For her who has been running for thousands of years, a mere month is just the blink of an eye.

Moreover, when I saw Su Mo subduing Ansheela.

She had already vaguely guessed what Su Mo was going to do, and knew that he was not an excuse to shirk.

"The reason why the king came to capture Anxiela is to break the seal of the ape god in the West Heaven Palace, right?"

She made her guess.


Su Mo nodded.

"Then I wish Su Mo's majesty a prosperous martial arts!"

Guinevere bowed slightly and blessed Su Mo with court etiquette.

"Lend your auspicious words."

Su Mo nodded slightly, and then gave Guinevere instructions.

"When the time comes, you should also go to the Far East, and when I'm done, I'll call that guy again."


Guinevere took the order without the slightest refutation.

Realizing the reason why Su Mo asked her to go to the extreme eastern island country, she couldn't help showing a somewhat excited expression.

"His Majesty Su Mo means that the prince of steel is really sleeping in the far east?!"

In fact, Guinevere has already speculated on this point, but it is not certain.

This time I came to look for An Xie La, mainly to use the leader Luo Hao to test it.

It was a complete accident to meet Su Mo here.

But now it seems that this accident is not just a shock, but also a surprise.


Su Mo nodded and glanced at Guinevere.

As if seeing through the mind of this young ancestor, he said.

"If you are impatient, it is not impossible to find him first."

"In this case, isn't it a breach of the contract with you?"

Guinevere was a little moved, but also a little hesitant.

She was worried that if she secretly searched for it, she would anger the godslayer in front of her.

Hearing this, Su Mo showed an inexplicable smile.

"It doesn't matter, if you found the guy before I told you the information, then you naturally don't have to pay the price."

Guinevere suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Although willing to exchange all of his own for the news of the last king.

But if there is no need to pay the price and can prostitute for free, who can refuse it?

"Thank you for your generosity and benevolence! The concubine must be remembered in my heart!"

Get this generous condition.

Guinevere immediately flattered Su Mo.

It seems that he was really moved by Su Mo's "tolerance".

And finally, after leaving.

She didn't care too much about the last words Su Mo said to her.

- "Unfortunately, as the Earth Mother, it is almost impossible for you to find that guy."

Women who are moths to flames often have the skills to subconsciously ignore the facts they don't want to see.

This is fully reflected in Guinevere.



After Guinevere left.

Athena, who didn't like her, brought Ansheela over here.

The ancestors of the gods gave up immortality and could only get back the godhead in a short period of time.

Once you die, it is real death.

But before, the serpent Leviathan was not actually obliterated.

Therefore, Ansheira was able to regain the status of the ancestor of the gods from the posture of the Leviathan that never followed.

And under the protection of Athena, there was no loss of vitality.

"What a stupid woman to drain everything for empty pity."

Looking at Guinevere's back, Athena gave a spicy comment.


Although Angela behind her didn't understand much, she nodded obediently, agreeing with Athena like a puppy.

I don't know what Athena said to her before.

But now, it was clear that Angela had been tamed by her.

"Although, the guy who is the king of the end is really miserable."

It's not that Su Mo couldn't understand Guinevere's thoughts.

After all, Rama, the tool man, is really miserable.

It's just that, because of mere pity, he sacrificed his own life. This is a choice made by people with too empty emotions.

"It seems that even if it is a goddess or a god ancestor, it is only a child after all!"

Su Mo shook his head.

Most gods have extraordinary wisdom, but their own personalities are not necessarily better than ordinary people.

Because of not being severely beaten by society, gods are often more eccentric than ordinary people.

Don't look at Guinevere living for more than 1000 years.

But her mental age is really the same as her appearance, only a girl of twelve or thirteen years old.

The age at which the God of Disobedience is revealed is often related to its own true state of mind.

The same is true for Athena.

Of course, now she was forcibly ordered by Su Mo to maintain the attitude of a young girl.


Seemingly aware of Su Mo's slander, the petite silver-haired goddess couldn't help but glared at him.

Although she didn't know why, her identity as the goddess of prophecy told her that Su Mo seemed to be alluding to her.


He probably sensed Athena's displeasure.

The keen Ansheela immediately bared her teeth at Su Mo with a fierce look on her face.

It's just that I don't know why, even as a dragon and snake, the last thing I spit out is a dog bark.

See how fierce her milk is.

Su Mo didn't say anything.

Angela's little head was slapped by Athena.

"Don't be rude to the master of the concubine!"

The petite silver-haired goddess educates her pets with dignity.


Ansheela suddenly made a sound of grievance.

"Yes, sorry!"

Then, very unwilling, he bowed his head and apologized to Su Mo.

It seems that although she respects Athena, who is also the mother goddess of the earth, she is still vigilant about the god-killer Su Mo.

Fortunately, she is still obedient, so Su Mo naturally doesn't care.

This action has achieved its purpose.

Su Mo said goodbye to Annie.

Annie, who knew that she was disguised as a man, had been exposed, but at this moment, she also broke the jar and no longer concealed it.

"As for Mr. Su Mo's proposal, I still need to think about it, but before that, I will thoroughly investigate the information about the last (money is good) king."

she said very seriously.

After all, she had heard from Su Mo and Guinevere before that she didn't actually verify it herself, so naturally she wouldn't fully believe it.

She who once killed the fairy king once had a territory in the underworld.

Among them, Plutarch's House, which records all the intelligence information in the world, is under her jurisdiction.

It is not difficult for her to verify the authenticity of the information of the last king.

"Then hurry up."

Su Mo said that it had nothing to do with him.

"There are already seven Godslayers in this world. Even if no one reveals the information about the King of the End, he will wake up soon."

This is indeed true.

Annie nodded bitterly and said.

"Although it is unlikely that we godslayers will unite, this information must be shared with you, so that they can be psychologically prepared."

"So, when I confirm the information, I will tell other compatriots about this."

"no problem."

Su Mo has no choice but to say that he deliberately guided him in this direction.

The reason why I told Tony this big mouth about the King of the End was not just to send him away.

Su Mo's purpose is to make these godslayers fail despite being fully prepared.

Only at this time can we truly subdue this group of problem children and create an opportunity to subdue them. .

Chapter 499

After saying goodbye to Annie.

Su Mo directly rolled up the storm and brought his group back to Rome.

And because of Su Mo's words, Annie, who began to panic and prepare to investigate, looked dumbfounded at the boundless ocean around her.

"Wait, where am I now?!"

Although she also has the ability to move at high speed.

But this is the Pacific Ocean after all.

If you can't find the direction, if you run out hastily, it is very likely to go the wrong way.

If you go in the opposite direction and go to the island country in the far east, that's not bad.

If it yaw and ran to the direction of the South Pole, it would be miserable.

There are no islands to rest there.

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