All the citizens returned to the core area of ​​the territory.

Soldiers can be seen patrolling everywhere.

Xihan put on a black cloak to cover his somewhat damaged armor.

She followed up and said, "My lord, if you want to build a defensive arrow tower, you can choose these...these...higher positions."

She pointed to several hills.

"Although at present, the detection crystal tower cannot be built, but since the arrow tower is fully automatic, it has basic judgment functions."

"Then... the arrow tower can also play a certain role in early warning."

"We can build the arrow tower in a relatively peripheral place."

"However, my lord, you should ask for Luo Gang's suggestion."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


Mu Yu found Luo Gang, who was patrolling with troops.

"Report Lord Lord, no enemy situation has been found so far."

Luo Gang said.

The sound was loud, like the ringing of a bell.

Mu Yu nodded slightly.

Affirmed his efforts and encouraged him.

Ask Luo Gang again,

Suggestions on where to build arrow towers.

Luo Gang is worthy of being a defensive unit.

He has more unique insights than Xi Han on how to build territorial defenses.

"Not bad." Mu Yu said.

"As for the job transfer of the Warcry Heavy Shield Soldier, after Shu Yu'er has completed the personnel statistics, you can go to her and choose a few suitable candidates first."

"This group of commander-level souls, you find time to absorb it."

"try hard."

...... 0

"Yes! Thank you Lord Lord for your cultivation! The last general, Luo Gang, will go through fire and water for Lord Lord!"

He knelt down on one knee and said softly.

[Hint: The loyalty of the leader Luo Gang is +3. 】

Mu Yu waved his hand.


There are still two groups of commander-level souls in his hands.

They are all defective.

I have to keep it for now.

After all, with Luo Gang's strength, he can absorb a group of incomplete souls and directly break through.

The probability is not high.

Laiya is promoted only by faith and a little bit of luck.

"But maybe."

"What if, Luo Gang was promoted on the spot."


He combined the suggestions provided by Xi Han and Luo Gang.

Select six locations as the construction sites for the arrow tower.


It can encircle a territory that is not that big at present.

Construction workers start construction.

Mu Yu looked into the distance as if feeling something.

high place,

Xi Han jumped from the top of a newly built arrow tower.

"My lord, there are many snow wolves outside the snow field in the distance."

at this time,

The light is dim, only a little light from the heat ball.

It's snowing again outside.

Snow wolf and Fengxue almost merged into one.

Even Xihan,

Originally, it was difficult to spot these snow wolves.

But there are too many snow wolves.

So many to spot!

There are twenty or thirty heads.

They stepped on the snow and rushed straight.

"This is a bit abnormal!"

ps: [-]D is updated, there is really no drop, thank you friends for your support!Xi.

Chapter 76

"Enemy attack!"

Dangdang alarm bells sounded.

The fighters sprang into action.

six arrow towers,

Only two were built at this time.

One of the,

It happened to be facing the direction the snow wolf was attacking.

The arrow tower has already judged the enemy.


A half-meter-long arrow hole shot out.

A snow wolf flew into the air, spilling blood suddenly.

But more snow wolves,

Still rushing forward.

Crossed the halo line shrouded by the heat ball.

Their figures appeared more clearly in Mu Yu's eyes.

"It's similar to the snow wolves I met before, and they are stronger than ordinary gray wolves."

"Is it a special breed?"

Mu Yu still stood where he was, without moving.

Twenty or thirty snow wolves looked terrifying.

But even if Xi Han and other heroes don't attack, other fighters are enough to easily defeat them.

   Luo Gang rushed forward.

He held the rock shield and exerted strength with his legs.


A black figure charged like a tank.

Knocked snow wolves flying more than ten meters away.

Luo Gang pulled out the heavy sword, held it with one hand, and swung it violently.

The bodies of the three snow wolves were severed.

Blood was spilled all over the place.

Spearman Wen Fei was holding a black spear, and his speed was also very fast.

Swipe two shots.

Killed two snow wolves in a row.


Archer Wu Mu, climbed to the top of the arrow tower.

Holding a fire element bow and crossbow, put on the crossbow arrows.

He got down on one knee,

Pull the trigger.


A crossbow arrow shot out, piercing the snow wolf's head.

Flames burst forth.

Patrol fighters sortie out,

In less than 2 minute,

Twenty or so snow wolves were seriously injured or killed.

Some fighters have just arrived.

The enemy did not leave a single head.

"It's gone. It's gone."

"Continue to be alert."

"Check and clean up these snow wolf corpses and send them to the warehouse."

Shu Yu'er stood on a high place.

Arranged in an orderly manner.

Xi Han looked at the wind and snow in the distance with sharp eyes.

She suddenly spoke,

"My lord, I suspect that these snow wolves may be manipulated."

"I want to chase them out and check."

Mu Yu thought for a while.


"Safety first."

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