When Rick, just said those words——

Hubby, as if the cpu was burned out, it went down immediately.

All of a sudden...the cheeks of the armored girl seemed to have a trace of redness——

No...but almost the next instant.

The reddened cheeks instantly dimmed.

She looked at Rick, and finally understood at this moment: the other party was serious, and there was no joking.

Still...even with such ingredients.

When I realized that Rick was not playing around...

Shubi, however, still made a baaing gesture slowly, and his expression... still showed considerable indifference:

"Interpretation...reject request."

Hubby... just rejected Rick's marriage proposal? !


When seeing here.

I have to say... Rick, the bastard who was still a bit sour, unexpectedly proposed to Shubi directly, Mr. Kill, who was stunned for a while (after all, Mr. Kill's love is really not so perfect)——


When seeing this scene.

Killing the teacher can indeed be called quite shocking.

To be honest...who would have guessed this? !

To be able to say such an outrageous sentence at such a time——

Sure enough, this type of armor... is really too outrageous, right?

"I thought these two guys might have something to do with each other..."

"Oh, I really think too much."

for a while.

Even Akabane, the smartest student in Class E of the third year, shook his head unconsciously——

In his expression... there was a wry smile:

"Although I don't know anything about love anymore...But if you look at it from the game, the friendship between these two should have already been full—"

"It's really strange... Why does Rick suddenly not even a, a can't hurt?"

have to say.

Everyone present was really at a loss.

No one really thought that... Shubi would say such a sentence directly, without emotion at all.

At this moment-

After hearing Shubi's very straightforward refusal answer.

Rick's whole person seemed to have completely collapsed, and his expression showed extremely terrifying sadness.

At this moment....his Yan Yi was fully revealed in the dimensional inventory video.

Immediately afterwards... his whole body was like a maggot, rolling on the ground crazily.

The voice is so sad, it's like a drowned dog barking wildly:

"I'm really sorry... A mere virgin shouldn't push his nose on his face!"

I have to say, such a sentence really broke the defense of many nerds.

All of a sudden, in the entire dimensional inventory video, there were indeed a lot of crazy and angry posts from strangers——

But....it can indeed be called twists and turns.

Although he said such a sentence that broke Rick's defense.

But... At this moment, Shubi's expression revealed a rather gentle expression.

It can be seen...she didn't hate Rick, so she said such a sentence suddenly.

It is also at this moment--

In her eyes, there was a faint... revealing some kind of emotion:


Shubi's voice at the moment was a little unnatural.

It can be seen that at this moment, she is actually a little bit shy.

It's just that Shubi, who is a mecha, really doesn't know how to express this emotion directly:

"Marriage...is a contract formed by humans for the purpose of reproduction, and Keshubi is an Ex-Machina."

"But that's okay! I just want Hubby to be by my side all the time!"

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