If Zhengzong knew the other party's inner thoughts, there was a high probability that he would scold him: "Damn mentally retarded."

They are all going to kill you, so what are you doing to enlighten you?

Do you think everyone is a pickpocket?

You are not beautiful.

emmm... this may be the real reason why Zhengzong relentlessly kills...

He looked at Zhifeng's corpse indifferently, and suddenly had a strong sense of déjà vu in his mind.

and many more……

Destroying science for my brother?

Isn't this just set up with Obito, Lu Luxiu and others alone?

Destroy the world for the one you love, destroy the world for your sister...

However, compared to the latter two, Front Wind may be the worst one. She only destroyed a few streets for her brother...

Thinking of Zhengzong this way, he still wanted to laugh, but after thinking about it again, the other party's body hadn't cooled down yet, so it was a bit unkind to laugh now, so he endured it.

But... now is not the time to relax!

Because he was afraid of those demon gods before, he kept restraining his own strength, but now Zhengzong, who is fully liberated, suddenly has a bold idea.

And a hint of premonition told him that this bold idea should be successful.

Zhengzong thought to himself: Well, anyway, if there is any danger, just use your gold finger to leave immediately. If you don't try it, you will always feel a little scratchy.

Humans are such wonderful creatures, no matter how good they are, they will still take your lighter.

Even if he becomes as powerful as a god, he is still loyal to death!

Zhengzong, who let himself go, looked dignified, and stepped into a gray space. No, the space is not quite right.

To be precise, it should be superimposed layer upon layer in the world, in phases like filter paper.

Then, Zhengzong looked at the big sun that was blooming with endless light and heat, and rushed in resolutely.

The next moment, he felt the divinity in his body boiling, and endless knowledge was desperately drilled into his head.

Swell!The sense of presence is expanding!The personality is expanding!Power is expanding!

If it is said that in Xingyue World, his strength was suppressed desperately.

Then in this world, it's like the world is trying its best to give him power.

After only a few seconds, he felt that he had become stronger than ever!

Outside the world, several figures suddenly appeared.

"Is this the birth of a new demon god?" asked a bald man wearing a monk's robe.

"Impossible, how could the newborn Demon God have such powerful power!" A strange zombie girl answered him.

A beautiful woman with a loving face murmured, "And this demon god seems to be different from us..."

"This is the existence that just revealed his divinity? But how did he get promoted without a special ceremony?" The weird mummy asked in surprise.

"Hmph, who knows what method the other party used, but with this kind of divinity, it should be promoted through the gods."

The last one to speak was a one-eyed loli girl. After looking around, she whispered.

"Anyway, he's already showing up, so let's observe first. If you have any questions, just ask him directly..."

The rest of the demon gods nodded when they heard the words, silently watching the transformation of the "new companion"...



Not long after, Zhengzong also digested the information that suddenly appeared in his mind, his eyes flickered.

"So that's the case. I was too cautious before. I didn't expect that there would be such a shortcut..."

Yes, Zhengzong has now surpassed the "Peak of Humanity" and reached the status of Demon God in this world.

If other demon gods are all human beings, they integrate all the knowledge of a certain system, and then go through the process through rituals, from cause to effect, and sublimate into demon gods.

Then the authenticity is to use his own essence, which is already superior to the demon god, to forcibly shape the process of mastering all the magic.

To be honest, from a principle point of view, Zhengzong himself does not particularly understand.

He only knew that after he rushed into the sun, he already possessed the power of "Peak of Humanity", and he seemed to meet some conditions somewhere.

Immediately afterwards, a certain ceremony began.

When the ceremony was just started, it was even a little confusing, because Zhengzong originally possessed divine power, divinity, and divine body, and even because he had looked directly at the root, there was a large amount of incomprehensible information in his mind.

It can be said that it has reached the realm of God.

But he just doesn't have the magic knowledge that every demon god should master.

The direction of the ritual then changed, from sublimation to restoration.

To put it simply, with the help of the ritual, he is like a demon god who has lost his power and regained it.

Then, as if stuck in a game bug, he instantly mastered the magic knowledge that he hadn't mastered before, and reached the realm of a demon god.

Zhengzong admitted that he had a gamble, but happily, he made the right bet!

After becoming a demon god, his essence is naturally the sun, which is in charge of the light and heat of charity.

But because of the flaws in this world, just like Othinus, who is essentially a creation but can only cause destruction.

If he exerts his strength, it is still unclear whether he can shine on the earth and make all things grow, but it seems easy to destroy the world when the sky fire falls.

After sighing for a while, Zhengzong also had to marvel at his strength at this time, which is a realm that is completely different from before.

He can clearly feel that as long as he moves his mind, he can play with the laws wantonly, make water flow from low places to high places, and make apples fall from trees to the sky.

It is even possible to turn ice into hot and fire into cold.

Omnipotent, omniscient.

Not only that, but he obviously didn't have much magic knowledge before, but now it's all printed in his mind, and he can easily use it with a thought.

This made him slightly immersed in the thrill of power, and after a while, a gleam of clarity flashed across him.

If he didn't know that it was a fake, I'm afraid Zhengzong would also be lost by this powerful mentality.

It's a pity that if it's not his own, it's not his own. It's impossible for him to stay in this world forever. In the final analysis, this kind of power can only be used in this world.

And because of Goldfinger, he can clearly perceive his current flaws.

Even though he has become a demon god, he has leapt into the existence of the limit of the universe of a single body, and he can destroy countless phases with a wave of his hand.

But it can only be destroyed and cannot be repaired, making these like castles in the air, and they can only put shackles on themselves obediently.

Otherwise—"Tsk, if this situation happens to the earth now, it will explode directly..."

Chapter 251 Chapter 59 Accident

It's no wonder that the demon gods stayed in the phase obediently. After all, such a fragile earth mother really couldn't help them toss.

Zhengzong shook his head and put these questions behind him. In any case, feeling the power of "omnipotence" in advance will be more or less helpful to him in the future.

Not to mention anything else, just having so much magic knowledge for nothing has already made a lot of money.


At the end of the ceremony, seeing the group of demon gods approaching him across the endless phases, Zhengzong let out a deep breath, and then his clothes would automatically move without wind, and he was ready for battle!

The next moment, he activated his golden finger, and his whole body was enveloped by an unimaginable force, and then his figure slowly disappeared from this world. .

Demon gods: "???"

"Oh——, the background is too shallow!"

Sensing the familiar power of time and space, Masamune let out a sigh.

Go face to face with those demon gods?Don't be kidding, this group is all old Yinbi who have lived for an unknown number of years, and he dare not deal with them at a young age.

Besides, I have the means to leave this world in my body. If I get close to him, who knows if those demon gods will be able to find out.

And don't look at Zhengzong who has also reached the realm of the demon god, but now he is like a nouveau riche, walking on the street and suddenly told that there are tens of billions of property waiting for him to inherit, and he can't manage it at all except spending money.

To put it another way that is easier to understand, Xu Zhu, who was taught by Wu Yazi, besides his internal strength, doesn't know how to use it.

Zhengzong didn't dare to bet that those demon gods would give him time to master his own power.

Therefore, it is safest to run away when you get a bargain, and it is impossible to make waves.

Just when Zhengzong was about to leave this world completely, the demon gods really couldn't calm down.

Their eyes are full of fanaticism, this is the detachment they have been pursuing, and they can't live without!

In an instant, the endless power of the demon god exploded in the phase. At this moment, Zhengzong only felt that the laws of the entire forbidden world were aimed at him.

Fortunately, although Goldfinger looks tattered, it is still very strong at critical moments.

The power enveloping Zhengzong suddenly shone brightly, and then pulled his figure away from this world...

The moment Zhengzong left, several figures suddenly appeared at the position where he was just now, but they would end up with nothing...



"This is... where?"

Zhengzong opened his eyes, and got up from the ground in a bit of embarrassment.

After looking at the surrounding environment, he smiled helplessly.

"Can't you go back to your home?"

Whether it is the foreigners passing by or the surrounding buildings, they are telling him that this is not a neon place.

It's just that I don't know whether this is a foreign country in the main world or another new world.

Although Goldfinger successfully brought himself out of the forbidden world, he was finally affected by the attack of those demon gods.

As a result, he failed to return to his home in the main world as planned.

"Forget it, since it's here, it's safe, it's better to find out what this place is first."

Zhengzong comforted himself by talking to himself, and then began to inquire about the news of this place.

After a while, he learned from enthusiastic foreigners that this place is located in Sardinia, Italy.


Feeling the divinity remaining in the air, as well as the arrogance that made him feel a little disgusted, authentic thoughts surged in his mind.

If there is no accident, he probably knows what world he is in.

In this world, people weave all kinds of myths, and myths have created all kinds of gods. The gods should and should maintain their proper roles in their respective myths to make the world normal. run.

However, with the change of mythology and the change of times, many gods who once occupied the throne were belittled as gods, and some were even described as monsters.

Then these gods are naturally unwilling to submit easily, and there are also some mythological characters who will not obey their own duties.

And those who choose to resist, violate their own mythology, and run counter to the original image are called "Gods of Disobedience."

When the gods came to the earth and brought disasters, human beings should have no power to resist.

But with the help of a certain loli goddess—Pandora, there appeared some existences that could defeat the "God of Disobedience".

[Excerpted from the [-]th century Italian magician, Albert Rigano's book "The Devil"]

...For those who accomplished such awe-inspiring feats, I hope to use the title of 〖Campione—God Slayer—〗to describe them.

Some of the wise readers may think that my use of this title is too exaggerated and frown, or some may think that my record is too much of a fuss.

However, I still want to stress again.

Campione—Godslayer—is the overlord.

Because it killed the gods in the sky and seized the supreme divine power held by the gods.

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