These innocent people were affected and suffered. As a group of powerless mortals, even if Lei Zhe intended to control the direction of power output, he couldn't bear even the slight AOE splash damage.

After the Lost Demon fell powerlessly to the ground, Lei Zhe also stopped and let out an earth-shattering thunder roar. After such a roar, the underground space might collapse.

He watched coldly as the seven orifices were bleeding, and the spider's eyeballs on the lower body were burst by the roar. The lost demon with a ferocious face like a ghost slightly propped up his upper body with unwilling anger.

"Human...I curse..."


Before the opponent continued to press, Lei Zhe clapped his hands together for eleven claps quickly, then his right hand suddenly went up, and his left hand quickly stretched downwards, a golden vertical crescent-shaped light blade shot out directly, and in the blink of an eye, the spider man was slapped. Cut in half, and then completely purified by the supreme holy radiance contained in the vertical crescent light blade.


The lost demon whose body completely turned into powder and dissipated, only had time to leave two words full of shock before completely dissipating, the kind that died so that there was not even a scum left.

A vertical guillotine directly sent the lost demon away, Lei Zhe glanced coldly at the place where the other party disappeared, and said disdainfully: "The speed of the force is really slow, killing you hundreds of times is considered a small number." Already!"

If the other party fought back without saying too much, Lei Zhe wouldn't be like this. He was so bloody and still forced Lai Lai, did Lei Zhe really not be able to react?What do you think you are?


Lei Zhe's figure flashed and moved, and he came straight to the six surviving human stick ghouls. His eyes full of murderous intent were under the mask, and he looked coldly at these guys who were still howling through the mask.

Listening to their screams, Lei Zhe will never forget the other party's voice in his life, and he did not find the wrong ghoul.

" lord, I... ouch!!!"

The ghoul closest to Lei Zhe kept twisting its broken limbs like a maggot, lying on the ground and wanted to move around, but before the humble begging words full of pain could be played, a burst of pain came from his crotch. Tingling pain, that is the strongest pain involving the essence of male life.

Compared with the pain of women giving birth and giving birth, it is even worse.

Lei Zhe directly raised his foot and stepped on the opponent's crotch hard, and his sensitive ears heard the subtle sound of 'paji' when he stepped down.

As soon as he heard the other party's voice that stimulated the hatred in the most untouchable memory in his mind, Lei Zhe's emotions began to run wild uncontrollably.


Listening to the other party's ups and downs of howling, Lei Zhe didn't feel any desire for revenge, only the unhappiness and disgust from the heart. The more the other party screamed, his emotions would be uncontrollable and out of control, so he One leg directly kicked out dense afterimages, and the subtle thunder and lightning stimulated the opponent's nerves.

The pain that makes the ghoul doubt life, and feel that he regrets being born a man, keeps making him feel it with the highest senses.

"Oh!! Let me die! Let me die! Let me die!!"

The human stick ghoul, who looked like a maggot, didn't even have the strength to twist his body, his hoarse throat roared loudly and shrillly, and his eyeballs almost fell out.

The self-healing ability of the ghouls is very strong, these few ghouls that have been cut into human sticks will not lose too much blood to death, because the wounds on their limbs have automatically stopped.

Lei Zhe was kicking the opponent until he couldn't make a sound, his crotch was bloody and charred, and tiny electric arcs flickered on the wound from time to time.

After stopping to perform violent actions, he looked at the other five ghouls who were lying on the ground and did not dare to make a sound. The vicious and violent eyes directly made the other five ghouls incontinent.

"I'll take care of you maggots!"

A chilling grin came from under the mask, and the energy in Lei Zhe's body was released, and Zhen Qi lifted the package of the six sticks and ghouls into the air, and they were just suspended behind Lei Zhe.

ps: The special effects madman Tachibana Raizo, it is really dazzling to use it...

Chapter 34 Healing, leaving

Looking viciously at the six human stick ghouls who couldn't move or speak, Lei Zhe turned and walked towards the captured crowd who were trapped in the big iron cage.

Seeing Lei Zhe walking slowly, everyone stepped back in fear, huddled together in the cage, and looked at each other nervously.

It's not that they weren't afraid, but Lei Zhe's act of killing the enemy just now was too frightening. I'm afraid they will never forget that figure exuding a murderous aura all over their bodies.

Obviously, the other party is definitely not an ordinary person, and the fighting power displayed is tearing apart their three views.

Originally, they were abducted or kidnapped here by ghouls, and witnessed a large group of ghouls eating humans, and the spider man who swallowed countless humans, this scene really scared them.

Later, because the ghouls thought they were too noisy, they directly killed a few of the most yelling ones as an example to the monkeys, and ate the corpses in front of them.

The ghouls who looked at them so frightened that they wanted to vomit or scream jokingly said that whoever dared to make a sound would be the next food.

At this point, seeing the bloody scene around them, no one dared to speak out at will, they were completely numb and desperate.

Now Lei Zhe suddenly appeared, killing the ghouls in a few strokes. While they felt happy, they were also afraid of Lei Zhe who was holding a knife and wearing a mask.

Because the powerful Lei Zhe couldn't be equated with the human beings in their impression at all, the guy who used a crushing posture to deal with monsters was definitely a more terrifying existence than monsters.

Moreover, there are six ghouls with severed limbs floating in the air behind the opponent, if it is not scary, it will be hell.

"Bang bang bang!!!!"

When he came to the front of the ice wall he created, he took a look at the ghouls that were frozen like specimens in the big ice cube exuding biting cold air. Lei Zhe controlled his power and with a thought, the huge ice wall was suddenly densely packed. The cracks were filled, and then the huge ice wall, including the ghouls inside, all turned into ice crystal powder.

From the visual point of view of the hostages in the cage, this scene looks beautiful and bright, but remembering that the disgusting and terrifying ghouls were also part of the ice crystal powder, the feeling of beauty receded like a tide.


Lei Zhe drew the Qiankun Knife not far away from the air with his bare hands, and then swung it directly.


The light of the knife lit up and spread diffusely, and the light of the knife flashed through every steel cage.

Click click! !

All the steel cages were destroyed in the next instant, and the gates that people could pass through were directly opened by the knife light violence.

"Someone on the ground is already organizing rescue operations. The passage here is as easy to get lost as a maze. Stay here and don't run around. Someone will come to rescue you soon."

Lei Zhe's hoarse voice came out from under the mask through the real qi in his body, and these plain and hoarse words were passed into the ears of everyone who survived.

After finishing speaking, Lei Zhe turned around and was about to leave without waiting for everyone's dull and surprised expressions.

She...they...are they saved?

Everyone looked at each other with the blankness and numbness in each other's eyes. They were kidnapped by ghouls and came to this ghostly place. They lived in fear of being eaten every day. Everyone had fear, despair, and numbness until now. .

Now suddenly a guy came out and killed the ghouls who detained and persecuted them with thunder. Most people felt that it was unreal.

The miracle happened so fast that they couldn't react in time.

The boulder of despair that was pressing them down in my heart disappeared, so should we...should we be joyful and grateful?

But... what happened to the tears that were left on the cheeks after the inner relaxation?

"...are...saved? Are we saved?

"Woo...I'm still alive..."

"Mom and Dad..."



The repressed numbness found an outlet, and everyone couldn't help crying. They had witnessed nightmares that they couldn't imagine these days, and they didn't even dare to vent their emotions.

Seeing their fellow human beings being eaten alive in front of their eyes, and the painful and desperate wailing when they were killed, it seemed like a nightmare lingering in their ears, which could not be forgotten.

They could only watch helplessly, praying that the next one would not be themselves, and they were so helpless that they didn't dare to speak out, because they saw their relatives and good friends who couldn't help but all fell into demons or ghouls. belly.

The reason why the lost demon didn't go all out to eat up the captured humans was because he needed to fill the hearts of humans with negative emotions such as despair and fear, so that he could absorb flesh and blood and turn them into his own power.

The face under Lei Zhe's mask didn't fluctuate at all. Once upon a time, he also cried sadly. With the tears running dry, he turned into a wicked ghost with a twisted mind, madly wanting revenge.

Now that the big vengeance has been avenged, does he have the will to take revenge?

There are some, but more are uncomfortable and empty.

I can't come back, the lost things can't come back, the things that have been dug out in the soul, what remains is only a black hole that can't be filled.

"...That...that, sir, please wait a moment!!!"

A crying voice full of despair suddenly came out, calling Lei Zhe who was walking away. Everyone froze when they saw Lei Zhe stop, and then looked at the person who made the sound with puzzled eyes .

It was a long, black, straight and beautiful girl kneeling on the ground, with a fiery figure like a devil and a face as beautiful as an angel.

Her appearance is characterized by white and tender skin, long flowing hair in warm purple black, and a pair of bright and moving big eyes.

Apart from the appearance, the most attractive thing is the very proud bust of the other party.

Gui Yanye's face was stained with tears, and he was holding a pale, bloodless little girl who had passed out in his arms. Seeing that the immature face with some smudges was almost similar to her, it seemed that it should be her sister.

The little girl's right arm completely disappeared, and Gui Yanye used her own clothes and stockings to stop the bleeding and bandage the blood-stained wound in a very simple way. It's just a drop in the bucket.

The shadow of death has begun to completely attack this little girl.

Because before Lei Zhe came, Gui Xin couldn't help screaming loudly when she saw the bloody and frightening scene, so she was targeted by the ghouls.

I don’t know if this little girl is very lucky, because the ghoul outside just had a full meal, facing Gui Yanye, who was frantically pleading for his sister, that ghoul just glanced at her and didn’t care about her .

Directly using his own Hezi, he brutally cut off a small arm of the little girl Gui Xin, and took the other's small arm as a snack to eat.

Because children are the most important food for that demon lord. Although they can devour each other, they must not eat too much.

While these ghouls are eating, they also have their own responsibilities, which is to make all the humans in the cages have negative emotions.

This could be considered the reason why the little girl didn't die completely, and it was considered relatively lucky, at least the guys who spoke before Gui Xin were almost all dead.

Gui Yanye hugged her sister Gui Xin who had passed out, already feeling that her sister could no longer support her, she had no choice but to put a glimmer of hope for help on Lei Zhe who had just rescued them.

Let her hold her younger sister and wait for rescue. My younger sister will definitely not be able to hold on anymore. Gui Xin has already breathed in more and exhaled less, her heartbeat is gradually weakening, and her body temperature is also dropping rapidly.

"Please...can you save my sister, Guixin can't hold on anymore."

Originally, some saved people looked at Gui Yanye who was kneeling on the ground hugging his sister with a sense of blame, and all fell silent.

They had some complaints about Gui Yanye calling Lei Zhe that ruthless person, but seeing him hugging his dying sister in despair and sorrow, they couldn't say anything more.

His younger sister obviously couldn't hold on any longer, looking at the bloodless little girl in the other's arms, it was no wonder that the other party put their hopes for help on that exceptionally capable Lei Zhe.

After all, the extraordinary ability displayed by the other party is not small. Being able to deal with those monsters in such a short period of time may save the little girl who is about to die.

Gui Yanye is also desperate. He can only turn to the "miracle" that saved them.

After Lei Zhe heard the sound and stopped, he turned around and looked at the other party, and then looked at the little girl in the other party's arms. Judging from his perception and eyes, the little girl was on the verge of death and did not have long to live up.

Neither the rescue time nor the time to send to the hospital is enough.

Looking at Gui Yanye's tear-stained, helpless and desperate expression, Lei Zhe inexplicably thought of his dead sister.

He can also empathize with each other, so...


Raising his right hand and stretching out his index finger, he circulated the power from Kirby Star and the original holy radiance in his body, a small pink-purple light jade emerged on Lei Zhe's finger, and the gentle light jade with warm healing power continued to An arc of energy exploded.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw this scene, while the others widened their eyes, Lei Zhe raised his hand and pointed at Gui Xin in Gui Yanye's arms.

Zi la la la...

"call out--!"

The sparks from the burst of energy sizzled, and the pink-purple jade on Lei Zhe's finger turned into a pink light, shooting straight at Gui Xin in Gui Yanye's arms, hitting Gui Xin in the blink of an eye.

The pink-purple healing energy instantly enveloped the petite Gui Xin.

"Gui Xin!?"

Gui Yanye, who came to his senses and looked down, was startled. Lei Zhe's move looked like he was attacking someone. The hurried Gui Yanye quickly looked at his sister who was surrounded by pink and purple energy in his arms.

Others who had reacted, with fear of the unknown on their faces, looked in panic at the pink-purple light that was continuously outputting towards Gui Xin, and hurriedly backed away not wanting to get close to that light.

The one standing in the crowd has long silver-white hair, a tender and lovely white face, and a pair of big shining eyes. He stares at the pink-purple light as if shining, and then his face changes for the better at a speed visible to the naked eye. , a tender white arm grew from the broken wound of the other party.

This scene directly made her highly intelligent little head slightly stagnant.

This pink-purple healing light has no lethality, it is only used to heal people, not counting the healing of Xia Chuan Zhenliang's wrist injury before, Lei Zhe is the first time to output energy at a high power to save people.

Unexpectedly, the effect was astonishingly good, even Gui Xin's severed arm grew out amidst everyone's stunned gazes.

"Osmanthus... Osmanthus heart!?"

After the pink-purple light treatment ended soon, Gui Yanye's face was in disbelief, and he raised his hand to touch the arm growing towards his sister, feeling a little at a loss.

From the warmth of life and the substantial touch, Gui Xin's face became rosy and plump, and she no longer looked like she was in a coma, but like she was in a deep sleep.

The scene of the rebirth of a severed limb was unfolded in front of everyone's eyes. There was nothing wrong with the ghoul's self-healing ability, but this little girl was obviously a human being.

"Wait here with peace of mind, and see you again if you are destined."

Lei Zhe suddenly made a sound for everyone to hear and watch, and some people who were hugging their relatives or friends also looked over excitedly.

But when they turned their heads, they were stunned. There was no one in the place where Lei Zhe stayed just now, leaving only a sentence that was still echoing in the air just now, and then disappeared.

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