Kamijou Touma laughed a few times, pointed to the muscles of his right arm and said, "Maybe I can punch a capable user... Hahaha."

Kamijou Touma himself didn't take it seriously, it was just a joke, but Masamune thought about it for a while and it was really possible.

You must know that Kamijou Touma has developed a not-so-weak fighting technique just by fighting with the gangsters, and even made a flying punch in the last trick, hitting Accelerator's jaw hard.

As we all know, the animation world does not speak the Basic Law.

Even ordinary people can be roughly equivalent to Lv2 ability users after exercising their bodies desperately.

If Kamijou learned some breathing techniques and fighting techniques through his own teaching, it is not impossible to reach an ability user equivalent to LV3.

For most people, this level is tasteless and a pity to discard.

One must know that in Academy City, only those with abilities of LV4 and above are truly valuable, but that is for ordinary people.

Kamijou Touma is different from ordinary people!

He has a fantasy killer!

The LV3 level of physical ability is enough for him not to be instantly killed when facing the enemy, and he even has some strength to fight back.

In this case... Kamijou Touma might be able to pass one by one with one punch...

Thinking of this authenticity, I couldn't help sighing.

"If you can be as strong as a certain bald head, with your fantasy killer, maybe even a demon god can punch one."

Hearing this, Kamijou rolled his eyes in embarrassment.

"Although I don't know what the bald head and my demon god are, you can be sure that they all have strong abilities, right? I'm just an ordinary person."

But that bald head is also an ordinary person!

Masamune didn't say this kind of thing, after all, if Kamijou Touma asked him how the bald man who claimed to be an ordinary person became stronger, he couldn't tell him——

You do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups plus long-distance running every day, and try to eat a balanced diet.

So, when you are bald and when you become stronger, right?

"Ah~~" Kamijou Touma yawned sleepily and said, "Tomorrow is the Daihasei Festival, although it is just an unfair sports meeting for me."

"But if I don't go to bed now, Teacher Xiaomeng might cry tomorrow..."

Kamijou Touma greeted him and went back to his room.

"Dabaxing Festival..." Zhengzong let the cool night wind blow on his own sea, and whispered in a low voice.

Indeed, it is a totally unfair sports meeting for those who are incapable.

"Daha Star Festival" is a super-large-scale comprehensive sports festival held by all schools in Academy City every year and lasts for seven days, with more than 180 million participants.

All students are based on the school, and all competitions are based on competition among capable individuals.

At the same time, during the Daiba Star Festival, Academy City encourages all students to show their strengths and use their superpowers to win.

Although it is a very ordinary sports meeting for competitive events, but because super powers are recommended, it has almost become a gorgeous super power battle.

Moreover, this period is one of the few times in Academy City that is open to the outside world.

In other words, at that time, the parents of the students should see the performance of their children, right?

Talented people use those without talent as stepping stones, and show it to others...

It's no wonder that the students of Academy City are so desperately looking for a way to become stronger, and even go astray and go astray.


Zhengzong suddenly took a deep breath, touched his goosebumps and said to himself:

"I don't know why, I always feel that I will encounter a lot of trouble tomorrow? I hope it's my illusion..."

However, what Zhengzong didn't realize was that his A-level luck seemed to be shining...

Chapter 243 Chapter 51 The place where destiny meets

In the early morning of September [-]th, the sun gradually shone from the sky, illuminating the entire Academy City with advanced technology.

The day of the Dabaxing Festival has finally arrived.

Before going out, Zhengzong could vaguely perceive the hustle and bustle outside.

"Touma, Touma!" Index excitedly ran in front of Kamijou Touma, and said with some enthusiasm, "Why didn't Touma come to play with me?"

Kamijou Touma yawned, and replied weakly: "Ah~ I'm going to participate in the sports festival too, and my parents will be here today, so of course I'm going to accompany them."

Thanks to Masamune, Kamijou Touma did not lose his memory this time, so the relationship with his parents still exists, so naturally he misses his family very much.

"In short, please ask Zhengzong to take you to have fun today, so you don't have to worry about not being able to eat."

"Well——" Index puffed up her cheeks angrily, and said angrily, "It's true, your words make people seem to only eat!"

Hearing this, Masamune and Kamijou Touma looked at each other tacitly, and both of them saw this sentence from each other's eyes: Isn't it?

"A lot of people..."

Reluctantly, after bringing a tow bottle, Zhengzong, who stepped onto the street, couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

Since he left the dungeon world, he hadn't seen such a huge flow of people for a long time.

Because of the opening to the outside world during the Daiha Star Festival, not only people who are curious about the city, parents of students, but also businessmen looking for opportunities, people who come to travel, etc. will come to Academy City.

In view of this, various schools in Academy City will also set up stalls and stores, start various businesses, and sell various specialties.

even said——

"Academy City's specialty maid bento, this is the maid bento of the Ranran Housekeeping Girls School..."

"Ah, it's a bento, I want to eat it!" Index immediately ran over with bright eyes.

There are actually people selling this kind of stuff...

Masamune looked at the girl who kept turning around with a black line on his face, and complained, "I remember...that's Tsuchimikado's younger sister, right?"

"Wait...that couple..."

At this time, he saw a young couple looking at the map in a crowd in the distance, and he couldn't help but tilt his head.

"That should be Touma's parents, it looks like they are in trouble."

Thinking of this, Zhengzong walked towards them. After all, he was the parents of acquaintances. Naturally, he couldn't sit idly by and ignore their distress.

However, just as he walked in front of them and was about to strike up a conversation, a young woman blocked his way.

"Student, may I ask how to get to Tokiwadai?"

In a word, Zhengzong stopped in his tracks, and he had to sigh that this world is really very small...

The person who asked him for directions was a woman who looked only in her twenties.

Wearing a light gray shirt on the upper body, paired with dark black trousers made of thin fabric, the simple clothes make the other party look very capable.

Moreover, the appearance of the other party was almost exactly the same as that of Misaka Mikoto, so Li Yawei easily recognized the person who came.

"Madam... You should be Misaka Mikoto's mother, right?"

"Eh? Yes, my name is Misaka Misuzu, do you know... me?"

The woman didn't seem to expect that her identity would be recognized, and after a moment of shock, she looked at Zhengzong with searching eyes.

"Well... I'm Misaka Mikoto's friend, Madam, you look very similar to Mikoto... Oh yes, please wait a moment."

It's impolite to leave suddenly while talking with others, but seeing that Kamijou Touma's parents are about to leave, Masamune had no choice but to stop him quickly.

"Sorry, the two should be Kamijou Touma's parents, right?"

Hearing the shout, Kamijou Touma's parents, Kamijou Toya and Kamijou Shirai stopped their steps to leave.

Sigh...why do I do this kind of thing? Didn't I come out to catch fish?

Zhengzong complained secretly in his heart, but there was no way, who made him educated like this since he was a child?

No matter how strong he becomes in the future, these concepts that have been kneaded into his bones will not change.

So he nodded to the elders on both sides, and then politely introduced himself: "Hello, I am a friend of Kamijou Touma and Misaka Mikoto."


Hearing this, Kamijou Shirai and Misaka Mirei couldn't help but exclaimed, the former was wondering how Masamune recognized them, while the latter didn't expect it.

I randomly found a handsome looking boy to ask for directions, and by chance, I found an acquaintance of my daughter.

Zhengzong smiled wryly, he didn't know why he was met by him.

But... Fortunately, it was just a little troublesome to lead the way and introduce something, and nothing bad happened as predicted yesterday.

It would be nice to just say that...

However, before he finished rejoicing, the coincidence just happened.

On the one hand, Misaka Mikoto, who had just finished the competition, was a little distressed and said dejected words.

"Really, why restrict the display of LV5 ability users, isn't it to encourage everyone to use their abilities?"

Shirai Kuroko followed Misaka Mikoto closely, sighed, and replied: "My sis is just too strong, if you don't limit your ability, then there is basically no need for everyone to compete."

The two of them chatted without saying a word, but the route they were taking was exactly in the direction of Zhengzong.

On the other side, Index, who was running around, ran into Kamijou Touma strangely, and was heading in this direction.

Kamijou Touma's face was still a little tired.

"Really, the Masamune guy clearly agreed that he would take Index to the sports festival, but he actually sneaked away. How could he be repaired? Mr. Kamijou will participate in the competition later!"

"Dangma, Dangma! I want to eat that!"

Index stared at the food in front of her with bright eyes, and exerted an astonishing power that was opposite to her petite body, pulling Kamijou Touma forward.

Not only that, but there was also Shokuhou Misaki who was not interested in wandering around with members of his own faction who also appeared on this road.

Just by looking at her frowning expression, one can tell how upset she is now.

"Queen." Junko Fanfeng comforted, "It's not your fault that the opening ceremony failed. If you want to blame it, you can blame Sogiita Gunba for forgetting his words..."

"Of course I know about this kind of thing. I just couldn't vent my anger so I was a little bored." Shokuhou Misaki responded absent-mindedly.

At the same time, a young man with white hair and good looks came towards this side with a loli.

Chapter 244 Chapter 52 Misaka's mother meets Misaka's sister

"Look, look, this is croak! Misaka Misaka pointed at the toy frog in front of her, and couldn't help but think of her childish older sister."

Misaka Mikoto, one of the younger fans, was happily lying on a booth, bluffing and yelling at the white-haired boy behind him.

"So sleepy...why did I agree to this brat's troublesome request..." Accelerator yawned, following the last work impatiently.

Previously, for the safety of the last work, Yifang Accelerator took the last work to Fangchuan Kikyo, who was also a researcher.

At the same time, he promised the other party to take her to the sports festival.

Therefore, the last work forcefully woke him up from his sleep on the grounds of fulfilling his promise.

He made his skin fair like a girl's, but he couldn't help but wear two big dark circles under his eyes.

Of course, Accelerator refused at the beginning, after all, you can't tell him to go to the sports festival and he just goes there.

But I can't stand the series of operations such as acting like a baby, selling cute and rolling in the last work.

So... I—Accelerator, the evil party, the strongest superpower in Academy City, carried bags for Lori...

But maybe the God of Destiny was playing a joke with them, and suddenly there were a few conversations not far away.

"Heizi, are you sure there is really a limited edition Gua Tai at the front booth?"

"Don't worry, sis, I can never remember your hobbies wrongly! But if I can buy it successfully, I hope sis can give me some appropriate rewards for Heizi... Hehehehe~"

"B, baka, don't show such a weird smile on the street..."

The coming of these voices made the last work who was playing with the quack toy raised his head, and began to look around curiously.

Accelerator also stopped his steps, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he smacked his tongue and murmured, "Tsk——it's really troublesome..."

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