Allen once again escaped from the hardened body, and then shocked Bertolt to start the third transformation. He grabbed the crystal that Ani was sitting on and ran away. Other soldiers also climbed onto his body with three-dimensional mobile devices. .

Although it is the second hardening and the third transformation, Allen in this world line has practiced gymnastics for five years, and he has the physical strength and willingness to continue fighting.

It's just that the implied order given to him by Shen Er has taken effect, and he still obediently slipped away, changing from an attacking giant to a retreating giant.


Although Bertolt wanted to catch up, it was impossible for the super giant to catch up with Allen's escape. Just as he was in a daze, he heard a roar from under his feet.

Reiner, as the warrior who was most eager to take away the power of the ancestor, issued a voice of volunteering to fight, and made a gesture of throwing.

"That's it, I understand."

The super-large giant grabbed the armored giant with one hand, intending to throw it in the direction of Ellen's escape-although the proportions are a bit wrong, there is indeed such a scene in the original plot.

Just like in the original plot, the tactic of using a super giant to drop from the sky to stun Allen and take him away, this time it is the turn of the armored giant to use it as a cannonball, knocking down the ancestor giant like a bowling ball, or in close combat Later defeated by Reiner.

"Alan, although you are a genius who mastered hardening in a month, I am a warrior who has mastered the power of giants for five years with the awareness to save mankind! What's more, you have already transformed for the third time. , Are you struggling with lack of physical strength? I will help you out!"

Lena is ready.

Since it will be thrown out as a bowling ball first, and a fierce battle may start, in order to prevent being affected or accidentally swallowed during the fight, the armored giant took out Ymir from his mouth, and the super giant used The other hand catches it.

Although Reiner didn't consider the possibility of losing to Allen, if he loses, he can't buy one get one free, right?

"It's coming, Lena!"

Although Bertolt is not as good at throwing as the warrior commander Jike, but when he was a warrior trainee in Marais, he was the No. 1 shooting event, so there is no need to worry about accuracy.

Coupled with the strength of the super-large giant enough to kick Allen against the wall, with a wave of his long arm, the armored giant was thrown out like a javelin, and rushed menacingly towards Allen who was running wildly.

"This kind of thing can't be dragged by my remaining magic power!"

Shen Er couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and then left a sentence to Allen, "Take care of yourself", and then drove the three-dimensional mobile device with all the soldiers, and flew separately when the disaster was imminent.

"Lena, come on!"

With Shinji's permission, Alan, who had to fight, was inspired to fight again.

Reiner was one of his closest friends during his training, so Allen was the least forgiving of his betrayal.

As the murderer who destroyed the city wall, what kind of mood did this guy listen to the painful memories of the destruction of his hometown, and what kind of mood did he use to play the good brother among the soldiers?

Allen wants to know this, so even though his physical strength has been severely depleted, but...

"As long as I face you, I have infinite strength and fighting spirit, come on!"

Allen was severely knocked down by the armored giant flying across, but before that he had already defended with hardening.

The two giants then fell to the ground together and engaged in a hand-to-hand combat.

Even though part of the impact was offset by hardening, the impact of the armored giant enough to break through the city wall still made Allen dizzy for a while.

Leiner took the opportunity to overwhelm Allen first, and then punched him in the face, intending to knock him out before taking out the main body.

But Allen's will to fight at this moment has exploded. Even though the world is spinning in front of him, he still subconsciously waved the Ani crystal in his hand to block Reiner's fist.


The hardened head-to-head confrontation finally ended with Reiner's hand hurting and Ani's headache.

Next, it was Allen's turn to fight back.

"Reiner, in close combat, have you beat me even once?"

Allen's hands and feet locked the armored giant's joints in a standard grappling action.

Change the boss of this gym!

Although physical strength is not dominant, but under Shen Er's two years of training and Alan's five years of hard training, he is skilled enough to crush Reiner.

"Impossible! You have transformed for the third time and can still lock me?"

Hard as it was to believe, Reiner couldn't break free for a moment.

Perhaps after a long period of consumption, he may take advantage of his physical strength to turn defeat into victory, but in the face of an immobile armored giant, will the Ackermans give him this chance?

"Next, it's time for the three-dimensional mobile device to appear!"

The cloaks of Wings of Liberty fluttered wildly. Although the scouts faced the bowling ball of the Reiner before and had to temporarily sell their teammates to escape, they were embarrassed, but at this moment they reappeared really handsomely.

"Get out, Lena!"

The two small tops, Levi and Mikasa, raised their knives and fell, instantly destroying all the joints of the armored giant's body, and the latter roared and lost his strength.

Alan, who was almost exhausted, was finally able to take a breath and clenched his fists.

"For the past month, I've been thinking about one thing every day, every night, all the time—Reiner, do you know what it is?"

Allen used his last strength to arm his fist with a layer of hardening, and then slammed towards Reiner's neck fiercely.

"That is to punch you hard! You bastard traitor!!!"

Allen swung the happiest punch in his life, completely knocking down the armored giant, and Leiner on the back of the neck was almost vomited blood by the impact of the punch.

So far, the three giants Allen, Reiner, and Bertolt have almost lost the ability to continue fighting.

And Ani was also in a state of concussion because of Reiner's punch.

Shinji was watching over her.

"Believe me, if you cancel the crystal transformation, I will have time to cut off your head."

With his ability to use a scalpel, he cut off a small piece of hardened crystal effortlessly, threatening Anidao.

Next, Levi mercilessly stuffed the thunder gun into the mouth of the armored giant and blasted Reiner out, so both the giantess and the armored giant fell into the hands of the survey corps.

Only the super giant and Ymir in his hand are left.

Since Allen was exhausted, the scouts could not threaten him on flat ground.


At this moment, the sound of sirens came from the coastline not far away.

At the end of the death fight, Marley's warship ironically finally appeared at the end of everyone's field of vision.

But the hometown trio wanted to cry but had no tears: they were destined not to be able to board the cabin returning home.

027. Another White Night

Group 4 8 8 7 4 9 7 9 9

In the past five years, for the hometown trio, nostalgia is a city wall and a strait.

But now, for Bertolt, he only needs to board the warship that will soon be docked near the coastline to return to his dream hometown.

But for Reiner and Ani, it seems that there is a distance between heaven and earth.

Similarly, Bertolt is also interrogating himself: not only did he not get the first giant, but lost the two giants of wisdom, will his hometown welcome him again?

In other words, the distance from Allen now is the nostalgia that Bertolt cannot touch.

After an explosive transformation and two continuous releases of steam, the super giant's fat has been exhausted, to the point where it affects its movement.

After overfulfilling the mission with the survey corps, they are ready to retreat—as long as they retreat to a place with trees, they can use the three-dimensional mobile device to move at high speed.

The warship seems to be in sight, but according to the sight distance of humans at sea, it may be tens of nautical miles away from the coastline, and there is no way to get the ancestor giant again.

And at this moment, what Bertolt thinks is no longer the ancestor giant, but how to move forward with his character after losing the two partners who have supported each other for five years, Reiner and Ani.

If it ended like this, he would be the one who shot himself because of depression after returning to Marais.

On the other side, due to the lack of a sufficiently tall bunker, the Survey Corps has nothing to do with the super giant, and the ammunition and Allen's physical strength are also consumed similarly. It is definitely a rational choice to retreat.

But before leaving, Shen Er suddenly thought of Historia.

The girl fulfilled her mission on the throne with dignity, gave the survey corps the greatest support, and asked him to bring Ymir back before leaving.

Their mission is to get only one of the hometown trio. Although all three are the targets of Shen Er's revenge, sometimes saving one more person is more meaningful than killing one more enemy.

He used amplified magic and shouted to Bertolt from a distance: "Bertolt, I want to negotiate a deal with you—Ymir is in your hands, right? If you are, just nod!"

Bertolt was taken aback for a moment, then nodded visibly from a distance with the head of a super giant.

So, Shen Er continued to shout: "We will use one of Ani and Reiner to exchange Ymir with you. If you agree, continue to nod!"

Bertolt was stunned, and Alan was also stunned.

But the other soldiers are very clear: the primary goal of this mission is to capture at least one member of the hometown trio, and the second is to save Ymir, so such an exchange is also acceptable.

Although Alan was a little unwilling because of his strong desire for revenge, Ymir was also a classmate of the 104th class after all, so he didn't say much after thinking about it.

This is also the truth that Shen Er wants to convey to him: revenge can be done at any time, but once the companions around him are lost, it is irretrievable. Sometimes it is more important to cherish the talents in front of you than revenge.

Bertolt is also a person who cherishes his companions: rather, with his personality, he might not be able to survive without companions, so the super giant nodded again.

Shen Er also nodded, and then handed over the more difficult choice to Bertolt: "Next, make a choice! If you save Ani, nod your head once, and if you save Reiner, nod your head twice!"

Even though he had thought of this step a long time ago, Bertolt still felt a tearing pain in his heart.

In addition to his comrades in arms, Reiner is his best friend, and Ani is his crush, both of them are too important to him.

Nothing can be done, and it is more painful to lose two partners at the same time, but having to give up one by hand will undoubtedly torture the heart and torture the soul even more.

After this choice is made, the dead partner will forever become the psychological shadow of Bertolt and the surviving partner: he was given up by you and died/he died instead of you.

The living can indeed achieve their wish to be reunited with their families, but after that it is complete hell: guilt for the dead companions, guilt for the humans inside the wall, and the pressure from the military after the mission failed.

In contrast, it might be easier to die here.

This is the white night for the hometown trio after the position is reversed.

Reuniting with family members can be regarded as a dream in the original version of White Night. The living can choose this dream, but the price is to bear greater pain in the future.

But this right to choose is left to the least assertive person to decide.

In just a dozen seconds, Bertolt had already burst into tears, and even the giant giant also shed huge teardrops.

Just when the survey corps showed signs of impatience, Bertolt nodded.

Shinji breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why he set the choice to save Ani as a nod that is easier to do is to let Bertolt choose Ani for psychological hints.

The reason is also very simple: if the survey corps got Ani, he would have to spend his magic power to disarm the hardened crystal, and after disarming, it would be too troublesome to prevent her from turning into a giant on the spot.

Shen Er originally wanted to directly propose to exchange Ani for Ymir, but he, who has studied psychology, believes that giving this choice is the best revenge.

"Alan, do you still have the strength to throw this crystal out?"

Just as Shinji was thinking about how to exchange prisoners of war, the gigantic giant unexpectedly nodded again.


Mikasa on the side was obviously the most surprised.

From the perspective of her kindred spirit, in the past three years of getting along, she has long seen that Bertolt has a crush on Ani, but she never thought that he would choose Reiner in the end.

"Ani, Ani, Ani..."

Bertolt was also frantically chanting the name of his sweetheart at this moment, wondering if he was crazy from time to time.

It is too painful for him to give up either Reiner or Arnie, so he can only choose the one with a higher survival rate.

He can only hope that the technology of Paradis Island is not enough to destroy the hardened crystal, and because he wants to get information from her mouth, he has kept her sealed up, so there is still a chance to rescue him.


Next, Reiner and Ymir, who were also seriously injured, were placed on two parallel runways.

Reiner was hit by the thunder gun, and the damage was already difficult to transform, while Ymir was cut off by the hometown trio.

Driven by a strong desire to survive, while they are healing their bodies, they move towards the other side in a posture close to crawling. The scene is a bit funny, but it makes people laugh.

"Chief of Staff, I have a gun on me, why don't you let me shoot Reiner when they are almost at their destination?"

An investigator whispered in Shen Er's ear.

Shen Er shook his head: Paradis Island needs some time to develop right now, there is no need to betray Marley by treachery.

So, before the warship docked, Ymir returned to the survey corps, and the scouts who had completed their tasks retreated into the woods.

Reiner also returned to Bertolt, and the two boarded the warship returning home with tears in their eyes.

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