But now that his strength suddenly disappeared, he became the most desperate person. .

Chapter 1639 Find the truth

Even the current Fogg Hukin was so desperate that he didn't know what to say, he seemed to be in a daze, and he didn't move.And some members of the Sendofu family begged Fogg Hujin to help him restore their strength.

But how could Fogg Hujin do it? If he could do it, he would have already recovered his strength, and he wouldn't have to suffer as much as he does now.


Seeing Fogg Hujin's sluggish appearance, even the other people were stunned, completely unaware of what was going on now.

And for them, only Fogg Hukin can help them solve such problems now, if even Fogg Hukin is unreliable now...

Then they are really going to be finished!

The thought of this made them even more at a loss. The scenery of the past few days has now disappeared, and they have long since lost that arrogant and unscrupulous attitude.

Now that they have heard that their strength is gone, how dare they be so arrogant.

If they still dare to be arrogant in front of others now, they will be the ones who will die by then.

"Patriarch, think of a way!"

"That's right, there must be a reason for the Patriarch's incident. If the investigation is clear, we might be able to restore our strength!"

"I don't want to become a useless person. I am a complete useless person now. What's the point of living in this world like this?"

These people kept roaring, and at the same time pinned their hopes on Fogg Hukin.

"That's enough, stop yelling in front of me, just shut up!"

While these people were still arguing, Fogg Hujin suddenly said loudly.

Because Fogg Hujin is also very annoying now, especially after hearing what these people said, his mind is even more chaotic.

Now I just wish I could drive all these people out of here so that they don't bother me anymore.

After hearing Fogg Hujin's words, the noise around was indeed a little quieter, but now everyone was even more anxious.

Because they could also see that even Fogg Hukin couldn't think of a way at this time.

After all, if he really wanted to find a solution now, Fogg Hujin would have already said it, so there is no need to sit here like a fool.

"Are we really hopeless?"

"Does it mean that you will become a useless person in this life?"

"...No, there must be a solution to this matter!"

Just when some of them were still trying to struggle, someone suddenly said a word.

"Could the changes in our bodies be related to the bottle of potion that Su Jue gave us?"

To be honest, everyone didn't think about it at all.

Because after getting that bottle of medicine, they became stronger after using it, and they all felt that this bottle of medicine (good Zhao) was really powerful.

And there will be no side effects at all.

So even if there is a problem now, they will never think that it is the problem of this bottle of potion.

But now after listening to this person's words, it will inevitably make them think more.

Because they are all the people in the family have problems.

As for the one thing their family did uniformly, it was probably taking the bottle of potion that Su Jue gave them. .

Chapter 1640

"Could it be that bottle of medicine is really playing tricks?"

"Could it be that Su Jue is harming us? Is there something wrong with this bottle of potion? It made us strong first, and then made us so weak..."

Even if they chose to believe in Su Juetan at the beginning, they had to make such considerations at this time.There are quite a few people who are thinking about this statement, and even everyone has begun to believe this statement.

"That's right, it's Su Jue, it must be Su Jue!"

"Otherwise, let's ask Su Jue. Since he gave us this bottle of potion, he must know how to crack it!"

"Does he know that this bottle of potion killed us? He must be responsible for this 037 matter. Even if we become useless in the future, he must help us improve our strength again!"

Now that they knew that this matter was related to Su Jue, this group of people pinned their last hope on Su Jue.

Because it is useless to rely on Fogg Hujin now.

Fogg Hujin, who was sitting on his seat, did not speak.

But after hearing the discussion of these people, he was moved. In fact, he also had such thoughts.

Now after discussions with these people, (bedd) has confirmed this point.

Of course, Fogg and Hu Jin also agreed, as other people said, to find Su Jue, and let Su Jue only do this one thing.

Up to now, he has not realized that this is Su Jue's conspiracy, and he also thinks that Su Jue and their Sendufu family are just a normal transaction.

It's just that there is something wrong with the thing Su Jue gave them.

Regardless of whether Su Jue knew that there was a problem with this thing, anyway, their Sendufu family relied on Su Jue this time.

It must be for Su Jue to only have this problem, otherwise, their Sendufu family will definitely pursue it to the end and will never let Su Jue go.

When thinking about this matter, Fogg Hukin didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all.

Because in his opinion, even if it is a transaction, there must be after-sales service. Since there is a problem with the bottle of medicine that Su Jue gave them, then Su Jue has to be responsible for solving this problem.

When thinking this way, Fogg Hujin seemed to have never considered the usual way of doing things of their Sendufu family.

You must know that when their Sendufu family makes transactions with others, they uphold the principle that the goods will not be returned or exchanged when they leave the house.

The reason why it is said that the goods will not be returned or held responsible is because they do not want to take any responsibility.

Their Sendufu family is the most deceitful.

No matter which transaction it is, the other party will definitely not be able to please. Every time the other party goes back, he will be surprised to find that he has been cheated.

So after finding out that they were cheated, they must come to crusade against the Sendufu family.

However, the Sendufu family has already stated it during the transaction, which is equivalent to their unspoken rules. They will never make any guarantees for past transactions, nor will they take any responsibility.

It makes other people very helpless.

But over time, everyone will know the rules that must be followed when cooperating with the Moritofu family.

"This thing was already yours when it was given to you. As for what happened to him after that, it has nothing to do with our Sendov family!".

Chapter 1641 The next game of chess

"You were willing to trade at that time, which means that you also recognized this thing. Now you are making trouble again, do you think it is reasonable?"

"That's what our Sendufu family sells. Don't think about coming back to make sense!"

Their Senduofu family naturally refused the after-sales compensation requested by others.Now it's their turn to buy something from others, but they justifiably demand that others be responsible for them and compensate them for their losses.

Such double standards are indeed powerful enough.

However, self-centered people like them would never think of such a request, there is nothing excessive about it.

Even this is a very normal thing.

"Go! Hurry up and find out where Su Jue is now!"

When Fogg Hujin was thinking about getting Su Jue to compensate them for their losses, he directly issued this order.

Now Fogg Hujin is even more regretful.

Su Jue has come to their Sendufu family twice, but even these two times he didn't seize the opportunity to ask Su Jue for a contact information.

Although Su Jue clearly refused the second time, he should have persisted at that time.

If he persisted, he might be able to know Su Jue's contact information.

Now that there was something wrong with his bottle of potion, it would not be so difficult for them to find Su Jue.

But no matter how difficult it is, this thing must be done.

Because if they didn't find Su Jue, they wouldn't be able to find someone to solve this matter for them.

After all, other people don't have the obligation to solve this trouble for them.

But Su Jue has it!

Now they have regarded Su Jue as their life-saving straw, and Fogg Hujin thinks so even more.

"Patriarch, how many people do you want to send?"

"Send everyone over there, be sure to find him in the shortest possible time!"

This meant that the whole family would go out together to find Su Jue. It was not such a sensation in the past. One can imagine how much Fogg and Hu Jin attached importance to this matter.

If it was in the past, they might have gone all out to find Su Jue.

But now they can't.

It's not that they don't want to find Su Jue now, it's that they don't have the strength at all.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Because now they have become extremely weak, even more severe, not as good as children.

Children may still be able to run a part or two, and jump up and down.

But they would be out of breath even after walking a few more steps.

Such bodies simply do not support them on long journeys.

Also, I don't support them looking for Su Jue in such a crazy way.

0 ..........

If Su Jue stayed a little farther away from them, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to reach that place at all.

Even if there is transportation, it is the same.

Because the means of transportation cannot change their status quo.

For people like them who are tired after walking a few steps, the outside environment will only make them more uncomfortable.

Now they probably only have to look around here.

It would be best if they could find Su Jue nearby, but if Su Jue was a little farther away, then they were doomed not to be able to find Su Jue.

This is their helplessness now that their bodies have become weaker, that is, they are not as good as ordinary people, and they are really trash like they said.Big.

Chapter 1642

So even if Fogg Hujin ordered all of them to go out and search now, at most they just searched nearby.Su Jue saw everything in his eyes. In fact, Su Jue had always been paying attention to the Sendufu family.

So now that the Sendufu family is coming out in full force, he also knows that they want to find him.

But Su Jue will never appear in front of the Sendufu family again "Zero Sanqi", at least until he sees their downfall, Su Jue will never go out again.

If it's time to go out, Su Jue will go to check and accept the results at that time, to see how powerful this bottle of potion is, and what kind of fate it can bring to the Sendufu family.

Of course, there is also the weapon he sent out, which should also have a good effect.

How could Su Jue really give them a bottle of potion that could make everyone in the Sendufu family stronger.

Su Jue had originally promised Verrella that he would avenge him and help her teach the Sendov family a lesson.

If he still gave good things to the Sendufu family, wouldn't that be contrary to his original purpose?

So the thing that Su Jue sent out was to deal with the Sendufu family from the very beginning.

The superficial effect of this bottle of potion is indeed to make people stronger, and even increase their ability to a very terrifying point.

But that's only temporary.

If this kind of thing is really a good thing, Su Jue will use it himself, so how could it be the turn of Sendufu's family to organize some people who do all kinds of evil?

This drug has very serious side effects.

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