Su Jue's words like this may not be able to play a comforting role, but this is what they are looking forward to the most now.Because they have no choice but to expect them to walk a little further and get out of here.

If they really plan to stay in this desert, in the end they will either starve to death or die of cold. The environment here is too harsh, and it is impossible for human beings to survive .

So at this time, they can only work harder and continue to walk forward.

Although 227 didn't know what was ahead or where it would lead, they had no choice but to go on firmly at this time, and it was possible that they were walking as Su Jue said. After walking for a while, they can leave this terrible place.

In fact, Su Jue didn't just do it to comfort them.

Because Su Jue always believed in his intuition.

And his intuition tells him that if he wants to leave this place, he just needs to go straight forward, without hesitation or despair, anyway, as long as he persists, he can definitely leave this place.

Anyway, there is no benefit for them to stop now, and they have no other choice to choose. Since this is the case, they should just follow their intuition and keep going.

Su Jue didn't want to stop, at least he didn't feel tired now, and he didn't want to give up this desert at this time.

If he really stopped, wouldn't it mean that he was cowardly, that he couldn't deal with such a dangerous situation?

And Su Jue is not such a person at all.

Because even in other worlds, Su Jue can still live well, and can quickly adapt to such an environment, there is no need to stop when facing a small desert, Just afraid, (bedd) fell here.

In fact, facing this deserted Sujue can be said to be relatively easy, and even leaving here is a simple matter.

And the reason why it took so long to get out of this desert is just because the speed of the twelve people around him is a bit slow.

Su Jue also slowed down his speed in order to accommodate them, in order to allow them to keep up. Otherwise, Su Jue might have already left this place directly during this period of time, and there is no need to stay overnight. Don't have to face such a harsh environment.

Of course, at this time, Su Jue would not talk too much about these things, nor would he tell others that he was doing it for their benefit.

Because from Su Jue's point of view, whether or not to do this is his own business.

And after she did this, he didn't need to show off to others, there was no need for others to see his difficulties, and let others see how much he had paid for them.

Su Jue didn't intend to get anything from them either, he didn't want their gratitude, he didn't want their gifts in return, and he didn't even want them to do bullshit for him.

So at this time, there is no need to owe any love debt between Su Jue and them.

It's just that Su Jue can do whatever he wants.

Then they don't know how long they walked. .

Chapter 1986

Chapter 1988 An Oasis

Anyway, in the eyes of other people, it may have been such a long life.And after walking such a long way, they finally saw a little different color.

Because when they walked on this desert, they only saw a piece of yellow sand and loess, and there was nothing else at all, let alone any job~.

But they saw an oasis in front of them, and the green everything in front of them told them that this was not their hallucination, nor was it an illusion, this was a real place.

Does this mean that they finally succeeded, they walked out of this desert, and they only need a few steps away, and they can leave from here.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all joyful and excited, wishing they could hug each other and celebrate this moment with each other.

Because they persisted for so long, they finally got rewarded, and finally they were able to leave this damned place without having to suffer or suffer from the harsh environment.

Just thinking about it is enough to make the people present very happy, not to mention that they saw this oasis, and they knew that their living environment would at least be better in the future.

Even if they meet people here, they can still inquire, and they may leave this place with the help of these people.

Because compared to this place, of course they want to go back to their original world.

In that world, there are people they want to see and people they really love, so how could they be willing to leave easily, what about you?Although they have come to this place now, they are still eager to return to the original world in their hearts.

What Su Jue thought was not as rich as theirs.

Because even if he came to this world, Su Jue still had the idea of ​​going with the situation, and would not eagerly think about returning to the world he was familiar with just because he came to a strange world.

After all, Su Jue has already been there, and many of them have been reduced. For Su Jue, it is the same no matter where he is. The key is to see if these worlds can bring him any fun.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

If it can bring him any fun, then of course Su Jue is very interested.

If these worlds are too boring, Su Jue doesn't mind changing places.

It was also because of this that even though the place in front of him had given countless people hope, Su Jue was not touched much, it was just a feeling of relief.

Because coming here means that there will be fewer difficulties to face next, at least don't worry, after coming to this place, you still have to suffer from hunger and cold.

Before, you may still feel that you want to leave the desert at an infinite speed, even if it is fast, it will not be fast.

But now after seeing the oasis in front of them, they changed their minds and gave them motivation.

So it was only a short while before they arrived at this oasis.Big.

Chapter 1987 How come again

Chapter 1989

This is also because they know that after coming to this oasis again, it means that they are relieved. Can the speed not be fast?I even wish I could come to this place in a short time.This place is not like a desert, without any plants. If it can be called an oasis, then there are trees, and there is even a source of water. Can see a piece of vitality.

It's really exciting to see it.

It's just that after coming here, they still didn't see any living people, as if there was no one here.

But it shouldn’t be. If this place can become an oasis in the desert, it must be inhabited. At least people like them will want to stay here if they don’t want to leave after they come here. settled here.

With this in mind, everyone began to look around, intending to see if they could find anyone.

Even Su Jue was looking around, but Su Jue didn't want to find any living people, he just wanted to take a look at the environment here and get familiar with it.

Because this desert doesn't know how big it is, and they don't know where it ends. If they don't want to leave here and continue to take risks, they may have to stay in this oasis for a long time.

If they have prepared enough water and supplies by then, they may still try to leave here.

But now they will not have such delusions in a short time.

Because the materials are not ready yet, if you leave at this time, it will be tantamount to sending you to your death.

After all, the reason why they didn't have to suffer from hunger before this was entirely because Su Jue had hunted and killed a ferocious beast at the very beginning.

If it wasn't for this ferocious beast to provide them with food, they would have been starving along the way, and it was even impossible for them to persist for so long and come to this place.

At this time, after Su Jue came to this place again, he began to observe what was in this place...

And just as they walked deeper and deeper into this oasis, they suddenly heard a voice.

It seemed to be beating something, but the sound was very loud.

When hearing this voice, everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

Because it was definitely unusual for this voice to appear in such a quiet place, and maybe they could find something out of it.

Even though their team was formed temporarily, even if there was no tacit understanding between them, when they heard these voices, everyone still headed towards this place unanimously.

This may allow them to discover something, let them know what this place is, and let them find a way to get out of this place.

Everyone was expecting this, so there was no need for Su Jue to say anything, everyone walked towards this place.

The more he walked to that place, the more obvious the knocking sound became, and it even sounded quite rhythmic. .

Chapter 1988 I saw someone

Chapter 1990 Why is it here again?

This made everyone even more curious, and quickly walked towards that place.It's just that when they reached that place, everyone's speed slowed down again.

Because they actually saw a person here.

It's just that this person looks strangely dressed.

Perhaps in this person's eyes, they are the ones who wear strange clothes, but to them, this person is also quite strange. Such clothes are unprecedented in 14's world, as if they were two Extremely the same.

When they saw this person, they didn't know whether this person had good intentions or malicious intentions, and of course they didn't dare to contact this person rashly.

That's why their speed gradually slowed down, and I planned to observe at such a slow speed to see what this person was doing, and to see if this person would be detrimental to them.

If this person is not good for them, of course they can take advantage of this time to leave quickly.

If this person can help them and make them leave this world, then they will go up to say hello, and by the way, they can establish a good relationship between them.

And when they noticed this person, in fact, this person also noticed them.

But after seeing them, this person didn't look very surprised.

Although Su Jue and the others had different medical orders from this person, and even their auras were completely different.

But this person seems to have been used to it for a long time.

After glancing at them, the man lowered his head again and started beating there, muttering while beating his mouth.

"Why is there a group of people here again? I don't know when they come here every day!"

Others realized something immediately after hearing it, maybe not only they came here, but also other people, like them, came from another world and landed in this place.

It's just that they landed in different places, which led to the different times when they came to this place one after another.

But no matter what, those people are from the same place as them.

It is precisely because of this that it is impossible for everyone to ignore this person, and they even plan to have a good understanding of the situation with this person.

If so many people from their other world really come to this place, then they can always find a way to leave this place together. Anyway, this place is too dangerous, or It can be said that living here is really boring, and because this is a strange place, they don't want to stay here at all, they just want to leave here as soon as possible.

If we can discuss a way to leave here together, this is definitely what everyone is looking forward to.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on this person, and only then did they realize that even if this person was beating, he looked very strong, but in fact this person was already an old man. An old man, at least his hair is grizzled, and his beard is also very gray. .

Chapter 1989 A strange place

Chapter 1991 I saw someone

It's also amazing, even though he looks old, it still doesn't affect his movements.If they hadn't observed carefully, the people present probably wouldn't have noticed his age.

However, no one went up when they saw how skillful this person's beating movements were and it was obvious that this person had a lot of strength.

Because everyone doesn't know whether to go up or not.

If this person is not good for them, it is not difficult to kill them with his skill, and they will even have no chance to escape.

In addition, what this person said made them hesitate. If there were other people besides them, why didn't they appear here?Could it be that after appearing in this place, was it solved by the people here?And this old man is one of them?

If this is the case, it can only be said that this place is also dangerous, and it is not a good thing for them to rush up to contact this old man.

Perhaps it was because the environment here was too frightening for them, and they felt that such an unfamiliar environment was not a good place. Even if they had any ideas, they hesitated at this time.

But just when everyone was undecided whether to get close to this old man, or whether to get some news from this old man, Su Jue took the initiative to walk up.

This is definitely an exception for those present.

Because they didn't dare to go up at all, but Su Jue looked fearless when he went up.

And it seemed quite natural, as if he had already concluded that this old man would not bring him any crisis.

In fact, Su Jue didn't know what kind of attitude this old man had towards them, nor did he know if this old man would do anything to her after he went up.

However, there is a saying that high-yield people are bold, even though Su Jue is unknown to all of this, he is not afraid at all.

After all, he himself is capable, even if this old man really plans to do something to her, it is impossible.

If this old man intends to deal with him, then only this old man will suffer.

This made Su Jue walk up so calmly.

If the old man is willing to provide him with some information, that's fine, but if the old man is unwilling to provide him with information, that's fine.

But if this old man planned to attack him, Su Jue could immediately fight back.

In fact, Su Jue is not a weak person, even if he changes places to an unfamiliar environment, Su Jue can quickly adapt here (became Zhao).

Facing this old man, Su Jue certainly had his own communication skills.

".~Old man, I would like to ask, what is this place?"

Perhaps the old man has heard this question many times, or it may be the people who come here, every time they meet people will ask this question.

So when the old man heard Su Jue's question, he didn't seem surprised. .

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