In his original words: Xiaofu has been working overtime for so long, and occasionally relax, just exchange feelings with Enkidu in the rear, give full play to the buffs of friends, and adjust to the best state before entering the decisive battle!

At this moment, Shirou was riding a solar ship, and Chaldea and his party came to the sea of ​​the Persian Gulf.

"Lahm is constantly gushing out of the sea, but it doesn't respond to us. It seems that the newborn Lahm's senses are still very dull! But if they drag on, they will become like the Lahm of Eridu. Same!"

Ishtar, the only native in the group, explained towards the sea.

Immediately, everyone heard a burst of bel canto that rivaled that of Karthus.


Following the magical reaction, the solar ship arrived at the place where the black mud was constantly being born, and saw a normal-sized Tiamat, and a strange-looking Raheem, muttering something beside her.

In this form, she still looks like a beautiful white-haired girl, and she can rush without those huge horns.

However, the black mud under her feet represents Tima's strongest power: cell coercion, as long as the life soaked in the black mud, it will be forcibly transformed into an enemy of mankind, just like Ushiwakamaru in the original plot.

Fortunately, thanks to Shirou's intervention, the infinitely multiplied version of the blackened Ushiwakamaru did not block the way of Chaldea's group, and in the sight of everyone, Tima's hands and feet were bound.

"Now is the perfect opportunity to defeat her!"

Ishtar grabbed a handful of gems excitedly.

Thanks to King Xian's generosity, she has obtained enough gem materials to use the magic of the gods, and she is planning to attack with all her strength.

But Shirou stopped her: "Wait! Don't do anything, the Tiamat exposed on the sea is not the real body, but similar to..."

He pointed to Artoria, who was also on the solar ship——the towering hair on her head gave an example: "Similar to this hair on her body, once you break the mind body on the sea, her real body will be destroyed." Waking up completely, then is the beginning of all nightmares."

Arturia, who had never experienced blackening, complained in a low voice: "I understand the truth, why use my hair as an example?"

"Then what should we do? Should we let her continue to expand the Kuroshio?"

Ishtar spread his hands.

At this time, the control room also issued a warning: "Be careful! The magic power reaction inside Tiamat is increasing, and its magic power is enough to rival the hydrogen bomb! Once released, Uruki can be killed at this distance. For the ground!"

Everyone was shocked, and the impatient Ishtar yelled: "Action must be taken, give me the death hat and the Holy Grail of the World Destroyer, and let me shoot with all my strength!"

Shirou, who knew very well that eliminating the mind body would only make the situation worse, still shook his head and signaled Raji to launch a defense against Suzheng.

At the same time, he looked at another emperor in the desert on the solar ship.

"Lord of Shurima, if you want to save this world, unleash the sand soldiers on Tiamat! If you succeed, I will hand over Xerath to you!"

This condition moved Azir's heart, and he raised his scepter, ready to call his soldiers.

And La Er has launched his defense.

Back then, La Er was able to create a 2000-meter-long temple on Tokyo Bay, so it is no problem to summon a tomb on the Persian Gulf today.

"Witness Yu's great achievements!"

It is not a problem to counteract the release of hydrogen-bomb-level magic power for Su Zheng's defense, which is dedicated to resisting disasters at the level of destroying the world.

After the strong explosion aftermath dissipated, it only detonated the sea water, and the impact force in the direction of Uruk was completely blocked by Laer's tomb wall.

Inside the city walls, everyone is safe and sound.

Outside the city wall, there is an aura of destruction.

Many Raheem died from their mother's magic power just after they were born - under the magic power of the hydrogen bomb level, it seems that there is no possibility of surviving.

Do not!

There are also a few sand soldiers, relying on their indestructible attributes, to stab at Tiamat.

Logically speaking, the attacks of these sand soldiers are more than enough to kill Lahemu, but when dealing with Tima, they seem to be a bit scratchy.

However, what Shirou pursued was only to get close to this result.

"Now is the real good opportunity!"

Shirou took a deep breath, applied all the magic power of the Holy Grail and the big hat to himself, activated the instant body technique and thunder escape activation with all his strength, and turned his figure into a bolt of lightning.

Even Ti Ma, after releasing the magic power just now, will enter a short-term sage state, after all, she is just a mind body under self-seal.

At this moment, it is the perfect time for Shirou to approach his mother.

However, with hatred for human beings, Timma, who stepped on the tide of black mud, was still an extremely dangerous existence. If she approached directly, she would turn into Lahemu if she was not careful.

Therefore, it is necessary to rely on Azir's sand soldiers.

"Heavenly Hand Power!"

The moment the unselected sand soldier approached Tima's body, Shirou launched an instant ninjutsu that could not be defended, and exchanged positions with the sand soldier.

Heavenly hand power is an absolute instant ninjutsu. After Shirou got the big hat to strengthen the pupil power, its surprise attack effect is even higher than Shinji's Hermes boots.

The setting of Tiamat is similar to Otsutsuki Kaguya.

They are all mothers who were abandoned and sealed by their children. They all have the power to destroy all mankind, but they lack the instinct to fight.

Shirou didn't know who was stronger between the full-body Tima and Kaguya, but he didn't believe that the technique that even Kaguya couldn't respond to would be unable to deal with the mind-body Tima.

Sure enough, after changing the space, Shirou appeared beside the unresponsive Timma.

Relying on Lei Tun to push his reaction speed to the limit, Shirou reached out and touched Tiamat's body desperately.

Compared with many subsequent forms, Timma in this state may be the only existence that can try to get close.

"The voice actor of this character is Aoki Yuki, please select a sync object!"

Finally, it was successfully touched.

Shirou scrambled to respond: "Madoka Kame! Expand simultaneously to the greatest extent!"

Although Tima still maintains a paralyzed expression, Shirou believes that the synchronization effect will unfold soon.

He just breathed a sigh of relief when suddenly a sharp claw slashed horizontally from below.

Shirou, who was still in the activated state of Thunder Dun, easily dodged, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Raheem, a strange species glaring at him.

"You unspeakable one, you are indeed displaying the evil ability to change the mind of the goddess again! But this time, you will never succeed!"

Chao Shilang questioned because he was afraid that Chaldea would be extremely afraid, so he ran all the way from the Temple of Blood to the Persian Gulf, and was finally transformed into Antos of Laheem by the black mud.

This ending can be said to have completely lowered the lower limit of the special envoy's five pillars.

Being accused of being evil and unspeakable by a demon god also made Shirou a little confused.

In the subspecies of singularity, Antos can maintain his intelligence when he becomes a dead body, and it is no problem after becoming Raheem.

And Antoshi, who has long known that Shirou can bewitch the goddess, has been relying on the words learned from Xerath to whisper in Tima's ear.

"Your children don't need you anymore!"

"There is no concept of time in the imaginary number space, but in fact you have been imprisoned for hundreds of years, what a cruel child!"


In addition to losing almost the entire singularity, at least he has not forgotten his responsibilities.

In fact, Antoshi also has the nature of provoking disputes in the original scriptures.

"The demise of human beings is driven by the nature of Tiamat, and it was doomed from the moment the Lord Magic King awakened her with the Holy Grail. Coupled with my long-term efforts, your transformation will not succeed!"

Antos leaned against Timma and kept laughing wildly.

The black mud is still spreading, and a magical reaction is born under the sea surface.

Due to Antoshi's bewitching, it seems that even if the mind body is not defeated, the full body of Tima will wake up.

Shirou gritted his teeth: Is it really too naive to want to reverse the Beast's evil to humans with the ability to synchronize?

Shen Er appeared beside him across the space, preparing to take Shirou out of the dangerous situation safely according to the plan.

At this moment, Tiamat turned his head to look at Shirou, and a crystal teardrop fell from the corner of his eye.

In the plot, she only knows ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, she who finally revealed her heart to Gu Dafu when she was finally defeated, actually spoke human language: "My child, the real me is about to wake up, can you go and save the one who was deceived by the magic king?" the stupid me?"

253. The Enemy Is the Same Origin

"So, is your plan a success or a failure?"

When Shirou returned to the Chaldeans, Merlin, who had known his synchronization ability before, spread his hands and asked.

In the previous trip to save humanity, Merlin has always witnessed Shirou's successful display of abilities in Avalon: turning Achilles into a bald head, turning Sigurd into a card player, Even he himself was transformed into a real sword master.

The moment Shirou's palm touched Tiamat, Merlin thought that such a miracle would happen again.

In fact, the normal-sized Timma did get out of the black mud and the sea, followed behind Shirou but didn't dare to get too close, keeping a distance like a little girl who didn't fit in, but looked at Chaldea's face without hostility. everyone.

However, the black mud did not disappear together with her hostility, but surged more violently, and a huge figure emerged.

"From diffusion to superstructure, the scale of existence has increased, and the water level in the Persian Gulf is rising rapidly! Everyone avoids it!"

The warning sound from the control room reminded everyone: this battle is not over yet.

"I remember what the master said just now, the god Tiamat over there is just the mind and body, so the next thing to appear on the stage is the body."

Sigurd, known for his calmness and wisdom, pointed to the normal version of Timma not far away.

"So your 'persuasion' cannot affect the body through the mind?"

Merlin frowned, a little strange: If Tiamat could split into individuals with independent personalities, it wouldn't be blocked by his own illusion for so long.

If the consciousness of body and mind are separated, why did Tima entrust the Holy Grail to Jin Gu?Let yourself be a trumpet and it will be solved.

Shirou couldn't understand this either: he just risked becoming Raheem, and the theoretical basis for performing synchronization on the mind body was that there was an integral connection between the mind body and the body.

Therefore, using a relatively less dangerous mind-body synchronization can prevent the recovery of the main body, and he chose this plan after weighing the risks and benefits.

Shirou was puzzled and decided to ask himself a question.

"That, Mom!"

Since there is a need for others, Shirou's small mouth is also quite sweet. Anyway, in the setting of Xingyue, Sumer is the origin of human civilization.

This title immediately attracted the attention of the mother of the mind and body, and Shirou immediately asked his own doubts: "Is there any difference between the other you and the current you?"

Tima sighed, and continued to narrate in human language: "Actually, we are the same individual, we all love human beings, and at the same time hate the fate of being abandoned. With the instinct to destroy the world, but because of the love for children If I choose to seal myself because of love, if I have to say it, I am closer to the latter, and if the other I am fully awake, I will follow myself without hesitation and wipe out human beings!"

Perhaps because of the synchronous influence of the human girl, the logic of raising the mother is very smooth, and Shirou probably understands the whole story: simply put, the mind body is more inclined to the self-sealed side, while the body follows the person.

Tima pointed to the Antos Lahm soaked in the sea, and continued to narrate: "Since just now, that child has been instilling the idea of ​​revenge in me. At one point, it made me dizzy, and at the other time, I was also driven by it." This wakes up. But after meeting you, I realize this is not right!"

Timothy's emotions are getting closer and closer to human beings, and finally holding her head, she said with a crying voice: "As a mother who loves everything, she was abandoned by her children, and finally chose to destroy children because of hatred. Such a reincarnation, how can I Isn't it just like magical girls and witches?"

She seemed to be showing her true feelings, and her emotions infected everyone in Chaldea, but everyone was a little puzzled: How did these two terms come out in the end?It doesn't match the painting style of the Sumerian Age of Gods!

Only Merlin and Dr. Roman had subtle expressions: Magic girl?I am familiar with this theme!

Timothy's change was naturally written by Shirou. At this moment, he frowned and caught something wrong: "So, didn't your body have such an awareness?"

Tima showed her four-pointed star-shaped pink eyes from between her fingers, and said helplessly: "The resentment and despair that came from being abandoned by humans are too strong, and it seems that she has transformed herself into a strange thing..."

weird stuff?

Shirou is very clear: Tiamat with self-transformation EX is not surprised to appear in any posture, but when Tima's body is revealed from the sea level, he still can't help but open his mouth.

As the sea level continued to rise and the magical reaction intensified, Tiamat, which was tens of meters high, finally broke out of the sea.

Her head and appearance are almost the same as the normal version of Timma, only enlarged in proportion.

It’s just the giant version of Tiamat’s legs, which could only slide in the black mud that represents their own power because they supported too much weight—voiced by Brain Compensation Lulu: I suggest, slide and walk!

In the original plot, it was discovered by Chaldea as one of the weaknesses.

But at this moment, the legs are wrapped by a larger funnel-shaped skirt, which looks like an exaggerated version of a medieval lady.


Tima's body opened her hands, and her huge magic power seemed to form some kind of enchantment, absorbing all life back into her body.

This way of fighting may be the happiest revenge for the abandoned Mother of All Things.

Shirou recognized this gesture, and couldn't help but lamented to himself: "I'm so stupid, really! I only knew that Madoka's character is kind and gentle, but I didn't expect to provoke this thing... ..."

He gradually understood all of this: the difference between the two Timas today is not only the difference between the mind and body, but also the difference between the magical girl Madoka and the rescue witch.

"Magic Girl Madoka Magica" is Lao Xu, a knight cook, who draws on the characteristics of Kamen Rider "We and the Enemy of the Same Origin" and some settings of "Kamen Rider Dragon Knight", giving a brand new theme to the original warm and righteous theme of magical girls. connotation.

If you just watch the first few episodes, you will feel that this is a very normal magical girl story: a kind and gentle protagonist, a fresh and cute little round face, and a cute contract mascot, and the enemy is an evil witch...

These settings, no matter how you look at it, are a story of love and peace!

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