"Well~ I can't help it, who made my charm index too high?" Hanyu shrugged, and took a sip of milk tea indifferently.

"Huh? It tastes like melon, so sweet..." Hanyu looked at the milk tea in his hand with a little disgust.

"Huh? You don't like the flavor of cantaloupe? Then you can take my cup of coconut milk tea."

Saying that, Kasumigaoka and Hanyu exchanged milk tea.

Xia Zhiqiu took a sip of the cantaloupe-flavored milk tea, and said suspiciously: "It's okay, not as sweet as you said, normal sweetness, right..."

"You are going to Scarborough Fair..."

Just when Kasumi Hill was about to say something, her cell phone rang.

Xia Zhiqiu took out the phone and looked at it, then hung up without paying attention.

"No answer?" Hanyu asked with interest.

"No, I'll be there soon, why are you urging me?" Kasumigaoka squinted at Hanyu, and said angrily: "Besides, I'm late because of you bastard! I've already said that it's too late Well, you still have to..."

Kasumigaoka's voice became smaller and smaller, until finally only the lips were squirming, but no sound could be heard at all.

"Okay, let's go quickly, if you don't go to the signing meeting, something will really go wrong."

After complaining resentfully for the meeting, Kasumigaoka dragged Hanyu to the bookstore where the signing meeting was held.

Fortunately, the distance is not far away. At normal people's speed, it will take another seven or eight minutes at most. 

Er Nai, who had witnessed everything on the side, raised her eyebrows slightly.

She seems to have heard that girl say "signing event" just now?Are these two going to the signing party too?

Er Nai thought about it, followed the two first, and then turned on the navigation on the road to make sure that he followed the wrong person.

After confirming that the signing event they went to was in the same place as her, Er Nai put away her phone and followed them with peace of mind.


Kasumi Hill, who is a succubus, seems to have discovered something.

After she glanced calmly, she realized that someone was blatantly following her and Hanyu.

She glanced at the stalker, saw that the other party was an ordinary human beautiful girl, and murmured in Hanyu's ear with a face as heavy as water.

"The latter one, when did you provoke it?"

"I haven't provoked you yet." Hanyu replied casually.

"...Haven't provoked..." Kasumigaoka, who sensed the hidden meaning in Hanyu's words, elbowed Hanyu's side.

Even though there are already many beautiful girls in the family, You Ge still enjoys going out to provoke new beautiful girls, what a greedy man.

But she can't control Hanyu, he can only watch him do whatever he wants.

Kasumigaoka glanced at the beautiful red-haired girl not far behind him from the corner of his eye, and dragged Hanyu to speed up towards the bookstore, too lazy to care about those matters.

Nina, who was following the two, saw that the two speeded up again, and couldn't help complaining in her heart.

What are you doing so fast!Hurry to reincarnate!Can't you just walk slowly? !

Not long after, Er Nai followed the two to the vicinity of the bookstore.

The reason it was near the bookstore was because there was already a long queue at the door of the bookstore.

Divided by the snake-shaped guardrail, the crowded crowd has completely occupied the entrance of the bookstore, and even extended a lot to the vicinity.

Looking at the densely packed heads, Er Nai's head hurts.

what is this? !Is this book so popular?Why are there so many people?When will this line up!

Or forget it, go to other bookstores to buy an ordinary copy and go back...


Nino clicked her tongue in displeasure, and stepped to stand at the back of the queue.

It was not in her character to hold back after making a decision.

A flower!This time, you have to tell me some secrets worthy of my sacrifice!


Suddenly, Nino seemed to remember something.

She tiptoed and scanned the crowd in front of her a few times.


Strange, what about the couple just now?Aren't they also here for the signing?Why did you disappear in a blink of an eye?

Do they have any special channel, they can directly enter the bookstore to sign?

hateful!If she had known earlier, she should have kept an eye on them. If she knew what their channel was, she could try to go for a walk. She still has a lot of pocket money!


The restless Nino kept tapping the ground with her toes.

She looked at the queue in front of her that was not moving at all, and she didn't know when it would be her turn.

She looked at the back again, only to realize that in just a few minutes, there were already many people behind her.

Fortunately, there were two introverted girls following her closely, so there was no need to worry about some malevolent boys taking advantage of the queue to disgust her.

Time passed bit by bit, the queue for the autograph event moved forward slowly, and the sun hanging in the sky was also striving to climb to the highest point to emit its own light and heat.

Although the sun in late October is not as hot as the sun in summer, it is not easy to bear the sun.

This is especially true for Er Nao, who is spoiled and spoiled, with thin skin and tender meat.


Nino, whose cheeks were flushed from the sun, was a little out of breath, and she used her hand as a fan to fan herself weakly.

Mistake...didn't expect this to be the case...

I didn't take the umbrella, I didn't apply sunscreen, and I didn't take water...Only my wallet and mobile phone...

In this situation, there is no way to go out to buy water. She has already entered the snake-shaped guardrail in front of the bookstore, and there are people in front and behind. Once she leaves, the whole morning effort will be wasted.

After a while, she will be able to enter the bookstore in a short time...

She stood on tiptoe and looked ahead, and then turned three times along the serpentine guardrail to enter the bookstore...

Come on...Nino...you can...

Nino, dizzy, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on her neck, and continued to grit her teeth...

A flower!This time, you must pay the same amount of secrets!

In addition, once exposed to the sun like this, I don’t know how many SPAs I need to do to restore my skin...

Thinking of this, Nino became dizzy, and took two steps back a little unsteadily.

"Are you okay?"

Behind Er Nai, a soft girl with long hair who looked a bit introverted hurriedly supported Er Nao from behind.

"Well~ I'm fine, thank you..."

Er Nao shook his head, leaning on the guardrail to regain his footing.

"Well... I have water, do you want it?"

The long-haired soft girl took out a glass of mineral water from the backpack behind her, and handed it to Er Nao timidly.

"..." Er Nai glanced at Ruan Ruan's cowardly appearance, and silently took the water.

She really can't bear it...needs to add some water...

In addition, judging by the appearance of this soft girl, she doesn't look like the kind of person who can do things in the water, so this bottle of water can be taken.


Nino took out her wallet, took out two 100 yen coins and handed them to the long-haired soft girl.

"I'll buy you this bottle of water."

"Hey~ it's worthless...it's unnecessary..." the long-haired soft girl refused with some helplessness.

"..." Er Nai'e raised her eyebrows, and forcefully stuffed the coin into the hands of the long-haired soft girl, "I don't feel at ease owing to others."

After finishing speaking, Er Nai turned around and prepared to unscrew the mineral water and take a sip.


"En? Is there anything else?"

Hearing the voice as thin as a mosquito behind him, Er Nai paused the movements in his hands, and looked back at the long-haired soft girl, "If you don't want money, then you don't need to say it."

"..." Er Nao's strength made the introverted long-haired soft girl somewhat unable to adapt.

She shrank her neck, and timidly took out one of the 100 yen coins Nino gave her, "...that... mineral water 98 yen...too much..."

"Oh..." Seeing the cowardly look of the soft girl, Nino's eyes twitched, and she took back the 100 yen coin silently.

It's not that she cares about the 100 yen, it's just that the soft girl will think about it for a long time if she keeps it.

In order to avoid trouble for the other party, it is better for her to take back the 100 yen coin.

"That... there are still 2 yen..." Seeing that Nina took back the money, the soft girl breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly took out her wallet and took out two 1-yen coins and handed them to Nino.

"..." Nino's mouth twitched, and she took away two 1 yen coins without a word.

It doesn't feel right to hold the money...

After getting the coins, Nino didn't bother to take out her wallet, and stuffed it into her skirt pocket casually.

Then, she looked at the soft girl and said seriously: "Thank you for the water."

"...You're welcome..." The soft girl waved her hands erratically, as if she was not used to communicating with people.

"..." Er Nao didn't say anything more, turned around and continued to wait for the queue to move forward.

With the bottle of water, Nino's dizziness from being exposed to the sun improved slightly.

After drinking the 500ml mineral water, Nino finally entered the bookstore.

She looked forward, her expression froze instantly.

I saw the queue in the bookstore leading from the corridor to the stairs on the second floor, and she was still one floor away from the author of the book signing!

Er Nai rubbed her temples, and asked in a low voice to the soft girl behind her

"Hey, the signing will be on the second floor, right?"

"...No...the signing will be on the third floor..."

"..." Er Nai's breath stagnated, and the idea of ​​retreating sprouted again.

After a while, Er Nai stayed silent while covering his face.

The road I chose will end even if I cry.

"Hey, do you still have water? Can you sell me another bottle?"

After an unknown amount of time, Er Nao, who was suffocated by the sweltering heat of the bookstore, asked the soft girl in a low voice.

"Yes, yes... I can sell it to you too... But drinking too much water is not a good thing..."

"It's okay, just buy it for me..."

"That's fine..."

After paying, Er Nai got the second bottle of 500ml mineral water.

Chapter 55

At 2:12 in the afternoon, Nino looked solemnly at the queue ahead.

At this time, she was only less than ten people away from the author of the autograph session, and it was estimated that it would be her turn in another five or six minutes.

But...even for five or six minutes, she couldn't afford to wait...

A glass of milk 250ml for breakfast, a bottle of 500ml mineral water lined up outside the book signing meeting, and a bottle of 500ml mineral water lined up inside the bookstore.

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