Shirou still had some scruples about Moses' fist, and when Sharingan turned around, he spread out a layer of Susanoo's rib armor directly in front of him, and finally patted Moses on the shoulder.

"The voice actor of this character is Emi Ogata, and the synchronous character is Muto Yuki!"

That's right, Shirou was already looking forward to this moment when he heard that Moses was summoned as a boy. The same voice actor as Moses is not Wang Yang, but the bright game as a personality in the Asahi version.

However, this seemingly ordinary and short boy with the same hairstyle as Wang Yang managed to defeat the three phantom gods in the finale of the first part, allowing Wang Yang's soul to sleep peacefully.

"how do you feel?"

Shirou turned the synchronization force to an extremely high level, and then asked Moses with concern.

"It feels...a sudden increase in the strong motivation to stop that guy Osmandis!"

Although the graceful and calm temperament of Moses as a prophet is slightly weakened by this synchronization, there is a trace of extra firmness in his eyes, as well as his sincere love for card duels.

He looked at his card library, and the cards that he couldn't explain before, seemed to have life, and his whole person exuded the temperament of a duelist.

"It's on fire!"

Infected by him, Shirou couldn't help but feel that his card addiction had relapsed, so he took out his portable device and planned to switch to "The Fierce Duelist".

"The prophet's hairstyle! What's going on?"

Doctor Roman suddenly made a fuss and shouted, pointing at Moses' head.

Shirou, who was about to cut the song, realized that Moses' white hair suddenly grew more and more wildly in the shape of a starfish.

For the doctor's beliefs, it is obviously inappropriate for the prophet to wear such a murderous hairstyle.

"It's important to play cards. Isn't hairstyle an inconvenience?"

Shirou quickly changed the subject.

He also didn't expect that apart from Saitama and Achilles, there would be a second example where synchronization can affect hairstyles, but Saitama's bald head is the source of power. Could it be that "this hairstyle is good at playing cards just by looking at it"? Want to get an official default?

Just as he was thinking of an excuse, a clone of Baimao Hassan suddenly appeared next to the two of them, and reported in an anxious tone: "Sorry, I have to interrupt the duel between the Prophet and the Master. But Arash just sent a signal , West Village was attacked by the Knights of the Round Table!"

Moses frowned, and clenched the cards in his hand: "Knights of the Round Table? How did they find this place?"

But Shirou knows very well that according to the plot, it is almost time for the Knights of the Round Table to find the hiding place where the people of the mountain have been hiding, and he can even guess who is likely to come.

"Understood, I'll be there right away." He called his followers with the command of the master, and several figures followed Baimao Hassan to the battle location.

"Has Mr. Arash seen the opponent's flag clearly?"

On the way, he asked Baimao affirmatively.

"It looks like a red dragon's head and a red lightning bolt running across the dragon's neck." The other party replied.

Arturia's eyes flickered slightly.

Sure enough, she arrived first.

Shirou said with a sneer: "The red thunder that cut off the dragon's head, only one person in the entire holy city dares to use this kind of flag. The guerrilla knight Mordred!"

"Master, do you need a way to resist Nishinomura immediately?"

After arriving at the meeting place, the great hero who observed the distant smoke with his "clairvoyance" waved to Shirou.

"No, thanks!"

Shirou directly refused ruthlessly: Arash Airlines or something, I really don't want to experience it at all.

Although Shinji has the Hermes Boots that can span distances, it cannot carry too many people.

However, under Shirou's advance arrangement, Da Vinci and Tesla have already manufactured an aircraft with a high safety factor. After synchronizing with Makibo's Kuro Sada as the driver, all the staff arrived in the west soon. village, and saw the figure of the rebellious knight in the sky.


"Hey, hurry up and die! One after another, it's so annoying, you guys!"

Mordred, who was given the blessing of "Rampage", cut down a guard of the people of the mountain with a sword, "

"Damn, how do you know the location of this village?"

The guard, who was confident in his concealment, asked unwillingly before dying.

Mordred looked impatient: "Ah? God knows. This kind of thing depends on intuition-intuition. I just feel that this place is dark and narrow, like a place where stray dogs will live, so I followed it with the holy sword. I found out that I guessed right! This intuition is probably the result of heredity, right?"

Before the words fell, a figure jumped directly from the aircraft and shouted to Mordred: "Nizi stop!"

196. Rebel Knight Mordred

The King of Knights did not expect to meet his nephew at two consecutive singularities.

If Mordred in London is still a knight of justice who chooses to fight spontaneously with phantoms in the magic mist in order to protect the city his father loves, then this is now the Lion King who has given the blessing of rampage and swung his sword like weeds. The guerrilla knights of the people of the mountain are undoubtedly the enemies of Chaldea.

Although Mordred's combat effectiveness is at the bottom of the Knights of the Round Table, but with the blood of the Knight King, the rebellious knight who has inherited the two iconic skills of magic power release and intuition, he still has a chopping ability against the people of the mountain and ordinary Hassan. The general advantage of melon cutting vegetables.

Seeing that she was about to raise her hand and release a light-emitting cannon, sweeping across the entire battlefield, the King of Knights, who had been detained here for the past few days and had eaten several meals from the people of the mountain, suddenly couldn't see it and jumped off the aircraft with his sword.

Mordred did not expect that a father jumped from the sky outside the holy capital.

Although it was hard for her to understand why two knight kings appeared in a singularity, at least the light of the holy sword and the same magical aura as hers told her that the oncoming one was not a counterfeit.

"I need you to tell me what happened to the Knights of the Round Table?"

Arturia cut off the crimson magic aura that Mordred originally intended to wreak havoc on the battlefield with a single sword, with hidden anger in her tone.

She wanted to know why the Knights of the Round Table, who in her memory were supposed to have knightly virtues such as humility, honor, sacrifice, bravery, compassion, spirituality, honesty, and justice, would become Hassan's claim to destroy the Holy Land and carry out mass killings in the name of Holy Baba The singularity culprit.

If it was just heard, the King of Knights could still comfort himself with "probably some misunderstanding and difficulties".

But when I saw Mordred slaughtering the mountain people who were already struggling to survive, and felt the violent breath of Mordred's "runaway" blessing, and the cold blood exuded by the solemn knight... With a ruthless temperament, Artoria understood that under the hands of the Lion King, the Knights of the Round Table had undergone some changes that she did not want to see.

"It's so annoying, you can ask her yourself! I'm just following my father's order, so another father, please don't hinder me!"

Whether it is her who has been blessed, or the solemn knight who has been transformed by the Holy Grail, they only obey the orders of the Lion King, not to mention that deep in her heart, she may not have the opportunity to fight her father again.

Although in the Battle of Camlann, Little Meren had just returned from the battle with Lucius, and the King of Knights, who was seriously injured and heartbroken, couldn't beat him—it was indeed she who ended the legend of the King of Knights, But Arturia was only seriously injured and was on the verge of death, while Mordred herself was pierced. Even though her treasure claimed to have ended her father, the Seat of Heroes was embarrassed to give her a special attack judgment.

But now Mordred, who has been blessed by the Lion King, has the advantage of being able to liberate the treasure. Although the god-like Lion King in the holy capital makes the rebellious knights unable to give birth to a challenge, but Facing the Knight King who was closer to the memory of her life, she had the idea of ​​making gestures.

"Interesting, why didn't you respect every order of mine before you were alive? The rebellious knight who once wanted to replace me as king, but now he has become a lackey who executes injustice for the Lion King?"

Arturia uttered a sarcasm that shouldn't have come from her, and logically speaking, was more in line with Heidai's style.

On the one hand, it is probably because I have lived in modern times for too long, and I have learned yin and yang and irony;

On the other hand, she, who is getting closer to human nature, does feel subtly dissatisfied with the fact that the Knights of the Round Table are now under the command of the Lion King.

Mordred said the same lines as the original plot indifferently: "That's right! I'm a hound! As long as I keep killing prey, and finally die tragically in the wilderness, I will be satisfied!"

"Then I will fulfill you!"

As a result, Arturia became even more upset: Bah!What kind of ecstasy soup did that Lion King give you?Why didn't you have such awareness when you were under my command?

It can only be said that if the King of Knights in the British period was a product between humanity and divinity-although Tristan also called it "not understanding the human heart", the essence was to abandon personal emotions for the ideal of the king, Even with the blood of the red dragon and the protection of the elves, he is still human in his heart.

Taking the King of Knights in Britain as the benchmark, the embodiment of reducing humanity is the Lion King who became a god under the influence of the Holy Lance. He got rid of the shackles of ideals, and the embodiment of letting go of his original emotions is the current servant of Chaldea, Alto. Lia.

Jealousy is the original sin of human beings, as long as it is close to human nature, jealousy will arise.

Arturia, who was able to train the rebellious child at the previous singularity, was very concerned about the fact that the knights of the round table were being served by another person—even if that person was another self.

She cared more about Mordred emphasizing the Lion King's orders in front of her.

But Arturia can also try to comfort herself: After all, it is Mo Zaizi who is the most worry-free, and if it is the most loyal Aggui Wenqing, or Gao Wenqing and others who fought side by side with her to the last moment, at least they will give How much face do you have?

Even Tristan, who had voluntarily left the Knights of the Round Table, still has impeccable personal morality, and it is impossible for him to participate in atrocities against innocent people.

Yes, that's right!The fall of the knights of the round table may be a rare phenomenon!Maybe the Demon God Pillar is making a difference!

While the King of Knights was still consoling himself, Mordred had already slashed at her with the long sword shining with silver and white light in his hand.

"If you can't figure it out, don't bother to think about it! Anyway, this time I will kill you completely!"

Mordred spoke his true thoughts, and on the raised blade, red lightning and a violent breath shone.

"This is the evil sword that destroys my royal father, a rebellion against my magnificent father!"

Relying on the blessing of running amok, his face was full of light when he came up.

"The breath of clustered planets, the torrent of radiant life..."

Arturia naturally also chose to accompany her and raised the holy sword. The torrent of light overwhelmed the violent red thunder without any suspense. ——Anyway, the King of Knights has already seen that these people are not the knights of Camelot in the past, but war puppets without self-rationality.

Although he was at a disadvantage in the confrontation, Mordred still blocked the sword in his hand and continued to release magic power, so he was not directly defeated by the curry stick.

But even so, Mordred still looked a bit embarrassed at this time, with a few scars added to his armor, but his eyes were still stubborn.

The King of Knights looked at her indifferently, without a trace of sympathy on his face.

In the previous singularity, Xiao Mo had been making soy sauce all the time, so Artoria hadn’t heard the liberation language of her treasure, but now that she heard it head-on, it made her feel even more upset—how dare this kid say that he destroyed his father? king?

"You actually call it an evil sword? Well, it's in your hands after all—"

Arturia looked at her with a sneer, and continued to open her mouth.

"It's still the same rude swordsmanship as before, abandoning all etiquette and chivalry, a sword that exists only for killing, no wonder you are willing to become the hound used by the Lion King to bite people, this sword fell into your hands, really Violence!"

The sword used by Mordred was originally kept by the King of Knights in his treasury, and it was a sword that symbolized royal power given when he inherited the throne——the shining king's sword.

As a Noble Phantasm, the level of this king sword was originally B level, and its purpose is to increase the king's majesty and aura, and increase the physical fitness by one level.

But after the rebellion, Mordred broke into King Arthur's treasury and took away the sword that symbolized royal power.

Since Mordred does not have the qualifications of a king, the level of this king sword is reduced to C level, and the bonus that can be obtained when using it is also lost.

However, because the amplifying function of the Wangjian itself is still there, if Mordred pours its hateful magic power into the sword, and then amplifies and emits it, it will turn into a red lightning that represents distorted thoughts. If "Magic Power Release" is used, it will become an anti-army Noble Phantasm of at least A rank.

However, this crooked way of using the Noble Phantasm deviates from the royal power symbolized by this sword.

"Who knows what you say!"

Mordred couldn't bear his father's indifferent disapproval the most during his lifetime, and the red lightning on his body continued to explode.

"As long as I can win, it doesn't matter what kind of swordsmanship or weapon it is. It doesn't matter if it's punching, kicking, or biting with my teeth. This is me—the rebellious knight Mordred!"

Mordred announced with red eyes, while preparing to release the second light cannon at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Shirou and the others have already landed from the aircraft one by one. They are all interested in watching a family drama and do not intend to disturb the battle between the two.

However, the Lion King bestowed Mordred with the god-level authority and the "violent" blessing, which still needs to be respected. Seeing that Mordred seemed to be rationally evaporated under the stimulation of his father's words, Shirou asked Mash to prepare for it. While presenting a command spell to Artoria.

Compared with the blessing of unleashing magic power to the fullest, with Shirou, the master who owns the jeweled sword, Artoria's magic power is almost endless.

But at this moment, compared to releasing the light cannon, she felt that it was more enjoyable to release the mouth cannon. After the awakening of humanity, she felt the resentment against Kamlan and the faint jealousy towards the Lion King were more enjoyable.

"That's why I said, you are a hound."

Arturia once again raised the holy sword and said, "You are only fit to be a raging dog on the battlefield, and you will never be a king."

"You don't have what it takes to be a king!"

The King of Knights knew very well which sentence would hurt Mordred the most.

"And what makes me even more disappointed is that now you have given up even the idea of ​​being king and the self-consciousness of being a knight, and you are willing to become the hound of the Lion King, so what is good about her?"

The previous accusation was justifiable, but the last sentence made Shirou feel something was wrong: Is this woman jealous?


It's a pity that these words are among the accusations, but they actually contain more disappointment with Mordred, and the disappointment comes from the original hope and concern.

But with Mordred's comprehension ability, she naturally didn't hear this meaning. At this moment, she only buzzed in her head, "You don't have the capacity to be called a king!"

This sentence made all the negative emotions in her heart explode.

The reason why Mordred chose to betray and become a rebellious knight during his lifetime was because he had been following that figure for the first half of his life, but he had not been approved by his father.

And these words of King Arthur are the trigger for her to fall into madness and lead to the destruction of Britain.

"Kill you! Definitely kill you!"

Mordred yelled frantically.

"You and I will meet in this singularity, and it must be to kill you again, Arthur! The rampage blessing on my body must also exist for this moment!"

During the frenzied shouting, a pattern of the Eye of Horus emerged from Mordred's constant crimson magic power.

"Hey! Something's not right, what's going on?"

Shirou stared at the pattern and said dumbfounded.

And Moses, who has synchronized the personality of the game, is already searching for cards in his card library.

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