It wasn't until he got deeper and deeper into the jungle, when Chongmin's birds suddenly appeared in the surroundings that were originally as quiet as death, that he suddenly realized something, and immediately let go of his knowledge.

The results of it.

Based on the time when he entered this island, he should not be far from the coast now.

But after his knowledge was covered, the coast that should have existed disappeared!Instead, there is a boundless, dense jungle!

Moreover, within the scope of his knowledge, he found a relatively prosperous town, and in the center of the town, there is a gorgeous palace...

This is... hallucination?

Lin Mo frowned slightly.

Although he guessed that this might be an 'illusion' phenomenon, and it was most likely related to his mission on this island, but after thinking about it, he decided to turn back and find Enilu and the others first.

However, no matter how he went, it was strange that he could get around the bustling town.

Like a ghost caught in an infinite loop hitting a wall, Lin Mo even directly used force to make a way out.

But the result was still the same, and he was spared.

But the road that he opened up still exists...

After a moment of silence, Lin Mo immediately asked, "System, what's going on with this island?"

However, the system did not respond as if it had not detected his voice.

Lin Mo: "..."

Is it possible that this system is also in the right place?

Without thinking too much, Lin Mo continued: "How many missions are there on this island?"

Now, the sound of the system comes.

'Didi!In addition to the landing progress, Green Island currently has five other 18.00% progress tasks that need to be completed by the host. '

Lin Mo: "..."

Dude, isn't this able to detect his voice...

There are actually five missions on this small broken island...

Maybe if you want to get out of this 'ghost hitting the wall', you have to complete a task here.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo continued to ask: "Check out the details of a task for me."

'Didi!Since the percentages of the five progress tasks are exactly the same this time, the system will randomly select one of the five progress tasks...'

'Didi!If the extraction is successful and the story of the candy house is cleared, the host will complete a 15.00% progress task. '

Lin Mo: "!"

Candy House plot?

what is this?

"System, explain." Lin Mo asked directly.

This time, the system answered his doubts.

'Didi!The host is currently in the random fairy tale world of Green Island, and must clear the current world before leaving. '

Lin Mo: "!"

It's a Grimm's fairy tale!

No wonder Lin Mo thought the name of this island was strange at first, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Now that the system reminded him like this, he reacted immediately.

But here comes the problem, he has never read Grimm's fairy tales at all... However, he still knows some familiar stories in those fairy tales, such as Snow White and Cinderella.

But what the system extracted for him just now was a story that he didn't know the plot at all.

How to play this?

The most important thing is that he doesn't know how to clear the level that the system is talking about.

Is it to help the protagonist in the story, fulfill the wish of the other party, or something else?

Anyway, with Lin Mo's understanding of this system, it is definitely not that simple to pass the level.

After a moment of silence, Lin Mo continued: "How do I clear the level?"

This time, the system is silent again.

Lin Mo asked again: "Which story am I in now?"

'Didi!The fairy tale world where the host is currently located is the world of Snow White. '

Lin Mo: "!"

snow White…

He really knows this story...

To put it simply, this is a story about the beautiful Snow White who was put to death many times due to the jealousy of her stepmother, and was finally reborn with the help of the seven dwarfs and the prince.

Although Lin Mo knew the content of the story, but... how to pass this thing?

To help Snow White get rid of her stepmother?

But is it really that simple?

Or, to do the opposite and help the stepmother kill Snow White?

After being silent for a while, Lin Mo really couldn't figure out what tasks the system would arrange.

Anyway, if you want to go out, you must find a way to solve the problems here. In this case, let's first go and see what the key characters in this story are now.

Without thinking any more, Lin Mo took a step forward and stepped directly into the town.

the other side.

After Kaku entered the jungle of Green Island, he encountered the same problem as Lin Mo.

He also quickly discovered that something was wrong, and wanted to turn back just like Lin Mo.

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