Ayaka Adagaki, who originally wanted to rectify Sanqianliu's general manager's flirtatious habit, immediately became serious when he heard that he had a report on the situation of the main family.

This is also a matter of course, the Xianghime is the territory of the Andagaki family, a series of people from the Suimoto family have accidents on the Xiangji, not only the Suimoto family can't hold their heads up, even the Andayuan family is also shameless.

If the Xiaoben family can't be given an explanation, wouldn't anyone be able to go wild on the head of Anda Yuan's family in the future.

Things like face and majesty are not well reflected in ordinary people, but for these chaebol families, this is definitely a serious problem of no small importance.

Director Sanqianliu pulled Saemoto Natsue to sit next to Andagaki Caixiang, and then told her the story just now vividly.

In a nutshell, just strolling and strolling, Sanqianliu's chief executive inadvertently rescued Xiaoben Xiajiang who was about to be killed.

Of course, Director Sanqianliu replaced his superhuman saving method with a more reasonable and normal saving method.

Xiaoben Xiajiang didn't refute, she didn't want more people to know the little secret between them from the bottom of her heart.

The Sanqianliu headmaster told the story of saving Suomoto Xiajiang with a loud voice, so loud that most of the restaurant could hear his speech clearly.

Director Sanqianliu's narration gave reassurance to some people who pricked up their ears and eavesdropped seriously.

It turned out that she didn't go out to flirt with women on purpose!It saved Xiaoben Xiajiang's fresh life, so it is understandable for Xiaoben Xiajiang to rely more on the guy in the head office, so let him go this time!

Ying Lili and the others are good girls who are kind and sensual. When they knew about Xia Jiang's series of tragic experiences and almost died, they understood her closeness to her savior.

As expected of my Chief Director, saving people is so easy!

If Yinglili and the others were a little worried that the general manager of Sanqianliu was promiscuous, then Suzuki Sonoko simply listened to his heroic appearance of saving people. From this point of view, there are still some differences in the brain circuit of the nympho.

If the general manager of Sanqianliu knew Suzuki Sonoko's thoughts, he wondered if he would hope that Eirari and the others would also become nymphoes who were easy to fool.

The group of people like Yinglili are very utilitarian, and they pricked up their ears, just to better hear the relationship between Sanqianliu and Suomoto Xiajiang.

When they knew about Xiaoben Xiajiang's tragic experience, they were embarrassed to eavesdrop and focus on their own affairs again.

And Sanqianliu's chief executive has such a loud voice, they don't need to work hard to eavesdrop, no.

Little did they know that Ying Lili and the others were on the second floor, and Sanqianliu's chief executive was on the fifth floor.

He deliberately told the story of Xiaoben Xiajiang loudly, in order to let Ying Lili and the others understand the truth of the matter, so as to feel pity for Xiaoben Xiajiang, and would not take revenge against Sanqianliu after the fact.

Director Sanqianliu, of course, saw Ying Lili and the others straining their ears to eavesdrop, and told the story in a low voice, and they could also hear the story.

But this seems a little guilty, and it is easy for a few suspicious guys to continue to be suspicious.

Moreover, the chief executive of Sanqianliu spoke loudly, and Ying Lili and the others knew that it was for them to hear. This made it appear that the chief executive of Sanqianliu cared about them and was willing to explain to them as soon as possible to reassure them.

Women's imagination of feelings is beyond the sky, especially in the compulsory homework of catching rape, they are self-taught.

Women are difficult!It is even more difficult to be a woman who defends love!

Men are difficult!It's even more difficult to be a scumbag with a few feet on the boat!

Fortunately, so far, the head office of Sanqianliu has done well, above the passing line.

Different from the little girl who fell in love, Ayaka Andagaki might be biased when dealing with the Sanqianliu chief because of her love for stockings, but the attack on Natsue Benmoto is a big deal that affects the face of the Andagaki family, sloppy no.

After pondering, he opened his mouth and said.

"You are Xia Jiang's savior and the first witness. What do you think?"

"Auntie, if you ask me this way, I can't give you much useful information. After all, I was not at the scene of the crime at the time, and I haven't conducted investigations, so I can't draw conclusions."

Although the ability to make one's wishes come true is very buggy, if it is used on this matter, it is estimated that most of the spiritual power in Sanqianliu's body will be squeezed out.

After all, no matter where the ability is deduced, it will use very advanced laws and consume the important aura stored by the three thousand Liu head office.

You must know that this is the second day that Sanqianliu's chief executive boarded the Xianghime. To consume a large amount of non-renewable resources for this kind of thing is simply suicidal. You must know that this school trip will last for a week.

Director Sanqianliu also understands his trouble-prone physique. If he doesn't reserve some spiritual energy, if he encounters difficulties in the future, he will have to wait for death.

Moreover, this is the set of Detective Conan, without reasoning, it lacks a lot of charm, Sanqianliu himself also wants to use his brain, otherwise his head will be rusted due to long-term use, which is a big problem.

"However, I think that the murderer who attacked Miss Xia Jiang must have his motives. Manslaughter is absolutely impossible."

The director of Sanqianliu finished the order, and the rest was left to Ayaka Adagaki and Xia Jiang Suomoto to think about.

"Do you have a motive?"

Hearing Sanqianliu's reminder, Andagaki Ayaka immediately thought of two possibilities, one is that, like Somoto Hozo and Somoto Ryuo, it belongs to the Caicheng family's vendetta.

There are some doubts in this vendetta conjecture.

Xiajiang Somoto is Takehiko Caishi's girlfriend, and his status in his heart should be different from other members of the Somoto family.

If he had deep feelings for Xiaoben Xiajiang, he would definitely not kill her on purpose.

Even if Takehiko Choijo is a pervert, or he doesn't have deep feelings for Natsue Somoto, and if he wants to kill her, the order of killing her is not right.

In order to get revenge, the murderer will definitely take the most ruthless means, so the death of Xiaoben Xiajiang will definitely be the last of the Xiaoben family, let her feel the feeling of being powerless when her relatives die one by one, the feeling of waiting for death, the feeling of destroying The feeling of the enemy's will is the greatest pleasure of revenge.

The second is that people die for money, and birds die for food.

Ayaka Adagaki has already known about the fact that Xiajiang Suimoto will inherit the position of Patriarch of the Suimoto family.

However, Xiajiang himself was attacked and murdered at this juncture. Aren't the remaining members of the Xiaoben family worthy of doubt?

You must know that if Xiaoben Xiajiang dies, then the Xiaoben family will really become a leaderless situation. Xiaoben Xiajiang didn't make a will, which is a great thing for other family members who want to share the family property.

You can kill someone for hundreds or thousands of dollars, not to mention killing your relatives for tens of billions of assets, which is not a serious problem.

The other members of the Xiaoben family are not easy-going lamps. It is entirely possible to kill relatives and seize wealth.

These two conjectures are very cruel to a young girl, so Ayaka Andagaki did not communicate too much with Natsue Somoto.

Instead, he looked at Chief Sanqianliu, the unlucky guy.

There is a reason for Andagaki Caixiang to call the Sanqianliu chief division like this.

After the Xianghime was given to Aihime Adagaki by Ayaka Adagaki, there was no special incident for a long time, and there were no problems with exhibitions or wedding banquets.

However, everything changed after Sanqianliu's head boarded the ship this time, and a series of major incidents occurred one after another, rare in several years.

He is not unlucky, not a disaster, what is it!

"What do you think of the current situation?"

Ayaka Andagaki wanted to hear the advice of the "culprit".

"Currently, it seems that all the members of the Xiaoben family were involved in the accident, and the other members on the Xiangji have no problems. Therefore, the most urgent task is to protect the members of the Xiaoben family."

"You're right."

Andagaki Ayaka turned her face and said to Somoto Natsue again.

"Don't worry, kid, we will definitely give you an explanation this time and bring the criminals to justice!"

Chapter 431 Strictly guard against those who attract bees and butterflies

Who is Ayaka Andagaki, the owner of the No. [-] neon chaebol, the mastermind behind Yin Yang Liao and the supernatural disaster countermeasure room, both in the outer world and the inner world, they are all in the top ranks.

Such a person's words are naturally very important, and Ayaka Andagaki is definitely the one who says nothing.

With her guarantee, the murderer will be brought to justice, and the deceased in the family can rest in peace.

It's just that what Ayaka Andagaki doesn't know is that the current Xiaoben Xia Jiangzhi is not here, and those vicious clansmen are no longer worth her worrying about.

It is inevitable for a murderer to have a purpose. This is common sense that even children who have watched a few episodes of criminal investigation films know. After forgetting the fear and confusion of death, Xia Jiang can also think of this.

However, Saemoto Xiajiang is different from Andagaki Ayaka. Adachi Ayaka can treat this matter condescendingly as an outsider, but as a personal experience, Saemoto Xiajiang herself is imprisoned, and she is even the key point of the conflict.

Whether it is the vendetta from the Caicheng family, or the killing of money from the Xiaoben family, it will cause great harm to Xiaoben Xiajiang's pure feelings.

Therefore, Xiaoben Xiajiang didn't even want to know who the real culprit was. She just wanted to escape from reality, and it would be best if she could stay with the head of Sanqianliu.

Such an inner monologue is not suitable for speaking out, so Ben Xiajiang can only say gratefully.

"Aunt Caixiang, thank you for your kindness. Our family will never forget the help of the Andagaki family in times of crisis."

The Xiaoben family is the overlord of the retail industry, and with the promise of the future owner, it is still helpful to the development of the Anda Yuan family.

After the Patriarch of the Andagaki family and the Patriarch of the Suimoto family reached a mutually beneficial cooperation agreement, Director Sanqianliu said suddenly.

"I remember that on the deck where Miss Xia Jiang was in distress, there is only one corridor that can be reached, and the cameras there must be able to monitor the people passing by. There have been murders, and there are very few passengers. After a little investigation through monitoring, we can know Who is the murderer."

There are tens of millions of criminal investigation methods, and the number of surveillance is the first.

In the modern era where surveillance is developed, there is no means that can be more efficient and accurate than surveillance. After all, not everyone is Belmode, not Chikage Kuroba, not Yukiko Kudo...

Well, after the integration of Conan's world, it seems that there are more masters of disguise.

But, it doesn't matter, with their identities and positions, it is impossible for them to appear on the Xiangji and commit the act of murdering Su Ben Xiajiang.

Therefore, at present, the monitoring equipment is still reliable.

At least in the case of Xiaoben Xiajiang being murdered, the murderer can be identified through monitoring equipment.

Ayaka Adagaki's eyes lit up with the proposal of Sanqianliu, and she felt that what he said made sense. In fact, it's no wonder that Ayaka Andagaki didn't think of such a simple way of investigation. , I thought it was monsters, even if they were captured by surveillance, there was nowhere to find them.

But the situation of Xiaoben Xiajiang is different. The murder of her is not only a vendetta, but also murder for money. Therefore, man-made crimes cannot be ruled out. On the basis of distinguishing human beings, monitoring equipment can still play a role.

"It makes sense."

It was the first time that Ayaka Andagaki gave a positive judgment to the head of Sanqianliu.

"It's not too late. In order to prevent the murderer who murdered Xia Jiang from committing another crime, we immediately went to the monitoring room to obtain monitoring data."

Naruno Koiwai deserves to be the head maid who gets along with Ayaka Adagaki day and night. The person who knows her best, as soon as Ayaka Andagaki finished speaking, Naruno Koiwai, who was serving at the side, quickly restrained the objects. When she was standing and ready to act, she moved back the chair , to prepare the things needed for travel.

"Aunt Caixiang, are you going to go in person? I don't need to bother you, I can go by myself."

Somoto Xiajiang was terrified, she didn't think she had such a big name, she could ask Andagaki Saika to investigate the case, just like the emperor selling bento, her identity did not match what she did.

"You have just been frightened and need a good rest. How can I ask you to investigate? I happen to be interested in this matter, so I will run for you."

Hearing Ayaka Andagaki's insisting tone, Xia Jiang knew that nothing he said would be effective, so he had no choice but to accept her kindness.

"Then trouble Aunt Caixiang, please run!"

"You're welcome, you can take a good rest here, there will be no danger here that threatens your life."

I don't know what's special about this private restaurant, but Ayaka Adagaki said confidently.

It may be that during the design and renovation, special protection measures were arranged in several key rooms of Adagaki Aihime's operation to prevent evil spirits from intruding.

"Thank you, Aunt Caixiang."

After thanking, Xiao Ben Xiajiang's face showed a blush, and he seemed to be a little embarrassed to say.

"Although I'm a bit aggressive, I still want to go back to my room, change my clothes, and come here to take refuge and rest."

Somoto Natsue naturally didn't forget the wetness on her underwear because of the charm of Sanqianliu and the fear of death. Rather, after the sea breeze blows, she can feel the awkwardness there more and more, so she makes a request.

A smart person like Ayaka Andagaki, when she saw that there was no need to change Xia Jiang's clothes on the surface, she already understood her embarrassment, and naturally agreed to her request.

"Of course, I will go with you to avoid any accidents on the way."

Andagaki Caixiang's security force is naturally the top in the world. Not to mention those bodyguards with high military strength outside, and onmyojis with profound knowledge, just relying on her own magic weapon and other special props, she can be in any place in the world. The place runs amok.

As long as you don't encounter big monsters that are rare in thousands of years, and their powers are of the same level, the safety of Ayaka Andagaki and the people around her is absolutely guaranteed.

Walking with Xiaoben Xiajiang is entirely to protect her.

What Ayaka Andagaki didn't expect was that Xia Jiang Suomoto, who had just experienced the crisis of death, did not agree to her request for protection, but had other ideas.

"I have seen the floor plans of the important control rooms on the Xiangji, and I know that the monitoring room is opposite to the room I am in. I cannot delay the arrest of the murderer because of myself. If he continues to commit crimes during this period, It was my fault."

The reasons given by Somoto Xiajiang are very reasonable, and Ayaka Andagaki can't find any faults, but in her opinion, the lives of other people in the Somoto family are not as good as Somoto Xiajiang. Their behavior makes Andagaki Caixiang despise, so she said.

"No, you go back to the room to change clothes alone, I don't worry, if you meet the murderer who killed your grandfather, you will be in danger!"

Hearing Ayaka Andagaki's dissuasion, Natsue Somoto didn't say anything, but she took out the talisman from Tomoya Ashiya and said.

"Aunt Caixiang, you can rest assured that when the two mages went to track down the real culprit, they gave us a family member, a talisman, for us to save our lives, and I can't wait to meet the murderer who killed grandpa. The Taoist seal can also be used as a pager to call the help of the two mages."

Xia Jiang's reasoning is impeccable, and Ayaka Adagaki cannot argue with it.

"Of course, I would be afraid to go back to the room alone, so I hope you can give me a ride to protect me."

The strong appearance didn't last long, and Xiao Ben Xiajiang turned into a little woman again, pitifully.


Director Sanqianliu pointed to his nose, not understanding that the conversation between the two women would involve him.He didn't want to meddle with Xiaoben Xiajiang's affairs, Ying Lili and the others were all staring at her!It was hard to make them forget the problem of attracting bees and butterflies, and it is impossible to repeat the same mistakes.

"That's right, I'm especially full of feelings when I'm by your side."

A sense of security is not always an adjective used when issuing a good friend card. How it is used in such a place is simply unexpected.

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