"Bad incident? Could it be..."

"That's right!"

Gilgamesh nodded:

"Perhaps this is the signal the author of the video wants to convey to us—"

"Obviously, such a signal is the private goods he wants to stuff."

"Then... the author of this video, what kind of private goods is hidden that makes you so excited?"

Kotomine Kirei asked puzzledly, the spoon containing tofu in his hand was also shaking at this moment.


Gilgamesh looked at Kotomine Kirei with a puzzled expression on his face, suddenly smiled, and poked his own cheek with the spoon in his hand:

"You want to know?"


Kotomine Kirei nodded without hesitation:

"Want to know."

"Hahahaha... Maybe the signal the author of this video wants to convey will make you Japanese feel a little uncomfortable—"

"But it doesn't matter."

"Do you know 731? Yanfeng?"

The King of Heroes just finished speaking.

Kotomine Kirei's expression froze completely, and then, after a brief silence, he looked at the hero king Gilgamesh in shock:

"You mean, do you want to tell me that the vigorous war of aggression that we Japanese once launched is related to that video?"

"That's right."

Gilgamesh's face was very calm.

However.....his tone did faintly reveal an extremely joyful emotion called joy:

"If that's the case... Hehe, it looks like this video is really interesting~"


"Ultraman! Go!"


"Okay! It's time for my favorite bombardment of jp people's hypocrisy and inferiority!"

The audience of countless dimensions cheered one after another.

So, in the anticipation of everyone, top6. The Swamp of Sadness finally came out after a long-awaited...


At dusk, two sneaky criminals walked slowly through the dim woods.

Apart from the occasional bark or two of dogs, there was nothing else, and there was not even anyone's temperature in the four directions.

Moreover, the two criminals walking in the woods and dragging the money box seemed to have gotten used to such an environment.

Therefore, even though they were in a lonely place, there was still no trace of fear in the eyes of the two of them, but full of anticipation and excitement.

They hid here on purpose—there is a very infiltrating swamp in the woods. According to legend, there is a terrifying monster under this swamp that will drag anyone who gets close to it into the swamp and drown. Therefore, the people nearby They rarely stay near swamps.

But... this group of thieves who are seeking wealth and danger will not be afraid of such unfounded myths.

"Haha... we got rich!"

One of the robbers muttered excitedly:

"With this money, we will be able to live a good life!"

Yes, these two robbers did have a big harvest today.

There were no guards in the nearby banks, and because it was not too early, such prerequisites made it easier for them to commit murder;

Therefore, the robbery of the two took almost all the deposits in that small bank with almost no effort.

"Hey, let's find a place to hide it next!"

"Let's find a place to spend the night first."

One of the robbers suggested:

"I'm so hungry that my chest is pressed against my back, and I've been running for so long, and now my stomach is growling, it's really hard to move around"

"Okay, listen to you."

The other robber nodded.

So they came to a nearby swamp village to spend the night, planning to live in an old and dilapidated small house here for the night.

Because the swamp is surrounded by dense forests, and there are large swamps, which makes it easier for the two thieves to move.

So, after they settled down here, the night disappeared from their tracks.

61. The monster hiding in the swamp


Seeing this, Wujian Weichen, the "new" viewer who just linked to the video, saw the video suddenly appearing in front of his eyes, and his expression was a little surprised for a while:

"What is this... why is the image of the video projected directly into my eyes——"

"Because this is a super-high-dimensional ability~ alright, alright, don't worry about these, just continue watching the video~"

Teacher Kill urged softly.

"I always feel so unreliable..."

Wu Jian Weichen rubbed his head, he, who has always been known for his calmness, also began to feel a little uneasy.

Although he didn't think that a careless octopus like Mr. Kill would use any tricks to plot against him.

But... After all, the operation of directly projecting video to the retina is too high-tech and advanced.

Ever since, Wujian shifted his gaze again, and returned to the perspective of that video:

"Forget it... I feel that I can't ask you anything, so I give up—"

"So, can you tell me? Why does this video, which is clearly written about Ultraman, play almost 1 minute, and there is no shadow of Ultraman?"

"Yeah... Wu Jian, you are too impatient~"

"Whispering! I'm asking you.... Why can the edited video about Ultraman be so fast that there is no Ultraman's shadow for a minute? Don't you think it's strange?"

"...Hey, this is the feature of this video—besides, editing can also add plot, so you can watch it with peace of mind."

"...I really can't stand your character..."

On Wu Jian Weichen's forehead, a bean-sized bead of sweat rolled down.

But...forget it.

Thinking about these things now, nothing can be resolved——

Let's read it first, and deal with it urgently if there is any accident...

Think so.

Wujian Weichen, who has always been serious and "rigid", finally began to look at the video carefully.....

At the same time, the video continued to play.


The video continues to play.

After a night's rest, the two criminals finally jumped out of the shabby house, ready to flee the scene.

However, they met an unexpected guest on the way.


uninvited guest.

I saw that just when they had just sprung out of the small broken house, before they had time to run away.

Suddenly, behind them, there was a strange sound.

Subconsciously, the two criminals stopped involuntarily and turned around to look around.

But what they saw made their hearts tremble uncontrollably.

There was an old man sitting beside the deserted swamp with evil spirits!

The old man just sat quietly by the side of the swamp, holding a music box in his hand. Gentle music sounded from the music box, which sounded like a breeze blowing through the shadows of the galaxy——

However... such a gentle voice filled the hearts of the two robbers with abnormal fear.

how is this possible?Wasn't this old man here last night?


"Eh? Why is there an extra person here?"

And when the two criminals were thinking about this question in amazement, their voices also sounded at this moment.

"...Hey, old man? Who are you? Why are you here?!"


Perhaps it was the shouts of the two robbers that made the old man notice that there was someone behind him.

On his forehead, a bean-sized drop of sweat rolled unconsciously.

Then, the old man's eyes flashed with deep fear, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"You, you... who are you?"

"Don't come here! This swamp is dangerous!"

After listening to the old man's words.

The robber who just ransacked the bank yesterday felt a little funny:

"Dangerous? Dangerous. Are you still here?"

"Stop talking nonsense with this old thing!"

One of the robbers directly took out a pistol because he was worried that his whereabouts would be exposed:

"Just silence it, so as not to make it difficult to handle the following things—"

The moment the robber raised his pistol.

In the lake, there was a terrifying cry.

That voice sounds extremely harsh!

It was like the sound of being pierced into the bone marrow with a sharp iron awl.

Then, at that moment, countless bubbles popped out of the entire swamp!

Suddenly, a vine-like tentacle slammed down the robber who raised his gun. The gun in his hand——


Before the robbers could react from their panic.

Their bodies were already firmly bound by the tentacles of the vine.


"Help us!"


Such screams sounded one after another.

I saw these robbers who were entangled by vines were dragged into the swamp in an instant!

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