"Well, the first thing is to..."

"Get rid of this bastard."

Young birthday!The two red a's are shining!

However, Angelica looked at the two with a look of disdain, and Wang Cai behind him changed, and projected a treasure towards the ground.

When the Noble Phantasm was about to be inserted into the ground, a replacement magic formula appeared, countless weapons were submerged in it, and at the same time, an exit was opened above the entrance of the magic formula.The two pieces of art formed a suspended infinite loop channel.

The treasure kept accelerating in the passage, getting faster and faster, and Angelica was so indifferent:

"It's really annoying. There are two counterfeit goods, it's a disgusting scene."

Perhaps because of continuous injuries, Angelica was no longer able to suppress the will of Kim Pika contained in the card, and her words and actions gradually flickered.

"That magic can only be understood as an insult to Eindsworth."

Angelica stretched out her index finger and pointed at Shirou Emiya, a replacement spell appeared on her fingertips, and a weapon was shot out at an unimaginable speed.


A streak of blood appeared on Emiya Shirou's waist in an instant, and when he was in a daze, the endlessly accelerated Noble Phantasm followed closely behind.

The hearts of the two tightened, and they immediately unfolded the blazing seven-fold ring tacitly, no, maybe it should be called the fourteen-fold ring if the two of them said it?

The strength of the Chrysanthemum | Flower Shield for two people is not bad, and it blocked Angelica's attack, but continuing to hold on is not a solution.

Emiya Shirou ordered softly:

"Raise your acuity to the extreme and see through them. Then go win...survive five seconds later!"

The two removed the chrysanthemum | flower shield at the same time, mobilized the dynamic vision and body functions to the maximum, and kept shuttling in the rain of treasures all over the sky.

When the distance was about the same, the two of them simultaneously used the Crane Wing Triple Chain, and threw Mo Xie, the go-getter in their hands, at Angelica in a spinning motion.


Emiya Shirou jumped up high, and the general Mo Xie in his hand was strengthened into a long sword, and he aimed at Angelica with a cross cut.


The replacement magic formed a circle of shields around Angelica, and Angelica raised a sword in her hand and looked at Emiya Shirou who was leaning over in front of her.

"It's useless...die!"


Weigong Juxia snorted softly and smiled.Only then did Angelica realize something was wrong, why was there one person missing?Where?

However, two long knives suddenly stabbed out from the ground behind her, cutting through her waist.

Xiao Hei stood upside down opposite Angelica on the back of the Zhanshan Sword, and the strengthened go-getter Mo Xie deeply inserted into the Zhanshan Sword.

"Get out of the way... King of Heroes!"

Emiya Juxia's "step forward cut" finally caused two deep scars on Angelica's body.

The card popped out of Angelica, and she finally fell down. There was no one in front of Shirou Emiya. …

After two quick steps, Emiya Shiro jumped up high:

"I'm here at last, Julian! Needless to say, I will give up the world for my sister, even if it's an evil word..."

Emiya Shirou's eyes were firm, and his two swords were aimed at Julian, and he was about to cut off fiercely.


A figure in pitch-black armor emerged from the black mud under Julian's feet, grabbed the long knife in Emiya Shirou's hand, and cut two wounds on Emiya Shirou's body with his backhand.

"No, senior..."


Weigong Juxia fell to the ground, raised his head with difficulty:

"Are you..."

"It's too much, the only person who can do to seniors and be done by seniors is obviously me..."

The other party bent down, smiled and said to Emiya Juxia.

"Impossible...you should have..."

Emiya Shirou has already recognized it, and the person in front of him is Matou Sakura who died at Matou Shin's second hand that night.

Meng Xiao, who was still soaking in the black mud bath, opened her eyes and looked at the figure with a sinister expression.

Although she knew that she was not her own Sakura, she had the same figure, the same voice, just a different hair color.

Seeing that the girl was already dead, and was still used by Julian, and because of the replacement of a doll, she completely looked like a broken and sick girl.

Unknown fire arose, and Meng Xiao snapped at 0.4:


"Ding! [Pandora's Box] analysis is completed, the host can choose to keep the knowledge or spend two world crystals to fuse with it."



The original blue magic pattern turned red, the violent magic power began to surge, and the black cube suspended in the sky began to vibrate continuously.

Endless information and knowledge began to pour into Meng Xiao's mind, and when Meng Xiao fully grasped these materials, she would be able to receive the authority of Pandora's Box, and then she would be able to integrate.


The code words on the mobile phone are really not moving. When the keyboard arrives in the afternoon, Goudong is really fast.Let me make up the chapter that I owe first, please wait a little later at midnight today. .

Chapter 220

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"In the end what happened?"

Julian looked back at Meng Xiao's position in surprise, not understanding why this happened.

Everyone present watched in amazement as the entire space continued to tremble.

After receiving the information, Meng Xiao finally understood what this [Pandora's Box] was.

This Pandora's box is not simply like in Greek mythology, the gods created it to retaliate against human beings because they disrespected the gods.

There is a saying in Greek mythology that Pandora opened Pandora's box out of curiosity, and a puff of smoke rushed out, releasing all the gifts, including happiness, plague, sorrow, friendship, disaster, love and so on.

Pandora was shocked and immediately closed the box, but Athena's hope, which was quietly placed at the bottom of the box in order to save mankind, was locked in the box.

Before Pandora opened the box, human beings had no disasters and lived a peaceful life. It was because all viruses and diseases were locked in the box so that human beings could be free from torture.

Another way of saying is that the one left in the box is 'el13pis (Greek)', which is often translated as 'hope' in English. As we all know, all kinds of disasters flew out of Pandora's box, but only elpis was locked in it. in the box.

However, elpis in Greek is not what English hope can express. Its meaning is much larger, including the meaning of 'unrealistic wish'.

In some versions of the myth, the box was quietly closed by Athena out of kindness.There is a saying that the road to hell under the jurisdiction of Aiagos was paved by elpis, which is also the origin of the famous French proverb 'the road to hell is paved with good wishes'.

The reason why elpis is put in the box is precisely because this part of the meaning of elpis is far more terrible punishment for humans than any actual disaster.

And in this Pandora's box, it is the second situation, which contains a world made up of malice.

Because in this parallel world, Pandora's box has never been opened, so the world has been doomed from that moment on.

Human history is like a big tree, the overextended branches will be cut off, so that the trunk can continue to the distance.

The top of the big tree is the distant future, this is the pole.Yet there is another pole, which is the origin (root) of the world.

The malice and disasters contained in Pandora's box somehow connected to the root, running alone and growing into a world in a box.

So it's ironic that no matter what Eindsworth does, opening or not opening Pandora's box will eventually lead to the extinction of mankind.

Until they discovered the bug in the world of 'Meiyou', the universal wishing machine.Trying to use Miyu's ability to eliminate the disaster and destruction in the box, and then complete the replacement of the world in the box with Miyu's world, so as to save the world.

However, it doesn't work, otherwise Shem wouldn't have said the need for 'two Holy Grails' in the original book.That's because after he turned on the omniscient and omnipotent star, he saw that Meiyou alone could not eliminate the disaster.

This is completely a transformation from the singularity to the belt of lore!So to be honest, Tanaka is definitely a trumpet with restraint.

Speaking of Tanaka, Tanaka, who was originally placed in the school, was standing by the window sill, looking in the direction of Eindsworth, emitting a trace of heat from all over his body.

Turning his head, Tanaka walked slowly outside with bare feet, the high temperature scorched footprints on the ground.

The black mud that had originally wrapped Meng Xiao was shaken and scattered, and Pandora's box stopped pouring black mud, and the entire black cube was covered with red circuits.

"Brother Meng Xiao!"

Seeing Meng Xiao reappear in front of their eyes, Ilya and Miyu both heaved a sigh of relief.

"What the hell did you do!"

The situation in front of him was beyond Julian's comprehension, and he yelled at Meng Xiao with a ferocious expression.

"Who knows?"

Meng Xiao chuckled, Pandora's box can't absorb it yet, and he still has to wait for an item, but now he can solve other problems first.

In a flash, Meng Xiao appeared beside Angelica, and picked up the Archer's card from the ground.

After receiving the consultation from Pandora's Box, he already understood how these employment cards came about.

To put it simply, it is to pull the degraded soul of the heroic spirit from the seat of the heroic spirit to the world in the Pandora box through the holy relic, similar to the ordinary servant summoning.

Then bind its will and body in the box, and then only extract the ability and replace it on the job card to steal the power of the heroic spirit.

As for the operation method, Meng Xiao has no problem at all. She gently threw the card under her feet, and Meng Xiao stepped on it:

"Then, let me also try Kim Pika's power."

The magic power covered Meng Xiao's body, and the golden armor appeared on Meng Xiao's body. However, there was only half armor, and the upper body was completely naked.

I remember that Angelica also has shoulder armor and arm armor, while Miyu uses full body armor when using cards.

"Hey? So I'm in a broken state? Am I better than you guys at 960?"

Meng Xiao laughed teasingly and said words that no one present could understand.

"Hmph ha ha ha ha ha... I never thought that you would actually use the power of this king."

Jin Picka's flashing voice suddenly sounded in Meng Xiao's consciousness.

"Shut up, I just thought it was fun to try."

"Whatever you say, since I have used my power, it can be regarded as my victory."

Kim Picka's voice fell silent after groaning in displeasure.

Maybe when someone else uses his card, he will still try to take the other person's body with the remaining willpower, but if Meng Xiaolai uses it... let's just use it as a tool honestly.

"Then the first thing to do is..."

Meng Xiaowei squinted her eyes and looked at Matou Sakura who was stepping on Emiya Shirou with her jet-black high-heeled boots (Yangtze River: Meow Meow?).

Perhaps because she sensed Meng Xiao's murderous gaze, Matou Ying turned around and folded her neck at 45 degrees:

"Who are you?"


Regarding Pandora's box, I checked a lot of information below, studied the original manga, added my own understanding, and set it like this.If there is a conflict, please refer to the following settings, thank you. .

Chapter 221

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Meng Xiao didn't answer, even though she knew it wasn't her own Sakura, seeing her like this, Meng Xiao still felt a little distressed for no reason.

Sighing, Meng Xiao was about to help her escape, a ripple soundlessly opened behind her, and a spiral sword shot out quickly.

Matou Sakura turned around and dodged the spiral sword in an extremely twisted posture, and at the same time stretched out her hand to grab the hilt, and the red magic pattern climbed up the sword body.

"Why bother me getting together with seniors?"

With a sickly shout, Matou Ying threw the spiral sword at Meng Xiao with her backhand.

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