Chapter 1756

Chapter 1758 Partners

"In that case, if you don't have cash, you won't be able to buy this weapon from me. You'd better leave!"

Toklia thought that what Su Jue meant by saying this was to ask for credit.And I'm afraid I won't give this sum of money again after paying on credit~.

There are no such people, and Tokelia is also worried that there will be such people, so he never accepts credit.

Not to mention billions and tens of billions, even a penny of Tokeria would not be willing to pay on credit.

After hearing Tokelia's words, Su Jue knew that he must have misunderstood.

Although Su Jue can't afford cash now, Su Jue can still afford other things.

"You should be able to use other things as a substitute here, right?"

"I heard from Virrella that you can also accept barter here."

Verrilla did say this to Su Jue, and it was because of this that Su Jue came here without a penny.

If the truth is what Virrella said, if barter is accepted here, then Su Jue can just exchange what he owns with Toquelia.

If not, Su Jue can sell these things now in exchange for enough money.

Anyway, this matter is not difficult for Su Jue.

After hearing Su Jue's words, Toklia paid attention to the name Su Jue said first.

Because Tokelia is quite familiar with this name.

"You know Verrella? What is your relationship with him?"

The relationship between Toquelia and Virrella can be said to be very good. In the past research days, the two also communicated frequently.

If you encounter any difficulties, you will also ask the other party for help.

It can be said that the relationship between Toquelia and Verrella is very strong, and Verrella's friends are also Toquelia's friends.

So when he heard the name from Su Jue at this time, Toklia still cared a lot.

"I do know Verrilla. The relationship between me and him should be regarded as... a partnership!" Su Jue gave this answer after thinking for a while.

The most accurate should be the relationship between partners.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Because between the two of them, one pays the money, and the other spends his brains researching things.

And after Verrella successfully researched the item, Su Jue was the one responsible for the purchase.

"You can afford to buy what Virrella researched?"

After hearing Su Jue's words, Toklia was very surprised.

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"Sorry, I don't mean to look down on you, but the price of the things that Verrella sold should be quite high!"

After all, the level of the things that Virrella studied is about the same as that of Toquelia.

Calculated in this way, if Su Jue could really afford the things that Virrella researched, he would definitely be a local tyrant.

Naturally, he could also buy these other things in his hand, and he didn't need to doubt Su Jue's financial resources at all.

"The price of some of his things is still reasonable, I can really afford it."

Speaking of this matter, Su Jue's tone was indifferent, as if he really didn't think the things that Verrella sold were expensive.Big.

Chapter 1757 Confirmation of Identity

Chapter 1759

What Su Jue said was an understatement, but he didn't know that after hearing his words, Toklia was already too shocked to speak.Because from the very beginning, he felt that people like Su Jue should not be able to afford the things he researched.

But what Su Jue said now already means that Su Jue has enough purchasing power, and he doesn't even need "one zero zero" to worry about not being able to buy all his things.

Because even those things from Verrella are not cheap at all.

If Su Jue couldn't afford these things, it would be impossible for him to say this.

Because when Su Jue said these words now, it sounded like an understatement, and it didn't sound like a lie. Wouldn't this make Toklia believe it even more?

"That's really because I don't know Mount Tai!"

When he knew that he had misjudged him, Toklia's attitude towards Su Jue was much more polite.

After all, if Su Jue can really afford Verrella's things, then Su Jue's status must be very noble. Anyway, it is definitely not like what he imagined, he just came here to touch porcelain.

At this time, Toquelia also remembered the person that Verrella suddenly mentioned when he was communicating with Verrella not long ago.

That person can casually come up with something priceless.

And after this thing is taken out again, it will definitely make countless people break their heads. I heard that just one thing is worth billions.

And even if the price is several billion, it is definitely worth it.

When he heard the news at that time, Tokelia just listened to it as a gossip.

Because in Toklia's view, he has absolutely no chance to get in touch with such a person.

And at that time, Verrella also said that the reason why he cooperated with that person was just a coincidence.

That person came and went without a trace, and it was very difficult for people to find it. Even if Verrella wanted to find that person, it was purely luck.

So Toklia didn't think he could meet another person even more.

But at that time, Tokelia still remembered a person's name, and now I think about it carefully, that person seems to be Su Jue...

Thinking of this, Toklia raised his head again to look at Su Jue in front of him, Sihushi, and then confirmed Su Jue's identity.

However, Tokelia has always been concentrating on studying things, and has no time or energy to pay attention to the outside world.

So when the outside world was buzzing about Su Jue, everyone knew what Su Jue looked like, but Toklia didn't know that there was such a person.

So even if you look at Su Jue carefully, you still can't see that there is any similarity between Su Jue's appearance and the other Su Jue that Verrella said.

Or even if you see it, you won't recognize it.

Because Tokelia had never known Su Jue before 3.3.

But there is another way to prove the identity of the person in front of him.

Tokelia looked at Su Jue in front of him and asked a word.

"What's your name?"

If Su Jue's name was indeed what he thought, then the Su Jue in front of him might be the one Verrella mentioned. .

Chapter 1758

Chapter 1760 Confirming Identity

I don't know what Toklia was thinking about Su Jue at this time.Hearing Tokelia, after they asked, Su Jue of course answered.

"My name is Su Jue."

After hearing what Su Jue said, Toklia completely confirmed Su Jue's identity.

"It turns out that you were the one who cooperated with Verrella at that time, and you must have provided him with such great help. Otherwise, his research this time would not have yielded results so quickly!"

Toquelia 14, of course, also heard Verrilia talk about this matter carefully.

Because when Virrella was still a beggar, he had no funds to do research at all. Even if Toquelia wanted to help him, he was powerless.

After all, that family had been targeting Toquelia at that time. Even if Toquelia gave Verrella a little financial support, it would be discovered by that family soon and would be taken away by that family.

So Tokelia looked helpless, but he could only stand by and watch, powerless.

But after Verrella said that it appeared, one person helped him solve it. The family didn't say anything, and even gave him a large sum of money to continue research.

And recently invested a new sum of money, and even helped him solve the mechanical problems.

That's why Virrella was able to research so quickly, and was able to obtain research results in a short period of time.

When Toquelia heard about this incident, he knew how much that person had helped Verrella, but he didn't expect to let him meet the real person now.

In this way, Toklia confirmed that Su Jue in front of him indeed possessed a rather noble status and wealth that was unmatched by others.

If Su Jue can't afford the researched things in his hands, then I'm afraid there aren't many people in this world who can afford them.

So after knowing Su Jue's identity, Toklia no longer doubts that Su Jue can buy other research items, and even the weapon she asked for 100 billion just now, Su Jue can easily buy it Got it.

Thinking of this, Toklia's heart was even a little excited.

Because this weapon has been placed here since it was researched, no one can afford such a high price.

So at that time, Toklia even thought that such things would always be placed here.

But I didn't expect that there would be a person who said that he wanted to buy this weapon.

And judging from the identity of this person, he definitely has the capital to afford this weapon.

It's not like some people who came here 100 years ago, just to have a look at this weapon, and then find an excuse to buy a weapon.

It's not like some people came here and heard the price he said, and then lowered the price even lower, and even in the end it was only one-tenth of the price he offered.

Now, the Su Jue that Tokeria met was really bold.

"In that case, when do you plan to buy this weapon?"

Before, I suspected that Su Jue was lying to him, and he didn't have so much money.

But now Toquelia would not doubt this. .

Chapter 1759

And after knowing that Su Jue had enough purchasing power, Toklia even expected that Su Jue would be able to buy this weapon right away.Changes come later, and Toklia still understands this truth.

So it is better to decide on this matter as soon as possible, as long as it is decided as soon as possible, then there will be no worries in the future.

He didn't have to worry all the time that this weapon would not be sold because of the high price.

In fact, Su Jue's mood was similar to that of Tokeria. After seeing this weapon, Su Jue was eager to get this weapon into his pocket immediately.

It's just because Toklia said at the beginning that he can't touch this weapon first, and he can only do so after buying this weapon and obtaining the ownership of this weapon.

That's why Su Jue just endured it.

Of course, Su Jue hoped to buy this weapon right away, and hold it in his hand to observe it carefully.

Since it is possible to buy this weapon now, Su Jue of course decided to buy it immediately.

So after Toklia and the others asked, Su Jue nodded immediately.

"Okay, but I'm still the same as before. If I need 100 billion, I need to barter with you!"

"But you can rest assured that the items I exchanged with you are absolutely equivalent to the value of the weapon you exchanged with me, and I will not let you suffer."

Su Jue was not like those families who were greedy for petty gains and forcibly exchanged some worthless things for Toquelia's weapons.

So Su Jue is very confident when he guarantees it now. If he doesn't know who Su Jue has worked with before, Toklia may have such worries.

But after knowing that Su Jue had cooperated with Verrella, Toklia no longer had such worries.

After all, Verrilla told him a lot about Su Jue before, and he also knew that Su Jue was a person he could trust. At the same time, given the premise of having so many treasures, it was impossible for Su Jue to covet this. cheap to ruin their reputation.

And according to Verrilla, if he really traded with Su Jue, he might earn a little more.

Because each of these things that Su Jue possesses is priceless, and each of them can be more powerful than the things he researched.

I just don't know why Su Jue didn't seem to like these things after getting them, or he didn't treat these things as rare treasures.

So these things were sent out by Su Jue as an exchange.

Now, after knowing that Su Jue intends to barter, Toklia is still looking forward to it.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to refuse Su Jue's request.

After all, he knows that if he barters (obtained) things, he is the one who earns.

".~Of course it is possible. In this case, let's make a transaction immediately. See if you have something that suits me. We can exchange it now!"

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