Kamijou Toya seems to be concerned about his son's unscientific misfortune.

"No, I don't believe in amulets! Anyway, they must be mass-produced by the factory in the country."

Kamijou Touma looked at the stone sculpture in the hands of his unreliable father, which was very similar to male reproductive organs, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Although I am very grateful that the other party is on a business trip and still misses me, but this thing is still insensitive.

"Dad doesn't know what it is, it seems to be some kind of religious amulet."

Kamijou Toya said so, and stubbornly wanted to stuff the stone sculpture into Touma's hands.

"Wow, I said no, and at least don't take it out in public. Didn't you see that the eyes of passers-by around you have become weird?!"

"Why, doesn't Touma like foreign gifts? Then give Touma a domestic gift. This is what Dad bought back when he was on a business trip to Akita last time."

"What is it this time... It's male genitals again! It's just replaced with wood carvings! If this continues, we will be invited to drink tea by the police! Stupid dad!"

Just when Kamijou's head was in chaos, Kamijou Shirai said with a puzzled expression:

"Ah, Touma. Don't you introduce the girl behind you to your parents?"


At this time, Kamijou Touma remembered, how should he explain the matter of Index to his parents? !

"This... that... her name is Index... she is my friend."


This time Index didn't know why she didn't make a fool of herself, instead she blushed and greeted Kamijou's parents politely.

This made the dull Kamijou Touma a little puzzled, but Kamijou Shirai, who had been there for a long time, realized something and smiled lightly.

"Ah, it seems that there is no need to worry about my stupid son not being able to find a girlfriend in the future."

"That's to say, you're quite capable, but I've always been worried about your weird luck!

Now it seems that he is indeed my son, hahahaha! Kamijou Toya also seemed very happy, patting Touma's shoulder carelessly.

Kamijou Touma asked in bewilderment, "What are you talking about, why can't I understand at all?"

On the side, Zhengzong silently shook his head.

Worried about your son's spooky luck?Then you are really worrying!

As far as his good luck, which can be called a pickpocket level, one picks up one girl at a time, then what you should worry about is which girl can break out of the tight encirclement and become your daughter-in-law.

However, there is nothing wrong with me at last, the crisis should be over like this...

However, just when Masamune breathed a sigh of relief, Misaka Mirei walked to Kamijo Shirai's side, and the two wives started talking like this.

"That's great. You won't have to worry about having grandchildren if this continues. My daughter is too boyish. Up to now, she doesn't even have a male friend who gets along well with her."

"Really?" Kamijou Shilai comforted: "I don't think you need to worry too much. I saw that when your daughter looked at the boy who led us the way at the beginning, her eyes were different. Maybe..."


After hearing this, Misaka Misuzu's eyes lit up, and she looked at Mikoto with searching eyes.

And Misaka Mikoto was blushing, her voice was shy, and she retorted intermittently:

"Yes, that's not the case. I don't have a good impression of him. At best, I'm just a little grateful..."

Meiqin's voice became lower and lower, and her face turned redder and redder, as if she didn't dare to look directly at Masamune.

Isn't this self-inflicted? !

As Misaka Mikoto's mother, Misaka Mirei's eyes towards Masamune changed instantly, appearing soft and warm.

I am afraid that he is regarded as a future son-in-law.

But as one of the people who knows Mikoto's existence best, she certainly knows her daughter's character.

In general, being arrogant and spoiling one's life...

So, Misaka Miling squinted her eyes, chuckled a few times, and then offered an assist: "Ah la la, Mikoto also has someone she likes, so don't be wrong just because mom is here."

"Mom, what nonsense are you talking about?!" Mikoto blushed and refused to admit it, but Misaka Mirei sighed after seeing this and then ignored her and continued.

"However, Mikoto, you are still a junior high school student. Mom hopes that you can think about these things when you are a little older."

"Mom, stop talking, really, I won't accompany you if this continues!"

Being ridiculed by my mother all the time, even the railgun couldn't stand it, so I could only force my mother to change the subject with a red face.

After listening to Shirai Heizi glaring at Zhengzong fiercely with an expression like a ghost, he refused to admit defeat and said, "That's right, it's enough for my lord sister to have me."

Chapter 247 Chapter 55 flag

"It's absolutely impossible for my lord sister to have a boyfriend!" Heizi said eloquently.

"A person like my sister who has no feminine power but is as bright and handsome as a boy should step into the gate of the new world with me..."


With the flash of blue and white lightning, the sunspot turned into a black unknown object.

The corners of Misaka Mikoto's eyes twitched and she forced a forced smile.

"Mom, she has some brain problems. Please don't pay attention to what she said just now."

Misaka Misuzu: "..."

To be honest, Misaka Miling didn't think much about it at first, but because of Mikoto's behavior of "trying to cover up", she was really worried.

So she looked at Zhengzong even more eagerly.

It's almost like telling me what happened to my daughter quickly, and brought back her distorted concept.

After realizing the meaning in Mrs. Misaka's eyes, Masamune with a face full of black lines silently avoided the other party's gaze.

Sorry, starting from three years, the maximum death penalty.

He really doesn't want to smelt copper!

Fortunately, since Kamijou Touma and Misaka Mikoto are going to participate in the sports meeting, this topic is finally over.

Otherwise, with Misaka's mother's carefree personality, maybe she would really ask Masamune face to face, "Do you want to be my daughter's boyfriend" or something...

Kamijou and Mikoto go to an event, while Index and Kuroko are unreliable.

So the matter of taking the rest of the parents to visit Academy City can only be entrusted to their mutual friend—Zhengzong.

Originally, this was nothing, but in order to deal with Misaka Mirei's courteous matchmaking, Zhengzong spent a lot of effort.

For him, even fighting is not that tiring.

Could this be the reason for the bad premonition in my heart last night?Zhengzong thought sadly and indignantly in his heart: If possible, I might as well fight those lunatics in the church...

Little did he know, at the same time he set up such a flag, such a strangely dressed woman appeared at the entrance of the academy city.

This woman is dressed in medieval women's clothing, but the base color is bright yellow, quite exaggerated punk style.

What's weird is that she not only wears exaggerated eye makeup, but her tongue is also connected to a chain with a cross decoration hanging from the front and hanging down to her waist.

Not only that, ears, noses, lips, eyelids and other places are all covered with iron rings.

Most importantly, she held a huge awl wrapped in a bandage in her hand.

As soon as such a weird combination appeared, it attracted the attention of passers-by.The guards at the entrance of Academy City are no exception.

"Ma'am, please hand over the things in your hands to us for inspection..." the guard said.

But this is not surprising, there are still necessary inspections, this is also to prevent people with ulterior motives from bringing dangerous goods into Academy City.

The woman twitched the corners of her mouth, cast a disgusted glance at the guard, and her expression became ferocious.

As if she was about to hand over the awl, she moved the heavy object in her hand and stretched it towards the guard.

"Thank you for your cooperation." The guard said so, and was about to reach out to take the weird object, but just when he was about to touch it, the awl in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Before he raised his head in surprise, he only saw a black shadow in his eyes, and immediately after that, he was no longer unconscious...

"Tsk, disgusting science..." The woman turned a deaf ear to the sirens ringing in her ears, and just looked at Academy City, a highly modern "technical" city, with a grim expression.

Looking at the police officers who gradually surrounded her, she showed a bloodthirsty smile...

On the other hand, Kamijou Touma and Misaka Mikoto took their parents away from the loveless Masamune after the event was finally over.

Just as he wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, his heart suddenly twitched violently a few times.


Zhengzong gasped, stroked his left chest, and said depressedly:

"Why do I suddenly have a bad premonition? Is my suffering today not over yet, and something bad will happen again?"

But then he shook his head again, and said to himself: "No, there are no moths in the original book, I must have thought too much..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhengzong put these things behind him, ordered a cup of cappuccino happily, and enjoyed this hard-won leisure time.



On the other side, the weirdly dressed woman looked at the ground soaked in blood, and picked up a satellite phone over the corpses under her feet.

"Hey~ Aleister, even if it's an ordinary line like this now, you're secretly monitoring it, right?"

"It would be great if you answered me quickly!"

After a burst of noise from the satellite phone, there was a voice with a slightly mechanical sound.

"What are you doing?"

"Hmph," the woman sneered, and said, "I've already killed the three directors of the council. Are you still going to ignore me in this situation?"

"That kind of thing... Just add it, as much as you want..."

Hearing the voice from the intercom, the woman shook the iron ring on her tongue, making the cross make a crisp sound.

"You should know who I am, right?"


"God's right seat." Without waiting for the person on the other side of the walkie-talkie to answer, the woman continued on her own: "It's okay to pretend you don't know, but don't regret it if your precious city is destroyed!"


"What's the matter, do you have nothing to say?" The woman didn't get a reply for a long time, showing a disdainful smile.

"You can do whatever you want," said the mechanical voice.

"Oh?" The woman stopped her progress, as if she didn't expect the other party to answer her like that.

"You can do whatever you want." The mechanical voice repeated again, and there was a little pity in the voice: "You who chose to act today are destined to be full of misfortune..."

"Hmph!" The woman sneered again indifferently: "I am the wind ahead, the ultimate weapon among the 20 billion believers of the Roman Orthodox Church!"

"No matter what hostile force I will defeat, this is what I was born to do!"

"I will destroy everything today, whether it's you, Fantasy Killer, or the catalog of banned books, all of them...destroy!"

Saying that, the woman named Front Wind crushed the walkie-talkie in her hand.

At the same time, Aleister, who was in the petri dish in the closed building, saw that the communication in front of him had been cut off, and issued such an order.

PS: Originally I wrote the plot of Shokuhou Misaki, but it was more or less H, but I encountered a big investigation, so I had to delete it

Chapter 248 Chapter 56 The Wind Ahead

"Security department members, start to evacuate the crowd now, strictly order all shops to enter a state of evacuation, and minimize losses as much as possible."

Although the guard leader who received the order was surprised that the order above was so benevolent, he still loyally chose to obey the order, and then began to quickly organize his staff.

Then... the waiter in the coffee shop ran over and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, Academy City has encountered an emergency, and now the store is closing for evacuation. Customers are also requested to evacuate as soon as possible."

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