Seeing this, Jin Gu, who should have been overjoyed, had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He heard Enkidu speak.

"Jill, it's time to show up."

In the next moment, the golden light of the heroic spirit appeared above the street lamp.



[PS: There is still an update for the guarantee. The roommate next door is building some Lamborghini building blocks. Someone should stay up with me tonight. 】

452. Are you ready to meet the wrath of the king?

"Jill, it's time to show up."

What Enkidu said with a smile made Jin Gu's heart throb.

Gil, the "Jil" associated with Enkidu, will undoubtedly only be that person, Gilgamesh!

That is the oldest hero-king of mankind, an arrogant tyrant with the blood of gods and humans, and Gilgamesh, the king who is as powerful as Enkidu!

If it's just Enkidu as a heroic spirit, Jin Gu still has enough confidence.

But if there is another hero king Gilgamesh...the difficulty will be doubled directly.

Even if Gilgamesh is also a heroic spirit instead of the body at the peak of human beings, in the case of joining forces with Enkidu as a heroic spirit, it must not be underestimated.


Jin Gu's face froze, and after he almost subconsciously pronounced this title, there was an inexplicable tingling in his heart.

This made Jin Gu caress his heart involuntarily.

This is definitely not a coincidence.

Jin Gu only thought for a moment, and soon thought of the reason.

This is caused by this body.

Because the name was mentioned, so...

Is this the friendship as a best friend in myths and legends?

After marveling, Jin Gu stared at the street lamp glowing with golden light with extreme vigilance.

The golden light above the street lamp gradually began to condense, and a human figure appeared from the top.

But the human figure is extremely petite, to the extent that it can be called a primary school student, and it is still in the second or third grade of elementary school.

The little boy with blond hair and red pupils put his hands in his pockets and showed the same smile as Enkidu.

Although it is a smile, it is enough to see the arrogance of looking down on everything. No matter if it is a human being or a fierce beast or monster, he will only look down on the other person arrogantly.

This is the childhood form of the oldest king of heroes...?

The young king did not stretch out his hand.

But countless golden ripples appeared in front of him.

From those ripples, a large number of weapons came out, ranging from knives, spears, axes, swords, halberds, and daggers.

Almost any weapon is extremely shining at first glance, and can make people believe that it is extraordinary.

This is the real treasure of the oldest king. He possesses the prototype of all treasures in the world, and the number of treasures is so numerous that Gilgamesh himself has no interest in counting them.

The treasure of the king guided countless treasures to shuttle out with ripples!

Originally, there were a large number of Rahmu rushing towards Enkidu, trying to devour the sage to nothing.Jin Gu is using the same attack method to block the attack from Enkidu.

Enkidu, who should have fallen below due to the bullying of the few, calmly called out the appearance of the young King of Gold.

Almost every Rahmu that rushed over was shot and nailed to the ground by overwhelming treasures before they even got close to Enkidu!




In just a few seconds, thousands of treasures were projected from the King's Treasure, nailing Rahmu to the ground who dared to offend.

For Gilgamesh, even the gods are not worthy of being his friend.

As a follower, the King of Gold, even though he is currently in the form of a child, still holds the king's treasure that he got when he grew up, and has the lock of Enkidu's sky.

Therefore, the young Gilgamesh also cherished the friendship with Enkidu.

The proud King of Gold, he doesn't even recognize the gods, but only recognizes Enkidu, and believes that Enkidu is his only true friend in this life.

Since he dared to attack Enkidu, he must bear the wrath of the king.

You know, although the young Gilgamesh was arrogant, even if he was facing the king's treasure who wanted to get his hands on him, or someone who had thoughts about him, the young Gilgamesh could still maintain a polite face .

For example, Gilgamesh, who was in the second illness period of a teenager, would only practice one by one, but the young Gilgamesh basically didn't know how to do it.

But there is only one exception, and that is when his best friend's sky lock is tampered with.

Compared with his best friend Enkidu's sky lock being touched, trying to kill Enkidu in front of him is many times more serious.

"Miscellaneous cultivator, this is an act that cannot be redeemed by [-] deaths."

From the mouth of the young king, his anger was expressed extremely coldly.

Even the young Gilgamesh uttered the adjective "miscellaneous", which he hardly knew.

Hurting Enkidu is worse than hurting Gilgamesh himself.

Though it was the other way around in the eyes of Enkidu, a wise sage, for him it was more wrong to hurt Gilgamesh than to hurt himself.

In the hearts of these two extremely powerful friends, each other is no less important than themselves.

"Young King Gilgamesh and Enkidu?"

"That would be a little difficult."

Jin Gu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Now, he has to admit that the current situation has become critical.

As far as Enkidu is concerned, he still has enough confidence. After all, both sides have the same moves, and it is difficult for Enki to break them.

Not to mention that Enkidu is a follower, and he uses Enkidu's body.

But as soon as Gilgamesh appeared, he used countless treasures, which made Jin Gu a little flustered.

He could tell right away that although Gilgamesh is in the form of a child, there is no concept of time on the Throne of Heroes, so Gilgamesh also holds many treasures that he only obtained when he was an adult.

So many treasures were launched in just an instant.

If there are more, the chances of winning are basically gone.

Never attack from the front.

The only advantage right now is...

Jin Gu glanced at Rahmu who was left after being killed by Jin.

At a glance, there are still thousands of them.

"Bypass that blond boy immediately, the city is just ahead, go straight into the city and start your feast."

Jin Gu gave his order to Rahmu.

Doubling the number of these Rahmu will definitely not be able to match the combination of the Oldest King and Enkidu.

Then use the conspiracy.

In this way, there must be one who will clear these Rahmu.

This is to turn the tiger away from the mountain and leave a one-on-one battlefield.

A large number of Rahmu immediately moved away from Gilgamesh's position, heading towards the city that was close at hand from all directions.

The young Gilgamesh stood on the street lamp, glanced at the city behind him, and whispered.

"Where the king stands, is the king's land."

"Offending the king's territory, even disturbing the body of the king's best friend..."

"Are you ready for the king's wrath?"



[PS: After waking up, there is a minimum guarantee of three shifts, and a maximum of five shifts. Well, it depends on the status.

It's a bit like drawing cards, congratulations! 】

453. Don’t Be Afraid, Because I’m Here

"Are you ready for the king's wrath?"

The young golden king stared at Jin Gu extremely coldly.

This is different from the absolute Warcraft front. This is not a middle-aged wise king, and his best friend Enkidu is beside him.

Shooting at Enkidu would directly offend him.

Enkidu turned around immediately, he was flying in the air, his white robe fluttered in the air with the wind.

"Jill, I'm off to deal with these Rahmu."

After Enkidu's words were spoken, Gilgamesh nodded to indicate that he understood.

In just an instant, the dancing white robe in the air turned into white light and disappeared extremely quickly.

When he was flying to the human city, he stretched out the chain from his sleeve at the same time, piercing and killing the slower Rahmu.

Fly immediately in Enkidu, and fly towards the human city behind to block the large number of Rahmu.

On this battlefield, only the young Gilgamesh and Jin Gu who used the body of Enkidu were left.

From a certain point of view, this seems to be a repeat of Enkidu, who had the mission of the gods, to bring Gilgamesh back to the gods.

It's just that now one side's soul is different, and the other side's body has become younger.

Jin Gu's attempt to tune the tiger away from the mountain was successful. This is a conspiracy, and it is also a challenge to the oldest king of mankind.

This should be regarded as a conspiracy rather than a conspiracy.

Gilgamesh is not in a restricted state, he can fully use the full power of the king's treasure, so he can easily cope with the current situation.

As long as Gilgamesh is willing, as long as he is willing to pull out the supreme sword—the Deviation Sword EA, let alone thousands of Rahmu, even if they are doubled or tenfold, they will not be able to escape death. ending.

But for Gilgamesh, those Rahmu are far from that qualification.Since Enki has to deal with it, let him do it.

After only Jin Gu was left in front of him, the young blond king continued to smile.

"Miscellaneous cultivator, get out of my best friend's body."

The moment his words just fell.

Immediately, dozens of hundreds of golden ripples appeared in front of him.

Many Noble Phantasms began to project! !

Jin Gu's face was dignified, and he also used the power of this body.

If only Gilgamesh was alone.Then he is still confident.

Jin Gu knew that the king in myths and legends was a tyrant who hated the gods and spent money in his youth. After the gods created Enkidu with mud and divine power, he asked Enkidu to bring Gilgamesh back to the gods. that side.

Actually, the gods don't care about the people who suffer because of the tyrant Gilgamesh's rule, what they care about is that Gilgamesh as king doesn't respect God.

After Enkidu came to the world, he and Gilgamesh fought each other. They fought for several days and nights. All the treasured weapons of Gilgamesh were used up, and the clay of the clay figurine Enkidu was almost used up. The battle ended in a tie, and finally became each other's best friends.

This is a very famous story in mythology.

Enkidu later rebelled against God and came to Gilgamesh's side. Under his changes, the tyrant Gilgamesh gradually became wise.

This is enough to show that Enkidu and Gilgamesh are equally strong and equally strong and have that friendship.

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