds, but he can win consecutively against two elites of the same level. He is undoubtedly a very good trainer.

But... it's just 'excellent'.

Purcell also knew very well that it was impossible for him to defeat the monster on the opposite side. His goal this time was not to win the championship, but to mix up some rewards and communicate with the geniuses of the same generation by the way.

Therefore, in this battle, he held the mentality of 'learning' and only wanted to leave no regrets.

In the quarter-finals, Roy summoned Blastoise, Electric Shock Beast and Metagross respectively, letting them enjoy the competition and earn some popularity points by the way.

Without any twists and turns, Roy successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

The other three finalists are yoga master Amora, Ma Zhang, who is also from Longguo, and a professional trainer from France. He is the "last hope of Europe" in the final four.

Roy came to the counter, and after completing the formalities, he got a list of prizes.

Rewards for the top 32: 200 million euros, a high-level cheat book, an elf egg with a racial limit value of A, and magical props.

Top 1000 rewards: [-] million euros, three high-level cheats, pearls, world tree gems and other expensive collections.

Rewards for the top eight: 3000 million euros, a master cheat book, an elf egg with a race limit value of A+, rewards for the top four: life stone, three master cheat books, and one of the three imperial elves.

Champion Reward: A Transcendence Cheats, Quasi-God Elf.

Only one of the rewards for each level can be selected.

It is worth mentioning that the rewards that the runner-up can get are the same as those of the semi-finals. It is a bit discriminating against the runner-up if it is true.

Roy thought for a moment, and then made choices in turn.

... 200 million euros.

...Super Stone.

... 3000 million euros.

...the life stone.

"This..." The staff at the counter felt very strange when they saw his choice.

The families of elite trainers are generally not short of money. The goals of participating in this kind of competition are often scarce resources such as elf eggs, cheat books, or magical props.

It was the first time that the staff encountered a person who perfectly avoided the 'correct answer'.

As long as money, and two strange stones...

Super stones are collectibles, they can be exchanged for money, and they can wait for the first-hand appreciation, which is barely understandable.

However, although the life stone has a very high strategic position, countries have studied it for decades but have no clue, and invested a lot of scientific research funds and talents without any results, let alone individual trainers.

From the staff's point of view, this thing is similar to a "national cultural relic". If you say it is important, it is indeed important, but when you think about it carefully, this thing seems to have no practical use.

Puzzled staff, can only be attributed to 'genius eccentricities'.

5 minute later.

Roy finally saw the Life Stone... and saw what the 'Key Stone' looked like in reality.

This is a stone composed of five colors of pink, blue, blue, green, yellow, and well-defined layers. In the middle of the stone, there is a black pattern like a leaf.

There used to be many scientific researchers who linked the super stone and the key stone because of the similar 'leaf' pattern, but no matter how much they studied, they couldn't find the connection between the two.

Roy grasped the keystone calmly on the surface, but his heart beat faster than expected.

All the conditions for Mega evolution are met one by one at this moment.

Chapter 185 Space quake, spiritual realm descends

With the colorful keystones in his pocket, Roy can't wait to try Mega Evolution.

However, he held back, because there was still a 'Super Stone' that he hadn't chosen, and because it couldn't be revealed for the time being.

Roy waited on the spot for a while, and soon, the staff pulled over the cart containing sixteen 'super stones', signaling him to choose by himself.

Among the twelve super stones exchanged in the pioneer battle tower, only one "Lucario super stone" is usable, and the rest of the super stones can only be temporarily used as "collections".

Although these collectibles will definitely increase in value to a terrifying value in the future, what Roy wants more is the super stones corresponding to his elves. He walked to the cart and carefully identified them one by one.

The third super stone gave Roy a surprise.

"This is……"

The central 'leaves' of this super stone are amber in color with a white streak.

"Megro super stone..." Roy looked and checked the rest of the remaining super stones. Unfortunately, some of them overlap with the types of super stones that were exchanged before, and he still couldn't find the super stone of Water Arrow Turtle~.

There is nothing to regret.

Being able to find the corresponding super stone in reality, buy it with money, or participate in the competition for free - whoring, is all blood money.

If you can't find it, it's a big deal - just exchange it with points.

This is also the reason why Roy chose 'cash' in the contest prize.

He has no shortage of cheat books now, just mastering the 'immortal technique' has already filled the elves' schedules, and he has no spare energy to cultivate new elves for the time being.

Roy has already planned to wait for the end of the competition to openly ask for super stones from the outside world.

After choosing this 'metagro super stone', Roy was told that 'euro' would be credited to his reserved bank account within three days.

"Yo, Roy, you're back."

As soon as he walked back to the player-only channel, Roy heard a familiar voice. He looked up, and it was the Ma Zhang who had no good intentions for him that caught his eyes.

Ma Zhang stood guard at the entrance of the player-only passage, and seemed to be waiting for a long time.

He smiled and said, "Are you going to choose a prize?"

"Yeah." Roy smiled slightly, and when he learned that 'Hu Jun' was coming, Ma Zhang's threat level in his heart plummeted. He didn't suggest making false claims with the other party. After the friendly army came, he would carefully investigate his truth. intention.

"How's the harvest?" Ma Zhang said enthusiastically.


Roy shrugged and asked casually, "Is there anything Senior Ma wants from me?"

"No." Ma Zhang shook his head with a smile, and said in a joking tone: "I'm here to detect the enemy's situation, haha, let's see how my opponent is preparing for the next round." Roy's opponent in the semifinals , is Ma Zhang.But the word 'enemy'... huh.

How many truths are spoken in the form of jokes.

When Roy was about to deal with him a few more words, Little Nebula sitting on his shoulder suddenly tensed up, stopped eating, and showed a dazed and uneasy expression. "Mo?" "What's wrong?"

Roy asked, and Ma Zhang also cast his gaze on Xiao Xingyun.

"momo!" Xiao Xingyun became more and more uneasy, explaining with dancing.

...It feels so strange, as if something is going to happen.

Hearing this, Roy mobilized the power of the waveguide to carefully sense the surrounding situation.

Ma Zhang also frowned, looking around.

quite a while.

Roy didn't feel anything, everything around him was calm, but instead of relaxing, he became more nervous.

Although Xiao Xingyun has always been regarded as a "mascot", his essence is actually a "baby of the gods", which is inherently extraordinary.The most important thing is... Little Xingyun didn't even eat rice!

this is too scary.

If he didn't really feel 'abnormal', even if Xiao Xingyun was joking, he wouldn't be able to waste food.

"Nothing." After Ma Zhang confirmed that there was nothing unusual around him, he said with a smile, "It's your elf's illusion... The game is about to start, let's go." Roy didn't respond.

He was going to obey his inner choice and leave here first.

Be cautious.

His biggest goal in participating in the European Championships is to get the 'Keystone'. After he succeeds, his obsession with participating in the competition is not so deep.


At this moment, Roy and Ma Zhang... No, to be more precise, the development of the battle tower, and the entire human race in Paris suddenly felt a suffocating sense of oppression descending.

Among them, those who are located in the pioneer battle tower feel extremely oppressed.

Followed by.

The surrounding space suddenly trembled.

"Om one by one!"

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