"Lancelot, what the hell are you doing?"

Aggiewen's endurance is almost at the limit just like his blood bar - after a long time, you just throw out an ordinary person who seems to be not as powerful as a serious knight to take the blame?And you said you didn't rebel?

"Sir Aggavan, be careful! He is an extremely loyal knight!"

Lancelot had just fallen into his imagination about "Lucius", but although the knight had a steel-like will, his body was only three times the strength of an ordinary person. He was thrown too hard for a while and struggled several times Neither could get up.

The atmosphere was a little silent for a while.

Chaldea was also stunned by the knight's "Happy New Year, big brother and sister-in-law" appearance. If the atmosphere was not too serious, he might even laugh out loud.

"Lucius, this name sounds familiar, but why is this face familiar to me, but I can't recognize it..."

Just as Arturia was deep in thought, Shirou's voice from the master's contract sounded in her consciousness: "Saber, help that knight up, it's not easy for him to come here."

Arturia followed suit and helped the tired knight up, and then saw tears and determination in his eyes.

"My king, in order to make up for my mistakes, please take a look at my right arm! Don't hold grudges against another king. The reason why he became like this is because a criminal minister failed to return this thing..."

The white-haired knight is very clear that in his current physical condition, it is impossible to complete his mission.

In the original plot, he at least ate a few full meals with Chaldea and got a proper rest, but in this timeline, he has been running wildly behind the Chaldean team in the Mobile City Fortress, and was even killed by Lan Sloat almost fell to his death.

Fortunately, this mission can be handed over to a more suitable person.

Listening to the confession of "Lucius" and feeling the breath of his right arm, Arturia was almost stunned: "You are..."


Agguiwen was already outraged: a knight who needs the support of the enemy and is still acting like a big bird to the enemy chief is the loyalty offered by Lancelot?

Lancelot himself was a little embarrassed by "Lucius"'s embarrassment. Looking at the down-and-out appearance of the Lion King and Aggavin at the moment, he almost felt guilty for standing by and watching.

But the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, and the Chaldean side also has the king and his own daughter, especially now that Matthew has fully integrated Galahad's spiritual foundation and beliefs.

When Lancelot's eyes met Mash, the knight on the lake knew that he could not fight Chaldea no matter what.

Not only because of the father's love aroused by his lovely daughter, but also because the fact that the city of chalk can be released means that Matthew has indeed inherited Galahad's will and has a pure and innocent soul.

This also reminded Lancelot of what Shirou said that day: Galahad's choice was absolutely just.

Lancelot closed his eyes. Long before he left the city, he had doubts about the idea of ​​the Lion King.

"So, is it the Lion King who is wrong? Should I turn around and correct her? This damn rebellious fate!"

But as a knight, thinking of the oath of allegiance to the Lion King at the beginning of his summoning, and seeing Aggavin's desperate struggle at this moment, Lancelot couldn't bear to be an enemy of the Lion King.

Therefore, with the blessing of "sorrowful and fierce", he proposed a plan from an absolutely rational perspective.

"My lord, why don't you give up the thousand-year-old jewelry and let Chaldea collect all the seven artifacts as you wish, and save this era!"

Although his tone was a little awkward at the beginning, Lancelot's reason told him that this was already the best solution.

Agguiwen was stunned. Although he talked about "Lancelot is untrustworthy" like "a wolf is coming" every day, the other party had such rebellious thoughts that he almost forgot to reprimand him.

The Lion King was silent for a moment, then looked at Lancelot and said: "The purpose of Chaldea is to repair the abnormality of the singularity, that is, to destroy me. Is this the decision of Sir Lancelot?"

As far as the relationship between the monarch and his ministers is concerned, this is already a heartbreaking statement.

The kingly way of the Lion King is full of majesty and dominance. In the original plot, because of Gao Wen's mistake in the holy battle, he was sent flying to smash through the city wall.

And this level of staring at each other is enough to make the Knights of the Round Table of this singularity tremble.

"You can use the holy gun to escape from human reason, as long as you don't involve other ordinary people."

But Lancelot is still expressing his thoughts, after all, the blessing bestowed on him by the Lion King represents the truth.

"After all..."

Lancelot said the boldest sentence, "Mankind may not be willing to be saved by becoming a collection of holy guns..."

The Lion King was silent, and Agguiwen looked ferocious.

Lancelot questioned the most fundamental concept of The Lion King, and he is already a complete inner ghost on the spiritual level.

And his final loyalty to the Lion King is to persuade him to hand over the thousand-year-old jewelry that is expected to save this era, and then hide in the holy gun to survive alone—in fact, it is a decent surrender to preserve himself.

"Lancelot Lancelot..."

The Lion King, who had almost exhausted his mana from excessive use of the Holy Lance, stood up vigorously.

"Originally, I planned to use the restraining effect of blessings to forcibly control you against Chaldea, just like what I did to Mordred, who also belongs to the rebel party..."

Her words quickly attracted Artoria's hateful eyes.

The Lion King continued: "But I've changed my mind now, a traitor like you doesn't deserve my blessing at all!"

She raised the Holy Lance high, and Lancelot immediately felt a tingle—the Lion King was recovering the blessing bestowed on him, charging the Holy Lance for the final time.

The Lion King was completely enraged by Lancelot's words. Although there were not a few complete structures in the Holy City due to the two waves of destruction by Sanzang and Shirou, she still took the idea that the legs of mosquitoes are also meat, and put all the ruins together. And recycle.

The storm behind her is getting more and more turbulent, and the "protection of the end" is in desperation, improving the state of the Lion King.

There is no doubt that the Lion King is trying to force himself - if according to her original idea, it would be safer to control Lancelot's shot, or to buy time for herself to recover.

But the enraged Lion King only wanted to destroy this group of damned rebels with his own hands as soon as possible.

"Holy Lance, tell the end!"

When the Holy Lance was leveled again, the Lion King's original emerald green eyes turned completely golden, and the Holy Lance also shone with golden light again.

Mash raised his shield again, but his Master Fujimaru Tachika looked struggling.

"Let me come!"

Two figures stood in front of the junior, holding the same shiny thing tightly—in fact, it was Artoria who was holding Bedivere's right hand.

Merlin once said: Any knight of the round table—except maybe Mordred, as long as he recognizes Bedivere, he will understand his truth, and he will further understand the truth of the Lion King.

Without too many words to explain, Artoria at this moment has already guessed why another self has become like the King of Storms, the Wild Hunt, or the King of the Undead.

Her feelings for the Lion King also went from outright anger and hatred to a layer of pity.

There must be an end to this tragic and twisted existence.

She gripped the Silver Arm—Bedivere's right hand.

"King, this will affect your sword swing."

Bedivere looked a little shy, but he was more worried that he would influence the King of Knights to use his full strength.

Artoria did not let go of his right arm, but responded lightly, "If you don't apologize to her face to face, you will be unwilling!"

Bedivere nodded silently, these words hit his soul.

Arturia knew very well that although she was the same person, she came from a parallel world after all. The real object of Bedivere's atonement was the Lion King opposite.

If he had drawn out the holy sword in his right hand, then the regret spanning 1500 years would not be able to express, and for Bedivere, it would not be a happy ending.

"Is the king of knights in another world so understanding?"

Bedivere was only moved in his heart at this moment, and the 1500 years of silent waiting seemed to have value at this moment.

"Don't worry, I'm better at using holy swords than that guy!"

Artoria directly raised Bedivere as if it were a weapon.

The last guy who caught a living person as a weapon in his hand seems to be called Dian Wei...

This picture of the fusion of man and sword is a bit funny, but Shirou, who knows the truth about Bedivere, only feels respectability and romance.

"Fortunately, I also hid a command spell at the bottom of the box..."

He burned the magic power on the back of his hand, which can be regarded as offering his heart to Artoria.

"Meet the wrath at the end of the world!"

The Lion King roared, and the Holy Spear in his hand released a beam of light that could destroy everything.

But it was blocked by the shining object held by Arturia and Bedivere.

"That is……"

Just as Merlin guessed, both Agguivin and Lancelot guessed the source of the light.

"Lancelot, you are indeed the biggest curse of the round table!"

Agguiwen sighed, he, who had been seriously injured long ago, finally completely cut off his hope, and dissipated in the form of spirit particles.

Lancelot was even more stunned - as early as in the Battle of Prison, he asserted that what the King of Knights held was only the projection of the Holy Sword of the Star, while the King of Lions held the Anchor of the World, judging from this alone , Chaldea is also unlikely to win.

I didn't expect that I would throw the real holy sword to the Knight King. What kind of behavior is this?

Only the Lion King has not realized how serious the situation is - after merging with the Holy Lance, she lost her past memories related to Bedivere.

She just faintly felt that the right arm of the white-haired knight had an aura similar to that of the Holy Lance.

However, the Lion King doesn't think he will lose: she is the incarnation of the gods who have completed the fusion with the Holy Lance, will she be defeated by a funny opponent holding an arm?

But Arturia is indeed as she said: she has seen Merlin kill the sixth beast, and she has also used the round table decision herself, so she knows how to use the holy sword better than her other self.

Moreover, at this moment, she no longer needs to rely on the round table resolution to completely liberate the holy sword.

Merlin's Thirteen Restraints was when Arturia was not yet familiar with the Holy Sword Liberation, and substituted the old sword's experience and dogma into her holy sword.

As for why the old sword has more experience with the holy sword than King Dumbao, it may be because he has hunted and killed more giant beasts, and even tracked the sixth beast many times. Inspired responsibility.

And at this moment, the King of Knights, after knowing the truth about this singularity, also has a giant beast to kill and a responsibility to bear.

Compared with Gray or conventional guns, the reason why the Lion King's holy gun is so powerful is that it is always in a state of complete liberation from thirteen restraints.

As for the holy sword in Bedivere's right arm, at this moment, because of the intention of the King of Knights, it quickly broke through the layers of liberation.

When confronting King Vortigern, when Gawain was shocked that the opponent was the embodiment of Britain, Artoria just smiled and said, "It's just the island throwing a temper or two, if the holder of the holy sword doesn't calm it Can't justify it!"

Now, she also understands: If she is said to be the one who wields the holy sword, then the Lion King is the one who has been eroded by the divine nature of the holy spear.

"It's just a gun losing its temper. If the holder of the holy sword doesn't suppress it, it can't be justified!"

Arturia's state of mind was completely harmonious, and the restraint of the holy sword was released layer by layer.

She no longer needs to rely on the resolutions and help of the other Knights of the Round Table to liberate the holy sword, but bears their will, bears Bedivere's 1500 years of silence, and puts all her heart on this sword.

According to the fantasy fairy tale novels, mastery of thoughts can improve combat effectiveness, at this moment Artoria has re-entered the realm of immortality.

She continued to unbind until the last layer: the restraint that must be fought against the enemy of the planet to be completely released.

Arturia gritted her teeth and broke through it in one fell swoop.

If The Lion King sees himself as the king at the end of the world, then it makes sense, right?

"This is the battle to take back the world!"

She yelled out an original liberation language in line with human salvation.

The silver arm shines at the end of the world, facing the storm with a sword, not only shredded the beam of light, but also shattered the holy spear in the Lion King's hand.

This is not because the Holy Sword is stronger than the Holy Lance, but because the Holy Lance has been consumed for too long, and there is also a gap between heaven and earth in the awareness of the holder.

But the Lion King's body was not injured by the brilliance of the holy sword.

This sword belonged to her in the first place.

When the golden light of the silver arm touched the Lion King, it melted into her body like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

"This sword, these memories..."

Although he was not physically injured, the Lion King fell into a long absence.

She remembered everything, and her golden eyes turned back to their original emerald green.

She remembered that during the Battle of Camlan, everything in Camelot was destroyed, and she had lost the will to live, but the holy sword prevented her from dying after being seriously injured.

So he ordered Bedivere to throw the holy sword that kept him alive into the lake of Avalon and return it to the lake goblin.

Bedivere failed to make up his mind to throw the sword twice in a row, until the third time he finally obeyed the king's order with tears in his eyes.

In the normal world line, the Knight King who lost the holy sword should have passed away peacefully, and the legend of King Arthur was completely over.

The inflection point of the sixth singularity happened when he returned the sword for the third time. Bedivere failed to make up his mind to throw the holy sword into the lake three times.

When he wandered back to the tree where the king was before for the last time, Artoria had disappeared at some point.

From then on, there is no King Arthur in command of the round table, only a dead soul of Camelot wandering around the world holding the Holy Lance.

"I remembered..."

The Lion King put down his left hand covering his forehead, and looked forward in a daze.

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