Comparing the way Touma Yoko treats Yukinoshita Yukino, it seems that Yukino is Touma Yoko's daughter.

No wonder the relationship between their mother and daughter is so bad.

What's interesting is that the situation of the Dongma family and the Yukinoshita family is exactly the same. They both don't care much about their children, thinking that they can understand their painstaking efforts, but ignore their daughter's sensitive thoughts.

It's not unreasonable that Dongma and Sha and Yukinoshita Yukino are so similar, they are both children who lack maternal love.

Looking at the backs of the three leaving, it seems that they are the real family of three.

A crazy idea suddenly popped up in Touma Kazusa's head, but she quickly denied it. She still has a certain bottom line, although Yukinoshita Yukino is getting more and more unhappy.

Staring at the pitch-black void, Touma Kazusa stood blankly for a while, then went back to her huge room alone to practice the piano.

It's a little lonely.

I came to Xikino General Hospital again, just like the last time, I came here to treat my wife, but the wife who was treated was changed by another person.

Before the general manager was sad about the spring and autumn and was about to sing a little poem, he was dragged into the hospital by the anxious Yukinoshita Yukino.

The nurse lady at the front desk of the hospital happened to be the one that the director general had met that day, and she went forward to negotiate, and the director got the specific address of Concubine Nishikino.

Finding Ruifei Ximuye was a last resort. After all, her medical specialty was not suitable for her, but she only needed to detect leukemia cells in her body.

"Hey! Xiao Zongsi, why are you here?"

Ruifei Xikino, who was handling hospital affairs in the office, was very happy to see the general manager. Dealing with such a handsome guy, she always felt a lot younger, and staying with the general manager made her feel very comfortable.

I just don't know why these wives like to call him Xiao Zongsi, obviously he is not young at all.

"Although I really want to meet Sister Ruifei in a place other than the hospital, but there is a reason for this, and there is no other way."

Concubine Ximino Rui smiled, it was true.

Then he looked at the two beauties behind the chief executive, they looked normal, but Mizuki Nishikino knew that the more this happened, the more serious the condition might be, so she stopped chatting with the chief executive and asked him directly.

"Sister Ruifei, can you carry out the next medical examination yourself? My patient's condition is a bit special. He is a public figure, so it's not convenient for outsiders to know."

Concubine Ximino Rui didn't expect that the chief executive who had only met once would trust her so much, which was both funny and touched.

"It's okay if it's a simple operation, but if it's professional knowledge other than gynecology, I can't do anything."

"Not professional, just..."

The director waved his hands again and again, then lowered his voice and whispered in the ear of Ruifei Ximuye.

"I wonder if Sister Ruifei can detect the leukemia cells in the patient's body by herself?"

Ximino Ruifei's ears are very sensitive, and her scalp will tingle and her skin will get goosebumps if she is touched by others like this.

And the reaction to the general manager was even more unbearable, feeling a little weak in the body.

Ruifei Ximino pinched her thigh, tingling her nerves, trying to wake up.

"It's just that I can operate it, but for leukemia patients, what's the use of this?"

Constantly looking at the two people who came with the chief executive, Mizuki Nishikino deduced who the leukemia patient was based on the chief executive's words.

The older one is a well-known neon female pianist, Touma Yoko, who is the most admired idol of her daughter Nishikino Maki, and hopes to surpass her in piano attainments one day.

I didn't expect such an outstanding person to be so unsympathetic to fate. It was a pity that he was diagnosed with leukemia in the best years of his life.

"Sister Rui Concubine, you only need to do the test well, leave the rest to me."

"Since you have said so, then do as you said."

"Thank you, Concubine Rui!"

Concubine Ximino Ruifei ordered the little nurse under her hand to prepare the equipment for the examination. Fortunately, it was getting late and there were only a few people in each department, so it was not easy to be discovered.

All kinds of equipment tortured Touma Yoko enough to barely complete the testing of various indicators.

"I can perform these tests, but the specific data will have to wait for professionals to come tomorrow. What do you want to do, Xiao Zongsi?"

After tossing around for so long, Touma Yoko and Yukinoshita Yukino also wanted to know the reason why the general manager did this.

"There is no special reason, it's just to record the status of leukemia cells before Sister Yao took the medicine, so as to prove the effect of the medicine."

Saying that, he took out the first saliva-based medicine and motioned Touma Yoko to drink it.

As a doctor, Mizuki Nishikino naturally knows how difficult leukemia is to treat. As victims, Yoko Touma and Yukinoshita Yukino must also have some understanding of this terminal illness, so what the chief executive put out looks like a street stall. Drugs, no confidence.

But they have already decided to trust the chief executive, so it's okay to let him continue to be self-willed.

The big deal is death. Anyway, Yoko Touma can't accept regular chemotherapy, so it's better to believe in miracles.

Swallowing the jujube wholeheartedly, I found it was a bit sweet unexpectedly, and it warmed my stomach after drinking it. Apart from that, there were no other adverse reactions.

"Okay, the next step is to wait. I will test the leukemia cells tomorrow, and then drink them one by one. It should be well controlled. I don't know if it will be cured."

"Remember, you must drink the medicine in order."

The chief executive exhorted with a serious expression.

The three women present all believed in science. They had no confidence in this "miracle medicine", but there was no good way to treat leukemia. They could only hope that this medicine would have such miraculous effects as the director said.

Chapter 111 The Wisdom of Adults

The next day, Dongma Yaozi came to Xikino General Hospital again, and found Nishikino Ruifei for a re-examination, in order to verify whether the special medicine of the head office was effective.

This time it was Yoko Touma who came alone, she had some private matters to discuss with Mizuki Nishikino, so she didn't let Yukinoshita Yukino who cared about her come with her.

As for the general manager, he took the initiative to say hello and said that he would not accompany him. After all, the medicine had been given to Yoko Touma, and he himself was basically useless.

Moreover, the boss is a big man who is embarrassed to hang out with a group of wives all the time, and can't stand the system's chattering strategy requests.

These were just superficial evasions, but in fact, they forgot to tell Gabriel last night that they were going out, and they didn't go home in time to cook. The useless angel almost became the first angel to be starved to death.

After learning what the chief executive had done, Penglai Shanhuiye, Gabriel's dead house netizen, criticized him verbally, thinking that it was a huge betrayal. For the sake of the wild women outside, he actually forgot his "regular wife" who was waiting to be fed at home. It's the contemporary Chen Shimei, the scumbag Hong Shixian.

It's just that I can bother you, Judge Penglaishan Kaguya, who is enforcing justice, use your wide hem to cover the wanton smile at the corner of your mouth when criticizing the chief executive.

When the general manager accepted the "mixed doubles" of two beauties, Touma Yoko had already completed today's physical examination.

"Rui Fei, do you think Xiao Zongsi's medicine has any effect?"

Touma Yoko is a charismatic independent woman. In just one day, she became a best friend with Mizui Nishikino, the kind of good best friend who can discuss length and thickness in private.

This may also have something to do with the fact that both of them are strong women, successful women, they have enough topics, and Mizuki Nishikino's daughter also regards Touma Yoko as an idol.

Dongma Yaozi's privacy is also known by Nishikino Ruifei, and only with a negative EQ can she not have a good relationship with Xikino Ruifei.

"The test sheet hasn't come out yet, so I can't give you an answer even if I'm an old expert in this area."

Ruifei Ximino was operating some professional equipment, a little absent-minded.

Because of her strong curiosity, she asked the testing personnel in the hospital during the day, and now she can conduct a simple analysis of Yoko Touma's blood sample.

"And as the person involved, shouldn't you have the most say in this. Honestly, how do you feel after a day of absorption?"


Touma Yaoko caressed her skin that had become a little tighter, revealing an inscrutable smile.

"For you professionals, it may be impossible, but I felt that after drinking the medicine given by Xiao Zongsi, I immediately felt abnormal in my body."

"What is the abnormal feeling?"

As a doctor, Mizuki Nishikino wanted to know the specific feelings of Yoko Touma, so she said urgently.

"It's hard to say, but it's a very mysterious feeling."

"You're not talking for nothing!"

Nishikino Mizui was very dissatisfied with Touma Yoko's idealistic statement.

"It can only be said that it is a kind of feeling that everything in your body is getting better and better, but there seem to be some small side effects."

Recalling some kind of impulse in her body, Touma Yoko is now more and more interested in the chief executive.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, Yaozi!"

Mizuhime Nishikino, who has never experienced it, said that Yoko Touma deserves to be a world-class pianist, and her expression is very artistic.

"Yaozi, come and have a look!"

Mizuki Nishikino, who got a simple blood sample, yelled.

"what happened?"

"The test shows that the leukemia cells in your body are not very active."

"What do you mean?"

Touma Yoko, who knows nothing about medicine, is a bit overwhelmed.

"That is to say, without chemotherapy and a series of professional treatment methods for leukemia, only relying on Xiao Zongsi's medicine, your leukemia has the possibility of being cured."


The ups and downs in tone indicate that Yoko Touma is not as calm as she appears on the surface.

She didn't want to accept ordinary leukemia treatment and live in an ugly appearance, but who would want to die if she could live beautifully!

"However, this is just a simple blood test, and the specific situation will only be known after a professional test."

"Thank you, Concubine Rui."

Touma Yoko was not as excited as Mizuki Nishikino imagined, such a terminal illness could be completely cured just by drinking medicine, most people might not be so excited that they would get a heart attack in place.

It's really rare to be as plain as Touma Yoko, so she has a big heart?

"Concubine Rui, there is one more thing I want to trouble you with."

Playing with today's medicine given by the general manager, Touma Yoko asked Mizuki Nishikino with a face of shame.

"What's the trouble? Yaozi, you are a big customer of our hospital!"

Mizuki Nishikino, who was physically and mentally relaxed, made a joke.

"I want you to give me a full body physical, testing everything, and..."


"I will also take out some of Xiao Zongsi's medicine and give it to you for testing."

Touma Yoko's eyes flickered.

Chapter 112 The Wife Who Sold Her Daughter

The minds of strong women like Yoko Touma are really elusive. In order to verify the conjecture in their hearts, they can even make fun of their own lives.

In case the dosage of the drug given by the general director is just enough to treat leukemia, and in case there is no backup of this drug, wouldn't Touma Yaozi be cool.

Compared with another wife who has undergone bodily fluid exchange, Aimi Doma, why can't Touma Yoko be as law-abiding as others.

Is there such a big difference between direct and indirect?

It seems that the mana replenishment posture is very important!

During the third treatment, Mizuki Nishikino also brought a test for the ingredients of the drug to Yoko Touma.

"The composition of the first drug is too thin, and it is impossible to detect what it is. The only thing that can be determined is that most of it is human body fluids. It is impossible to analyze the specific one."

Mizuki Nishikino told Touma Yoko about the test results in a complicated tone.

She couldn't imagine a drug that could treat a terminal disease like leukemia, whose main ingredient was human body fluids.

If leukemia is really so easy to treat, then what exactly are many experts studying day by day, how could it be called terminally ill.

Or is it that the owner of this bodily fluid is not an ordinary person, but a god or devil similar to human beings?

All this made Nishikino Ruifei who believed in science unacceptable, but it was the truth.

"It's actually human body fluids!"

This answer also exceeded Yoko Touma's expectations, but it made her even more excited.

"Then what was the raw material yesterday? When I drank it yesterday, I could clearly understand the difference between the two. It is completely different from heaven and earth!"

"The second ingredient is quite simple. Besides water, it's blood."

Ruifei Ximino's tone was complicated, because the result of the second drug test showed that there is indeed a special person in this world, and he has a good relationship with the small general manager he likes, and it is very likely that he is himself.

"Is that smell actually blood?"

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