Uchiha Itachi's red kaleidoscope eyes are shining with a light that seems to know everything at this moment:

"In my opinion...this thing is not much worse than that Orochimaru."

"Haha... That's true."

Kisame Kisame smiled boldly, but, looking at the Mesopotamia that was clearly beginning to fall in the video at this moment, his expression unconsciously became serious:

"However... I always feel that from the current point of view, the battle situation seems to have become a bit serious~"

The situation is indeed exactly as Kansaki Kisame thought——

On the land of Mesopotamia, the Goddess of Creation was standing there sluggishly at this moment.

Although at this moment, she did not intend to attack——

However... that glamorous but weird posture is really too creepy.

Looking at such a terrifying God of Creation, who seems to be enough to separate the world from the world, stands standing between the world at this moment——

Looking at the group of cold and empty monsters that are abnormally sank......

I have to say...some of the Qingri characters who were watching the video of the dimensional inventory were really confused.


An Yilun, who was staying at blessingsoftware, was so frightened by Tiamat's terrifying appearance that he peed on his pants.


Megumi Kato, who was sitting next to Ai Lunya, stared blankly at Ai Lunya's wet crotch:

"An Yi-jun, did you pee your pants—"

"It's disgusting!"

On the side, Ying Lili pulled Xia Zhiqiu:

"Shiyu, don't stay with this kind of guy who peed his pants in fright after seeing the beautiful Chuangshishen sister, this guy still wants to play a beautiful girl game... I really laughed out loud, I'm not with you It’s not something that can be hired casually, and now you still want to prostitute my labor for nothing—it’s fine if you prostitute for nothing, but you still pee your pants..."

"No...it's not, Yinglili—"

"Shut up, disgusting maggot!"

Seeing An Yilun's ugly face with glasses and flushed face, Ying Lili seemed to be disgusted, and subconsciously backed away:

"Don't come close to me... It's disgusting, I don't know me well now, but I still pretend to know me well..."

"Shiyu, listen to me, quit blessingsoftware immediately, let's go home together and continue watching the video!"

"Right on my mind."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu gently lifted her long hair, and her beautiful feet wrapped in black stockings swayed gently at this moment:

"I thought An Yi was unreliable, but it's fine now, let's go back together~"

"Well...Shiyu is the best!"

"Ah... isn't it?"

Looking at Eirari and Kasumigaoka Shiwa who were stuck together.

He looked at Megumi Kato who was packing up his things and was about to leave.

At this moment, An Yilun really felt like a poor clown.


Author's words (do not count):

Originally, there are some things I don’t want to say in this book alone... After all, I, like everyone, don’t like to see voice-overs.

However, there are still some things to say:

Anti-bar, I also think that Ti Ma is very good-looking, but her appearance in Chapter 7 is indeed unprecedentedly high.

So, don't force me to be cloudy because of some trivial things. I can only say that I have only watched a few animations of fate. I am just a passer-by audience. I only like the characters and plots in them. I don't care about those complicated settings. I really don’t know anything, if there is something wrong with some places, you can point it out, but if you really want to scold... I’m sorry, I hope everyone can be more qualified, don’t chase my mother every day, count me Ask some people.

76. Uruk gradually fell

Almost in the blink of an eye—

That terrifying group of monsters directly invaded Uruk, killing countless civilians!


The torn human body, the heart-piercing roar, the blood falling from the sky like a drizzle... This is simply a killing!


Ishtar's arrows shot down several monsters——

However...there are too many dark strange-hunting monsters invading Uruk!

The three goddesses, plus Matthew and the weakling who has no fighting ability: Fujimaru Tachika, can't resist this raging offensive at all!

After a while, countless monsters surrounded Fujimaru Tachika's group!

Is it over...

See here.

The audience who realized that this moment might be the end of the world felt an inexplicable sense of frustration in their hearts.


Looking at the video clip at this moment, Mr. Sha, who always talked the most, was speechless for a while.

Inside the Fuyuki Church, Gilgamesh, who has always been cheerful, saw that his own land was full of such monsters raging——

For a moment, the brows of King Gilgamesh unconsciously frowned slightly.


Almost beyond everyone's expectations.

The monsters surrounding Fujimaru Tachika seemed to say something at this moment——

a time.

This group of terrifying creatures, which Jin Gu called new humans, just dispersed.


see this scene.

Fujimaru Tachika's expression factorized for a while:

"How is this going?"

"I don't know."

Matthew held up his shield, panting and looking at the far-away Lahem group. Under his tired expression, he couldn't hide his faint worry:

"But...the enemy's life form is actually retreating...?"

"The time limit for the event?"

Quetzalcoatl looked at the group of monsters retreating at this moment, and felt a lot of doubts for a while:

"No...it doesn't seem right either."

"...Anyway, let's go to the tower quickly."

The boy who has experienced many battles immediately cheered up——

Having experienced the baptism of the seven singularities... At this moment, Tachika Fujimaru is no longer that immature guy.

In Matthew's eyes... her predecessor seems to be the most reliable superman:

"We must tell King Gilgamesh the information... As long as we tell the king, the king will definitely find a way—"

"Because...he is the king of Uruk!"


"Although the unidentified monsters have retreated, the disaster situation in Uruk is still very serious—"

"Give me your order, king!"

Looking respectfully at King Gilgamesh sitting on the throne, all the soldiers and citizens present looked at the hero king of Uruk with pious expressions.

Uruk... and the future of mankind are irreversible.

What to do next... Everything depends on Gilgamesh's will.

Fujimaru Tachika and his party, who understood this truth, were speechless for a while standing under the throne of King Gilgamesh.

At this moment.

King Gilgamesh's red glasses were sharper than ever before——

He looked at the citizens and soldiers who still chose to believe in him at this moment, and felt mixed feelings for a moment——


As if thinking of something, Gilgamesh supported the throne and stood up lightly:

"The moment of destruction is finally coming! There are probably two days left."

While talking.

King Gilgamesh glanced at his side subconsciously, but he could no longer see the familiar Siduri——

Consciousness returns to reality.

The voice of the King of Heroes is still so loud:

"...Although the end is indeed coming."

"However, you don't need to collapse with Uruk."


Upon hearing this.

All the residents and soldiers standing beside King Gilgamesh's throne looked at the King of Heroes dumbfounded for a moment.

Perhaps Gilgamesh's speech was too weighty and thoughtful.

At this moment, in Chaldea, the doctor Romani, who was silently observing everything and was still eating an apple, was unconsciously sighing secretly at this moment:

"What a great King of Heroes...does he want to die alone?"

"...Does this guy want to bear everything alone?"

See the video develop here.

Uchiha Itachi, who was standing in the shadows, was speechless for a while.


Almost all viewers of the dimensional inventory video were surprised by King Gilgamesh's words——

This guy...does he still say such things at such a time? !

There is going to be a big battle...why don't you concentrate your forces, instead send away those who don't want to fight?As a hero king who has experienced countless battles, why did he suddenly do this?

Countless male protagonists in Qingsun World had such doubts for a while.


It seemed as if he didn't pay attention to everyone's surprised expressions.

At this moment, the King of Heroes waved his hand like this:

"...If you want to survive, go to the north wall—"

"If you want to fight, then turn into the cornerstone of Uruk!!"


a time.

The entire tower, between the four sides, was completely silent for a while.

None of them expected that the Gilgamesh in front of him would actually say such words seriously——

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