Crackling lightning sparks travel over the body, so that it can accelerate at any time.

"That is to say, is there no room for negotiation? What a pity, I heard that you are not only a wise man, but also a terrifying godslayer whose reason is better than wild instinct.

I was expecting you to give me a satisfactory answer... Maybe after we join forces, the exploration can already enter a new situation. "

Genivia sighed faintly, with a bit of unwillingness and loneliness in her voice.

"Sure enough, you are also the illegitimate son of the Brave Fool. Godslayers are like poisonous dragons that are difficult to tame. It seems that there are no exceptions."

"I don't know about the other guys, anyway, it's impossible for me to be controlled by others."

While talking, the Black Prince was preparing to arrest this long-winded ancestor, and then rob him of the Holy Grail.

Anyway, Genivia is the ancestor of the gods, only the appearance is weak like a young girl, there is no need for mercy, and it is not a bad idea to use the power in her hand to capture her.

While Alec was thinking, he only heard Genivea calling.

"Uncle, just as you heard, please protect Genivia!"

Chapter 312 Chapter 60 Genivea's plan

After the words fell, thick fog spewed out from behind Genivia.

It was like a dense fog that permeated the lakeside in the morning, making it difficult to see even ten meters ahead.

Then a knight wearing white bell armor galloped out from the depths of the thick fog!

The knight straddles the beautiful white horse, and the helmet protector just covers the face, so that no one else can see the face.

What he held in his hand was a horse spear in the shape of a reverse spine, and the moment Alek frowned, it rushed to his eyes at an extremely fast speed.

What speed is this?It's almost catching up with my own speed and power!

Yarek cursed secretly, and completely liberated the speed at the critical moment.

At this moment, everything around seemed to slow down, only myself was speeding up.

Unless he has the same type of power, Yarek should be the only one who can function normally in this accelerated world.

However, the knight on the white horse stabbed out the horse spear, which was a very exciting pursuit - it was like playing a dvd in slow motion with the intention of extending the tip of Alec's stabbing spear.

This is to crack the martial arts mystery of super speed!It is a technique to see through the divine speed with the mind's eye, and capture the divine speed with the smallest and shortest track.

Godslayer's intuition told Alec that the dangerous aura coming from the tip of the gun could definitely threaten him.

- Get out of the way!

The Black Prince turned into a flash of lightning and flashed backwards, avoiding the steel weapon.

During this period, Genivia's young body was pulled onto the saddle, and the other party seemed to have no intention of chasing Alec.

Is protecting Genivia's safety a top priority?

Yarek understood the knight's intention in an instant, and then turned off the super speed power, the godslayer's fighting spirit boiled up, and his body was full of fighting power—absolutely yes, this guy is a god!

"I'm careless, I didn't expect the ancestor of the god to be accompanied by the patron saint..."

Just when he was a little annoyed, Genivia's voice reached his ears.

"Uncle, you have been of great help, please stay by Guinevea's side from now on?" The young girl approached the chest of the white bell armor coquettishly.

The Black Prince looked at this scene with flickering eyes: "Genivea, King Arthur... Could this knight be—the Knight of the Lake—Lancelot?!"

Hearing that the Son of Fool had guessed the name of the god, Genivea showed a lovely smile on her face.

"Master Black Prince, I will bid farewell today, it is a pity that I cannot let you be my companion, but as long as the Holy Grail is still in my hands, whether you like it or not, you will still stand by my side in the end. "

"Oh?" The Black Prince frowned, did you know this from the Spirit Vision?"

"Who knows, I don't know why I feel that way, but I am the most orthodox god ancestor, and my hunch is almost perfect-then, please take care!"

This is actually nothing surprising.

What the Black Prince desires is the Holy Grail, not the essence of the Holy Grail.

Genivia needs to use the spirit in the Holy Grail to awaken the King of the End, but the Holy Grail is just a storage device, so she said before that the Holy Grail can be offered.

The Holy Grail can store the energy of the Dragon Snake and the Earth Mother, and the Earth Mother will never allow this instrument to fall into the hands of others.

However, neither the Godslayer nor the God of Disobedience is a guy who gives up lightly, so if you want to get the Holy Grail, you will inevitably have to oppose the Earth Mother.

After Guinevia finished her meaningful speech, the white knight Lancelot took her to the sky on a white horse.

It was like running on the grassland, the horse's hooves were kicked into the air, and the white horse galloped beautifully in the sky.

Lancelot, du Lac never said a word.

While watching their backs go away, Yarek hesitated whether to turn into lightning and chase after them.

However, considering that without any preparations, he might not necessarily be the opponent of the God of Steel in a frontal battle, and might even lose his life, so he finally gave up.

If the God of Fire comes, that area will be engulfed by a sea of ​​flames, and if the God of Darkness comes, that area will be surrounded by eternal dark night.

The appearance of the "God of Disobedience" is such a concept.

So the question is, what will happen when the last king of this world appears? "

Considering that none of the ancient godslayers survived, it might really be the beginning of the end of the world. Even though this statement is very absurd, it is unexpectedly convincing.

"It seems that the Holy Grail must be in your hands. I am not the same as those compatriots who are not afraid of anything, so I have no blunt feeling that I still hold an indifferent attitude towards the end of the world..."

Alec said so to himself.

Is it true that "the last king to appear in this world" is King Arthur?

That god ancestor had an unethical relationship with Sir Lancelot, and the princess who betrayed King Arthur had the same name, but she called him Uncle Lancelot...

If the true identity of the King of the End is really Arthur, I really want to know his reaction after resurrection...



The Brittany region of France is a place with close ties to Britain.

In the past, the Celts who were the aboriginal people of Britain suffered from the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons and were deprived of their residence.

Around the fifth century, some Celts living in Cornwall migrated across the sea to live on this westernmost peninsula in France.

They were later called "Bretons" by people on the mainland, and became the etymology of the Brittany Peninsula.

Protected by a magical barrier, it is located in the forest deep in Brittany—the base of the god Zugenivea is also hidden in this place.

"My beloved daughter, your plan has succeeded." The knight of the lake boasted of Genivia in an admiring tone.

Hearing this, God Ancestor also smiled slightly.

"Yes, after knowing that the Holy Grail is in our hands, the Black Prince will definitely not let it go. With his character, he will definitely not choose to fight head-on, but will take the decision to steal it.

When the time comes, as long as the holy grail that draws out the energy falls into his hands, the earth mother goddess next to the strongest godslayer——Athena, will not turn a blind eye.

In addition, as long as the swordsmanship of the King of the Last is preached in front of the King of Swords, he will definitely help us in order to compete with King Arthur in swordsmanship. "

"In this way, our side will have three god-level battle strengths, which are equal to the strength around that godslayer..."

Lancelot's figure was reflected on the lake, and he spoke the most critical question.

"Then, all that's left is to determine where Wang Shen is sleeping."

Chapter 313 Chapter 61 Lancelot

"This point, thanks to the Sun King and the Monkey King, I can confirm it."

Genivia replied decisively. "Our Lord—"King of the End" is definitely sleeping in the neon, there is no other possibility."

"Where is the basis for your statement?"

Lancelot, the knight of the lake, answered in a voice that was inaudible to ordinary people.

He is the guardian of the witch who has the extreme status of heaven and earth in front of him, and is also the military god who protects the ancestors of the gods.

He is not an ordinary "God of Disobedience", but a "Shadow of God" that appeared on the ground to protect the Demon Queen and her subordinates.

"I originally thought that my lord was sleeping in that Eastern Continent, but later I found out that the spells used to suppress the rebellious Monkey King had the shadow of alchemy.

And Neon was a vassal state of the East in ancient times, so it is not surprising that some "ancient" people used the country's spells to consolidate their own country.

Therefore, headed by the hero God Susanoo, a large number of supernatural beings followed him and moved to Yujie to suppress the disobedient "Steel". "

Genivia explained in detail.

"Even the Great Sage Equaling Heaven can use the Dragon Snake Seal Great Curse... let me temporarily stay on that island and start investigating.

Immediately afterwards, I obtained information from Jiufazuka's family. "

Genivia paused and continued to explain:

"As a result, I found out that this family of ancient spells probably came from the east.

Their original purpose should be to guard disasters, the so-called Gods of Disobedience!

For humans, the God of Disobedience is like a modern time bomb, and no one can guarantee that the God of Disobedience will not escape from the spell.

Likewise, no one wants a bomb to go off in their home.

So they simply sealed it in that small island country, and the members of the Jiufazuka family were all assigned to shrines and temples directly under the jurisdiction of all over Japan, which is just a deception.

Of course, with the passage of time, it is not ruled out that the Jiufazuka family has forgotten the original purpose of the family, but I am looking at the shrines they manage.

It was discovered that there is a shrine whose function is unknown, and it makes the Jiufazuka family taboo! "

The knight of the lake looked at his beloved daughter, and said word by word: "You mean..."

"That's right, it is that shrine that is sleeping with the secret about my lord's news. If this mystery can be solved, then the last king who appeared in this world will come to the world again...!"

Perhaps thinking of the scene where the King of the End came, Genivea looked a little dazed.

After her successful reincarnation, decades have passed, right?During this time she has been pursuing the legendary King of the End.

In the distant past, Gnivia, who was a goddess, and Lancelot, who was a military god, both followed the "King of the End" and wandered and fought on this land before they became the ancestors of gods.

Originally, Lancelot and Guinevia should have realized that they could no longer understand the so-called "King of the End".

However, the reality is that neither Lancelot nor Guinevia has any fragments related to the "King of the End" in their memories.

Perhaps the memory of Guinevia as a goddess holds the key to solving the mystery...

However, after completing the reincarnation, the god ancestor will lose the memory of the previous life, and Lancelot doesn't want to know at all.

In his own words, other things are just trivial things that have nothing to do with me, and they are all reasons that will cause me to become dull and cowardly.

There was no hesitation or hesitation at all, it was just that straightforward.

Running at full speed and swinging a sword like thunder, this is the personality of the military god Lancelot.

So the key to unlocking the secret was lost, and the mystery was barely solved until now.

Genivea looked at the knight god reflected on the water with sincere eyes, and she crossed her arms and begged him earnestly.

"Uncle, from now on, please appear as 'Lancelot the Disobedient' instead of my shadow and patron saint."

It was an unheard of event that God appeared on earth in order to protect a specific person.

The reason why this is possible is because a certain goddess cast a spell on Lancelot, that is Guinevia's previous life

——The Mother Earth who once assisted the "King of the End" and co-created the Holy Grail.

However, he was also imposed with inexplicable shackles, and Lancelot could only appear on the ground for a short period of time when he was facing a crisis as the Demon Queen God Ancestor.

"—If you really do this, you won't be able to turn back?" Lancelot said solemnly.

"If I become a "God of Disobedience", I will use my crazy divinity to cause chaos on the ground, and even forget my mission to protect you and become a berserker... Is it really possible to take this risk?"

"Now that I have a general goal for the place where the master sleeps, we can only take a big gamble. Facing the strongest godslayer, if you are not careful, you will lose everything!"

Genivia replied with a wry smile, if they could not wake up the King of the End, then they would definitely not be the real opponents of the Sun King.

She didn't dare to bet that the Sun King would sit back and watch the King of the End appear in order to kill the gods, or that he would take her life sympathetically.

After all, Athena, the mother goddess who regards herself as a thorn in the flesh, is still by her side.

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