

[PS: It's numb, the school is closed on National Day and there is still no holiday. If you want to go to class normally, you have to be on duty after two days. 】

471. Barbatos, let's do something serious

Ai Hayasaka experienced the change of position from the air to the ground, and then to the height of the spectator seats.

After this period of time, Ai Hayasaka can also be sure of one thing - Fengshen is really casual, casual beyond human imagination.

It can be said that he is a bard who loves to drink and fish and go shopping?

After meeting Wendy this time, Hayasaka Ai was even more shocked than seeing the Rock King Moraxel before.

After all, even if Morax never carried a wallet when he went out, he just didn't carry a wallet, not to the extent that Wendy sold singing to earn money for drinks.

After quietly glancing at the smiling Wendy, Hayasaka Ai turned her gaze back again, looking down at the sluggish Shinomiya Kaguya in the ground trial ground.

Miss... is this all right?

The wolf king doesn't look like he was letting water like before, no matter how you look at it, he seems to be serious.

And Miss's current ability to master the wind element is far from being as strong as the Demon Sealing Sword Soul, and her overall strength is not as strong as her own, right?

Even Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but start to worry.

Even if Wendy will help cheat, how can you win by cheating?This gap should be so big that the sky is far away.

"Lord Aatrox, are you there?"

Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but started to speak out, asking about the mysterious and powerful godslayer in her body.

She was a little curious.

If it was Aatrox, the ascendant and godslayer, what would he think of Barbatos, the wind god, and the wolf king who gave humans trials after waking up.

At present, the wolf king is even more mysterious than the wind god Barbatos. We only know that it has no evil intentions towards humans, and the relationship with the wind god should be pretty good.

Now the mysterious wolf king is releasing water in the trial, but he can only be defeated at the level of an S-level hero. How will he be evaluated by the ascendant?

"Eh? This state..."

A voice of surprise rang out from Ai Hayasaka's mind.

There is no doubt that this is from the darkin sword demon Aatrox.

Ai Hayasaka would not doubt the vision from Aatrox. She thought that Aatrox's opening would be because of the existence of Fengshen or his power, but she didn't expect it to be...a state?

state?what's the situation?

"Why are the mutilated wolf and the god in charge of the wind here?"

The cold and haughty voice continued to echo in Ai Hayasaka's mind.

Aatrox, who was awakened by Ai Hayasaka, asked about the current situation.

Ai Hayasaka responded immediately.

"A few days ago, Fengshen appeared here in the form of Wendy, an ordinary person, and informed the people of the Heroes Association about the Wolf King..."

After she spoke, she also noticed the strong wind that surrounded Kaguya Shinomiya.


How could even this high place become warmer?

This is not the ability that the young lady possesses, that is to say...

Ai Hayasaka couldn't help looking at Wendy beside her.

After explaining the appearance of the Wolf King to Wendy clearly, Hayasaka Ai finally heard the follow-up words from Aatrox.

"That's right, although it's only in the state of a god's remnant soul, it still retains a not-so-weak combat power."

As soon as Aatrox's words came out, Hayasaka Ai looked at the gigantic wolf king who was growling.

What other gods would be around?

Besides Fengshen, isn't it only possible that this wolf king will be a god?

The previous Liyue Ancient Books, Dijun and Wendy have all told that there was a war between gods and gods, and the last few winners became the seven rulers of the world, the so-called seven gods.

Then this wolf king turned out to be the remnant soul of a god other than the Seven Gods?

Then it's no wonder that under the condition of releasing water, it can defeat the strong who are not S rank.

Aatrox's voice of evaluation continued.

"The gale controlled by this Fengshen is also considered excellent, and it is worth fighting."

As soon as Aatrox said this sentence, Ai Hayasaka, who was still in awe, froze.


The gale controlled by Fengshen is pretty good, so... is it worth fighting? ? ?

Because Fengshen is strong, so it is worth fighting? ?

Normally, shouldn't one start observing after the compliment is over?

Can you old man stop being so scary and belligerent?

Although Dijun thinks you have the power to kill gods, you don't really want to kill a few gods, do you?

But... shouldn't I be rejoicing?

Ai Hayasaka began to think from a different angle. After she thought about it, she realized that she should be lucky.

She should be thankful that Aatrox's sanity has returned a lot.

If Aatrox was still in the state when he first met her, still in the state of a madman and darkin full of bloodlust, what he said would not be worth fighting.

That would probably mean... worth killing?

"A gale that even Master Aatrox considers excellent..."

Ai Hayasaka looked at the strong wind surrounding Kaguya Shinomiya with her eyes, and she was completely relieved.

"That must be a terrifying force that normal gods would have a headache for, right?"

Although Fengshen's casual and alcoholic appearance seems unreliable, his power is undeniably powerful.

It seems that the lady really hugged her thigh.


The gigantic wolf king raised his head, stared at the gale that surrounded Shinomiya Kaguya, and then fell silent.

Even though the wolf king lost the body of the demon god that was once powerful, leaving only a remnant soul, it doesn't mean that he has even forgotten the memory of the past.

In the impression of the Wolf King, the one who impressed the most in the past period of the Demon God War, besides Barbatos who was selected and recognized by it, must be [Devil God of Gale] Dekarapian.

At that time, it almost killed the entire Mond area, and the only enemy left was Gale Demon God.

As a result, it was as strong as it could be against the gale controlled by the demon god, unable to break through the wind wall.

It can't do it at its peak, let alone its current state.

The Wolf King doesn't believe that any original god can master this kind of power. In the world, in this world or in another world, surely only the wind god Barbatos can reproduce the unique skill of Gale's demon god, right?

But fortunately, the wolf king knew that Barbatos did not rely on abilities, and that dissolute guy also knew that there was a limit to his actions. The strength of the temporarily summoned gale should not be terrifying, and he should be able to break through.

But what puzzled the wolf king was, since Barbatos still had such a strong power, why did he protect the people he brought to participate in the trial.

The wolf king raised his head and stared at Wendy firmly. After lighting up his fangs, he roared loudly.

"Barbatos...do something serious!!!"



[PS: It's numb, after school, it has completely become a hellish life, something is wrong, is it really because of the online class?

After I change to Yangjian, it will be able to explode during the day. 】

472. Fengshen Hidden Strength

"Barbatos...do something serious!!!"

The enraged wolf king raised his head and roared loudly towards Barbatos.

Gale, even a gale that doesn't use all its strength, can already stop most of the God's Eye holders, and even powerful monsters will inevitably suffer from it.

After all, it was a gale that could even sweep the Mond area and defeat countless demon gods [The King Wolf of the North Wind].

The only one who can release the gale now is Barbatos, who is the god of wind.

Can't afford to play?

How to protect those he brings to the trial with strong winds as a wind wall?

The furious wolf king stared at Barbatos.

And on the spectator seat at a high place, Wendy manipulated the gale and invisible wind with a smile.

Not only did he protect Shinomiya Kaguya with the gale, but he also prepared an invisible wind wall that was too invisible to block the roar of the wolf king before the wolf king roared.

This success prevented the words spoken by the Wolf King from being heard.

Otherwise, his identity as Fengshen would be exposed.

Wendy still kept her "hey" smile.

"The wolf king looked up."

"The trial has already begun, why don't you attack Miss Sigong immediately, but look up at us?"

"I don't know, it seems to be saying something with its mouth open? But it can't hear clearly at all."

Many heroes looked intently at the wolf king looking up, feeling a little confused.

This is a wolf king with a huge body of tens of hundreds of meters. Even though it is looking up at Wendy, its body will appear to be looking at all the heroes in that direction.


In the end, the wolf king shifted his gaze again, and once again looked at Shinomiya Kaguya who was flying in the air with the wind.

It increased its control over the solid ice, and the surrounding ground was instantly covered with ice.

Not only that, even snowflakes began to gradually appear in the air and fall.

This is no ordinary snow.

The demon god is not the original god, and it is not the ability to grasp a certain element by relying on the eyes of gods.

For example, the predecessor of the wolf king, the king of the north wind, the wolf, can manipulate the two elements of wind and ice at the same time, and the mastery of any element is also higher than that of the original god who holds the eye of god.

Therefore, the seemingly ordinary snowflakes were also extremely cold, mercilessly drifting towards where Shinomiya Kaguya was.

Such use of powerful skills is generally not within the scope of trials.

Because of Wendy's cheating and his recognition of Shinomiya Kaguya, the wolf king also used stronger power.

Even though these snowflakes were melted as soon as they touched the wind wall formed by the gale, the wolf king, who is also extremely capable of manipulating the wind, could feel it, and the extreme heat of the gale had slightly declined.

Kaguya Shinomiya, who was in the strong wind, looked much better, and she was slightly relieved.

She could feel the strength of the gale.

Even the ice and snow of the wolf king can be melted and eliminated so quickly.

But as the original god who masters the wind, she is also sensitive to the wind, and she can feel that the strength of the gale has been slightly declining because of the wind and snow.

Therefore, she must not sit still!

From the front of Shinomiya Kaguya, tangible wind blades condensed out, and several wind blades slammed towards the wolf king at extreme speed.

When the wind blade just started galloping and before it touched the wolf king, a huge wind blade also condensed in front of the wolf king.

It is also a wind blade, but once the wind blades on both sides are compared, it is a bit difficult to look directly at, and there is already a huge gap several times in size alone.

The giant wind blade condensed by the wolf king collided head-on with Shinomiya Kaguya's wind blade only in an instant.

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