Shirou asked curiously.

Tristan shook his head and said: "When I first came to this world, I still harbored evil thoughts because of the reverse blessing. Until I met a very skilled archer, after imitating his archery, miraculously He reversed the blessing again!"

"Can you still win? What's the name of that archer?"

Shirou asked curiously.

Tristan replied with a look of longing: "I didn't find out his full name, but I only know that it seems to start with the pronunciation of Wei. In short, I will never forget the arrow he shot in the opposite direction!"

257. Farewell to God

"So, is this king's Uruk saved like this?"

After Shirou and his party retrieved the Holy Grail and returned to Uruk, the entire battlefront had become a sea of ​​joy, except that King Gilgamesh seemed a little bit downhearted.

Shirou nodded and replied: "That's right, because Tiamat has human feelings and ways of thinking, it's too cruel to seal her in the imaginary space again. But relying on Skarner and the following for the parallel world and dimensional space Her research has already found the coordinates for her to build a temple in another dimension.

Sumer no longer has to worry about Tiamat's return, and she can let go of her guilt towards her mother. It is precisely because she is satisfied with the growth of human beings that she voluntarily becomes the rule itself that interferes with countless time and space and eliminates despair—— The principle of the ring, this is the victory of mankind! "

The principle of the ring is the final posture of Madoka Kame in "Magic Girl Madoka".

Madoka is a powerful magical girl herself, coupled with the karma of nearly a hundred parallel worlds tied up by Akami Homura, her power is enough to destroy the world when she becomes a witch.

But in the last reincarnation world, after understanding Xiaomeiyan's feelings for him, Madoka decided to use this too powerful wishing power to make a wish that would make Chubby's previous efforts come to naught: to hand over the past, present, and future. All witches are exterminated before birth.

This desire and power to surpass the existing order even triggered the reorganization of the universe, making the existence of the circle itself disappear, and then became a universal law that is omnipresent but cannot be perceived or remembered by humans.

In the reorganized world, Madoka will pick up the magical girls before they fall into despair, their soul gems are polluted and they are about to become witches. This law that magical girls must eventually disappear out of thin air is called by magical girls. "The Principle of the Circle".

To be precise, using Fengshen to describe Yuan's final ending is too conservative. What she has become is the restraining force and the law of will of the entire universe.

And Tiamat, who inherited this intention, does not have the mighty power to make a wish, but with its BEAST level power, coupled with Shirou's parallel world magic and Skarner's dimensional magic, it has also become a cross-world, elimination The existence of despair is already very close to his own template.

BEAST is very difficult to destroy, and Tiamat in the original plot just fell into a deep sleep again, but this ending is to eliminate the threat of the second beast forever for the human world, and increase the number of countless parallel worlds and different dimensions. A deity with the apex of good attributes, once in and out is the gap between two beasts!

"The theory of mother ring? This name is too miscellaneous!"

After becoming the virtuous queen, Gilgamesh seldom used the word "miscellaneous repair" anymore, but Shirou's name made him want to be rude.

"You look a little sorry!"

However, Shirou saw the essence through the phenomenon: he was just a little manic because he failed to put on hairspray and made a big splash in the final battle.

Or, to express dissatisfaction because Shirou only assigned him the position of a poll reporter in the decisive battle.

The Xian King shifted his gaze, snorted and said, "I just feel sorry for you: it's a pity that I didn't have the chance to see the respectful face of the King of Heroes after finally coming to Uruk!"

Shirou smiled and said: "Artoria and I have seen your peak posture more than once, it is really impressive!"

It was quite profound, so I don't regret it at all-if there is any regret, it may be because of Uruk's political situation and people's livelihood, and I didn't synchronize the character of Xiaofu for this guy.

"Oh? Was it in the previous Holy Grail War?"

King Xian immediately became interested.

Shirou shrugged and replied: "It's in a parallel world, you'll know if you observe patiently with the omniscient and omnipotent star!"

King Xian nodded: "Okay, this king is also looking forward to witnessing what kind of heroic appearance this king will show in the Holy Grail War!"

Shirou could only hold back his laughter while imagining how he disliked the second flash.

"In addition, in my opinion, being able to end this singularity in this way is already the best ending."

He said that his eyes moved down: countless people of Uruk came out of the crystal steeple and came to revel in the streets and alleys.Celebrating wildly for surviving such a catastrophe, Gudav, Matthew, Merlin, Leopard and others also mixed in.

Merlin even returned to his original nature and danced with a young girl in his arms. Is this guy worthy of the old sword's personality?

But in any case, it is great that Uruk has survived so many people through his own efforts.

Anna was a bit out of tune with the lively atmosphere, sitting alone in a corner in a daze, until an old lady who ran a flower shop solemnly gave her a wreath woven by herself, and the child showed a warm and innocent smile.

It was great to see her smiling face.

Quetzal is performing wrestling with La Er as a sideshow. Compared with the ending of being assassinated by Merlin in the original plot and almost sacrificing himself in the battle with Tiamat, it is naturally too good.

While Shirou was talking with the virtuous king, Siduri and the beautiful green man were smiling and watching Gilgamesh’s back not far away—after Shirou returned the Uruk cup, the virtuous king immediately They used it as the heart of Enkidu's remains, and let the gold in the remains that was infinitely close to Enkidu stay in it.

Perhaps it is precisely because he wants to show that he is not old in front of his best friends, which makes the king eager to fight!

But anyway, it's great that Shirou's efforts made Xian Wang not experience losing the memories of these two.

"Indeed, this is the best ending. And you are right in one sentence."

The virtuous king let go of his little emotions, looked at the people celebrating below freely and proudly, and continued: "This is indeed a victory for mankind. Tiamat, who turned into a witch, is because he cannot feel the despair and joy from Uruk. Grief and disappear! That unreasonable Tiamat also went to other worlds because this era no longer needs the protection and salvation of gods! This is a great victory in the battle of farewell to the gods!"

He filled a mug of ale and let out a long, magical laugh.

Every subject in Uruk has contributed to the confirmation of this point. For the virtuous king, it is indeed more pleasing to him than a personal display of bravery. It should be clear.

"See? Ishtar, humans don't need you anymore!"

He even couldn't help provoking the goddess he usually hated.

Shirou could only remind with a wry smile: "I said, king, don't forget the contributions of the goddesses in the decisive battle. It's not good to kill a donkey. Ishtar, don't rush to scold him. I welcome you on behalf of Chaldea." Your sister's visit."

Only then did Ishtar resist the urge to curse.

"By the way, there is also Wang, don't you regret that you didn't have the opportunity to perform? Are you interested in the battlefield where humanity saves the end point?"

Shirou also invited Gilgamesh.

The space opened up independently of the time axis - the Temple of Time, is really an excellent occasion to release EA.

258. Landing at the final singularity

"No problem, whether it's repaying your favor for saving Uruk, or collecting debts from that magic king, I will fight by your side in the final battlefield!"

Gilgamesh readily accepts Shirou's invitation.

"And I!"

Two almost identical voices sounded at the same time, one from Ishtar who was flying in the sky on Maanna, and the other from Eilee who was about to bid farewell to Shirou through a "video call".

In the infinite parallel world explored by the theory of the circle, as long as you find the timeline of "FSF", you can retrieve the most powerful treasure for Ishtar in this world: the bull of heaven.

According to the original plot, Ellie's underworld would have been dilapidated due to the huge movement of defeating Tiamat.

She herself will also be punished for breaking the taboo of the underworld and lending her power to the living, which may lead to her disappearance.

However, the battle of Tiamat in this world line ended relatively smoothly, and the extent to which Ai Lei used her power was still within an acceptable range.

Most importantly: Tiamat gave her a crystal that held the breath of her own soul.

EX-level self-transformation allows Tiamat to modify its own structure arbitrarily. She just imitated Skarner's structure, allowing her soul and power to be transmitted and shared through each crystal. This is the power of the ring. basis of real existence.

In the beginning, Tiamat needed the power of the Holy Grail to project its influence over so many worlds.

But just as the branch supplies blood to the headquarters, the blessings rooted in many worlds blossom and bear fruit, that is, after the magical boys and girls become famous, they will return to the gods who eliminated their despair through crystals.

In addition, Tiamat also has Madoka, which is the setting of the magical girl - the power of the magical girl will be enhanced due to the cause and effect of the entanglement, just like Gaitia burning the history of mankind to obtain the power of the big light wheel The principle of mother ring is to create its own light belt by superimposing the cause and effect of changing countless worlds.

The former's method of obtaining power is naturally simpler and more brutal, but the burned human history is only 3000 years at most, while the latter can flow in countless parallel worlds.

But the question is: How much time does Chaldea have to prepare.


In the imaginary space where the concepts of time and space are blurred, even stronger than Tiamat, there is a temple.

On the throne of the temple, there was a gaze.

No, to be precise, the eyes never closed.

"I don't have the ability to close my eyes, we don't have the ability to plug our ears. So, we can only watch. So, we can only listen. And we came to the conclusion that—"

"Ugly! Very ugly, Very ugly!"

Another BEAST made wild complaints.

"What I saw was unsightly killings, and what I heard was unbearable noises. I have clairvoyance to see the past and the future, but I am forced to watch the extremely unpleasant facts. After reading it, I will have the idea to solve this situation. It's only natural!"

The king on the throne murmured to himself why he wanted to destroy mankind.

"But what should be done? Even if the filth is removed, human beings will immediately breed new filth. As long as life exists, this error cannot be corrected. Then start all over again, recast everything from scratch as a complete Form. Not from the beginning of history, ecosystems, or time—but from nothing! We have a plan to recreate this planet from scratch!"

There seems to be only one person on the throne, but "we" is used as the self-proclaimed name, because the true identity of the owner of the throne and the temple: the magic king Solomon, is a collection of 72 demon pillars.

"For this plan, recover about 3000 years worth of 'the planet's maximum heat', and when all these resources are fully recovered, managed, and controlled, I will be able to achieve my great cause!"

He proudly looked at the band of light that ran through all the singularities and hung above this space.

The Holy Judgment of the Lion King is equivalent to 1000 curry sticks, and this big light wheel that burnt 3000 years of civilization is even more exaggerated to the equivalent of hundreds of millions of curry sticks.

With such a Noble Phantasm, even if all the seven singularities were repaired by Chaldea, even if all the five pillars of the special envoy failed, the confidence of the Magic King would not change at all.

After proficiently controlling this force, all he needs to do is to find the location of Chaldea, and then use the big light wheel to push flat on his face.

After learning that Chaldea had conquered the seventh singularity of the Holy Grail handed over by himself, the Magic King waited leisurely for the opportunity to come.

According to the original plot, Chaldea detected the coordinates where the Magic King was hiding by analyzing the seventh Holy Grail.

But there is a good saying: When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

The moment Chaldea obtained the position of the Magic King, the Magic King also sensed Chaldea's position, and quickly took action, causing Chaldea to merge with the final singularity.

Therefore, the decisive battle of the Temple of Time in the original plot is an extremely urgent landing battle.

Perhaps this is also expected by the Magic King. After all, he is the same seiyuu as Er Qiao, so it is not surprising to have this level of calculation.

But I don't know how long I have been waiting. In short, it has been a while since Antoshi returned from a disastrous defeat, but the King of Magic has not received the coordinates of Chaldea for a long time.

"What the hell? The researchers of Chaldea don't even analyze the Holy Grail? Will they do something!"

The Magic King's patience began to fade away, and he urged the Nine Pillars Demon God Pillar in the Temple of Time III to work overtime to find out the coordinates of Chaldea.

However, the Demon God Pillar of the observatory such as Fonius, has been unable to make progress on this matter for a long time.

"The other party seems to have used more than one advanced technique, blocking the way of perception."

This is the conclusion drawn from the observations.

The Magic King is a little restless: Ever since Floros successfully blew up most of Chaldea, which was considered a successful operation, it seems that the pillars have been deflated. I don’t know if they are too useless or Chaldea’s Master is too cunning.

The Magic King resisted the urge to call them waste: After all, if the pillars were waste, he would be a collection of waste or a garbage dump, which is equivalent to scolding himself.

"No matter what, the history of mankind can no longer continue beyond 2017, even if you try your best to avoid and delay, it is useless!"

Knowing this very well, the King of Magic calmed down his emotions and began to think about how to re-plan the planet, and even resist the alien god's plan.

Just like what he said, Chaldea only distorted the time axis with a special magnetic field, and it was not burned up like the outside world. Once the time axis comes after 2017, it will be burned like the singularity F devoured.

He just needs to wait for Chaldea to sit still, or take the initiative to reveal the coordinates.


Shirou, who has blocked the perception of the Temple of Time by relying on the technology of another world's clock tower, is naturally aware of this.

It's not that the Observatory's Demon God Pillar is incompetent, but that Chaldea, the world where he lives, has received the full support of the three major associations. After ten years of research and preparation, Shirou has brought them all to Chaldea in this world.

Coupled with the implementation of Medea, Kong Ming, Da Vinci, Tesla and other extremely smart people, it is not surprising to achieve this.

After Tiamat initially formed its own halo, it broke away from its dependence on the Holy Grail early, and Chaldea also successfully recovered the seventh Holy Grail.

But Shirou specifically told the control room: Don't analyze this holy grail that has the magic king's own breath for the time being, the purpose is to delay the date of the decisive battle as much as possible before 2017 comes.

This decision is not out of fear of fighting, but to buy time for the collection of Tiamat's light wheel.

In the control room at this moment, Shirou is holding the Millennium Artifact, with the power of a different-dimensional card group and his own second magic power, working together with Skarner to open up and explore a new dimensional world for Tima.

If the ring of light of the magic king is to pluck a sheep, but Tiamat is to cast a net among many sheep.

Although the time is a bit rushed, this light wheel that gathers countless powers of cause and effect is still growing vigorously gradually.

Different from the big light wheel of the magic king, which symbolizes burning and destruction, Skarner's avatars: "scorpions" rely on their own soul perception, which is enough to ensure that every magical boy and girl who concludes a contract has a pure and flawless heart. .

Soraka, Jonathan Joestar, Yahiko...the stories of each protagonist are human beings' hymn of hope, and this nature is deeply integrated into Tiamat's light wheel.

When countless hopes gathered together and the footsteps of 2017 were approaching, Shirou realized that it was time to declare war on the Temple of Time.

He has prepared some interesting things for this decisive battle.

"Start analyzing the seventh Holy Grail! Once the coordinates of the Temple of Time are obtained, the imaginary fleet can set sail!"

Shirou turned into a commander, inspecting the fleet composed of imaginary submarines with more than two digits.

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