But do the civilians who died in the giant's mouth have a choice?

Not a few people, not hundreds of people, but hundreds of thousands of lives accounting for one-third of the population inside the wall!

According to Marley's brainwashing method, when the hometown trio did this, they might have thought of sacrificing a few in order to save the majority.

As a humanitarian who has accepted modern thinking and once participated in human salvation, Shen Er can accept euthanasia, and even accept that in ancient times, due to limited medical technology, he had to abandon plague-infected groups.

But he could not allow tens of thousands of people to die because of one of the most painful ways of death-being swallowed alive by giants.

Whoever did it, for whatever reason, made the participants pay.

As for the information about Marley?

Shen Er now has two sources of information, Ymir and Grisha's notes, and there will be a third one soon: Dana.

The information in Ani's mind, Shen Er is really not rare at the moment.

So, now that Ani is eaten, the only problem left is to remove the hardened crystal.

Shen Er didn't have much magic power left, it was already very strenuous to cut such a hard object with a scalpel, and he also had to worry about Arnie turning into a giant in seconds after he came out, so there was still some magic power left for him to guard against.

Fortunately, Ymir saw his difficulty, and suggested empathetically: "If you don't care about life and death, but just want to destroy the crystal, maybe you can try it with my teeth!"

In the original plot, perhaps because it didn’t take much time to exercise and master, Ymir’s jaw giant is very lucrative compared to the other three generations.

There is no iconic mask, and his appearance is the same as that of the Unsullied Giant.

But after all, it is a giant of wisdom. In the battle of Utopgard City, Ymir's giant form still showed extremely strong bite and tearing force: in the case of one-to-many, it killed a lot of big guys. She is a giant without scale, and she can tear down a huge stone tower with her bare hands in an instant.

Now, after Ymir decided to donate his heart to Paradis Island, he has strengthened his mastery of the giant's power and is more confident in his ability to control the giant of the jaw.

The fangs and sharp claws of the Jaw Giant are the greatest enemies of hardened crystals.

More importantly: Ymir always remembers that Arni kicked herself hard when she was outside the wall, and she had vowed to take revenge at that time.

Is there a more suitable way of revenge than this?

Ymir immediately turned into a giant on the hillside, then held the crystal in one hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

The two rows of sharp teeth of the jaw giant firmly clamped the crystal, and then the lower jaw began to exert force, which soon caused countless small cracks on the crystal surface.

Shen Er who was on the side finally understood what is meant by "good people get rewarded". He saved Ymir out of a moment of kindness, and unexpectedly got a handful of nutcrackers.

There were more and more cracks, and the inside of the crystal could no longer be kept closed. Arnie, who had fallen into a deep sleep because he was too bored, was awakened by this movement.

Then she regretted it: it was obviously not a pleasant experience to feel herself being killed by a giant in a waking state.

"No, I haven't returned to my hometown yet, my father is still waiting for me!"

In particular, there is still a strong desire to survive in her heart, so she is even more painful before death.

Including Ymir, everyone in the Survey Corps couldn't bear to close their eyes.

But Shen Er was unmoved: none of the hometown trio was qualified to mention "hometown" in front of Shen Er.

Who doesn't have a hometown yet?Shinji wants to go home too!His hometown is a hundred times better than Marais!

However, due to the pain of the hometown trio in the underground cave, Shen Er had to give up his hope of returning home.

He shouted loudly: "Ymir! Don't be confused! Make sure that giant can eat Ani! This is the road we must face!"

So, Ymir reconfirmed his determination, adjusted the position of his neck, and then continued to bite down hard.

Then, Ani's dream of returning home was shattered together with her body. According to the angle adjusted by Ymir, the blood plasma and spinal fluid flowed into the giant Dana's mouth together.

Seeing a familiar life go by, even Alan, who hated the trio in his hometown the most, felt a little sentimental.

But when he thought of the path they had chosen, he quickly withdrew his weakness.

"It's ok!"

Unexpectedly, Shen Er, who was cruel to give the order just now, noticed the comforting expression on his face and said: "As the chief culprit of the Wall of Maria, you hate her, which shows that you are a normal person, but as a three-year You will be saddened by her death, which means you are still a normal person and there is no need to be ashamed. Sometimes killing is necessary, but never let yourself become numb to killing.”

As a soldier, the colder the enemy, the better.

However, Alan, Mikasa, and Almin were all picked up by Shen Er after becoming orphans. As their guardians, even though the world is cruel, Shen Er hopes that these three people can live like normal and dignified people.

Next, after a group of people waited on the hillside for a while, a blond woman about 30 years old finally woke up slowly from the back of the neck of the terrifying giant.

Her name is Dana Fritz, the ray of hope for the world within the walls.

Everyone gathered around, and the female survey soldier put a layer of clothes on her, and then everyone happily introduced the situation on the island to Dana and the high hopes they placed on her.

Due to the memory gap of more than ten years, Dana was a little dazed after waking up, but she was very familiar with this atmosphere: when she was still a restorationist in Aldia, she was also regarded as the light of hope.

And until today, after being reborn, she can finally put the hope she carried into practice.

Only Alan stayed where he was, and Mikasa naturally followed him.

The reason is simple: Dana's unstained giant form is still in place, which is the source of Allen's nightmares for the past five years, and he doesn't want to get close.

After all, Alan at this moment is not a filial son, but a good young man who has received strict education.

"Hopefully, she can lead us to freedom!"

Thinking of Shen Er's teachings to him all the time, Allen gave up the idea of ​​killing all overseas enemies, and looked at the sky alone.

The basis of his hope is that Dana can eat himself smoothly.

029. Dana Fritz

The addition of the king's blood is helpful to the display of the giant's power.

After inheriting the most useless beast giant, he can use it so well, not to mention the giantess who his mother inherited, which can summon the innocent giants in a small range, and is also the most versatile.

If it is said that Jike's orders to the Unsullied Giants have encountered disobedience.With the double blessing, Dana's giantess can train the Unsullied Giant to be as obedient as a pet, and even perform slightly more complicated actions.

Relying on Allen's hardening ability, the gap in the Wall of Maria will soon be filled, but before that, all the entrenched giants inside and outside the Wall of Maria need to be eliminated.

The solution is simple: following the battle roar of Dana's giantization, these innocent giants stood in a row obediently, cutting the back of their necks when they were asked, and walking out of the wall when they were asked to walk out of the wall.

This scene made Shen Er, who has been researching on improving the productivity of the island, very tempted: These guys, maybe they can be used for heavy physical work?

With infinite strength, no need to eat, no need to rest, under Dana's order, it can even overcome the lack of mobility at night, it is simply the best object of exploitation, capitalists and plantation owners call them experts!

You only need to design some big iron cages, lock them up when not in use, and send them to Dana when you need them. Before the automatic machinery is invented on the island, you can contribute to the construction of Paradis Island outside the wall.

After all, after the land is reclaimed, the main theme of the island is construction and development.

Due to the last triumphant return of the Survey Corps, many members of the 104th trainees are willing to join Wings of Liberty.

Jean, Sasha, Coney, and Flock, members of the golden generation who had the opportunity to leave a strong mark in the history of the island, are also among them.

But their saga ends before it begins: for now, the task of battling the giants can be accomplished with balloons and Dana.

Therefore, the main task of the new batch of corps is to learn production knowledge such as construction, agriculture, industry, and mining, and to develop the retaken land well.

It does sound a little less passionate, but it is also a kind of happiness.

Sasha can be a foodie with peace of mind, and Kony can be reunited with his family, so that he can also be a mother obediently.

As Hennessy said: Peace is always worth cherishing, and it is a good time when soldiers have nothing to do and are called "delicious and lazy" by the people.

But in the current era, soldiers don't have to go through life and death, but they don't have to do nothing, and they won't be blamed by the people.

On the contrary, the news of the successful recapture of the Wall of Maria has already detonated the enthusiasm of the world inside the wall.

The common people don't necessarily care about the historical truth, or how many giants the Survey Corps has wiped out, but they must care about the amount of land.

For this, both Levi and Sasha have a say.

The underground street where Levi was born is due to the limited space inside the wall, and the poor have to hide underground to survive.

Merchants even monopolized the stairs leading to the ground, thinking that they would have to pay high tolls to see the sun. Many people living at the bottom of the underground street have contracted various diseases because they have not been exposed to the sun for a long time—maybe Will's height is also affected by this.

Sasha, who was born as a hunter, had to give up the hunting life he was used to and loved because of the fall of the Wall of Maria and the increase in refugees, which reduced his food source.

Sasha once said: "As long as the land is taken back, the number of cattle and sheep can be increased."

Yes, much of the suffering in the world inside the walls is due to the lack of resources caused by the lack of land.

Now, the survey corps not only took back the Wall of Maria, but even with the help of Dana's ability, they can expel more innocent giants conveniently, extending the area where human beings can move.

As long as the Survey Corps doesn't stop, the road will continue to expand!

More land means that the poor people in the underground street can live under the sun, it means that they can harvest more food, graze more cattle and sheep, feed everyone inside the wall, and can also be used to make wine— —Pixis and Gruga ecstatic.

These are all real benefits for the people's livelihood. If we say that the survey corps triumphed after successfully capturing the giant alive, it only made the people inside the wall feel relieved: the corps that had been eating for so many years finally won the battle!

Then the survey corps that returned after taking back the Wall of Maria enjoyed almost fanatical gratitude.

Allen, Dana, Shinji, Erwin and others are even more sought after as gods.

The royal government under the power of Historia changed the style of its predecessor and shared almost all information with the public openly and transparently.

So the people have a specific object of gratitude: in the battle between heaven and earth that expelled the armored giant and the super giant, Alan undoubtedly contributed the most, and it was he who filled in Mary Asia's Wall.

And Dana is the ray of hope to banish all giants and even solve overseas threats.

The giant power of these two people was also shrouded in a layer of sacred filter by the people.

Erwin and Shinji are the mainstays of the Survey Corps' long-term exploration, and some people even proposed to print the heads of these people on the coins inside the wall.

Shinji rode on horseback, passing through the carnival crowd absent-mindedly.

The higher the public's support for Allen, the more he remembered the conversation he had with Erwin not long ago——

"According to Dana, she is not 100% sure that after inheriting the ancestor giant, she will be able to break away from the shackles of the non-war agreement. Therefore, there are loopholes in our previous plan."

In the internal meeting of the high-level survey corps, Erwin said with a heavy tone.

Shen Er's previous plan was to let Dana eat Allen when Marley took another action against Parade Island.

But unfortunately, they didn't get a 100% guarantee from Dana, so...

"So my proposal is to complete the handover of the ancestor giant as soon as possible. In this way, even if Dana cannot break free from the non-fight agreement, we will have time to take countermeasures."

Erwin stared at Shinji and said.

Risk control is necessary. If the power of the ancestors is only tested after Marley invades, it will be irresponsible to all life on the island.

And if the experiment is started now, even if Dana falls into a non-war agreement, Ackerman's descendants can stop her, and then take other countermeasures.

In short, from a rational point of view, this is indeed a better choice.

Shinji fell silent.

Do you have to choose between damn emotion and reason again?

"Give me some more time! Alan is the hero of the island now, it is impossible to abandon him so quickly, and Marley will not take action so quickly. In addition, we still need time to establish contact with Dana and test Her heart?"

In the end, Shen Er had no choice but to use the dragging formula.


Shinji withdrew his thoughts and looked at Dana who was not far away.

She seems to be enjoying her current role somewhat.

After all, she spent the first half of her life in the Marais containment area, where she was ridiculed by stares, and she was always splashed with water by the cleaners when she went out.

But everyone needs self-satisfaction, especially fighters like the Aldia Restoration faction who stand up in the dark. They really need even a little bit of victory to prove that their struggle and sacrifice are meaningful.

But the result of Dana's first half of her life was too cruel: after fighting hard, she was destroyed by her own son.

So, like now, wherever she goes, she will be greeted with smiling faces by countless people, which has moved her so much that she wants to cry.

"Thank you, Mr. Shinji."

She wiped her tears and thanked Shinji.

"It's not my fault alone."

Shen Er was a little confused by her sudden thanks.

Dai Na shook her head and said, "No, the reason why I thank you is because you proposed the idea of ​​using the power of giants as productivity!"

"Is that something to be thankful for?"

Shen Er scratched his head: the reason why he can propose this idea is because he understands exploitation better than people in this world!

"It's very important to me."

Dana was a little dazed thinking about the past.

In the past, the Eldia Restorationists were able to overcome the outside world's criticism of their bloodlines precisely because they believed that their ancestor Ymir used the power of giants to cultivate wasteland, pave roads, and build bridges in valleys, allowing humans to reap development and wealth. Negative, united together.

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