"Uncle, this is my best friend, Mao Lilan, and this is Sanqianliu Chief Director, my...friend."

When Suzuki Sonoko introduced Sanqianliu, he was a little stunned for a moment. He wanted to say that he was a boyfriend, but he just thought about it in his heart. During this time, Sanqianliu was in Tokyo, and many families Knowing that he is from the Andagaki family, and most likely the future husband of Andagaki Aihime.

Although Suzuki Jikichiro does not get involved in the family business, he likes to make friends, and he has probably heard of the name of Sanqianliu Souji.

Said to be friends is the safest status.

"It turned out to be Sonoko's friend."

Sure enough, Jikichiro Suzuki's expression changed after hearing the name of Sanqianliu Souji, and he became more friendly, showing the face of a kind elder.

"Hello, Uncle." "Hello, Uncle."

Compared with Mao Lilan's more serious greetings, Sanqianliu Chief Director was a little more casual. After all, he now represents different identities on the surface. Casualness can better reflect the meaning of intimacy, and Jikichiro Suzuki is more happy about this.

"Hello, everyone. Let me introduce the brother next to me, Police Officer Ginzo Nakamori, who I specially commissioned to help prevent theft."

Suzuki Jikichiro patted Nakamori Ginzo on the shoulder, and introduced him to several young people, to be precise, to the head of Sanqianliu, and made a good relationship.

In the future, when the Sanqianliu headmaster becomes the son-in-law of the Adagaki family, he might be able to help Jikichiro Suzuki move up a few ranks.

"Hello, Officer Nakamori."

After greeting each other, Suzuki Jikichiro said embarrassedly.

"You came at the wrong time. Uncle, I can't entertain you. I also need a silver third brother to inspect the auditorium. I can only wait for the dinner to show my kindness as a landlord."

Jijiro Suzuki knew Kaitou Kidd's superb disguise skills in advance, and the person he disguised was almost exactly the same as himself.

So he actually didn't trust Sanqianliu Director General and others who hadn't checked it, and it was inconvenient to take them to check the auditorium, lest the security plan be eavesdropped.

It is very impolite to say that you don't trust them. If the Kaitou Kidd is not pretending, the body search will arouse the resentment of Sanqianliu Director-General. It is not a good idea to offend the son-in-law of the Andayuan family.

Therefore, it is the best choice to keep Sanqianliu Director General away from himself and Ginzo Nakamori, so as not to offend others and not reveal the plan.

"You're welcome, uncle, we came here uninvited, so we won't disturb your security work."

Director Sanqianliu, who knows some inside information, of course understands what Jikichiro Suzuki is planning, but he doesn't really mind. After all, he doesn't have this ambition. Molesting a Tsundere Reaper elementary school student is comparable to being a security guard with two elders Much more interesting.

And Suzuki Sonoko's original intention was to spend more time with the Sanqianliu headmaster, and of course it would be inconvenient to bring the elders along, and she was happy to leave Suzuki Jikichiro and the two of them.

As for Mao Lilan, this gentle angel certainly wouldn't say no.

The three went to the side of Mori Kogoro and Edogawa Conan, who were incompatible with the police and security company employees.

Conan Edogawa was wearing the usual blue suit, a voice changer with a bow tie around his neck, an anesthesia watch on his wrist, and a pair of red and white enhanced sneakers on his feet.

Mori Kogoro was dressed in an off-white suit, he seemed to have dressed up for the evening banquet for a while, and he looked like a chic brother.

Two people are surrounding the central display case to see if there are any loopholes.

Mori Kogoro's original status as a police officer and the recent popularity of a famous detective allowed him to avoid a thorough inspection and only conducted a simple search on him.

And Edogawa Conan completely avoided the inspection. After all, no matter how superb Kaito Kidd's disguise was, it was impossible for him to break his legs and change from an adult height to a child.

Such common sense is a bit difficult to think about in today's magical world.

But the police and security company staff didn't understand the supernatural power behind it, so of course the child Edogawa Conan was excluded from the inspection.

"Father, Conan, what are you looking at?"

"Xiaolan, why are you here? Didn't you go outside with Yuanzi to see the sea view?"

Mori Kogoro, who was interrupted from observing, originally wanted to scold the visitor, but after finding out that it was his daughter Mao Lilan, he said without interest.

On the contrary, Conan Edogawa, the little ghost head, was very happy to see Mao Lilan's arrival, but when he saw that Sanqianliu Zongsi, the yellow-haired prince who was more handsome than himself, was beside her, his jealousy was overturned again.

"Sister Xiaolan, my uncle and I are looking at the equipment to protect the Black Pearl."

Edogawa Conan trotted to Mao Lilan, took her hand, and said coquettishly.

Seeing Sanqianliu Souji had a chill, his body changed from a teenager to a child, but his cuteness went up to a new level, and he lived up to his mother Yukiko Kudo's genes as an actress.

This can't help but make Sanqianliu Director recall the self when he traveled just now, and he also made a fresh start and learned superb acting skills.

The pain of sympathizing with each other made Sanqianliu Director-General a little bit reluctant to molested Edogawa Conan, and decided to let his little jealous vat brew for a while.

The time order after the fusion of the world is extremely stable, there is no such thing as a ten-thousand-year elementary school student, and I wonder if the angel Mao Lilan will spend a few years of youth waiting for a childhood sweetheart who has never been seen in this world.

Maybe Sanqianliu Director General can still see Edogawa Conan in his life from a small vinegar jar to a big vinegar jar.

"Father, this is my friend, Sanqianliu Director General, you should have met him."

At the Suzuki family's banquet that night, Mori Kogoro saw the Sanqianliu Souji surrounded by beauties from a distance, so he was deeply impressed by him.

"Hello, Uncle Mao Li, I have seen you showing off your power in the newspapers before. It is better to meet you than to be famous. Uncle, you are much more handsome than in the photos."

The bridal sedan chairs were carried by everyone, especially the family's daughter was still on the side, the general manager of Sanqianliu should give Kogoro Mori some face.

Mori Kogoro, apart from being more reserved in front of his former boss, has a carefree look in front of others, which is similar to Suzuki Sonoko.

She would only be shy in front of Prince Charming, and careless to everyone else.

Hearing the praise of Sanqianliu Director General, Mori Kogoro accepted his insight with great satisfaction, covered the back of his head, and laughed.

"Hahaha...Boy Zongsi, I didn't expect you to have a good eye for people. You can see my uncle's excellence at a glance. Not bad, not bad..."

The high-spirited Kogoro Mori felt more and more pleasing to the eyes of Sanqianliu Souji, whether in appearance or conversation, he was better than that annoying little ghost Kudo Shinichi, and he couldn't help saying.

"Boy Zongsi, I think you are quite pleasing to the eye, why don't you try dating with our Xiaolan, if you become a husband and wife, I, as a father, will feel much more at ease."

"Dad!" "Uncle!"

Mao Lilan didn't expect that her father would draw a red line for her like this. Obviously, she originally meant to create space for Sanqianliu and Suzuki Sonoko.

With a red face, he shouted to Mori Kogoro, telling him to stop talking nonsense.

As for Edogawa Conan, he didn't expect Sanqianliu, the formidable enemy, to deal with the most annoying Kogoro Mori as soon as he came up, and he couldn't change back to Kudo Shinichi to argue, so he could only call his uncle aggrieved .

Suzuki Sonoko didn't expect that Kogoro Mori wanted to push Mao Lilan to the head of Sanqianliu. If he knew it, he wouldn't come to the auditorium to enhance his relationship. This was not an assist for Xiaolan.

The head of Sanqianliu is a little complacent. Every parent he meets wants to give his daughter a red line. What does this mean?This shows that the excellence of Sanqianliu General Director is well known to everyone.

In the future, in addition to the sincere title of female killer, Sanqianliu Chief Director may also have the reputation of being close to the elders.

Then he was a little helpless. He obviously didn't want to provoke Conan Edogawa, who was suffering from the same disease. He didn't expect Kogoro Mori to send an assist. No wonder Conan Edogawa kept stabbing him with small needles. Maybe he didn't mean to vent.

"Uncle, you are joking, I don't mean that to Miss Xiaolan."

Sanqianliu's words made Edogawa Conan and Suzuki Sonoko heave a sigh of relief, feeling that they still have hope.

On the contrary, Kogoro Mori was a little disappointed, it seemed that Sanqianliu was really pleasing to the eyes, and he wanted to get closer.

As for the master, Mao Lilan didn't show any abnormality, but stared at Kogoro Maoli helplessly, unable to say a word.

Chapter 371 Opening the door "good luck"

After learning that the chief executive of Sanqianliu didn't have that kind of meaning for Mao Lilan, Conan Edogawa, the little vinegar vat, was not careless, still like a little lion guarding his territory.

This state did not last long, and soon he and Mori Kogoro observed all aspects of the auditorium.

The young little ghost always chooses the latter between his childhood sweetheart and reasoning. If it weren't for Mao Lilan's angelic gentle character, Kudo Shinichi would have been dumped countless times in more than 1000 episodes.

Director Sanqianliu and the three of them sat at the bar beside them, drinking drinks and chatting happily.

The head of Sanqianliu didn't have much interest in catching the Kaitou Kidd at first, so he accompanied Suzuki Sonoko and Mori Ran to the auditorium just because he was bored and wanted to tease Edogawa Conan.

The same is true for Mao Lilan. For her, Kaito Kidd is not as worth admiring as the sea view outside. If it weren't for the invitation of her best friend Sonoko Suzuki and the enthusiasm of the two detectives at home, she might be practicing karate in the dojo.

Among the three, only Suzuki Sonoko was interested in the legendary handsome uncle Kaitou Kidd, but in front of Sanqianliu Zongji, that interest was also forgotten.

In Suzuki Sonoko's more than ten years of nympho experience, Sanqianliu is the most handsome person she has ever seen, and it is impossible for anyone to surpass him in the future. How can the Kaitou Kidd, who has never met before, be comparable to the prince in front of him? .

Although Adagaki Aihime is a big mountain in front of Suzuki Sonoko, Suzuki Sonoko can establish a good relationship with Sanqianliu in advance, and wait for the opportunity to make a move in the future. Fire prevention, theft and girlfriends are nothing more than this.

As for the family's ancestral black pearl, that is the business of the uncle's parents. As a junior, she should focus on poaching her prince.

The three chatted enthusiastically at the bar, out of tune with the police officers around them who were trying to check security issues.

Fortunately, this enviable situation didn't last long, the sky was getting dark, and the dinner exhibition was about to start, except for the necessary police waiters, everyone else had to leave to change their dresses.

Kogoro Mori and Conan Edogawa, two guys who have not changed clothes for thousands of years, may not have a dress.

But the two ladies Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were different. They wore casual clothes when enjoying the sea view, but they couldn't dress like this for the dinner.

Although the brightest ones tonight must be Black Pearl and Xia Jiang Suomoto, who is about to get engaged, but any lady who loves beauty doesn't want to leave too much behind at the party that competes for beauty.

The same is true for Sanqianliu Director-General, he now represents the face of the Anda Yuan family, he needs to pay attention to his appearance, and it is impossible to attend the dinner in casual clothes.

I don't know if Yoshino Koiwai prepared an evening dress for him.

After making an appointment with Sonoko Suzuki and the others for a goodbye dinner, Director Sanqianliu returned to the presidential suite where Yoshino Koiwai took him.

There are already guarded female bodyguards outside the room, and it seems that Adagaki Aihime has arrived.

These female bodyguards didn't embarrass him when they saw Director Sanqianliu, and let him into the presidential suite directly.

He didn't see Aihime Andagaki when he entered the door, and Director Sanqianliu didn't call out for her. Based on his understanding of Ahime Andagaki, the largest bedroom must be her room.

Yoshino Koiwai, as Adagaki Aihime's personal maid, is inseparable from her. If you find her, you should be able to find the dress prepared in advance.

With this in mind, Chief Sanqianliu opened the door of the master bedroom.

The bedroom is huge, the furniture is very gorgeous, and the decoration is extremely exquisite, but it can't catch the attention of Sanqianliu.

What attracts Sanqianliu Director-General more than these foreign objects is a pure white and flawless back, with jade bones and ice muscles, which is natural.

Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls nine days. The black and beautiful hair is in stark contrast to the white back, which is in line with the Taoist idea of ​​yin and yang, and it is really attractive.

The beauty nodded slightly, her hair slanted down, revealing her icy neck and perfectly curved shoulders.

Seeing such attractive fragrant shoulders and neck, Sanqianliu Shoji finally understood why vampires always like to suck blood like that, it is too attractive.

The willow slender waist is connected with mountains and peaks, and a few ropes of black lace outline a round and plump attractive curve, which is plump yet slender.

A layer of tulle was placed on the enchanting arms, adding a hazy beauty.

Just the back view vividly reflects the feminine beauty of women.

Andagaki Aihime is too immature to achieve the charm of this mature woman.

Director Sanqianliu had already guessed the identity of this beauty from her back, and he had intimate contact with her.

At that time, Sanqianliu's chief executive had been hard on her lap all day, if he hadn't vented in time, he might not have waited for Mrs. Kato Mieko's kidnapping at all, and would have been abolished.

On Andagaki's territory, besides Andagaki Aiji, there is only Andagaki Caixiang who is so presumptuous.

It's normal to think about it, but in front of Ayaka Andagaki, Aihime Andagaki could only give up the master bedroom and go to other rooms in the presidential suite.

Opening the door, seeing the back of his wife Ayaka Adagaki, Sanqianliu did not lose his mind.

Knowing that if she is caught by Ayaka Adagaki, she may die a miserable death. Tokyo Bay is probably not the destination, but the moon is.

So before Ayaka Andagaki turned around, she quickly closed the door.

"Cheng Nai?"

Ayaka Andagaki is a person who likes to be free and unrestrained, and she knew her empty habit the day Sanqianliu Sousji became stockings.

So the people around Ayaka Andagaki who serve her are all women.

Ayaka Andagaki was on her own boat, in her own presidential suite, guarded by female bodyguards outside, and stayed alone in the bedroom, so it was not too much to dress coolly.

Before Sanqianliu Shoji broke in, Ayaka Adagaki was worrying about what to wear for the dinner.

It is true that the Xianghime is her home, but today's protagonists are the Suzuki family and the Somoto family. If she dresses too eye-catchingly, she will be a bad example after all.

Even her precious daughter Aihime Adagaki wanted to wear a black off-the-shoulder evening dress, but she turned her back and changed into a more plain one, so she couldn't compete for the limelight.

Naruno Koiwai, the personal maid butler, went to help her get some other styles of dresses.

The sound of Sanqianliu's head opening the door made Ayaka Andagaki mistakenly think that Yoshino Koiwai came back with clothes.

But the sound of closing the door immediately cast a layer of doubt on Ayaka Andagaki's heart.

She wasn't worried about her own safety. After all, there were all her bodyguards outside the presidential suite, and it was impossible for anyone in danger to enter.

With the sound of closing the door, Ayaka Andagaki put on a veil and turned around slowly, wanting to see who broke in.

It didn't shake as imagined. After all, Aihime Adagaki has the title of being poor and hungry, and the mother Ayaka Andagaki who gave birth to her is not much older.

The delicate and small golden lotus steps on the warm carpet, so there is no need to worry about catching cold.


Opening the door, I looked around and found no one. If Ayaka Andagaki hadn't confirmed the sound of the door opening and closing just now, she might think that nothing happened.

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