
But these people just watched from a distance, probably knowing that they were out looking for supplies, so they didn't take a step closer to them.

Because if they also appear here, they will probably be called to go out together to find supplies.

Although the people in the tribe may still look down on their fighting power and are unwilling to ask them to go out together, they do have such worries.

So when they knew that Su Jue was going to go out with these people to find supplies, these people didn't come up to make trouble at all, and even hid as far away as possible, without taking a step closer to Su Jue.

He already knew their virtues, and seeing them far away, Su Jue sneered even more.Big.

Chapter 2037 The Lucky One

Chapter 2039 Will always leave

"What's the matter? Is the place we chose not good? If you don't like it, you can go to other places."

After hearing Su Jue's sneer, the few people who went out together thought that Su Jue was dissatisfied with this, so they quickly asked.

Even if Su Jue only looked down on those few people, he would never look down on people from this tribe, and even had a good impression of people from this tribe.

So when he heard that the other party had misunderstood what he had just said, Su Jue shook his head and explained in time.

"Nothing, just saw a few mortals."

Because he had already communicated with Su Jue before, and after coming to this tribe, he also knew who the people who came with Su Jue were.

So now after hearing what Su Jue said, they immediately knew who Su Jue was talking about.

Isn't it the people who came here with him?Because those people had problems with their character, Su Jue didn't give them a very good evaluation at that time, which made the people in the tribe have a bad opinion of these people.

"Don't worry about them. People like them won't stay in our tribe for a long time. I'm afraid they will have to leave in a while."

"Yeah, people like this who don't have a sense of collective honor can't stay in our tribe for a long time, and they will naturally leave after being rejected."

Everyone didn't take these people to heart, as if they didn't think that this group of people would cause them any trouble.

Although Su never knew the basis of what they said, but after hearing what they said, he thought of it. In this tribe, he really didn't see anyone like Syndira again, so Su Jue didn't take it to heart. .

Perhaps the truth is what they said, it is impossible for people like Syndira to stay here, even if the people in the tribe did not drive them away, they may leave the tribe for various reasons.

So Su Jue didn't care about what happened before, anyway, as long as the other party doesn't provoke him now, he won't talk to the other party...

Not bothering with this matter anymore, Su Jue left with the people in the tribe to look for supplies.

The tuba went smoothly on the way out, at least it didn't encounter that beast not long after going out like this morning.

Perhaps such a beast is relatively rare, and such a powerful beast is even rarer.

And when they came out this time, they didn't encounter any beasts again, and the road was calm, and everyone chatted while walking.

This time it was exactly as they said, after they went to a place they hadn't been to before, they found a lot of resources, such as 3.3 fruits on the tree and clean water in the water.

Everyone was surprised when they discovered these things.

Because they had never encountered so many things when they came out to search before, even if they could find some resources, it was only a small amount, definitely not as many as this time.

"It must be because we brought Su Jue with us this time!".

Chapter 2038

Chapter 2040 The Lucky One

Soon they found out a reason, they believed it was because of Su Jue.Because Su Jue is like a lucky one.

And they brought this lucky one, so their luck was better.

That's why they were able to find so many resources this time, and they were able to find more things than usual.

As long as they thought about it this way, their attitude towards Su Jue became much more enthusiastic.

After hearing what they said, Su Jue was also very helpless14.

Although these resources seem to be a lot now, Su Jue doesn't think it's his credit at all.

Of course, he didn't feel that he had any aura of luck.

If you really want to talk about it, you can only say that the decision they made was correct.

It was because they chose the right direction and found the right place, which allowed them to find so many things so quickly.

But seeing how superstitious everyone is now, Su Jue didn't say much.

After all, it seemed that no one would listen to what he said now, and what they believed more was what they said.

So even if he was helpless, Su Jue just smiled.

"Okay, don't discuss this matter any more. Since you can find so many resources now, let's make persistent efforts and strive to find more things to go back before dark!"

Su Jue's reminder only reminded them of this incident. They came out this time to find resources.

It would indeed be a pity if they had such a good opportunity to find more resources but failed to find them.

So thinking about it this way, they really didn't say these words anymore, and continued to search for them.

But this time their luck was really good, and after searching for a while, they found a lot of good things, even some rabbits or fish.

Although Su Jue had just hunted a wild beast back, and the meat on this beast was enough for the people of their tribe to eat for a long time, but when they saw that they had hunted this meat again, everyone was still sincere. happy.

This is really a gratifying thing.

"Okay, it's getting dark soon, let's go back. When it's completely dark, it will be much more dangerous if we want to go back then!"

"Yeah, those wild beasts will appear at night, and we may not be able to deal with them at that time. With so many things, we don't have time to spare."

They also have the experience of going out, and they will stop looking for supplies when they have found a certain amount of time.

After all, they've found enough.

And even if they didn't find enough things, if they didn't go back when it got dark, it would be really dangerous.

Everyone has no opinion on this decision. They also often come out to look for supplies, and they have also witnessed the dangerous situations that some people encountered when they did not go back in time.

So of course they don't dare to take risks now, and if they say they want to go back, they will go back immediately. .

Chapter 2039 Setting a Record

Chapter 2041

Along the way, because it was still daytime, they were safe and sound, except for a few small animals that sprang out occasionally, blocking their way.However, these small animals eventually became some of the resources they collected. Obviously, these small animals could not have any influence on them.

And it also made them gain a little more this time.

This time it is true that it is a rewarding experience. With these things, everyone's mood has improved a lot.

"It's really rare. I haven't found so many supplies for a long time. This may be the first time in decades!"

"Hahaha, it would be a bit exaggerated to say decades, but it is indeed difficult to see so many resources in the past few years."

"The things we brought back this time are enough for us to use for a long time. Thinking about it makes me excited. We don't have to worry about going out to find food for the next period of time."

"It seems that we have to thank our lucky star this time. If it weren't for him, we might not be able to get so many things so easily."

"With so many things, we can walk with our heads held high in the tribe in the future. Everyone will admire us very much. Who else can find so many supplies like us?"

Everyone was very excited when they found so many materials, and they were also happily communicating at this time, wishing to be able to imagine their future infinitely.

Su Jue was also infected by their joy, listening to what they said with a smile.


In fact, these people are easy to get along with, especially when you are willing to talk to them, they are even more enthusiastic.

I don't know why those people who just came to the tribe can hold such a lot of malice towards the people of this tribe. It is actually not good for them to have this feeling towards these people. They live more and more anxiously in this tribe.

Anyway, Su Jue thinks their behavior is ridiculous. Of course, even if he thinks their behavior is ridiculous, Su Jue will never remind them.

After all, in Su Jue’s view, everything is just a choice made by themselves. To him, what kind of choice these people will make and what kind of result they will get in the end has nothing to do with him. We can only blame these people for having their own problems, because their problems will lead to what will happen next.

".~It will be here soon, and they will be surprised when they see us bring so many things back!"

When they were about to approach the tribe, everyone was already waiting for all this with anticipation. For them, it was very important (to Li Zhao) to be recognized by the people in the tribe. What comes to mind is the idea of ​​the tribe.

Just as they expected, when they returned to the tribe and saw the things they were carrying, everyone in the tribe was shocked.

How could they have imagined that they are so powerful, they have only been out for a while, and they have already brought back so many things, which is absolutely impossible in normal times. .

Chapter 2040 Obvious Contrast

Chapter 2042 Setting a record

"You guys are too strong this time. You brought back so many things. If you didn't know, you thought you brought back all the things from another tribe!"

"That's right, how did you bring back so many things? Everyone was not so good before. You guys have made history."

"Didn't it mean that this kind of fruit is rare now? How did you find it?"

"Also, this thing is almost extinct, so it's amazing that you can find it!"

"How far have you traveled this time? It's not easy to find so many good things. Logically speaking, we should have searched all the things near us!"

When everyone was rummaging through the members of this team and went out to find these things that came back, they were quite surprised.

After all, no matter which of these things are taken out, they are quite precious resources for their tribe, not to mention the things they brought back, there is more than that, which makes everyone very excited after seeing it of.

At this time, they wished to ask these people what they experienced when they went out, and they also wanted to ask where they had been, and why they went in that direction before, but they couldn't find it. So many good things ~?

Listening to everyone's surprised words, the wishes of those who went out to find supplies have also been fulfilled.

Because they just want to be recognized by the people in the tribe, and they want the people in the tribe to be surprised and amazed by the achievements they have made after seeing these things.

But isn't that what the people around them are admiring for them now? Isn't that just acknowledging their hard work and their achievements in searching for these things?

"Yes, I also think that we went out to find too many things this time. I never thought before that one day I would be able to find so many things!"

"Haha, this is really a record. Anyway, whether it is before or in the future, I may never find so many resources again."

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Actually, this time it was only because of Su Jue. If Su Jue hadn't been giving us directions, how would we have gotten to those places, and it would have been even more impossible to find so many resources."

"Yes, yes, Su Jue also has a lot of credit for it. This time, so many things were found only by Su Jue's guidance!"


Although everyone was delighted by the approval of the people in the tribe, they would not casually claim credit, and they also knew that the reason they were able to find so many things was entirely due to Su Jue.

So when the people around were admiring their abilities, they didn't forget to bring Su Jue's.

"It's just your instincts that are reliable."

Su Jue didn't agree with this matter after listening to their words.

Because at that time, Su Jue only made a few comments, and if he really wanted to say something, it was only the ability of the people in this army.

Although Su Jue does not admit what he has done now, everyone can imagine how powerful Su Jue is when he is out.Big.

Chapter 2041 Envy and Jealousy

Chapter 2043 Obvious Contrast

And even if they didn't encounter any danger along the way, everyone knew that if they did encounter any danger, it would be enough for this team to rely on Su Jue standing here.So this time Su Jue went out with him, it also played a protective role, at least it could reassure everyone, so that they wouldn't shrink back when they were outside, and "Two Five Seven" would be worried about the appearance of ferocious beasts at any time.

Even if everyone has only known Su Jue for two days, they still recognize Su Jue quite a lot. They even wish they could become close friends with Su Jue, and they also want to keep Su Jue in their tribe forever. .

After all, this is really a rare talent. At the same time, if Su Jue stays in their tribe, they can make their tribe even stronger. This is definitely something that people look forward to.

When everyone thought of this, they treated Su Jue even more enthusiastically. They wished they could give all their good things to Su Jue, and they also wanted to express their friendliness to Su Jue.

It can be said that Su Jue has already been welcomed by everyone in this tribe in the two days since he came here. Even if Su never said anything, everyone respected Su Jue.

After all, what Su Jue had done before could not be wiped out by the passage of these two days. Everyone admired Su Jue very much and wanted Su Jue to feel their friendship.

Su Jue is popular here, but the remaining seven people are not necessarily so popular here, and if it is more accurate, they are rejected here, and everyone hates these people coming here Their tribe also doesn't want them to stay.

It has only been two days since he came here, and he has already been disgusted by everyone in the tribe. This is obviously in sharp contrast to Su Jue.

However, it is really rare for ordinary people like them to be disgusted by others within two days. It can only be said that they are too hated, otherwise It would not have caused so many people's dislike in just two days at this time.

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