After all, he will not take the initiative to harm human beings, but he will not take the initiative to protect human beings either.

Although he has changed a little now because of the doctor, but that change is just a change that he will do something for the doctor.

For example, just now, the reason why he beat the dead demon god in front of him like a sandbag was largely because of yesterday's sulking.

The sulking was caused by the perfect atmosphere created by Langzhong and the new daughter who couldn't join in at all.

But today, Zhong Li took his anger out on this "innocent" demon god.

But now that the sulking is over, Zhongli feels a little headache and helpless.

"Sigh... what the hell am I thinking? I'm actually angry with the doctor because of a child. He made me braised pork ribs last night. I can't be so angry with him, or he will be unhappy again."

"And I was injured again just now, so I have to go back to the doctor for treatment."

Zhong Li looked at the non-fatal wound on his other arm, feeling a little happy in his heart for no reason.

After all, if he was injured, he could justifiably go home and seek medical treatment from a doctor, instead of obeying the other self in his mind to fight and kill like that.

Ever since, Zhongli took a slightly joyful step and prepared to leave here and go home.

On the way, he remembered that tonight seemed to be eating goulash.

Then again, he was happier and looking forward to it.


"Now" timeline, Liyue Port.

"What did senior Mandrill bring us here for?"

Looking at the port where people come and go, Hu Tao couldn't help asking.

Does this noisy port have anything to do with their patriarch at the Hall of Death?

Kong also wanted to ask that question, but he didn't ask it immediately, instead he first scanned the bustling crowd and this prosperous port, trying to see something.

Because he just suddenly remembered what his niece who was more than 2000 years older than him said to him - use his own steps to follow in the footsteps of that doctor.

Mandrill, on the other hand, had his arms folded around his chest, his eyes calm, and he didn't answer Hu Tao immediately.

As a Yaksha, he doesn't like such a noisy and crowded environment.

However, recalling the scene where the man dripped blood in this port and brought infinite vitality, he was able to bear all this again.

Because, this port can be so prosperous, isn't it because that person used his own blood to bring infinite vitality to this port that was once full of dead bodies?

" there?"

Mandrill raised his eyes, calmly glanced at Hu Tao, who was scratching his head and smiling wistfully, and then turned his eyes to Kong, who had just made a sound.

In the sky at this moment, he used his own gaze to pass through the crowds coming and going, and landed on a statue in this bustling port.

Kong remembered that the statue was something he had never seen in Liyue Port before.

In other words... that is a product that appeared after the world changed!

Mandrill nodded, "That's what I want to show you, go and have a look, Kong."

Kong followed Mandrill's pace, passed through the bustling crowd, and came to the not-so-tall statue at the port.

He raised his head and looked at the statue.

The statue was a person, in the shape of a woman with long hair.

Her smile was gentle, and she held out a finger in a long dress.

On the fingertip, there was a drop of blood slowly falling.

"Who is this...?" Kong Chi asked.

Mandrill looked a little helpless, "This is the statue erected by the descendants for the doctor, that is, the ancestor of the Hall of Rebirth."

"But isn't Patriarch a man?!" Hu Tao was shocked.

Mandrill raised his forehead slightly, and said in a rather helpless tone, "The doctor is indeed a man, but because he is too good-looking, he is known to the world, and most of the people in the future have never seen the doctor, so they use the image of a woman. This statue was built for the doctor."


Kong couldn't help laughing, which reminded him of Monde's wind god statue, obviously the real wind god Wendy is a boy, but his followers made him a statue like a big sister.

"Hahaha!! I didn't expect Patriarch, the old man, to be so misunderstood by the world."

Hu Tao was also very happy. After all, she never thought that the white-haired young man in the painting of the Hall of Past Life and this statue would be the same person, and the two genders were different.

Kong covered his mouth and smiled, because this was indeed a very interesting thing.

After all, the big brother and lord he has known all along is so attractive that people can't consciously look up to him, but when it comes to Liyue, the other party... because he is so good-looking, he is misunderstood as a girl.

This kind of contrast is indeed easy to make his younger brother laugh.

But at the same time, it also made Kong feel that the distance between himself and that elder brother seemed to be getting closer.

Because the elder brother this time is not like Mond, no one remembers him who fell from the tower, nor is it like the Kingdom of Kanria, the people who remember him have become monsters that are spurned and feared by the world.

This time, the elder brother in Liyue was truly remembered by the people on this land.

Just like the country of Liyue is different, it is a country that walks with gods, a country with immortals, and they naturally remember those who have sacrificed for this land.

Although, even the gender is wrong.

Kong couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, looked up at the statue, and asked, "Senior Mandrill, is there any allusion to this statue?"

"Of course there is, look there."

Following the direction that Mandrill pointed, Kong looked at the stone platform below the statue.

On the stone platform, some words were engraved.

Sora read while watching.

"Thousands of years ago, before Liyue was called Liyue, a doctor accidentally cut his hand with a knife."

"Her blood dripped into this filthy earth."

"The next second, a magical scene appeared."

"With the ground under Langzhong's feet, all the filth has been eliminated, and the flowers, plants and trees have begun to grow rapidly."

"She nourished this land with her own flesh and blood."

"She firmly believes that this is her duty. She wants to heal the land, dispel the misunderstandings in the land, and bring light to the land."

"So, she started from today's Liyue Port and traveled all over the land."

Kong finished reading, his eyes fell on the last sentence of the engraved content, and he murmured, "Walking all over this land?"

That's right, my lord brother has traveled all over this land.Then... As a younger brother who admires his elder brother, he will indeed travel all over this land and walk the road that his elder brother has walked.

Only in this way can he know what kind of person his elder brother was.

Kong couldn't help stretching out his hand, gently stroking the inscription on the stone platform of the statue, and the light in his eyes gradually lit up.

This time, he was more motivated than ever.

So, he asked Mandrill, "Senior Mandrill, let's go to the second place Lang Zhong has been to after Liyue Port!"

"That's why Xiaodie called me here, let's go."

Mandrill took the first step, turned around and left.

On the other side, Hu Tao thought of another question.

"Hey, Senior Mandrill, are all the stories recorded in this statue true?"

"Of course...not."

Mandrill shook his head and replied like this.

"Ah? Which ones are real? Which ones are fake?" Walnut asked again.

But this time, Mandrill did not answer.

He just pursed the corners of his mouth lightly, revealing a slight smile.

Just as this descendant even confused the doctor's gender, how could all the stories recorded by this descendant be true?

In the beginning, Lang Zhong just wanted to let someone see an ordinary and beautiful world without war, so he did this.

Moreover, it was not an accident to cut his hand or something.

Chapter 38 Zhongli: I've killed too many demon gods, I'm a bit at a loss

During the Demon God War, a long time has passed since the incident at the port.

At the same time, Lin Xiaoge has been walking on this land for five months.

His blood, just like the root system of the big tree, after dripping into the land, began to eat the plagues and other sources of pollution that polluted the land to grow.

Moreover, that growth is not growth with the goal of "survival", but like their ontology, it grows towards the concept of "support".

Therefore, the root system transformed by these blood did not disturb the land when it grew, nor did it deprive other plants of their living space.

Even, their growth has brought countless benefits to this land.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoge's progress in healing this land is very impressive, just like the progress of his second goal now, which has reached 55% of the progress.

And now, he is treating patients in the village in front of him.


After simply combing the body of the patient in front of him with the energy of the earth veins, Lin Xiaoge opened his mouth to signal the next patient to come forward.

But what he didn't expect was that the patient who looked like an old woman knelt down in front of him, full of gratitude.

"Thank you doctor for saving your life! old lady has nothing to give the doctor. I don't think the doctor has a plaque for practicing medicine. Why don't I ask my son to put a plaque for the doctor?"

Lin Xiaoge was taken aback for a moment, and was about to shake her head to refuse, when the other patients behind the old woman spoke out one after another.

"Doctor, you never charge money for medical treatment, so just accept this plaque."

"Yes, we just sent you some small ingredients before."

"That's right, doctor, you practice medicine all over the world, how can you not have your own plaque and name?"

"That's right, although you have never left your name in your practice, doctor, who in this land doesn't know that there is such a white-haired genius doctor who is alive and dead!"

"That's right, that's right! Doctor, you don't leave your name, at least you leave a name."

In the past few months of practicing medicine, Lin Xiaoge has never revealed her name.

Because he knows that after thousands of years, "travelers" will enter the Tivat continent in the form of players.

That being the case, then he couldn't leave his real name to avoid causing any trouble.

But even so, because of the fact that he was accompanied by an ice unicorn, and because his white hair looked too good-looking, naturally in just a few short months, he had a unicorn on this land. Great fame.

Even though, this was just Lin Xiaoge's unintentional doing.

But now, these villagers hope that Lin Xiaoge will leave a name so that they can be grateful in the future.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to feel at ease.

After all, if they don't even know the name of their benefactor, how can they continue to live with peace of mind.

Lin Xiaoge naturally knew this too, it was not the first time he encountered such a thing.

This gave him quite a headache, after all, he really couldn't reveal his real name.

If he gave his name casually, he was worried that this name would be written in some book of Liyue in the future, and that would really be a bit of a mess.

"Langzhong, just do what they said and sign up for a name. I think you have been entangled more than once."

On the side, Gan Lin who turned into a little unicorn said lazily, flicking his tail.


Lin Xiaoge smiled helplessly, and said to the old woman, "If that's the case, then... how about asking your son to put a plaque with the words "Wangshengtang" on me, old man? "

"Wangshengtang? That's a good name!"

"Yes, the doctor has brought us the hope of rebirth, and it is indeed rebirth!"

"And the doctor also taught us how to respect the dead and give the dead a home."

"That's right, the name of Changshengtang is a very suitable name for both those who died and us!"

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