What Wendy said with a smile made Ai Hayasaka look over curiously.

"Wendy, what the hell are you talking about?"



[PS: This chapter is a [-]-word chapter!Come back after taking a shower to see if I can write another chapter]

475. Fengshen, how much power have you exerted?

The current Hayasaka Ai, because she is fortunate to be the host of the dark-born sword demon Aatrox, her status is already very high.

Not only her status, but also her personal combat power, Hayasaka Ai has been turned upside down compared to the past.

Therefore, she is no longer a mascot, but she also has good combat power personally.

That's why Ai Hayasaka did not join the Heroes' Association, and got a lot of resources from the Heroes' Association before.

The Hero Association will disclose to her important information about the Rock King Dijun and other gods or related to her.

Ai Hayasaka, who is valued by the Heroes Association, is currently in a cooperative relationship with the Heroes Association, but has not become closer.

After all, she is a cooperative member exchanging information with each other, not an S-class hero.

When the Hero Association learned about [Gilgamesh], it informed the hero, but Ai Hayasaka was not in the range.

This is why Hayasaka Ai heard Wendy's words, but didn't think of it for a while.

"Another form of the young king?"

"A magic sword rarely seen in the world? A swordsman like a meteorite?"

Ai Hayasaka tilted her head with a confused look on her face.

She racked her brains, but couldn't understand the connection between the so-called magic sword, swordsman and king.

What the hell are these...?

To be honest, the moment she heard about the magic sword, what she thought of was the great sword of the darkborn, Aatrox, on her body.

If Aatrox's sealed giant sword is not a magic sword, then there is no sword in the world that can be called a magic sword, right?

No matter what kind of magic sword it was, it would definitely not be able to touch the Xeon Slaying God Demon Sword on her body anyway.

But meteorites... swordsmen?What exactly is this adjective?

Why can meteorites and swordsmen be combined?

When a swordsman meets a sword, what does that have to do with the young king?

Ai Hayasaka is at a loss, but she believes Wendy has all the answers.

"Wendy, what the hell are you talking about?"

As soon as Ai Hayasaka asked the question, some heroes turned their heads and spoke in surprise.

"The young king? Is it Gilgamesh?"

Under Ai Hayasaka's sluggish gaze, other heroes nearby heard it, and without thinking for a long time, they mentioned a name——Gilgamesh.

This was the confirmation of the identity of the young blond king at the meeting held by the Heroes Association not long ago.


This made the former maid stunned. Of course she knew that it was the protagonist in the ancient epic "The Epic of Gilgamesh", which recorded his growth in childhood, adulthood and even middle age.

"Well, it is indeed Gilgamesh. It seems that someone has guessed his identity correctly."

Wendy looked at the hero who spoke with a smile, and he nodded in recognition of his identity.

Immediately, he turned his head again, and shifted his sight to the direction where the loud noise and thunder had been made before.

It was in that direction that first there was thunder in broad daylight without dark clouds, and then there was an astonishing sound.

"Gilgamesh and the previous Gilles de Rai came from another special world, which seems to be very similar to this world in terms of history and other aspects."

"However, magic, sorcery, monsters, gods, and heroic spirits really exist in that world."

"A powerful magician can use special summoning techniques to summon heroes from history and even myths and legends. Of course, a heroic spirit without a master like Gilgamesh may also appear."

Wendy understated it, and when he said it, many heroes and even Hayasaka Ai heard it, and their heartbeats continued to speed up, and they began to carefully record every word he said.

Another world?

It is very similar to their world history and other aspects, so there are Gilgamesh and Gil de Ray?Did those two historical figures not come from this world, but from another world?

Can magicians summon heroes from history or even mythology?

This can be called heavyweight information, and most of the heroes who heard it lost their interest in lowering their heads to watch the battle in the trial ground. They all turned their heads and looked at Wendy who kept smiling.

Another world, magic, magic, gods, heroic spirits... Which one of these does not require them to record carefully?

"But, the adult Gilgamesh is not as easy to talk to as he was when he was a child."

"After all, he is a proud king with the name of a tyrant."

This made Ai Hayasaka immediately recall the young and powerful mysterious person she learned from the Shinomiya family's information, that is... Gilgamesh's childhood?

So, is it the tyrant form of the young king who came to this place when he became an adult, and started a war with other powerful people?

If it was the tyrant Gilgamesh, he might really have a powerful magic sword.The magic sword may have been held by Gilgamesh during the tyrant's time.

In this way, most of the questions can be explained, and the last doubt is... a swordsman like a meteorite?

Wendy didn't continue to pay attention to other people's doubts. His eyelashes trembled slightly, and the bard's smile was still maintained. He was obviously far away, but he seemed to see a scene that didn't know how far away.

"The wind is telling me that the magic sword has lost to the swordsman, and the tyrant may be robbed."

After Wendy chuckled, he seemed to have decided on the ending, and he lost interest, so he stopped looking at it.

He started to turn his head away, his eyes began to shift, and he turned to look at the battlefield of the trial ground under the auditorium again.

After he stopped like this, he didn't speak anymore.

The amount of information currently revealed is enough to make these heroes, Hayasaka Ai and the Hero Association behind them think about it for a while.

After listening to Wendy's last words, Ai Hayasaka was sure that the magic sword really came from Gilgamesh, but she seemed to be invincible against the swordsman.

The majestic Fengshen has said that the tyrant may be robbed, which means...

"Could the swordsman be... the Demon Sealing Sword Soul?"

When Hayasaka Ai thinks of a powerful swordsman, only this name will appear in her mind-Kyosuke Kosaka, the soul of the sword.

Among the A-level heroes, there are not many who can fight with swords, and those who can make that kind of thunder and loud noise are definitely S-level existences, right?

After not thinking about it, Hayasaka Ai also looked at the place of trial again.

Not long after she looked away, the scene on this battlefield was completely different from before.

Feng Yiman was in the place of trial, and was under the control of Shinomiya Kaguya.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was supposed to hide in the wind wall formed by the strong wind to avoid the attack, was actually manipulating the storm and attacking wantonly.

Hayasaka Ai's face suddenly became weird, she looked at Wendy in a low voice and spoke.

"Lord Fengshen, how much divine power have you given the young lady? Isn't it a bit...too bullying the wolf king?"

476. Morax is so strong, I don't want to be beaten

"Lord Fengshen, how much divine power have you given the young lady? Isn't it a bit...too bullying the wolf king?"

After seeing that even Kaguya Shinomiya could manipulate the wind to suppress the attack of the wolf king, even Ai Hayasaka couldn't help but speak.

She is still very clear about how much strength Shinomiya Kaguya has.

After all, after Shinomiya Kaguya got the God's Eye, she was the one who fought against Shinomiya Kaguya most often.

As of yesterday, Hayasaka Ai had fought Shinomiya Kaguya once.

And Ai Hayasaka judged Shinomiya Kaguya's strength as a regular LV4 powerful person, which should be a good strength among B-level heroes, or barely able to reach A-level heroes, but not A-level like Gogen Ruri and Fubuki. The best of heroes.

And neither Wugeng Liuli nor Fuxue could win the Wolf King Trial, right?

But now Ai Hayasaka saw that Shinomiya Kaguya, who was not as strong as her, was manipulating the wind to suppress the wolf king.

Then... isn't this too blatantly cheating?

Wouldn't this really offend the wolf king?

After Ai Hayasaka opened her mouth, she looked at Wendy delicately, waiting for the bard's answer.

You know, Wendy, as a bard, mentioned "helping cheat" at the beginning.

As a result, it not only gave the wolf king a gale wind wall that is difficult to break through, but also strengthened the wind manipulated by Shinomiya Kaguya to such a terrifying level?

Just looking at the newly formed storm, Ai Hayasaka can conclude that this is the movement that can only be produced by the two S-level heroes of [Soul of the Demon Sword] and [The Trembling Tornado], and no other hero can do it .

This is not because Fengshen himself is releasing it, but because Shinomiya Kaguya temporarily obtained this level of power, which is too terrifying.


"Don't worry, I just gave Miss Shinomiya a small advantage."

After chuckling, Wendy whispered to Ai Hayasaka.

"It just so happens that I haven't used most of my divine power for a long time. At this time, I just try to use the power that I can still use after waking up."

"Looking at it now, I haven't lost much."

Wendy's voice was full of satisfaction and... gladness?

Ai Hayasaka felt the joy in Wendy's words.

No way, this is the mighty Fengshen.

Fengshen would actually be thankful that he didn't lose his strength after waking up?

Ai Hayasaka is not surprised that Wendy mentioned the deep sleep. In the Mond story she knew about Wendy, she said that Fengshen fell into a deep sleep for hundreds of years.

But what Hayasaka Ai can be sure of is that Wendy will definitely not be a person who values ​​strength and is competitive.

She herself believes that Fengshen is a free-spirited person who loves freedom, and has almost no desire for power.

Then why do you still feel lucky after testing that your strength hasn't lost much?

Hayasaka Ai was full of doubts.

"Oh, by the way, you and Si Gong are destined to be immortal, so you should have met the old man."

After Wendy's happy expression, he seemed to have thought of something, and after showing a subtle smile, he asked Hayasaka Ai back.

This time, even Wendy, the god of wind, took the initiative to ask Hayasaka Ai, which made Hayasaka Ai a little unexpected.

Someone with fairy fate?Father?

Does this have anything to do with it?Could it be that the "old man" mentioned by Wendy is one of the immortals?

In Hayasaka Ai's impression, the only immortals she knows are the Great Sage of the Demon Lord and the guardian Yasha, who is the best among the immortals and the Yasha Immortal under the command of Emperor Yan.

But in Hayasaka Ai's memory, Mandrill has always been the image of a boy, and it can't be linked with the word old man at all.

It can't be because of age, can it?

Judging from Fengshen's history of sleeping for hundreds of years at every turn, he is definitely an old monster not much younger than Mandrill,

wait, it seems...

Ai Hayasaka suddenly remembered that it was recorded in the ancient book of Liyue that Emperor Yan Wang was revered as the ancestor of all immortals, that is, the leader, leader, and ancestor of many immortals, and he could be called the immortal among immortals.

The demon god named Morax is the god of rock, and he can be regarded as one of the immortals.

And Emperor Yanwang is considered to be quite an ancient existence among the gods, and can other gods call him old man?

"You mean... the Emperor?"

Wendy nodded immediately with a smile.

"Hmm, didn't that old man also come to this world? You must have seen him make a move, right?"

"Generally speaking, he doesn't shoot casually, but once he shoots, the traces of his hands are so big that there is no limit. It must be a lot of movement and attract people's attention."

The words from Wendy made Ai Hayasaka think about the times when Dijun Yanwang made shots in this world.

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