Kyosuke Takasaka knew exactly which day and hour the sun disc could last, and naturally knew its power like the palm of his hand.

Even if the power of the current sun disc has been reduced, it must still be enough to kill the void monsters.

Even the divine power of the Ascender injected into the sun disc, and the power of each output, are managed by Kyosuke Kosaka.

You must know that the power of the solar disc rays he set is specially adjusted to be half stronger than the physical bodies of those regular void monsters, and there is no way to escape from under the solar disc.

The void monsters that Kyosuke Kosaka had killed before were roughly in the same range in terms of combat power and physical body.

Can this happen by accident?

"What was the situation then?"

"What kind of monster? Quantity?"

Kyosuke Kosaka asked the two most important questions with vigilance and caution.

In the face of the Void Monster, one cannot be too vigilant, after all, it is the monster that makes godslayers like Aatrox fall for it.

"It was normal until a new monster appeared not long ago."

"Only the monster escaped. It didn't die immediately after being hit by the disc's rays, but jumped to the distance where the heroes were stationed, causing the disc to fail to charge for the next attack."

"Because a monster beyond the heroes' expectations emerged, the heroes released their superpowers in a panic."

"Some heroes were close to the direction of the monster, so they were injured by other heroes' superpowers."

The words explained by the staff made Kosaka Kyousuke's expression strange.

Wait, jump?

A void monster suddenly came to mind in Kyosuke Kosaka's mind.

The staff spoke again.

"The wind blade of a wind power user cut the flesh and blood of several heroes, but luckily it was only a trauma."

"But the strange thing is, I don't know why the void monster turned around and devoured the nearest piece of meat after seeing this, and left after being injured by other superpowers."

"The no longer detectable."

Kyosuke Takasaka asked the last question with a dark face.

"So, what does that monster look like? What type of ability user's meat did it swallow?"

He hoped it wasn't what he thought.

"Mantis, what it swallowed was... Baijing Heizi."

After listening to the last words, Kosaka Kyosuke took a deep breath and felt like smashing the phone.

The mantis is stronger than ordinary void monsters, and has more IQ and knows how to escape, but it is greedy to swallow pieces of meat before being injured and fleeing.

That must be... Void Reaver—Kazix!

It was a veritable monster, with an astonishing devouring ability, able to transform the ability of the devoured into its own use.

The heroic stories of the past record that an inhuman hunter fought with a void predator, and both escaped with serious injuries.

Kha'Zix, who swallowed the hunter's flesh, learned the hunter's skills and... invisibility?

It turned out that this dangerous praying mantis swallowed the flesh of Shirai Heizi?

So what will this praying mantis do now?



[PS: The melons on the list of this translation and porting article this week are really outrageous, and this is too neat. 】

388. The Hunt of the Void Reaver

Kyosuke Kosaka couldn't hold back anymore.

He finally knew why the sun disk had accidents and failed to kill the void monster.

It was the void predator that appeared, which seemed to make a lot of sense.

But Kyosuke Kosaka felt troubled because of the intelligence commentary of the Void Predator and the staff.

The Void Raider... ate the flesh and blood from Heizi Shirai! !

Generally speaking, normal void monsters will become stronger after eating the enemy, but this increase is not very exaggerated, usually only a little bit.

Like the Void Plane in the past against the Shurima Empire, the Ascendants did not know how many died in the battle, and there were also a large number of Ascendants who died without a whole body, and their flesh and blood were swallowed by countless Void monsters. net.

But even so, those void monsters are enough for the Ascendant to just swing a sword to kill them, and they will not cause a real qualitative change.

But the void predator is different, that monster also has a rare trait in the void - evolution.

It followed its instinct to devour everything, and before coming to other worlds, it had already hunted and killed other void monsters in the void plane to evolve itself.

The Void Reaver will instinctively hunt and kill the prey it desires. What is truly terrifying is the growth of the Void Reaver, which has almost no upper limit, which is many times faster than other Void Monsters that can also grow.

Probably, other void monsters are normal learning and reference, while void predators are Tencent's "reference" ability.

The Void Raider at the beginning of the Void Plane was a ignorant beast like other stupid Void Monsters. After devouring many Void Monsters, the Void Raider's intelligence evolved as well as its abilities.

Therefore, after being hit hard by the sun disc, it immediately fled to the place where the hero was, so as to avoid the follow-up attack of the sun disc.

There is nothing else to say, but the only thing that bothered Kyosuke Kosaka was that the void predator swallowed the flesh and blood of Shirai Kuroko.

"I see. That praying mantis is definitely much stronger than ordinary void monsters. Even B-level heroes are definitely not its opponents. Heroes below A-level are strictly prohibited from participating in the hunt."

"If you have any information about that praying mantis, let me know as soon as possible. Don't let the capable person be swallowed by it."

"Next, I will personally participate in the hunt."

Kyosuke Takasaka gave his order to the staff.

This is definitely not a small thing.

A monster that has wisdom and can grow infinitely cannot be allowed to grow.

The mere fact that the Void Reaver swallowed Shirai Kuroko's flesh was enough to make Kyosuke Kosaka uneasy.

Because Kosaka Kyosuke knew that the Void Predator had the title "Kazik" in the original "League of Legends" background story.

Kha'Zix - In an ancient mortal language, it means "you face yourself".

Imagine that you are fighting a praying mantis, you are gradually learned by the mantis in fighting skills, and finally the mantis gets all your abilities after drinking your flesh and blood.

It was as if the prey the hunter was chasing...was himself.

"But it's okay, just eating a small piece of meat from Shirai Heizi, it's impossible to have Shirai Heizi's super high-level spatial movement all at once."

"Since the Void Predator appeared from the void plane, he hasn't been to the world of "League of Legends", so he hasn't played against the poodle."

"In this way, the difficulty is not particularly outrageous, and it is still within the acceptable range."

"As long as there is no unlucky person to give the ability to the void predator."

Kosaka Kyousuke thought about it.

Because, the original hunting ability of the Void Predator was learned after leaving the Void Plane and meeting the poodle in the League of Legends world.

The Void Predator was severely injured by the poodle at that time, but he also swallowed one of the poodle's eyes, not only learned the poodle's hunter skills, but also learned the ability to be invisible.

Imagine an assassin who can jump long distances, become invisible, and move through space like Shirai Kuroko...

Fortunately, at least now there will be no invisibility.

"Okay, Master Sealing Demon Sword Soul, I have recorded your order, and now pass it on to other heroes."

From the phone side, after the staff took notes, they finally hung up the phone.

This is the advantage of the dual status of an association cadre from Kosaka Kyousuke and an S-class hero, which is very convenient at this time.

After hanging up the phone, Kosaka Kyosuke put the phone away.

Then he turned his gaze back to his surroundings.

Ayanami in front of him, Minamoto Yorimitsu and Kuro Sada a little further ahead were all looking at Kyosuke Kosaka in surprise.

Obviously, even if they didn't hear clearly what the staff on the other side of the phone said, they must have heard clearly what Kyosuke Kosaka said.

He wants to personally handle a certain hunting mission?

"Commander, you..."

"Are you going out?"

Ayanami raised her head to look at Kosaka Kyosuke, she clenched her small fists, and raised slightly towards Kosaka Kyosuke.

"Ayanami, I will protect the commander."

Ayanami looked at Kyosuke Kosaka with such anticipation.

As the ship's mother, Ayanami knew that she was a weapon of war, and Ayanami accepted the result frankly.

But when she knew this world at the beginning, there was no siren that endangered the world in her memory, and even the siren that finally appeared once, somehow disappeared.

So, what else could she do next?

Ayanami was a little confused.

But since there are other disasters in this world, and since it is also Kyosuke Kosaka's responsibility...

Since it is the duty of the commander, it must be her responsibility as the ship's wife.

"Master, let me help too."

To Takasaka Kyousuke's surprise, Minamoto Yorimitsu also spoke.

Minamoto Raikou smiled slightly.

After listening to the words of the two people who called him "Commander" and "Master", Kyosuke Kosaka had a slightly subtle expression.

He was lost in thought.

Like a normal LV4 powerful user to deal with void monsters, he would really be worried, after all, LV4 capable users also have strengths and weaknesses.

Kyosuke Kosaka, who was worried that the ability users would be free, specially issued an order that heroes below A level were not allowed to participate in hunting, so as to screen out weaker ability users.

As for Ayanami and Minamoto Raimitsu, needless to say, if the two of them join the Heroes Association, it is absolutely impossible for them to be ranked below A rank, and they are also in that category.

But Kyosuke Kosaka is still more worried about Ayanami.

"Okay, then let's make a decision in advance."

"This time I'm going to hunt a praying mantis with a strong ability to escape, roughly the size of a human being. The horror of that mantis is that it can learn the ability of the person it swallows."

"Before the mantis fled, the last thing it swallowed was the flesh and blood of a person with the ability to move through space, so it was very difficult to deal with."

"Ayanami, Minamoto and I will act together."

Kosaka Kyosuke stroked Ayanami's little head again and did not disappoint her.

After all, he can also drive the clone to hunt the top predator that came from the void.

In this way, the efficiency will be faster.


In the hospital.

"Hmph, Shirai-san's luck is really bad. It seems that Misaka-san and I will form a partner next."

In front of a hospital bed, a female voice came.

And on the hospital bed lay a petite girl with twin ponytails, who immediately screamed when she heard it.

"No! It should be me and my sister who went together."

"Why are there such pig-nosed heroes? Their super powers can be misplaced."

"In this way, I won't be able to date or fight monsters with my elder sister."

Just after Shirai Heizi made a helpless and desperate sound, she seemed to really want to get out of bed with difficulty, but she couldn't.

Shirai Kuroko's arm was wrapped with a bandage that could not be untied.

As a powerful ability user, Shirai Heizi has a very high degree of mastery of her abilities, which can be regarded as among the best in the space department.

But space teleportation has always been very precise, a superpower that can only be activated with full concentration.

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