Although they didn't say it clearly, their expressions already showed everything.It's not that they never approve of Su Jue, they also know that Su Jue's strength is indeed not far behind.

But the problem is that one mountain is still higher.

No matter how powerful Su Jue was, he would be helpless when he encountered a master again.

Because the power of Juggernaut is not something that any powerful player can challenge 14.

If all of them are united, there is still a slight chance of winning against the Juggernaut.

"Since you don't believe me, just watch my performance then!"

Su Jue didn't want to persuade them either.

After all, seeing is believing and hearing is not hearing. It is useless to tell them so much now. It is better to have the facts to tell them that what you said is true.

Seeing that Su Jue still didn't plan to give up, and even planned to deal with Juggernaut, the two people beside him sighed.

They also know how dangerous this is.

If Su Jue really goes up to deal with the Juggernaut, let's not talk about whether he can defeat the Juggernaut, it is possible that Su Jue's life will have to be taken.

If this is the case, then there is one less person in their team.

Once there are too few people, they may be eliminated.

Then this is a dangerous thing, not only Su Jue is involved, but everyone in their team.

So they wanted to persuade Su Jue to change his mind.

It's just that Su Jue obviously doesn't intend to continue discussing this issue.

Moreover, Su Jue didn't say clearly now that when the Juggernaut appeared, he would really go up to fight in person.

Likajie and the teammate next to him both sighed, but stopped talking.

Anyway, if Su Jue really intends to do this at that time, they should stop it, or let everyone go up and help together, otherwise there is nothing to do.

"Okay, let's continue to watch the situation on this side, it's the next team's turn to watch in half an hour!"

After Su Jue finished speaking, his eyes continued to focus on Jin Kelin.

But in such a short time, Jin Kelin had already finished chatting with that person.

The balloon seller also disappeared around Jin Kelin.

Apparently has left.

And then Su Jue observed Jin Kelin again, but didn't see that he had very close contacts with anyone. 943

It seems that Jin Kelin is still keen on playing the rides in an amusement park, and she doesn't care about anything else.

But in Su Jue's view, this is just an appearance.

If Jin Kelin was really the wolf in this game, he would definitely want to win, and he would never waste so much time playing games at this time.

It can only be said that Jin Kelin's current behavior may be confusing them, or she may be waiting for some news to come.

So Jin Kelin didn't seem to be in a hurry during this period of time.

"Strange, the balloon seller seems to be quite normal...".

Chapter 1479 Never Stop

Although they don't want to admit it, it's true.Apart from seeing that this balloon seller sold balloons to some tourists, I didn't see that the next balloon seller had any deep relationship with other people.

Not to mention that there is something weird about this one.

If there is really something weird, just after observing for such a period of time, pay attention to let them find some clues.

But it didn't.

This balloon seller is so normal, so normal that he is no different from some tourists or staff here.

When they met this person selling balloons, this person might attack them.

But this does not mean that this person is the master.

If it is said that this balloon seller is the master, how can it be explained why there is no way to explain this matter in so many ways.

They were sure that this balloon seller was the master.

It's just that now they also doubt the judgment they made before, maybe they really made a wrong judgment.

So now that they said it, after this sentence, they didn't continue to comment on this balloon seller.

I'm afraid that the more they say, the more they will do. What they said now will be just a joke after the facts are announced.

"So it's better not to talk nonsense until you find the evidence!"

Su Jue didn't make any comments after hearing what Likajie said.

But looking at the time, they have been here for four hours.

And that means they can get off work.

Because there will be another team member to take over their work and continue to monitor Jin Kelin.

"Let's go, we should go back and rest!"

After reading the time, Su Jue said to the two of them.

At this time, the people in the other team seemed to have realized this.

So just after the time was up, the three members of this team appeared together in front of Su Jue and the others.

"It's our turn, you go down first!"

Before Su Jue and the others left, they also told this other team a piece of news.

"We initially suspected that the person who sold the balloons was the master, but this is only a preliminary suspicion. If you are not sure yet, don't be impulsive."

Su Jue was worried that after the people in this team knew the news, they would also plan to find this balloon seller just like Likajie did.

If this is the case, then their good game of chess will be disrupted.

".~I actually found something. Is this balloon seller the master?"

Sure enough, after hearing what Su Jue said, (Nuoma Hao) the three people on the opposite side looked very excited.

If the identity of this balloon seller can be determined, then their game can end early and win early.

really!Su Jue knew that after hearing these words, they would definitely be extremely excited.

So after they said that, Su Jue had to add something more.

"This is just a preliminary suspicion!".

Chapter 1480

"So far, we haven't found any evidence."

"The reason why I told you is to let you take a good look at it. Don't let anything happen. You didn't notice it."

"When Li Kajie and the others were watching just now, they didn't see anything strange about this balloon seller. If you want to monitor later, put the main incident on Jin Kelin!"

What Su Jue said made the excitement of these people retreat a little bit, and they returned to their calm appearance before.

After hearing Su Jue's words, he nodded. 943

"Okay then, we'll pay more attention later!"

After finishing speaking, even if the handover of the two teams was completed, Su Jue, Li Kajie and another teammate also returned to their room.

Because they have been monitoring here for four hours, even they are a little tired now.

So now the next eight hours are for them to rest.

"Let's meet again later, when the time is up, it will be our turn to continue working!" Likaj yawned, and (bedc) said to the two of them.

Fortunately, it only needs to be monitored for four hours.

If it took a little longer, Likaj would feel that he couldn't hold on anymore.

But it's not much better now. After yawning, Likajie looked tired.

Obviously, he didn't want to continue talking with Su Jue and the others, so he quickly left here and returned to the room.

For the next eight hours, two consecutive teams monitored Jin Kelin.

But the strange thing is that during these eight hours, nothing new was discovered. It seems that Jin Kelin has always kept her own law.

Either he was playing the rides, or he was on the way to some rides, and he never stopped anyway.

But while playing, I don't see Jin Kelin having strange contact with anyone.

It seems that Jin Kelin came to this game purely to have fun in this amusement park.

"Won't he feel tired?"

People from several teams gathered together to discuss. After talking about what I discovered this day, everyone was a little speechless.

After all, except for Su Jue, who discovered the strange conversation between Jin Kelin and the balloon seller, the others didn't notice anything.

Just like Jin Kelin is not a wolf but just a girl who is playing here.

But now obviously all signs have indicated that Jin Kelin is that wolf, this is undeniable.

So they would not doubt this, they would only suspect that Jin Kelin was too vigilant.

"In this case, we have no choice but to continue to observe, but everyone must remember to be careful while observing!"

"I don't know when Jin Kelin and Juggernaut will attack us, don't take it lightly, they succeeded!"

They still have a great advantage now. Everyone lives on the same floor of this hotel. If something happens to one person, others can find out.

And in addition, they can also quickly unite when the enemy appears. .

Chapter 1481 Count her unlucky

Everyone nodded after hearing Su Jue's words.Although it was a bit frustrating, there was nothing they could do. They really didn't find anything today, so they could only hope that Jin Kelin would reveal something to them tomorrow.

Because it's getting dark now.

At this time, even the amusement park has returned to calm.

Some of those tourists returned to live in the hotel, and some disappeared suddenly, and they didn't know where they went. Anyway, these amusement facilities will not be open again at night.

So even if Jin Kelin planned to continue playing, she had no choice.

Even if he is the wolf in this game, all the staff members respect Jin Kelin, but this rule may not be changed.

Since all these amusement facilities have to be stopped at night, they will not be restarted because of Jin Kelin.

Otherwise, Jin Kelin's identity would not even have to be washed. Everyone can be sure that Jin Kelin is a wolf after seeing it.

But now even if they want to investigate, it's useless, and now the amusement park is completely quiet, even if there is any conspiracy, they can't see it at night.

So they can only rest first, which is also their plan, each of the three teams monitors for twelve hours a day, and the remaining twelve hours are their rest time.

After discussing these things, everyone is inevitably a little frustrated.

After all, at the beginning of today, Su Jue discovered this important news, which made everyone look forward to completing this game in a short time.

But they didn't find anything for most of the next day. Under the situation of finding nothing, it meant that they would have to spend more time to complete the game.

This exceeded their expectations, and it also made them a little bit unmotivated, and they didn't know how long they would have to stay in this game.

I also don't know if they will be killed first and eliminated in this game.

If this is the case, they have nowhere to cry.

So for them, it is best to finish this game as soon as possible.

"Okay, everyone, don't think so much, maybe you will find something tomorrow!"

・・・ Flowers ・・・

After seeing their frustrated faces, Su Jue quickly encouraged them.

After all, Su Jue didn't want to see them become decadent, and he had to rely on everyone's cooperation to find the master.

Otherwise, this master will always become their potential danger.

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