He packed all the materials together, intending to return the originals—many of these materials obviously involved military secrets, and were not accessible to ordinary people or ordinary methods.

Shen Er left his residence, walked through the slightly crowded neighborhood after the fall of the Wall of Maria, and soon found a handsome blond boy with bob hair.

"Help me run my errands and return these materials to the Gendarmerie Division Chief Neil Decker."

Shen Er handed the packaged materials to the blond boy, and the boy agreed happily, looking at Shen Er with respect and gratitude in his eyes.

Shen Er suddenly thought of the black bread that almost broke his teeth before, so he added: "By the way, let him bring me some special food for the officers, and you must convey it to his personal guards, be smart !"

"Understood, Mr. Shinji!"

The way the blond boy looked at Shen Er at this moment was beyond admiration—transmitting information can also be understood as public affairs, and such a majestic rip-off of the head of the division can only be described as hands-on-eyes!

Shinji, who has just arrived in the world inside the wall, of course has no relationship with "someone above", and he has not been close friends with Neil Decker for many years.

In fact, shortly after he first came to the world inside the wall, the Gendarmerie planned to send him out to die because he had no relatives, no reason, and no back door.

That was not long after the Wall of Maria fell, a large number of refugees flooded into the Wall of Rose. Even though these refugees were sent to reclaim wasteland, the remaining land still could not support such a large population, due to food shortages , The survival of mankind is imminent.

Therefore, the royal government ordered a battle to recapture the Wall of Maria, and recruited refugees from the open land in the land of the Wall of Rose as a source of soldiers, and sent an army mainly composed of civilians to fight against the destruction of the city wall. A battle to recapture the giant's Maria wall.

The giants, who could not even fight against the three major legions, had to rely on mud-legged farmers to take up arms to regain lost ground. Shen Er soon realized that this was just a plan proposed by the royal government to reduce the population in the face of food shortages and insufficient living areas. policy.

"The king's government inside the wall is even darker than the politicians or magic associations I have dealt with before!"

Of course, Shen Er didn't want to be used as cannon fodder like this, so he approached a senior official of the Gendarmerie with his own skills, and used hint magic to control him to withdraw his decision to enlist himself.

Implying that magic is a kind of hypnosis, although it is not as varied as Sharingan's illusion, but just like Weber made the old couple think that he is the son of the two, and Heyer made the teachers and students of the school think that he is also a student of the school However, Shinji made this officer named Neil Decker see himself as an officer and friend who was on a special mission.

At that time, Shen Er had just arrived in the world inside the wall, and the Xiaoyuan magic power in his body was still sufficient, so the hypnotic effect was very successful.

But a magician is a profession that relies on the environment and the foundation of magic. When the Matou family moved to a place with excellent spiritual veins like Fuyuki, their magic power was exhausted due to the inaccuracy of the soil and water. The level of magic power is declining day by day.

He had to use the magic reserve in the scorpion to maintain the hint effect on Neil Deke, an important chess piece.

But the energy of Xiebi comes from a pure heart or a great fighting spirit. Shen Er has not found his ambition yet, and he can't love such a world inside the wall. For him, the stored energy in Xiebi is a little useless a little less.

If this world is really a decryption or survival game, then Shinji has little time and strength left.

"Maybe that's why Shirou discouraged me in the first place!"

Shinji gradually understood this, but he wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet.

So he returned his thoughts to the blond boy in front of him, and his two playmates who were inseparable from him: a boy and a girl with black hair.

"As a reward for running errands, I'll treat you to dinner tonight! You should grow your body at this age!"

His promise brought joy to all three children.

All three were refugees from the Higanshina District of the Wall of Maria. Like Shinji, they could only eat expired bread distributed by the royal government. It was certainly worth celebrating to be able to eat the special meals provided by the military officers.

The difference is that the blond boy is pure joy;

The black-haired boy looked more depressed, with anger hidden in his eyes;

The black-haired girl looked at the black-haired boy, as if her personal emotions followed him.

It was Shen Er who met the three of them when he was living in the pioneering land because of his unknown identity. At a glance, he felt that the three of them were familiar, compared to the character he knew from the man who was synchronized with him.

When he saw the black-haired boy, he also had a wonderful feeling in his heart that "this guy must feel good when he kicks".

Therefore, he and the three children took the initiative to talk and became friends. After hypnotizing Neil, he also exempted the grandfather of the blond boy by the way.

As for the result of the battle to recapture Maria, of course, about 25 people were almost wiped out, and [-]% of the human population was lost.

Therefore, he is very grateful to Shen Er, who often asks him to run errands for him because his brain is also more clever.

If we say that we got close to the three of them at the beginning, it was only because of the kindness in memory, after getting along with each other for this period of time, Shen Er also realized that all three of them are rare and usable talents.

The blond boy named Almin has a sharp mind far beyond ordinary people;

The black-haired girl is named Mikasa, and she has a fighting ability that is similar to Shinji's and far surpasses that of ordinary people;

The name of the black-haired boy is Allen. Although he doesn't have much special talent, he has a firm will far beyond ordinary people. Compared with most mortals who regard giants as invincible, he has set a goal to expel all giants. Ambitious.

In Shinji's view, these three people will be of great help to his decryption game.

Whether it was out of emotion or reason, he wanted to let the three teenagers who were growing their bodies eat a few more good meals, so as not to delay their development like himself.

"I'll be right back! Alan, Mikasa, wait for me to have a big meal together!"

Since there was at least one relative by his side, Armin was the sunniest of the three. After receiving Shen Er's package, he cheered to the two of them.

Allen gritted his teeth and said, "I don't eat those gendarmes! Without them and those damn giants, we would have been able to fill our stomachs long ago!"

Shen Er could understand his hatred for the military police.

The essence of the battle to recapture the Wall of Maria was to reduce the population, and the royal government wished to send them to death only for old guys like Almin's grandfather who couldn't provide much productivity.

But superficial work still needs to be done. If all the old, weak, women and children are formed into the army, the motivation is too obvious.

Therefore, most of the population conscripted in the battle to recapture the Wall of Maria was still young and middle-aged as the main labor force. Due to the large number of sacrifices of these people, there was a serious shortage of manpower in the progress of land reclamation in the pioneering area. Humanity has fallen into the dilemma of food shortage.

The gendarmerie chiefs were dissatisfied as they patrolled the fields.The refugees in the reclamation area were even more angry: "The military police who have never seen a giant are so arrogant!"

Obviously they initiated the meaningless conscription, sacrificing too many working people, but the consequences were all borne by the civilians, while the gendarmes from the inland still wore clean clothes, looked good, and lived a life of lords with ample food and clothing.

Because of Shen Er's relationship, the Allen trio know more about the military police than ordinary people, and they are well aware of their corrupt nature. With Allen's character, of course they will even spurn their food.

Mikasa was at a loss for wanting Allen to be good. She wanted to persuade Allen but didn't know what to say, so she could only secretly decide: at that time, use brute force to force the hard-won high-quality food into his mouth.

And Shen Er, who is good at moving his mouth, was just about to persuade Allen with a theory of "you will have the strength to realize your ambitions when you are full", or when he directly waited for him with his correcting fist, a loud bell rang in the distance.

So, Allen, who had a look of bitterness and hatred just now, finally became excited: "It's the Survey Corps that's back!"

The expression on his face was as excited as other children hearing that the circus was coming, and he quickly ran to the main street in the city.

Mikasa naturally followed closely behind, and Shinji also followed behind them with strong curiosity.


The ringing of the bell was so loud that it alarmed every household out of the house and blocked the streets. Many residents even looked embarrassed, as if they were waiting for their children.

"If the traffic is so congested, you can't run errands, let's go and have a look!"

Shinji said to Armin.

In fact, he hoped to have an interlocutor who was smart enough to analyze the intelligence of the Survey Corps with him.

Before they could take a good position, there were mournful cries from the crowd near the city gate, and Allen, who was the most active, couldn't help but sink in his heart: Is everything the same as before?

When he was still in Xiganshina District, Allen experienced it once: he was looking forward to the heroic appearance of the heroes returning in triumph, but he only waited - a group of defeated soldiers with only confusion in their eyes.

That expedition dispatched 80 people, but less than 20 returned, which also led to the resignation of the previous head of the Survey Corps.

It was the first time for Shen Er to watch the return of the Survey Corps. He saw a lot of blood-stained stretchers and even strips of parcels, and fear remained on the faces of many soldiers.

But the topic of conversation is:

"More than half of it is back this time, at least better than the previous one!"

"And their expressions are not so downcast, maybe there is something to gain!"

Shen Er was a little speechless: he did not pay such a heavy loss in saving the world before, but judging from the reactions of the residents, this is not bad?

"Even so, there are still a lot of people who have been eaten by giants! My God, it's too scary. I swear that I will never cross the Wall of Rose in my life!"

"Originally, even if the leader is changed, these survey corps are still just going outside to die in vain. They are living a good life, but they must try to break this stable life. If they annoy the giants, I will see how they will solve it!"

"Is my son Tom back?"


The mainstream opinion of the masses has not changed. They criticize the Survey Corps in whispers, conveying the atmosphere that there is no good fruit to eat outside the wall.

"I always feel that this scene is like some kind of deliberate warning."

In the heated atmosphere, Shen Er looked up at the bronze bell on the wall announcing the return of the Survey Corps.

003. The truth inside the wall

The current head of the Survey Corps is obviously a man with outstanding energy and mobility. In the face of doubts from countless people, he kept telling people the meaning of the Survey Corps' existence with a firm and resolute tone and logical words. And the harvest and crusade quantity of their trip.

"I'm Elvin Smith, the head of the Survey Corps! Although our trip failed to achieve a breakthrough survey result, it was the one with the longest exploration distance in the investigations outside the wall - we successfully hunted down 28 animals along the way. Giants! We have reached an area outside the wall that no one has ever reached before! We only had to return due to lack of gas, soldiers raised their heads, you have not failed! Maybe next time you will be able to unlock the giant's secret!"

With the full-fledged cry of this Captain Erwin, as well as his thick eyebrows, big eyes, and majestic image, many people were also unable to continue to shout out words of accusation because of the suppression of the aura.

"28, it's too powerful!"

Allen, who was beside Shen Er at the moment, had yearning eyes in his eyes—because of the world line disrupted by Shen Er, he met the head of the Survey Corps in advance, and was completely impressed by his leadership qualities.

Moreover, the number of crusades and the mental outlook of the members obviously far surpassed those of the previous generation.

Shen Er also nodded: this man not only looks pleasing to the eye, but also as a leader who is full of energy, fighting spirit and able to gather the morale of all his subordinates, he obviously has the key potential to help him complete this puzzle-solving game.

According to Shinji's research on history and sociology: For a nation in a great crisis of survival and permeated with a pessimistic atmosphere, what is most needed is the spirit of courage to fight. If the resistance of the nation is castrated, even if it can be exchanged for a moment of peace, it cannot escape the final outcome.

Since my good friend Shiro seems to be very interested in the ancient history of planting flowers, in addition to the history of the Three Kingdoms that everyone in Dongying knows, Shen Er also dabbled in some anecdotes about other dynasties: There was such a farming regime that relied on land cession and indemnity to seek peace, and survived several times. nomadic regime.

However, due to the loss of natural horse farms and the national policy of emphasizing civility over military affairs, it was eventually destroyed by the strongest nomadic regime.

In Shen Er's view: Since there are giants taller than the wall outside the wall of Maria, and giants who can break through the city gate, there may be more devastating crises in the future. Are there other options besides "takai" (combat)?

The words of the new head of the group obviously boosted the morale of many passionate young people like Alan, but many elderly people commented in an old-fashioned tone: "The previous head of Keith, who just took office Shi is also full of energy like him, and wants to prove that he is different! But with the continuous failure, hasn't he been smoothed and rolled off the stage in despair?"

"How could a human possibly defeat a giant? He is still too young, and the family members of the subordinates who died in battle will know the experience of suffering a few more times and returning with no face after several times of failure!"


These cynicism made Allen furious, and his fists hardened immediately.

And Shen Er felt that there was a ghost in it: If every time the survey corps returned, the clock tower on the wall would ring the bell in such a high-profile way to remind every household to come out to watch the fun and publicly execute the soldiers who had escaped from death. It is providing negative teaching materials and killing everyone's yearning for outside the wall!

Just as he was deep in thought, a particularly sad middle-aged woman cried, disrupting the atmosphere that had improved due to the charisma of Commander Erwin.

"I didn't see my son Tom! My God! He was a gendarme..."

The mother cried heart-rendingly, and then pointed at Captain Erwin and asked viciously: "Stop continuing your deceptive nonsense! My son joined the team precisely because of the brainwashing you took the initiative to come to the door. Invaded the Survey Corps, so that they lost their lives in vain!"

Because of his accusation, the onlookers started talking again.

Some people are sighing: Even the top ten members of the military police regiment among the annual training soldiers, can't they survive the investigation outside the wall?

Another group of people think that actively inviting others to join the investigation corps, which has an extremely high death rate, is equivalent to deliberate murder in the eyes of the family members?

After listening to the mother's words, Captain Erwin thought for a moment, then pressed his fists tightly to his heart, and denied it righteously: "I, as his superior, deeply regret your son's death in battle. Sorry. But I can swear on my personality. The Survey Corps I know has never forced anyone to join the army. On the contrary, we will emphasize the danger of the Survey Corps' work in any ceremony for new recruits..."

But the mother obviously didn't believe his statement, and many neighbors in the neighborhood also stood up to support him, and the two sides insisted on their own words and fell into a dispute.

Shen Er stared at the two of them closely with his eyes that read countless people, and it seemed that he was not lying.

Then, there are only two possibilities: one is that the Survey Corps has been deceiving its superiors and others, and the other is that someone secretly blamed the Survey Corps.

If it is the second possibility, the biggest suspect is where Tom was originally...

Shen Er said to Armin beside him: "Help me send another letter to Commander Nair!"


The turmoil caused by the return of the Survey Corps finally subsided.

Shinji returned to his residence, reading the information Armin obtained from the commander of the Nair division.

In the letter sent to Nair, as a potential high-level executive, he asked about the situation of the gendarmerie Tom, and asked for some information about Tom and the city wall-Shen Er wanted to know: Which side did the clock tower on the wall come from? handwriting.

Since he hinted at the role of magic, Nair's reply was quite honest, and Shinji quickly learned the whole picture of the transfer of Gendarmerie Tom to the Survey Corps.

Tom used to be the top three seedlings in a certain session of training soldiers. According to the regulations of the world inside the wall, he could join the gendarmerie and lead a superior and stable life in the mainland.

But Tom has had a strong curiosity about the world outside the wall since he was a child, and he is also eager to regain the land lost by humans. He once thought about becoming a member of the Survey Corps, but it fell through because of opposition from his family.

After Tom joined the Gendarmerie according to his family's wish, he did not live a degenerate life of "a cup of tea, a pack of cigarettes, and a deck of poker for a day" like other colleagues. Instead, he maintained a good exercise habit and work attitude, and planned to become an officer. After gaining power, he exerted his radical ideas.

Although the veterans of the Gendarmerie are basically rotten to the root, Tom's ideas have influenced some of the recruits, so...

According to the information obtained by Nair as the head of the division, Tom was identified by the senior military police as a "ideologically dangerous existence" and needed to be eliminated as soon as possible.

However, as an internal member of the Gendarmerie, Tom also knows some of the activities that his own people are usually involved in. Therefore, after realizing that he is being targeted, he will never appear alone in a remote corner to avoid being silenced.

Even when I leave the legion to go home to visit relatives occasionally, I will call a large group of neighbors to fill my yard and never stay at home overnight.

Because of Tom's vigilance, the executors in charge of silence couldn't find a chance to start, so they could only propose a middle plan: instead of spreading your influence in the incompatible Gendarmerie, why not invite you to join the Survey Corps directly!

The executors in the costumes of the Survey Corps proposed to Tom in the yard of Tom's house.

Although the family members still expressed objections, Tom was very clear: since they had already visited the house, if he was "ignorant" again, the other party might completely turn around and use his family as a threat.

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