Therefore, under this system, news and education are two very important fields. The upper class fools the people with the concept of happy education, and then relies on selective reports to surround them in the information cocoon they built. .

Sherlock is a news editor who endorses his family, and also a stand-in messenger and benefactor of the DIO remnants.

"So that's it. Is the enemy's landing place in Washington?"

The Bugarati team's destination is very close to Sherlock, and his stand-in is perfect for an ambush.

It's just that Sherlock still has some personal affairs to resolve: one of his family's industries caused a large-scale demonstration and protest due to excessive exploitation of workers, and the family sent him to the public relations to solve it.

The negotiation between labor and capital is the job of other people in the family, and what Sherlock needs to do is to offset the negative word-of-mouth impact of this incident on the family through reports.

For example, selective reports on the causes of conflicts, or focused reports on the destruction of social order by marching workers to stigmatize them.

In the early years, when workers were parading, some people would vent their desire for destruction, or make petty theft. These materials were fully used by Sherlock, which made the people who sympathized with the workers shake their attitudes.

But after a lot of struggle, these people have also learned to behave. Although the demonstration team is mighty, they still maintain a certain order and organization.

Sherlock curled his lips: he didn't have much time, so he had to use a rougher way to solve the problem.

He took out a few photos at random: the picture above was a few years ago, when the demonstration eventually turned into a large-scale zero-dollar purchase, using a continuous shutter camera, and playing it together is a comic strip.

At the same time, a human double with white carnations engraved on his body appeared behind Sherlock. The parts of the double's face that were originally eyes were replaced by two gray filters.


Sherlock stood on a tall building on the main street where the parade was held, and like a magician doing poker magic, he flashed the stack of photos over the eyes of his stand-in in turn.

The stand-in's filter eyes caught the sight of the thugs who were smashing, looting and burning in the photo one by one, and then the light of the camera flickered slightly like pressing the shutter.

Immediately afterwards, the street shop owners who were planning to watch the play saw a group of workers in demonstration clothes break into their front door, vandalizing and looting frantically.

"Damn it, you guys really haven't changed at all!"

The boss and passers-by ran away and complained, while the reporters under Sherlock kept filming the chaotic scene...

"That's it, let's hunt down the guy who challenged Lord DIO!"

Satisfied, Sherlock turned and left, and dialed a number.

"Street of Ruins" is the name of Sherlock's stand-in, whose ability is to reflect what happened on the photo in reality.

In "Sea of ​​Stone", the doubles of DIO's two sons "Underworld" and "Bohemian Rhapsody" are quite similar, and they are both doubles that can interfere with reality.

When Sherlock was studying journalism in the name of his family, he was influenced by the atmosphere in the ivory tower, and he used to have the professional ideals and ethics of reporting the truth.

But after entering the society, the content of the reports he wrote were all the tasks of the family.

Sherlock felt guilty and painful for a time.

Constantly writing false reports, although he has obtained an endless stream of wealth, but Sherlock has always worried that if the truth is leaked, he will be ruined and become an outcast of the family.

In order to relieve this emotion, he chooses to travel and relax, and meets a powerful and beautiful man.

After hearing Sherlock's troubles, the man told him: The pursuit of peace of mind is the essence of human beings, and everyone wants to overcome anxiety and fear in order to live with peace of mind!Whether it is for fame and fortune, dominating others, or making money, it is all for peace of mind!Getting married or making friends is also for peace of mind!Working hard for the so-called peace and justice is actually making excuses for one's own peace of mind!

And he will be the villain savior who will transcend fear and stand at the apex. Obey him and you will be at ease!

These remarks lit a bright light for the bewildered Sherlock, and because of this man, he also got the ability he dreamed of: as long as he uses a substitute to create illusions to cover the reality, then what he wrote is not fake news!

Sherlock, who overcame his sense of guilt, has since become a loyal believer of DIO. In order to eliminate the enemy of that adult, he also prepared many interesting photos.

Against the backdrop of the destroyed and burning streets behind him, Sherlock walked on the road to Washington with peace of mind.

015. Fig Tower

On the way to Washington in his own private helicopter, Sherlock quickly browsed through the substitute abilities of the Bugarati team collected by Mr. Araya and Kazik respectively.

"The ability to create zippers anywhere."

"Capable of releasing toxins that dissolve the body."

"The ability to manipulate the trajectory of a bullet."

"The ability to track without relying on vision, possibly by hearing or gas."


The intelligence from both sides shows that the sexy pistol is very capable of restraining long-range firearms, and Sherlock's family-derived guns are useless.

Therefore, the phone call he made before was to the strongest thug raised by Sherlock, who was also a stand-in messenger.

By the way, using the information at hand, Sherlock also relied on his own ability to customize two sets of full-body protective suits with bulletproof functions, aiming at the abilities of the three stand-ins such as "Purple Smoke", "Aviation Smith", and "Sexy Pistol" in one fell swoop. .

Not long after, Sherlock arrived at his destination, and after waiting for a while near the tarmac, a heightened welfare car appeared in his vision.

The so-called welfare vehicle refers to the vehicle that the wheelchair of the handicapped can directly get on and off.

Sure enough, after the car stopped in front of Sherlock, the first thing to open was the rear door, and then a one-step lifting shelf popped up, carrying a strong man in a wheelchair on it.

The muscular body of this brawny man is full of muscles, and he has the charm of Araki's painting style in the first three seasons, but his mental state is extremely sluggish, and he is listless in a wheelchair.

The strong man's name is Balko, a boxing "medicine jar" who retired because of a scandal. His muscles are largely due to steroids and diuretics.

Many sports in modern sports have actually become a competition of drug science and technology among countries, but the United States is the largest shareholder of the International Anti-Doping Association (WADA for short), and it is also a big drug country. Can get immunity, and Maozi is targeted to the point where the whole country is banned from participating in international competitions.

The furious hacker dug out the evidence of American athletes' illegal exemption from taking banned drugs directly from the WADA database.

As a result, American athletes said that they were only "medicating", and WADA also came forward to confirm that these people did not violate the rules, and strongly condemned the cyber attacks of Maozi hackers...

This thing is simply more absurd than a Soviet joke.

At this point, the United States will publicly threaten to withdraw its investment on the grounds that "we have not obtained the corresponding status as the largest contributor".

Gossip aside, why is Balko still ruined in such a relaxed environment?

The reason is that apart from chasing results, this guy has even developed a morbid dependence on banned drugs-he is obviously a boxer who pays attention to actual combat muscles, but he eats himself into an exaggerated big muscle like a golden wheel of muscles Bully, it is obvious that even a layman can tell that this kid has kowtowed too much on drugs.

Needless to say, after being expelled from the boxing world, Balko once wanted to move to the bodybuilding industry, but his reputation has been completely rotted, and he has also fallen to the root of his illness.

In order to obtain enough funds for treatment and maintain his morbid drug addiction, Balko did not hesitate to surrender his identity to serve as the rich man's bodyguard, and became a stand-in messenger at the same time as his long-term employer Sherlock.

At the same time, Sherlock is also his favorite employer: Barco believes that this guy's public relations ability may help him "reverse the case" and make a comeback.


But now, looking at Balko's appearance, Sherlock frowned: obviously this wheelchair is the bodyguard's new partner.

Seeing that his employer was about to deliver the goods, Balko quickly spread his hands and explained: "This is the sequelae of a bet I made with a sprinter. Seeing his expression when he saw me easily running into 10 seconds is comparable to winning 10 yuan from him." Dollars are so much more exciting!"

Sherlock couldn't understand his stupid behavior of crippling his own legs in a short period of time for a bet, especially at such a critical moment, so he couldn't help complaining: "If it's a sprint competition, wouldn't it be easier for you to attack him with a substitute? ?”

Barco's eyes widened and he argued, "Interfering with the opponent is cheating, my boss!"

Sherlock was almost laughed angrily by him: "Are you qualified to say such a thing? Isn't it cheating to take the forbidden fruit with your own substitute?"

Balko shook his index finger and smiled: "Of course not! The substitute is my spiritual power. Using my own power and paying a corresponding price to make myself surpass the limits of human beings, isn't it a reflection of sportsmanship?"

Just like Sherlock "as long as you use a substitute to create the news you want, it is not fake news", Balko's substitute also gave him a new life awareness, and felt that he had surpassed the realm of drug addiction in the past and became a A sportsman on another level.

"Let's stop chatting here!"

Sherlock brought up the topic, "What I'm asking you to do this time is not a competition, but an obliteration that must be executed, so you better behave like a human being!"

Balko also restrained the smile of the game world, and behind him appeared a green body, with tree branches on his head, and snake-shaped patterns wrapped around his neck.

"Fig Tower, I need a killer fruit now..."

He called out his stand-in's name and made a strange request.

Before the words were finished, the greenery on the head of the "fig tower" became more and more intense, and finally a green fruit that was about to drip fell quietly from the tree.

Balco caught it and skillfully stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

Soon, the sluggishness and fatigue on his face quickly disappeared with the naked eye, replaced by calmness and clarity that accumulated sharpness, and the light between his eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

The flamboyant ornamental muscles of a body have gradually become tighter. Although it doesn't look so scary, it contains more explosive power.

Everything confirms a sentence: If you want to become strong, you must eat the forbidden fruit!

In the end, he stood up from the wheelchair like a medical miracle, and after a few gestures, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "After the effect of the medicine is over, I should become extremely dull."

"The reward for this operation will make you ignore these."

Sherlock opened the car door and urged the driver to go to the airport to make arrangements early.

And not long after, after about eight hours of flying, the flight of the Bugarati team finally arrived in Washington.

PS: stand-in panel

Stand-in name - "Fig Tower"

Ontology - Balco

Destructive power: ?


Range distance: E

Sustainability: D

Precision: ?

Growth: A

Ability: According to the user's wishes, a forbidden fruit that enhances the ability of a certain template can be produced at one time. The effective time depends on the degree of use, and after the validity period, it will give the eater a greater degree of backlash effect.

You can only have the ability of one forbidden fruit at a time. If the user of the forbidden fruit is the stand-in messenger himself, the stand-in ability will also change according to the template.

016. Invincible Legend Sheet Metal King

After eight hours of rest, the spirit of the Bugarati team seemed to be extremely full, and even the temperament of individual members had changed.

Fuge, who is precocious and manic, has a youthful look that matches his age;

Giorno, who was too perfect to be human, had a look of laziness on his face;

Mista, who has a strong temperament as a gangster, has not changed fundamentally, but has added a touch of wildness;


This is the synchronization ability that Bugarati temporarily deployed for them on the plane.

To be honest, Bugarati didn't intend to use this ability on his companions at first, because they all have their own distinct and interesting characters and souls, and he didn't want to rewrite them casually.

It is difficult for ordinary people's physique to fully exert the power of superpowers in other worlds, and there is no need to do things with insufficient income.

But Ms. Yantiao's prophecy changed all this: in order to reverse the fate, he must activate the synchronization ability for 36 people, which means that all 36 people must have at least dubbed in animation or games.

According to this standard, it is not easy to find all 36 players, so it is understandable to find them from yourself.

Moreover, in order to fight against the pursuit of the enemy represented by the 14 code words, it is necessary for him to let his partners develop more abilities.

Although it is difficult to fully restore the superpowers of synchronization, just like An's example, physical synchronization is relatively easy to achieve, so he selected a few templates for his companions who are naturally stronger in physique.

"Then just get in touch with the Spitwagen Foundation, right?"

According to the location of the headquarters and the planned route previously consulted with An, the group is going to find the biggest backer against the DIO forces.

Bugarati nodded, and at the same time reminded: "Don't relax your vigilance just because we changed the route. According to the prophecy, we will have to face the fourteen enemies sooner or later."

Based on the fact that Kazik revealed to his companions that the destination of the group was the west coast before the battle with them, the team changed the route, so the other members somewhat felt that following this route, the obstacles encountered would be relatively small. If they are lucky Can't touch the killer at all.

Giorno nodded.

Although he is the youngest in the team, he has an extremely mature mind and never underestimates the risks ahead. However, because of the synchronization imposed by Bugarati, he somewhat hopes that there will be fewer troubles on this road.

"Think about it better! Maybe we met those enemies after reuniting with the Spitwagen Consortium and the Joestar family? After all, that family has an invincible stand-in messenger!"

His words immediately relieved the pressure on the others, so that they would not relax, but they raised their morale somewhat.

From a long time ago, there has been a legend in the stand-in world: Jotaro, the stand-in messenger of the Joestar family, has the ability to pause time.

It is not known how the rumor spread.

It may be because of the bragging of the big mouth Polnareff;

It is possible that the remnants of DIO spread it to remind their companions;

Perhaps it is also possible that the spw consortium is trying to deter the substitute messengers scattered all over the world: if you use your substitutes to do evil, no matter how strong your substitutes are, you will not be able to defeat the invincible Jotaro who sanctioned the evil.

In short, at the thought of being teammates with the strongest stand-in messenger, the other members of the team were full of confidence, wishing to immediately cross the distance from the airport to the headquarters of the SPW consortium.

It's just that Giorno doesn't know at the moment: who awakened Mr. Jotaro's ability to pause time.

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