Thanks to Hikigaya's blessing, Horikita can devote all his energy to class affairs, and repeatedly confirms with the parties about the projects that are about to be reported, and strives to achieve the best solution.

After-school assemblies dwindled over time as brainstorming was no longer necessary.

In contrast, the chat dedicated to Class D became more and more active, and everyone transferred the discussion about the special exam to the Internet.

This is a very clever move. Many students are not good at speaking in front of others, but they are very active on the Internet.

The exchange of opinions has obviously become much more than before.

Bi Qigu is also happy to see this, not that he likes to speak in the group, in fact, he hasn't said a word since he was added, and he is completely transparent.

He's just glad he's not forced to stay for meetings every day.

Finally, I don't have to go to the student union recently, who wants to waste precious time on class matters.

After school that day, Hikigu picked up his schoolbag and hurried to the dormitory.

Two days ago, due to... a little unexpected situation, he missed many new episodes, so he had to make up for it.

But as soon as he walked out of the teaching building, he saw Hashimoto and Albert standing in a nearby corner, as if something had happened.


How did these two guys get together?

Hikigu couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, almost thinking he was wrong.

But the reality is that Hashimoto and Albert are facing each other over there. Hashimoto seems to be saying something while waving his hands, but Albert just stares at him silently without saying a word.

How should I put's pretty scary.

Although Hikigu also knew that Albert would not hit people casually, but his head was there.

Basically, anyone who is blocked in a corner by a two-meter-tall black man will always feel a little flustered.

Anyway, Bi Qigu didn't want to do that.

So he made a quick decision and decided to pretend that he didn't see anything, and continued to walk away from the scene.

However, the sharp-eyed Hashimoto noticed him, and immediately shouted: "Oh, Hikigu! You are so late, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't know you."

Hikigu immediately understood what he was planning, and he just wanted to take the opportunity to get away.

It's just that I can't stand Hashimoto's thick skin.

While greeting Albert, he said with a smile: "See, I said that there are friends waiting for me, so I will take a step first."

"Uh..." Albert still didn't say a word about this, and didn't make any movement to stop him, just watching Hashimoto run away like this.

I have no idea what he's going to do.

But in a sense, this incomprehensible situation made people feel even more terrifying.

Is that so... So that's what happened.

Thinking of this, Hikigu vaguely guessed something.

"Thanks, it was really helpful this time."

Hashimoto patted Hikigaya on the shoulder lightly, showing no signs of fear at all.

"So?" Bi Qigu squinted at him, "What trouble did you get into this time? You actually forced Longyuan to send Albert to deal with you."

"Wait! I didn't do anything right!" Hashimoto immediately complained.

"Really? I don't believe it."

"Why don't you believe it, I really didn't do anything."

Hashimoto sighed, and simply confessed the whole thing: "Today, as soon as I was about to go back from get out of class, Albert approached me directly, and he ignored me when he greeted him. In the end, he forced me into a corner. Scared the hell out of me."

"I didn't see that you were scared to death again." Bi Qigu complained with a strange expression.

"Ahaha, I'm just pretending to be calm on the surface, but in fact I'm super scared." Hashimoto's nonsense also opened his mouth, "If you didn't happen to pass by, I wouldn't know how to get out, thank you so much. "

"...Stop pretending."

Hikigu would not be dazed by these casual words, and exposed his lies on the spot.

"You guys usually like to wander around the campus after school, but you went back immediately today? Why, have you changed your temper?"

"It was on a whim. It's not surprising that I want to go back early once in a while."

Although Hashimoto's words sound reasonable, Hikigaya will not believe him so easily.

This guy is also a liar who is not inferior to Sakayanagi.

"Hmph... In my opinion, you went to Class C to gather information and were discovered. That's why Ryuuen sent Albert to warn you."

"No, no, how could I do that kind of thing." Hashimoto shook his head again and again.

"Whatever, I'm not interested anyway."

Saying that, Bi Qigu quickened his pace, wanting to stay away from this guy.

But Hashimoto chased after him unwillingly: "Hey, don't go so fast, I really didn't get troubled just because of collecting information on Class C."

Not only that...

Bi Qigu secretly smiled inwardly, and continued to wait for him to speak.

"And it's not just me, Class C has been finding fault with our class recently." Hashimoto's complaint this time is sincere, "Not only is it messing around, but sometimes he stalks us, the worst thing is today, Al Burt doesn’t know how scary he looks! Gorillas are more beautiful than him!”

"Ha ha……"

When he said this, Hikigu couldn't help laughing.

"If you look at it this way, Ryuuen is probably behind the scenes."

As for the reason, it is not difficult to guess. By continuously exerting pressure, it will not only create a mental burden on the students of Class B, making them unable to concentrate on the exam, but may also force the other party to accidentally reveal information about the exam. .

In order to make up for the lack of combat power, this is indeed what Ryuuen can do.

From this point of view, it is not a bad thing for Ayanokōji to choose the upright Class A as his opponent.

At least you don't have to worry about such dirty tricks outside the market.

Even an elite group like Class B complained about this. If Class D was treated like this, one can imagine how bad the morale of the class would be.

"It's definitely that guy." Hashimoto sighed as if feeling a headache, "Hey, Hikigaya, you belong to the student union, can you think of a way to stop them?"

"Ge Cheng is also from the Student Union, you should look for him."

"But he said that the guys in class C didn't violate the school rules, and he couldn't do anything. He just told us not to conflict with each other."

"Since he said so, then you should do it."

Even though it sounds a bit useless, what Katsuragi said is undoubtedly right.

Facing this kind of behavior of finding fault like a primary school student, there is really no good way except to swallow his anger.

Hooligans are not terrible, just because they are educated.

Many shopkeepers encountered triads finding fault, even calling the police did not work, and often ended up with a compromise.

After all, the other party may know the law better than the police.

"Hey, anyway, just bear with it, you'll be fine after the exam." Hikigu said a comforting word that wasn't consoling.

"Don't be so ruthless." Hashimoto continued to pester, "It's good for you to help us. If our class wins this exam, won't your class be one step closer to class C?"

Hikigu smiled softly: "Let's not say that I don't care about the class ranking at all. If you really look at the interests of class D, if your class loses, it will be good for our class."

"Huh? Why?"

"It's very simple, of course it's because your class is much more difficult to deal with than Class C."

For Class D, there are many opportunities to beat Class C.

But it's not necessarily the case for going to class B. Anyway, Bi Qigu doesn't have much confidence, at least there is no chance of winning in a head-to-head encounter.

It doesn't matter whether you can be promoted to class C or not, only graduating from class A can be the final winner.

"Besides, why do you ask me for this kind of thing? You go to Sakayanagi to discuss it."

"I think so too." Hashimoto immediately groaned, "But Princess Princess seems to have been in a slump since... ever since she was raped by you, she didn't participate in the discussion of this exam at all, and she didn't know where she went after school. .”

The information in this regard is the same as what Kamuro said.

... By the way, what the hell is domestic violence?

In the end, I helped her avoid dropping out of school!

But from a certain point of view, this may be the biggest insult to Sakayanagi... Whatever, that guy came to make trouble first anyway.

This is called self-inflicted.

"You don't speak strange words. Anyway, I have nothing to do. You can just think of it as a test of endurance."

"why is it like this……"

Hashimoto smiled wryly, and then seemed to think of something suddenly, his eyeballs rolled around.

"Hikigu, I just said that it's not just me, there are other people in our class who were picked on by those guys in class C."

"It's not my business."

Even if Class B and Class D are not enemies in this exam, there is no reason for Bi Qigu to help them.

Or maybe he didn't want to be involved in it.

"Hey, don't worry, listen to me."

For some reason, Hashimoto's face suddenly showed a smile of winning, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

"It also includes Kamuro, she was also entangled."


"Why did I lie to you?"

Seeing that Hikigaya's expression changed slightly, Hashimoto spread his hands exaggeratedly.

"It's that Ibuki, you know that tomboy is good at fighting, right? Although that guy Kamuro endured it for the time being, I always feel that sooner or later those two will fight."

" let me think about it."

Seeing that Hikigu was lost in thought, Hashimoto didn't bother, but kept complaining in his heart.

This guy really has enough to forget his friends!

After talking for a long time, I changed back to "it's none of my business", but as soon as Kamuro was mentioned, I immediately started to think of a way.

Hey, no wonder even Ichinose's confession was rejected.

Speaking of which, I haven't asked him yet. I heard that he seemed to wear glasses a few days ago, which became a topic of discussion among many girls, but why did he take them off today?

Just when Hashimoto was thinking wildly, Hikigu finally gave the answer.

"I think... Anyway, I think so, since Long Yuan's purpose is to know which five projects you plan to take as your life, then you should just tell them."

Chapter 443

After hearing Hikigaya's words, Hashimoto was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly.

"I said, don't play tricks on me at this time. The people in our class were frightened by those guys in class C, and now we all count on you."

"But I didn't trick you?" Bi Qigu said with a strange face, "Why, do you think this idea is bad?"

"How could it be good!"

Hashimoto complained loudly, and then couldn't help complaining: "Or Longyuan and the others' purpose is to inquire about the five natal items of our class, how could they let them succeed because they are afraid of harassment, Shancun and Katsuragi are absolutely won't agree."

"Idiot, you are also an elite group of the former Class A, can't you use your brain a little?"

"It's ironic that those words come out of your mouth..."

Sighing, Hashimoto really calmed down and began to think seriously.

After a while, he said with some uncertainty: "Could it be that you want us to create five fake projects to deceive Long Yuan? But that guy won't be easily fooled, right?"

Indeed, Long Yuan has always been suspicious.

Among the ten items in this exam, five were originally used as smoke bombs to confuse the opponent.

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