One of the functions of the Magic Council is to assess and rate the wizards of Ishgar.How many S-level mages are there in each guild, and what type of magic practitioners these mages are, Hey Berrien knows all about it.

In his impression, the Fairy Tail Guild also did not have s-level space mages.

Those S-level magic guides whose levels are being recorded are basically practicing combat-type magic.Down.

Chapter 901 The Underground Cave

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In fact, it wasn't surprising that Hey Berrien was so curious.Space magic is not only unpopular in the Western Continent, but also unpopular in Ishgar.

Although this kind of functional magic has its powerful side.But the most basic point, in terms of combat attributes, is not strong.

For example, Brandish is obviously a unique genius in space magic, but in the battle, because the destructive power of "[-]" is not directly displayed, it can still be counted by several wizards of Fairy Tail. In the end, he was captured alive by the A-level wizard Kana.

If it was the Dragon Slayer Sorcerer, no matter how calculated, the destructive power that the Dragon Slayer Sorcerer could display was real. An A-level mage like Kana couldn't get close at all.

It is precisely because of this that in the eyes of many people, practicing functional magic feels thankless.

After all, every mage has climbed up little by little from the very beginning as an apprentice and c-level mage.

In the initial stage of this kind of practice, combat power is a very important measure.

Without sufficient combat power, the mages may die in repeated experiences and missions, or become a dragging existence, and finally be abandoned by the team.

It is precisely because of this very practical problem that few people practice functional magic.But at the high-level stage, functional magicians are in short supply, and each of them has become a favorite.

It is no exaggeration to say that, as the chairman of the council, Heiberian knows all the S-class space mages in Ishgar, and even pays attention to their movements from time to time, just in case.

Heiberian is 100% sure that the Fairy Tail Guild doesn't have S-level space mages, and they don't even have A-level space mages.

That's why Heiberian felt strange when Su Jue said that he didn't need the council's help to produce people.

A smug smile appeared on Su Jue's face: "It is true that our guild does not have S-level mages, but we have a partner."

"You also know this partner. Brandish."

Hearing the name Brandish, Heiberian frowned, and couldn't get it right for a while.

He was very familiar with this name, but for a while, he couldn't remember who it was...

"According to our assessment standards, her level is definitely beyond S-level. Oh yes, she has another name. In the Western Continent, she is called Twelve Shields."

Heiberian was taken aback when he heard the twelve shields.

Until now, he finally remembered that Brandish was the green-haired girl who went deep into Ishgar with Selene!


Heiberian looked at Su Jue in disbelief, and confirmed that this guy was not joking with him.

"Don't worry, Brandish has completely reformed after our education. Now, she has left the Twelve Shields organization. She is a reliable partner."

"I think, if you want to activate the ancient 3.2 magic teleportation array, the only one with the greatest grasp is Brandish, right?"

Although he is the defeat of Fairy Tail Guild.But Su Jue still recognized Brandish's amazing talent in space magic.

If they hadn't made multiple preparations, Brandish would have really beaten Fairy Tail's masters around. .

Chapter 902

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The always calm Heiberian couldn't hide the shock on his face at this moment.In his eyes, this Fairy Tail guild really seemed to have a wonderful ability to make the members of Twelve Shields turn back and become their partners.

Gerald was in a similar situation before, and so is Brandish today.

Heiberian couldn't help feeling a feeling in his heart, perhaps, he was really old.

Feelings are emotions, he could tell that Su Jue and the others were very anxious.

He didn't delay any longer, and happily wrote a magic letter.

"Take my letter, and the members of the Magic Bottle Council will give you the green light along the way. If you need anything, just ask them. Our Magic Council will definitely do our best to assist you."

High Berrien showed his utmost sincerity.

Su Jue is actually well aware of the little thoughts in the old guy's heart.

Today's Magic Council is basically in a semi-paralyzed state, and a new round of reorganization is probably inevitable.

It is even said that after the reconstruction of the Magic Council, whether it can control various countries as before and become the largest magic organization in the entire Ishgar continent depends on the faces of these magic unions.

Although there are many dissatisfaction with the Magic Council, from a rational point of view, Su Jue understands that in fact, the whole of Ishgal still needs such an organization.It is their existence that ensures the general peace of the entire continent.

Although the various small countries on the main road have their own ulterior motives, on the surface, no one dares to over-expand.

Although he also believes that the Magic Council has many disadvantages, Su Jue does not think that this organization should be banned.

When necessary, he will even lead the Fairy Tail Guild and support them.

After receiving Heyberian's handwritten letter, Su Jue and Erusa rushed back to the Fairy Tail Guild non-stop to gather the team members.

At the same time, in an unknown cave, Tiantanzao and Selene held torches and moved forward.

Along the way, some weird magical creatures would appear from time to time to attack them, but in the end, those weak magical creatures were easily slaughtered by these two monster-level guys.

The two passed through the ancient magic circle, one step ahead of Fairy Tail, and came to the mysterious Giltina Continent.

Back then, there were more than a dozen magic teleportation circles where Giltina kept in touch with Ishgar.There are probably three or four that have been preserved today.When the Temple of Heaven was traveling in Ishgar in the early years, it happened to discover a lost magic circle.

The one discovered by the Temple of Heaven is not the same as the one mastered by the Magic Council.

630 times before, the Temple of Heaven had sneaked into Giltina quietly, and conducted a thorough investigation for his own plan.

Giltina's customs are basically the same as those of Ishgar and the Western Continent.The language used here is also the common language of the world. As long as they pay attention to their clothing, they can easily blend into the crowd.

Unlike Ishgar, the geographical environment here is more complicated.

In this continent, there are many naturally formed caves, and these caves are connected to the ground through densely packed underground roads.What the two of them were in was an extremely deep underground cave. .

Chapter 903 Eref

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It may be due to safety considerations, or it may be due to some geological changes in the past few hundred years. As far as the Temple of Heaven knows, Giltina's magic teleportation array is basically located underground.He teleported several times before, and the magic portals that appeared were different, but they were all located in a deep underground cave.

In the cave, there are many strange magical creatures, many of which are quite aggressive.For ordinary explorers, these magical creatures may mean disaster.But for Tiantanzuo and Selene, it's not even an appetizer.

The two easily dealt with these magical creatures, exited from the ruins of a temple, and came to the surface world.

"Find a place first, change your clothes, and then find a way to connect with the World Dragon Magic Association."

Many years ago, the Temple of Heaven had already made plans, and now it is just taking Selene to act according to the plan.

As the world's first magic guild, World Dragon is still the dominant one in the third continent until today.

Their influence far exceeds Fairy Tail's influence in Ishgar.

It is no exaggeration to say that although they are a separate magic union, they are exercising the functions of the Magic Council throughout the third continent.

As for their dominance, the entire Third Continent readily accepts it, and is even proud of it.

The influence of the world dragon on the third continent can be seen from this.

Hundreds of years ago, the Dragon of the World issued a task. Because the task was too difficult to complete, after hundreds of years, no one was able to complete the entrustment, so it was also called a century-old task.

And this hundred-year mission is to eliminate five giant dragons that are sleeping!

These five giant dragons all hid in the Third Continent in order to avoid the battle when the Dragon Slayer Sorcerer of Ishgar fought the giant dragon.

When these giant dragons came to the third continent, they all fell into a deep sleep probably because of unacceptable conditions.

Apart from waking up every few years to eat, they spend most of their time in a long sleep.

Although after arriving, it did not bring too much harm to the people of the third continent.But the Dragon Magic Guild of the World feels that the existence of these alien giant dragons is always a threat to the third continent.

For so many years, they have been looking for capable people to seal these five giant dragons.

This kind of task can even be said to be hell-level. After so many years, countless people have accepted the task, but most of them have not even seen the face of the dragon.

After so many years, this entrusted mission even turned into a disguised trial mission in the end.Many wizards came to join in the fun with the mission of trials.

Before taking the magic test, take some century-old missions of the world dragon, relax and make a wish, which unexpectedly (Wang Hao) has become a relaxing activity for many magicians.

Many years ago, the Temple of Heaven had participated in the so-called century-old mission, and he was one of the few people who had ever met a giant dragon.

Last time, he just played an outpost, but now, he brought the tool man, Selene.

The longed-for dragon crystal is right in front of her, and Selene is still having a sweet dream at this moment.

In his opinion, the throne of the pinnacle of magical power in the world is beckoning to him.male.

Chapter 904 Sealing Magic

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Although he has long realized that Tiantan is not a good person, what he has done is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.But the allure of the five giant dragon magic crystals is really too great.

This kind of temptation is so great that Selene has a kind of self-confidence in her heart, thinking that she can really defeat the old monster beside her who doesn't know how many years she has lived.

Now, he still nods to cope with what this old monster said about ideals and an orderly world. When he really survives the five magic crystals, the first thing he will kill is this nervous person. Normal Exiled Protoss!


Ishgar Continent.

Su Jue and the others gathered in front of a huge bronze teleportation array with their bags on their backs.

630 and his group formed a circle, staring at Brandish in front of the magic circle with wide eyes.

Brandish closed his eyes tightly, touching the engravings on the bronze teleportation array as if intoxicated.

This scene has been going on for several hours.

Brandish may be the only space mage in the world who can use this ancient magic circle. Even though he has stood aside for several hours, Su Jue and the others are still patient and dare not make any sound.

In the end, it was still the uneasy and calm factor in the team, and Naz was the first to bear it.

"I said, can you do it (bedc)? Do you not understand the text on it? If not, let's find a translator?"

Natsu lost his patience purely waiting, and talked nonsense as if venting his anger.

Before he could finish his sentence, Gray covered his mouth.

Gray could tell that at this moment, Brandish had reached the critical moment of cracking the teleportation array, so he couldn't be distracted.

Brandish really couldn't read these ancient characters on the teleportation array.But this does not prevent her from feeling the magic fluctuations left on the magic circle.

As the most talented space mage in the world, the unique magic fluctuations on the magic circle are actually a kind of text that can be read fluently for Brandish.

Through this unique guidance, she gradually understood how to use the ancient magic teleportation array.

More and more magic power emerged from Brandish's body and slowly gathered on the magic circle.

The magic circle cast in bronze slowly glowed brightly.

In this bright light, the figures of a group of people gradually disappeared.

Giltina Continent, the Dragon of the World.

In the empty hall, a sweet-looking girl quickly walked into the hall, and nodded slightly to the old man who thought she was sitting on the broom in the air: "Master Eref, just now, our people noticed that the The magic portal has been opened."

The old man sitting on the broom was originally in a state of completely emptying himself. When he heard this, his eyelids twitched inadvertently: "Oh? Could it be that the prophecy of hundreds of years is about to come true..."

The old man on the broom, called Eref, is the current president of the Dragon of the World and a living fossil of the entire continent.

This guy has been around for hundreds of years.It's just that in order to obtain such a long lifespan, most of the time, he has to maintain a state of meditation.

Eref was the initial member of Dragon of the World when it was founded, and is also the specific person in charge of the century-old mission.

For hundreds of years, he has been paying attention to the movements of the five giant dragons.

It is precisely for this task that the old guy used a special method to continuously extend his life. .

Chapter 905 The Prophecy 400 Years Ago

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