But this move was actually a step forward by the king's government. Before the survey corps mastered their own giant power and thunder gun, the results of every investigation outside the wall were almost nothing.

In addition, the royal government deliberately rings a huge bronze bell every time the investigative corps returns, reminding the public to watch the dismal appearance of these defeated generals, coupled with the impact of stumps and broken arms, it is the most difficult thing for ordinary people. A good negative teaching material.

According to Shen Er's common sense, even if he lost the battle, the leader of the legion and those in power should admit his mistakes and bow, instead of letting the soldiers and corpses who shed blood for the collective suffer public executions.

This is the meaning of the existence of the clock tower and the survey corps.

Keith also once said: They are like idiots who exist to set off the correctness of the royal government, helping the royal government to frighten the people who have not completely given up on the outside of the wall, and consume the lives of those passionate young people.

As far as this mission is concerned, in the eyes of the royal government, Keith is indeed a qualified leader of the investigation corps: his original intention was to prove that he was different, and he would only attack upwards outside the wall, rejecting his subordinate Erwin. correct advice, and lose big every time.

In the end, he realized that he was not a special existence, and gave up the position of group leader to someone who could truly represent the spirit of exploration.

And this candidate, especially when Rhodes is not useful, has become a particularly obstructive existence in the eyes of the royal government.


"It is indeed a dangerous existence with ideas. It is capable, well-connected, and has no weaknesses such as greed and lust. Moreover, there is a powerful thug like a monster by his side. It is difficult to deal with him by ordinary methods..."

The fat minister analyzed.

The Minister of Military Uniforms waved his hand: "Then deduct the funds and expenses of the Survey Corps. When they can't even eat meat, let's see if they still have the strength to play hide-and-seek with the giant!"

The Minister of Civil Affairs nodded, and pointed to the report on the public's reaction to the return of the Investigation Corps to the scene today, and said: "Also, the handling of the military police named Tom is not very beautiful. Let the First Military Police Regiment finish it!"

The other three also agreed, and the sun was almost setting at this moment.

After enjoying a sumptuous dinner with the three children, Shen Er suddenly said to the children as he watched the night gradually fall, "I have something to go out for!"

Then, he walked out of the house and walked towards Soldier Tom's house...

005. Shadow of the Night

"What did Mr. Shinji go out so late?"

Before ice blast stones were widely mined for lighting, there was no nightlife in the world inside the walls. Due to the large number of poor people and refugees, the security was not good, and the children were basically indoctrinated into the habit of not going out casually at night.

So after Shen Er left, Allen asked curiously.

"Your Excellency has adult business, we will be responsible for clearing the table and practicing what Mr. Shinji taught us!"

Armin responded with a slightly unnatural expression.

Among the trio, he was trained by Shen Er as a think tank, and he knows the most secrets of Shen Er, and he also knows that some secrets are better not to be known by too many people.

"makes sense!"

Allen looked at the table energetically.

During the day, he also said with great backbone: "I don't eat food from the Gendarmerie!"

But after seeing the military appearance of the survey corps, Shen Er taught the trio a set of practical fighting techniques on the grounds that "if you really want to become a survey soldier, you should start by training your own physique" and beheading.

This set of fighting techniques comes from Shen Er's own summary over the years, which can be described as a collection of the best of hundreds of schools:

After synchronizing with Levi, the fighting skills and instincts of the Ackerman family were obtained;

Ninja Taijutsu integrated into Shiro's many years of wrestling;

Pancrasin used in the process of merging with Perseus to become a pseudo-servant;

As well as the skills gained from using various Noble Phantasms and fighting different opponents on the battlefield of human salvation.


This set of combat skills mixed together can be named "Shen Erliu".

When he witnessed his mother being eaten that year, Hennessy once said to Allen: "You failed to save your mother because you have no strength..."

This sentence was always engraved in his mind like a nail. Naturally, he wished to devote all his strength to integrate this set of fighting skills into the depths of his memory and bone marrow, so that he could grasp the power enough to take revenge.

After sweating and working hard, I will naturally feel intense hunger, and the "food given by the military police" that I resisted before can only be "really delicious".

After convincing himself with the excuse of "necessary compromise for revenge", Allen had to admit: the food specially attacked by the military police chief is really delicious!

Shen Er also enjoyed a rare sumptuous dinner with the trio with the gratified eyes of watching the juniors grow up.

But after a brief warmth, he had to step into the night to face the dark side of this world.

Armin, who guessed what Shinji was going to do, didn't want Allen to bear the burden.

It's just that Almin doesn't know at this moment: his friend Alan Yeager, in the vortex of the times, is destined to be unable to just be a spectator with peace of mind.

At this moment, Allen, of course, did not know that he was that special person, but while practicing what Shen Er taught him, he said with emotion: "By the way, why does Mr. Shen Er hold the knife with his backhand?"

All the slashing techniques taught by Shen Er are based on his habit of holding a knife with his backhand.

For a person like Allen who has used knives before and even killed people, it was difficult to adapt for a while. .

And the black-haired girl not far from him was covering her head with some headaches, and said silently: "Really? I don't know why, but I think it's quite easy to grasp."


"Haven't all the regiment members recruited Tom? That would be interesting."

Under the same night, in the garrison of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith said to himself.

After succeeding Keith, an incompetent predecessor, as the head of the Survey Corps, he has learned and summed up many failure lessons from his predecessors.

Keith usually likes to use his own temper to instill his ideas in the people he can chat with in bars or anywhere. Even the bar girl Karula complained about him: "Are you hooking up with the common people to join the Survey Corps again? ?”

In fact, in order to investigate the dangers of the Corps' work, it is tantamount to murder to recruit ordinary people who lack the ability and awareness into the gang in a moment of enthusiasm.

In the original plot, when the 104th trainees chose the corps, Erwin threatened to investigate the death rate and work hardship of the corps, and emphasized to all recruits in advance that it was the correct approach.

If the soldiers understand the situation in advance and join the investigation corps after they have made up their minds, they can also slightly control the negative effects of a large number of deaths.

In general, although Erwin is a commander who will ruthlessly sacrifice the lives of his subordinates in order to achieve his goals, behind every big gamble he made in the original plot is a bet commensurate with it.

In the Forest of Giant Trees, the time when the entire investigative corps was used as bait was to find out the inner ghost among humans;

The time when the Infinite Giant was attracted to attack both the enemy and us indiscriminately was to regain the hope of mankind——Alan;

The charge under the wall of Maria, the time when both the recruits and himself were used as bait, was to kill the giant beast and let the humans inside the wall obtain the secrets of the basement.


So there was something wrong with Tom's mother's accusations against herself.

Today, when the wisdom giant has not surfaced, there is simply not enough bet for him to take the risk of ruining the reputation of the legion, and personally recruit soldiers from other legions to join him.

After returning to the garrison, he immediately asked the captains to interrogate all the members one by one. After confirming that the person who came to recruit Tom was not one of his own, he could probably conclude that this incident was probably caused by his political opponents.

Although the soldier who recruited Tom may have died in the investigation outside the wall, making the conclusion impossible to verify, Erwin still has some confidence in his usual ability to control.

If the enemy is making a fuss based on the fact that the survey corps has a high mortality rate and is easy to die without proof after splashing dirty water, then it is quite incomprehensible.

However, at least I reminded myself: there are such sinister opponents inside the city wall, so it's better to be more vigilant in the future.

The investigation outside the wall is a hard job. Just as Erwin found a reason to comfort himself and wanted to rest his heavy body, he thought of another terrible possibility in the next second: what happened today reached the other party's smart ears If it is in the middle, it will also feel that this matter is to startle the snake, and it is not beautiful.

The fire cannot be contained in the paper, as long as Tom's family is still worried about Tom's death, the truth that the other party pretends to be the Survey Corps may be exposed.

Then the next step they took was to kill them in time—the most unsolvable thing was: if Tom's family disappeared after today, the first thing people would suspect would be the Survey Corps.

Thinking of this, Erwin wished he could immediately squat in front of Tom's house as a bodyguard, but his body, which had just undergone an investigation outside the wall, was powerless.

And even if he is in good condition, Erwin's personal strength is not ranked in the top two in the survey corps.

"I'm counting on you again, Levi..."

The head of the group looked helplessly at the short man who was always by his side.

This strange man he picked up from the underground street not only possesses monster-like combat power, but also has astonishing physical strength and recovery speed, it's just... like a miniature giant.

After each expedition, often when others were unable to move due to strain and various injuries, he was still able to continue to move.

"I understand."

After learning about the nature of the job from Erwin, the man named Levi just nodded calmly.

"This kind of work of catching mice, I will also go together!"

An extremely tall blond man also stood up.

In addition to Levi, who is recognized as the strongest human being, he is the number two player of the Survey Corps——Mike.

Of course, his No.2 is the strongest among ordinary people, but compared with Ackerman, it may be separated by a sea.

But as Mi Ke said: For him with a super sense of smell, it is perfect to perform this kind of task.


The night is getting darker.

Tom's mother hugged the wet pillow and couldn't sleep.

Ever since her son joined the Survey Corps, she has often suffered from insomnia. After getting used to it, she can stay extraordinarily awake even in the middle of the night.

Therefore, after she cursed the survey corps, she suddenly heard a small sound outside the door.

At first, she thought it was just the wind, until the temperature and airflow in the room changed.

"The door is open! Someone was locking the lock on my house just now, is it a thief or a refugee!"

She immediately lifted the quilt, intending to wake up her husband who was sleeping beside her.

Tom's father, her husband is a repairman, also considered a bit of strength.

But a black shadow was already standing in front of the bed, and her exclamation was wrapped in a towel.

A series of movements, unbelievably proficient, without even making a sound of footsteps - she is a soldier's mother, so she has some experience: this is definitely not the skill of ordinary thieves.

It's a professional soldier!Did the Survey Corps come to silence it?Will all my family members go to sleep with the ugly truth?

The mother thought with grief and indignation.

Then she saw the bright light of the knife and the bright color of blood.

It didn't come out of herself or her family.

Instead, the black shadow's arm holding the knife was cut off from behind.

The black shadow wanted to make a sound, but it was also a towel that stuffed his mouth.

"Don't waste your time, the accomplice you stayed outside the door to watch the wind has already been killed by me. In other words: as the last survivor, I will not let you die!"

Covered by the assassin's figure, Tom's mother could only hear his voice but not see him. It was obviously a short man who saved her.

But they are all blood-licking people, and there is no way to guarantee that the man behind the assassin will definitely let his family go.

Sure enough, the man locked the assassin, and after revealing his masked figure, he cast a glance at Tom's mother.

The mother's brain couldn't handle such a complicated situation, but she still didn't cry out after all.

She knew that if she kept quiet, she would still have a chance to survive, but if she made a noise, she would definitely die.

The masked man understood her mental activity, so he said to her, "Forget about what happened tonight, and immediately move to the underground street or the area where refugees are concentrated."

Tom's mother understood the meaning of this sentence: the more mixed a place is, the better it is to remain anonymous.

Their family has already offended an organization capable of dispatching killers. Only by hiding and not being found can the lives of the whole family be saved.

Tom's father had also been awakened by the start, but he also kept silent without saying a word.

"Damn Survey Corps!"

Tom's mother buried all her grievances in her heart, nodded her thanks to the masked man, and then planned to get up to take care of the family.

"By the way, this hand is also reserved for you. You can take a closer look to see if it is an arm that often eats and sleeps in the wild."

After the masked man pointed to the severed hand on the ground, he quickly disappeared into the night.

After he left, Tom's parents picked up the severed arm on the ground regardless of the bloody smell and observed it carefully.

They are the parents of soldiers, and they are still very clear about the differences between the three types of arms inside the wall.

The survey corps has the toughest conditions and the longest training time. The skin surface usually has sunburn marks, and the palms and knuckles are engraved with wear and tear from long-term holding weapons.

Although the hand was a bit rough, it could still be seen in general: the owner of the hand was usually pampered, and it was a bit like the gendarmerie where Tom belonged.

Moreover, Tom's father could see at a glance: the knuckles of this hand had traces of long-term use of short-handled tools such as pliers.

This is very different from the handle of the long knife of the Survey Corps. With his professional intuition as a repairman, he will definitely not be wrong.

So here comes the question: what kind of soldier will use pliers for a long time?

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